(2012/01) Jan 2012

HI mommies,
how is everybody doing?
glad to see many Jan mommies here, and I don't feel alone....
may i know if any mommies successfully create baby night routine? can share with me your schedule?
my baby is with nanny now, wanted to have daily routine with her, as nanny will just follow her way of taking care the bb with her convenient. wish i can do more for bb, but I still have a elder gal who need our care as well.

going back to work this week, very scare as i know the office is very busy now... too many thing to concern of... just do the best I can !

Evon: Buy a cooler bag- usually can last 4 hours outside.

BluCryst: My PD and some bb books say green stools mean bb only getting the foremilk and not the hindmilk. Not sure if it's true. On the number of feeds, there is no fixed rule as long as bb gains at least 150g per week.
anyone taking full 4 mths of Mater Leave?

a sudden gush of worries i started to have when i saw my coverer's fb. she listed our co as her "workplace" but its juz a temp job she is doing. i wondered whether she has gotten a perm job or has taken over my place?
i oso saw some gp pics the team including her took together during some events ... i felt that i have missed out alot during my absence and was kinda losing some connections with my colleagues. anyone has such negative feeling when u absent yourself from company for a while? n do u start to feel worry abt how much to catch up at workplace oredi?
Hi jkids,
I am taking four months straight as proposed by my boss. I also hav concerns abt catching up at work, so i do check nclear my emails every month. No choice, being gone for long, there is def some distance created with your colleagues. Bopian, but i rather cherish the moments with my bb now than worry abt my work now. Time with bb once lost cannot catch up but work can catch up anytime. So dont worry too much. We cant do anything abt it even if we worry. I intend to pop by with my bb before i start work o that my colleagues know i still exist.
Blucryst, when you pump out your milk, make sure all milk is pump out. The hindmilk is the thick yellow milk, always the last to come out. I usually pump for five to ten mins for my hindmilk after all milk.comes out n realised theres another let down of final milk which is the hindmilk. U can try, it works for me this way. I also eat more almonds, cashew nuts n macademia nuts to enhance the fat content in my ebm. My mum who help feed my bb also noticed ny milk become thicker.ﹰ
Hi mummies,
We are having a gathering on 4th April. If you are interested, join us at the FB thread and more details will be revealed as it's going to be at one of the mummy's crib so can't say much here..

Join us if you can..
Silsilly: I just saw your post. My baby's poo is indeed green seedy poo. Kinda like the normal custard seedy poo except the difference in colour. So it's foremilk hindmilk imbalance?

Overthemoon: Oh I didnt know must pump somemore even after the milk stops flowing. I thought the whiter milk at the end is already the hindmilk. My milk is usually more white than yellow. I shall try your method later
jkids: i'm also taking 4 mths maternity leave. We didn't employ any temp to cover me though. My mgr & my counterpart in another country (as job enrichment) share my workload. But i still keep in contact with my mgr & colleagues to keep myself updates with what is happening in the office and of cos still help my mgr with some work.

Maybe you can start contacting your colleagues to keep yourself updated?
Hi mummies, I am a feb mummy and currently looking for a good jamu massage lady who can handle post c section massage. If you have good ones that you would recommend, kindly let me have her contact. Thanks lots!!
Hi mummys, happen to chance upon tis thread... I'm oso a jan mummy. Both my kids are born on 1jan (2011 & 2012). Hope to know more mummys here =)
hmn...recently during bb's 1 mth got contact one another. after that dun have...duno what to ask them liao...coz i have asked what i wanted to ask...but then again...the crucial is still my boss....
Valteen, u r welcome! I find fridge to go convenient and easy to use, just throw into freezer, no need to worry about how to arrange the milk bottles and ice pack. But expensive la.

Christina, ur kids' age so close. Can be challenging managing the 2 of them! #1 walking yet?
Hi yi chin !
Ya very challenging to juggle 2 kids by myself when sometimes my mum couldnt drop by to help out... They are exactly 1yr apart. but my #1 still cant really walk yet, still learning, plus he is lazy, he rather crawl...

How bout u? Hw many kids u have?
Christina, I have 3, all girls and 2 years apart each. Want to wait till the previous one is toilet trained and can express herself before having the next. If not, big headache!

Your #1 taking #2 well?

My #1 was upset for a few months when #2 arrived. Now #1 loves #3 but it's #2's turn to be upset with the baby.
Christina: welcome! Wow..Both of your kids born on 1st jan! My 2 kids abt 2 yrs apart, i already find it hard to juggle. #2 needs to sleep but #1 will be making noise, making him awake. Usually my mum will bring #1 home during wkends.

Yi Chin: how u toilet trained ur gers? Want to train mine but she refuse to sit on toilet bowl. With #2 ard, no time to keep wiping the flr when she wets herself. Intend to start next mth when my mum brings #2 home to take care.
Moscato, ur mum help u take care of ur boy including night time? My parents offer to take care of my boy n ask me to be weekend parent but i 舍不得, think will still stay with my boy most days of the week at their house n bring him back to my house on weekend..
moscato, I did the toilet training during long weekends, cos need a few days for them to get used to it, rather than start training on saturday and sunday, then when she goes to childcare on monday and gets put on diapers, all ur effort wasted. So I took leave on thur and fri, or mon and tue.

Then put her on panties. I chose the princess prints ones cos she loves princess, this made her keen to wear panties. After that, kept putting her on the potty every hour. If she passed in the potty, gave her lots of praises and claps.

Can consider choosing those cute cute animal potty if that makes her keen to sit on potty.

But also prepare mop and pail, cos confirm will have lots of accidents. If she pee on the floor, I'll put her on potty again and tell her she needs to pee in potty.

If successful, only day time toilet trained. Afternoon naps and night time still need to put on diaper.

My #2 still on diapers at night.
Yi Chin
I bought the one wif removable ice pack cos my fridge cannot take in the whole thing.

My gal started ifc last thur. I was allowed to be there the first two days. I was depressed and cried. V she bu de and she seem to be v tired these few days.
ritzc, I also most prob having the same arrangement as u when I start work. my boy will stay at my parents place on mon-thu so tat my mum can take care of him at nite (day time go IFC), & stay home on fri-sun. no choice, else dun think I'll be able to work the next day. heng I stay close to my parents so can visit my boy everyday after work & pei him till he sleeps. ur hubby also gonna stay with u at ur parents place?

valteen, cheer up k........ sigh, my boy starting IFC in 2 wks time, I also very worried.. he's still very very cranky & wanna always be carried..
RitzC: yup, my mum will take care at nite as well. Either i bring back on wkends or i stay there. I bo bian leh, my mum doesnt stay near me and she doesnt stay at my plc. Told her if too tiring, she has to come back to my plc. Hopefully can get a place at the ifc near my plc, opening 3rd qtr of the year then i will bring him back.

Yi Chin: the cc will toilet train my ger during sch days. So i want to be consistent at hm. Hope can train her soon.

Jac: i PM u. Did u receive? I saw ergo selling in takashimaya,
Jac n moscato, my hubby will not be staying w me coz my mum's house no space, my 3 siblings r all not married yet. Haha, i feel like a single mum lol. But hubby busy w his post grad studies til june n if im back at my place my mil kept coming to my house at night and hang around til as late as 11.30am, making me v exhausted w her nagging n her 'helpfulness' which usually ended w my boy more cranky n me more tired. Eant to b. My mum stays opp end of the island from my own house. But i still wanna keep our family together, so will put my boy at childcare next yr.
R u starting ur bb earlier at ifc?

Anyone gotten a carrier for bb aleeady? What kind? My bb still dont hv neck ctrl yet. So am exploring wat kind to get. Taka fair have, anyone knws?
RitzC: your MIL hangs ard til so late?? if you want to send your bb to childcare next year, better waitlist now.

Valteen: depends what kind of carrier u prefer and of cos depends on bb too. If you want carrier that hangs over both your shoulders, will be brands like Bjorn, Ergo, Beco..some models bb can face both back & front, some only back. Ergo & Beco has infant inserts which support the bb neck. Not sure abt Bjorn.
Another choice will be slings or pouch. I have pupsik pouch but i find bb not comfy cos look cramped. I only use for hip carry when my #1 is much older. Easier to bring around cos just a piece of cloth, compared to carrier. But weight will be on 1 shoulder.
u all are more or less confirmed with bbcaregiver while me...still soucing for nanny...haiz! very upset with such arrangement but i hv no choice.
I hv prb using sling and pouch. Haha. Will probably look at those u recommended wif inserts. Tomolo go taka fair gope can hv some positive outcomes.
Valteen: what is your prob with the sling/pouch? Not that easy to use hor? That day i saw a mummy using carrier, also like not easy to use. Buckle up, hold the baby up then buckle again..not that easy too. Haa

Jkids: did u try calling agents? Or any relatives able to help u babysit?
jkids, who's taking care of ur 2 older kids? cannot go to the same place?

valteen, I'm using bjorn synergy. Has good neck support and easy to put in/ take out baby. Can put baby forward facing also when she is bigger.

I also don't like using the sling at this stage, cos very hot. Sling will be better when baby is 6 months and can sit, then can carry her at the hip, not so hot.
Sling, pouches soft soft de and bb also soft soft de. I scared drop bb. Hahahaha. I hv one sling at home but dunno how to use and dare not use.

Yi Chin
Can u share hw much u bought for and from where? It comes wif bb insert kind?
Moscato, ya lor, my mil goes home only near midnight. She stays a few block from me but refused to let me put a maid ar her house to take care of my boy. So imagine how sian i am when she turns up everytime im back at my own house.
valteen, it costs about $300 in mothercare. I got it at $200 cos my colleague got her cousin to buy it from US. No insert, the clip is up to the baby's head, so that her neck is supported. For forward facing, the clip can be folded down so that it's at baby's neck level.

check out this youtube video on baby bjorn synergy.

i have juz sent d agent a request but hv not gotten a reply yet. my 2 older ones under parent's care but parents' hands are tied down looking after other toddlers. my in law is the most free person but she keeps using her "health" as an excuse. we have communicated a few times wif her and asked her to try out rather than reject instantly. at 1st she doesnt even want to try out 1st and asked us to look for nanny. now when i am about to go back to work, she said she might "drop" the bb coz her hands have muscle pain. i think thats the last draw. i duno...but i have seen other family members who oso have pain in the body and even have cancer...but they still look after their grandchildren. my in law is one kind lah...i duno wat to say. can't imagine leaving my cutie with a stranger. how to concentrate on my work.
Yi chin: wow 3 kids! 2 kids already let mi tired like crazy liao. Canot imagine having another one loh. Initially #1 keep crying when we carry #2 and cant attend to him. Nw slightly better but sign got signs of jealously... Lolz~

Moscato: hi! Both times was csection thus the special date. We actually planned for 1 child only but nv use precaution so got #2. Tot of abortion but end up didnt have the heart to... Lucky i'm a sahm n my mum bring #1 back home to take care on weekdays around 10-6pm so not so bad although still tiring...
Any mummies here got 1 huggies pink stamp to spare? I need one more tp exchange the stage2 caterpillar toy for my elder son... Dun mind paying abit more for it...

Thanks in advance!
valteen, my boy's gonna IFC on 2nd apr & I will be starting work in mid apr. I'm relle worried coz he's still very cranky & doesn't have any schedule & needs to be always carried to sleep. I hope the IFC teachers can handle him. sigh. btw, I juz got a manduca (http://www.babyslingsandcarriers.com/manduca_baby_carriers). so far so good. my boy sleeps when I put him in it & walk, but wakes up & fuss when I sit down. I'm not using the infant insert coz my boy's "not very small" according to the shopowner. hahah. & also he very kapo la, doesnt like his head to be locked down. the carrier gives him some neck support but doesn't restrict his head movements. best to bring yr bb down to try out the carriers.

jkids, u staying at punggol issit ah? my mum's friend is a babysitter, but she don't want do liao, but can ask her to help recommend her babysitter friends. u interested, I get my mum to ask?
Btw, i have a BN large size (tink its 240ml) evenflo glass bottle with slow flow teat. Gd for storing breastmilk in the fridge. Any mummy who wans it let mi noe...

But only can collect frm my plc (blk318 bukit batok), cck mrt (weekdays 6.45pm), bukit gombak mrt (weekdays 7pm).
Christie and Jac
Thanks so much for sharing. I hv gone and view the pdts thru ur links. Quite mice actually. I'll check out at taka fair later and see if they ve got these. Hw long did it take for ur carriers to arrive? (i assume both of u bought online?

Understand ur concern. I am also v worried if bb cranky an cry then how, esp teachers are tight up. Sigh...
My bb also cranky, especially during feed time. Always break his feeds into 2 times, dont want to drink after burping. Have to keep in warmer n try to let him finish after half an hr or a hr later. Sometimes will fuss but still suck. If go ifc, wonder if the teacher will 'entertain' him or not. Worry they wont try to let him finish his milk, can be half of his feed!

These few days will cry fiercely when i want to dress him after shower. :S

Jac: how much is your manduca? Where is the retail shop?
Moscato, my bb also fusses a lot when changin clothes during bath. Sometimes the cry is really the fussin kind, so
I will "scold" her. :p of cos she wont understand she still continues to cry hahah. So hv to catch her in the right mood then shower. Wad time do u all bath ur babies? I try to bath her between 4-6pm each day so that she can wind down for the day.

I was also contemplatin sending bb to ifc intially but wa scared the staff cannot cope when she fusses. Also heard stories of how bbs contracted virues while at ifc so got scared. im askin my mum to take care but she doesnt live v near. Which means i gotta wake up at 530 everyday to take cab to her hse cos we got no car. Sigh.. I duno how also..

Hi any mummies have good confinment lady to recommend that you have used before? Please advise. Text me at 96993727. Need in July 2012. Thanks!
