(2012/01) Jan 2012

xuan mom, yeah. i always complain to my parents & they'll counsel me to not be so stubborn & make things difficult for my hb, don't make him kana "sandwiched". so machiam I'm always the bad guy. sigh.

brink & moscato, yeah. Heng staying with my parents instead of ILs. glad I managed to convince hb to buy a hse near my parents instead (coz punggol BTO cheap). hahah.

morning mommies
back to the melted yaolan. Kiddy took back the set and investigated that there is a melted wire in the motor area. So they replaced the set totally for me FOC. They mentioned this is the first incident ever in singapore, which I am not sure cos Jac...u did mention u purchase 2nd hand set got burnt marks? So mommies, if got anything wrong best to go back to Kiddy, they are rather responsible, cos they themselves are scared cos they are selling bb stuff

actually i stayed with in-laws for the 1st 2 yrs after marriage..until i gave birth then i moved back to my mum's plc. So far ok for me...maybe no kids then so lesser conflicts..but still not as carefree as i'm back at my mum's plc. So weekend i will go back to my mum's plc to stay.:p

Jac: ya...she cried badly..refused to let me do cold compress on the toe so the blue black is quite bad now. all we can do is wait for the nail to drop off and the new one to grow. She bled a bit at sch yesterday which is better cos will relieve the pain. Her sch cleaned up the wound and put surgical tape over it so that she won't see it. But she is still limping..walking on other parts of her foot.
morn! today on leave. later bringing boy for his 3rd jab. kinda worried. his temp hit 37.4 after the 2nd jab. hope he'll be fine this time. praying hard.

jingles, so nice of Kiddy Palace to replace u with a brand new set FOC! try not to leave it on for so long this time ah.
yeah, my 2nd hand set (bought without the motor) had slight burnt marks on the frame & hanger (spring was brand new). not sure if the seller bought from KP or tried to get a replacement anot. I only notice the burnt marks when I fix up the yaolan at home.
moscato, wha sounds quite bad. bled somemore. poor thing... so nice of the sch to help her clean the wound & put surgical tape. put the surgical bandage/ tape better, then she won't go touch it & aggregate it & lesser chance of infection.
Jac, 37.4 is not really considered fever. If using ear thermometer, 38 & above then consider fever..my bb hits 38.9 in the middle of the night lor..quickly changed out of his long sleeve pyjamas & sponged him.

have to "cover" her black toe or else she kept whining when she saw it..LOL also to try to keep the old nail on as long as possible so that there will not be open wound before the new nail is out.
I have a very good nanny to recommend.

She is Mrs Low contactable at 67551466, location: Yishun Street 22.

Good environment:
- Grown-up kids
- Non smoking/ non pet environment
- Caring and patient towards baby and experience in handling both baby and toddler
Hi mummies, my gal is a feb bb n she made her first flip today. Now I quite concerned abt what's in her cot. All the while, she has been using 2 diaper cloth (folded n stacked) as pillow. I m afraid that when she flip, she may accidentally move the cloth n cover herself or something. But I am also afraid to use pillow. Afraid that she may accidentally lay face flat n not be able to raise head high enough for air. Any advice?
moscato, wha 38.9 very high leh! yah, 37.4 not considered fever yet, but close. I scared he kana fever I dunno how handle mah, very noob, so best pray he don kana. hahah. so far he quite ok. slept awhile immed after jab. now back to his hyperactive self, but crankier, keep wanna be carried.

I fed abit of cereal juz now b4 the jab. he wanted to snatch the bowl & spoon & seem like know how to open his mouth & swallow. but he gave a very weird look after his first mouth & doesn't seem to like the taste/texture. so funny.

my boy is 8.9kg & 68cm. abit on the heavier side, but still proportional. doc say no need jian fei. heng ah. hahah. how big r ur babies now?
Jac; my boy last measured was 6.8kg at 4 mths plus...
Anyone of your babies have rashes on the face due to milk or 口水?my boy kept smelling his booster and licking it and wiping all over his face and mouth, now got rashes all over...haiz... To leave it alone or apply some cream? Any recommendation?
What diapers do u all use? My boy got nappy rash now below the stomach near to his groin area. Don't know what went wrong
am using Huggies ultra. Anyone got Any advises to share...I change his diaper every 6 hrly and only apply desitin f him once after shower or after he pass motion. Usually changing diaper without washing...do u wipe your child after each change of diaper? I cannot remember what I did f my first already. Just remember every 3 hr change diaper only...
Jac, my boy is 65cm, but 6.3kg only, hasn't been growing much. I'm also quite worried, but he doesnt look underweight, in fact he looks quite plump plump. Somemore, he's drinking 180ml 4 times a day, supplemented with abt 50g of purée. I think enough ba? Gonna ask doc the next time I go.

Brink, I'm using pampers, I find it's thinner than huggies. I think Merries is good, feels dryer, but expensive, abt 40+cts, hardly on promotion. pampers 30cts, huggies 25cts. But no matter what brand I use, I always change every 3-4 hrs. I think 6hrs is too long le ba. I wipe BB bottom and apply diaper cream at every change. I don't use water to wash though. I rather spend more on the diapers, wipes and cream, think I would spend more if BB gets diaper rash, have to bring him see doc and BB will feel uncomfy
wah if I recall correctly, my boy was already 7+kg at 4mths liao. hahah. now the increase is slower liao.

brink, my boy always get red dots/ rashes on his face & eyes coz he always rub his face & eyes with his dirty/ wet hands (sometimes eyes get swollen too), but will go off on its own after awhile. if urs also go off on its own, then think best to leave it alone, else u apply med & he accidentally eats it then more problems. I'm using drypers during day & pampers for nite & outings, change every ~4hrs during day & ~10hrs at nite. barrier cream after shower & poo. sometimes put powder if no use barrier cream (my parents preference). so far so good.
ya lor..38.9 is high fever liao..i think becos he was wearing pyjamas..

my boy lightest...6kg at 4 mths 1 wk..but PD said ok. Using pet pet & pampers now. Changed abt 3-4 hourly.
brink: I use baby wipes on my girl's bottom every time i change nappy. I also use Avent baby bottom balm during each nappy change, no rash! highly recommended. I change nappy every 3-4 hourly, except if baby is sleeping. Agree with mymousepad that 6 hourly is too long. baby also won't feel comfy, and nappy will get smelly wor.. I only wash my baby's bottom if she pooed. If only pee, no need to wash, just wipe with baby wipes.

Diapers - i'm using Mamypoko and Goon.
Haiz... Never really use Huggies ultra before. Last time f my first only wear mummy poko and pampers and every 4 hr change, wash and apply cream... Think that is why no rash... I will bring him see doc and will change diaper every 4 hrly ....hopefully he be fine.. Now wearing nappy to air him:p
Mommies.. I am ordering Earth Mama Angel Baby Balm.. Let me know if you want to order..

My gal have been using it and it's very effective for diaper rash, mosquitoes bite and heat rash too.
Hi Rilak
One btl is USD$9.37.. If in bulk (more than 12 btl) is USD$8.99... Excluding shipping..
I order them frm lucky vitamin... I compared them with other site like drugstore, luckyvitamin is the cheapest!

It really works for my gal and I myself also uses it.. Plus it's organic..
I saw quite a no of mommies like me also drop alot of hair.. I tried out this treatment at Cuttour Hair Studio.. After 2 sessions, my hair drop is lesser and more stable.. If not I feel like I am on chemo, drop till gonna be botak!
xuan mom, what treatment is it, how much & where is the hair studio? interested to try out. btw does luckyvitamin sell bb sunblock? thinking of getting a sunblock to standby in case wanna bring bb to swim. any1 brought bb to public/ condo swimming pool liao? I need to exercise too...
Hi Jac
I think they do, but best to compare prices. Can save 1 cent is 1 cent.. :D If you want let me know which one you are looking for then I'll help you check the prices out..

It's at Hougang St 21, nearest MRT is Kovan. 1st trial is $78.. Subsequent of not package is $140+, if package is $750 for 10 sessions + 3 free haircut. Apparetly Quite a no of the air stewardess like to go there get their hair done too..
Jac, I brought my boy to swim last week. He likes it, got him a neck float and disposable swimpants. Is it necc to put sunblock? I dont let my boy stay in water for too long, Scared he gets sick. For 10min only, ard 5-6pm.

Haha think u got mix up. Xuan mommy and xuan mom is different user. Actually most salon offers hair treatment to prevent or control hair loss. Suggest u tried one or two session before u sign up package. Best to check out what product they using.

Hi Xuan mommy
Welcome to this thread. how old is your baby? Haven't see you in this thread before.
Hi Xuan_mom
I joined the FB jan mommies.. Cos there was a period here keep posting advertisement.. So quite a lot of Minnie's went to the FB page instead cos updates more easy..

My gal is born on 3 Jan 2012 @ SGH... :D
My gal weighed 7.15kg n 68cm at 4.5mth. Next appt is next wk . I think 6h is too long.. Usually change her mamypoko 4-5h. Bot cloth diapers at the motherhood fair. Using it in the daytime.
Mousepad, u bring bb to the public pool? That's v courageous! I signed up a 20-session package at BabySpa but haven't brought my bb there for more than a mth.. Think she's scared of it now...
Xuan mommy
My gal born on 14 jan, now weighing 7.4kg. At Kkh A&E now, got high fever and phlegmy cough for past 3 days. Poor thing, think she caught the bug at infant care. How is your little one doing? Taken care by your parent or in law?

I change about 3-4 hour or whenever I feel that it is wet . Poop poop sure change lah, but Nv wash just use baby wipes. No rash , nv put rash cream but poop maybe too explosive. That part a bit red.
Xuan mom: mine is taken care by my mom... But my in laws will send to and bring back for us if my hub can't make it. Most of the time is them cos they drop her then head up to their office. Ya IFC very easy catch flu bug and HFMD..
So far she is ok... Can flip and flip back on her own and also will drink milk by herself holding the bottle unless she feel lazy then will drop her hands..

I use the earth mama for her rashes around her neck and when she was about a mth old her face has this tiny pimples rash... Use and it just goes away... Then once in awhile her thigh a bit red I also put the balm...
Oops paiseh. got xuan mom & xuan mommy mixed up. Hahah.

Mousepad, u went public pool? Did u swim as well? Quite a hassle to change into swim costume & swim 10mins nia leh. How u bathe ur bb after swim ah?
dear mummies
I'm at kkh now with my gal loh. Got admitted yesterday due to high fever and wheezing sound, scare she breathing worsen recommended to stay. So xxxxxx! $1000plus for two days at b2 ward loh. Child birth better, got food n tea some more private hospital. Mummies have u all brought a medical policy for your baby? If not i strongly recommend that u buy for her shield plan. Like me, I keep saying want to buy but slips off my mind, now kanna that feel the pitch . Further I work in insurance industry so I shld know better than anyone else haha.... just pure lazy to buy earlier.

Xuan mommy
My gal can flip but cannot flip back yet leh. I'm waiting for her to flip back. What is FB? Facebook? Got such forum there too ?
Hi Xuan Mom
Ya I bought the plan for her when she was one mth old... So she has saving (which I bought when I was preggie and once give birth it auto transfer to the baby) and hospitalization plan.. Now only short of living policy.. Heehee..

U can add me @ [email protected].. The group on FB is not a public group. Once u add me I'll add u to the group okie..
xuan mom, u insurance agent? my mum is with ntuc income. bought living, hospitalization & investment/savings for bb when he turned 1 mth. having a bb is ex nowadays. sigh...
Xuan mom:hope your gal is better now...
My bb still have nappy rash and hopefully can recover on his own
anyone have experience w babies w nappy rash. Stupid me go and listen to my friend whose daughter is also wearing Huggies ultra, say she change only 4 diapers the whole day and night can last 12 hrs... Stupid stupid me.. First child no nappy rash and second one have.. Haiz.. Sorry my poor boy

Have u ever heard ppl say if your first confinement is no good, make sure your second confinement is better to recover f all pains.. Mummies w second child, do u feel the same?
My first confinement, I wash hands in the middle of the night and did not rest in bed enough so hand and back pain after that. My second confinement supposed to be better but turn out worst except f my backache. Wash bottles in the middle of the night, after massage shower and blow Aircon, back and leg got wind, now walk also pain...
, don't think I will have another child, got to live w it... F mummies who intend to have second child, do a good confinement so that u be off f all pains...
Jac, googlez82:
Not public pool, condo pool. Ya I find it troublesome to change and get into the pool for a while, so my hubby is doing the job. I can't find any chance to swim now also, weekdays no time, weekends have to care for baby, unless me and hubby take turn to go, quite sian to go alone too. Usually my hubby will go swim 1st then later I bring baby down.

Xuan mom, did you cover your baby under medishield? actually I also don't know what it covers :p it costs $30+ a year and paid from medisave, so we bought that for our boy once he's born. Thanks for the reminder, ya I think it's better to buy insurance for our babies who are gg to IFC. My boy is gg in Aug, I better buy. How abt flu vacinne? U think necc?
Hi brink, yes, the Taiwanese and Chinese say, 宝宝新生,妈妈重生. My confinement was also badly done, Im also tell myself to do it better for my next one.
anyone has started baby with rice cereal? what brand do u recommend?

bb has been getting nottier...now a bit of noise will oso cry...but getting more cute oso.
re: rashes
my baby has heat rashes on his body. and "pimples" on his chin and face
n now he perspires, more "suan" smell

re: mil
coz of my heartless mil, i cut down on my visits and tok less to her, she noes i am bei song wif her. mil will never treat us as gd as our own mothers coz we are not their daughters mah.

re: confinement
for my 1st confinement, i was sick so skipped some confinement food. so i did hear the subsequent ones must "bu" back n i did, i do feel better.

re: diapers
i use petpet and pureen premium. happy with the pdts.
May I know which company did u get your bb shield plan from? I was thinking between aviva n prudential. As most of our family policies are w prudential, was thinking if this should follow. But heard that aviva has better coverage.
Hi brink
They dun have sample size wor... It's just the standard bottle... Cos so far in sg, they dun carry it. Have to purchase from the states.. I think even if sg has it, it will be more expensive..

As for confinement I also wash stuff and bath too... My back all the while had issue.. That is why I did had epidural when I delivered my gal.. The only difference after I gave birth is now I walk my sole will be a bit pain but once walk longer then ok aldy... It's just the initial step up...

As for the insurance.. I bought from prudential...
Hi jac
I'm not an insurance agent but in insurance industry. Maybe I'm going to buy Ntuc incomesheid as hubby and myself brought from Ntuc too.

My gal caught respiratory syncytial virus , but shld b able to discharge today as her fever seems gone.
brink, don't blame yrself. different bb, different needs. we juz got to try & find what's most suitable for our own bb.

jkids, I juz started giving my boy abit of brown rice cereal, abt 1 teaspoon once a day. brand is happy bellies, bought from SMH bulk purchase forum.

xuan mom, glad that ur gal is getting better. tot u getting a maid? how's it going? probably better to keep ur gal at home for the time being. IFC virus quite potent, one kana, all kana.
insurance for bb:
i bought AIA for medical hospitalisation education.

jkids: my perspires a lot! especially each time she drinks milks. sweat like nobody's business.. got on fan or aircon still the same.

diapers: I'm ordering Goo.N online Msize by the carton (which contains 8 packs). Anybody interested in purchasing too? Intend to order on Tuesday so that it arrives in my house on Thursday..

semi solids: I just learnt how to make puree. Intend to start baby on little bit on puree when she's 5+ month, ie in July. then followed by cereal then porridge. Anybody got good recipe for porridge?
Brink n xuan mom, hope yr bb r better now.
Brink, for the diapers, think really have to depend on individual bb, mine change 4 times a day - 8to9 aft bath(pet pet) 1-2pm( pet pet), 6-7pm (pet pet) n 11-12am (pampers). Or Unless poo or diaper is really heavy. So far, still quite happy with these diapers.

Thanks all f your concern... Baby still having rashes all over his body, face and diaper area... Especially in such a hot weather think would not recover so fast
