(2012/01) Jan 2012

Marie: sounds like a perfect life.. Haha.. But won't happen until maybe baby is 1 year old? Even if there's a maid, I also don't dare to leave baby alone with her..

Jac, at least you got a place.. I think IFC is fine cox like u say, the teachers are trained.. I have friends with kids in IFC n doing v well.. In fact I think they learn faster..

Jac: dont think they can make it in time for apr. if i put in 183 MFS, i definitely cant make it in time to pick #1. So PCF will be better for me. Last wk i brought bb down to pick my ger, bb refused to sit in stroller, kept crying. End up asked my ger to sit im stroller, 1 hand carried bb, 1 hand pushed stroller. -.-

My boy likes yours. Sleep in yaolan too. Very cranky when sleepy, fidget alot when drinking milk, cry to be carried. Think ifc is better than maid or nanny, if not dont know will ganna abused or not. :p
hi jo and jac,

Then I must find a job first. Otherwise no subsidy for the IFC....

that is just a dream.... hahaha... reality is always cruel. Dun think my life will be that good....
jojo/moscato, yep. I hope everything will go well.
my mum will help pick my boy up in the evening coz I definitely won't be able to make it back on time, usually knock off work ard 630-7pm.

moscato, I also have the same problem with the stroller. my boy sit awhile then don't want sit liao. cry & fuss, wanna be carried. heng both times I was with my mum, so 1 person push stroller & the other carry him. I'm thinking of getting a carrier leh. coz scared 1 person can't cope with bb & stroller. but carrier kinda ex, so still considering.

marie, u r a SAHM? then u can get a maid & supervise her urself lo. nowadays maid abt $600+, incl levy. can help u look after baby & do housework. I wish I have the luxury of staying home to look after my boy too. but it'll be a too drastic change in finances & lifestyle liao. maybe will consider if IFC doesn't work out.
Just now I went out with two kids n it was so tiring! I miss the days with only no.1.. So much easier without a baby.. But guess it will pass before I know it..
Jac: this morning i tried my boy in the stroller again. still fuss..wonder if it's becos he can't see me cos mine is 1-way stroller.

next time must bring along my sling along but then not confident in using while he is still so young. do you have a sling/ pouch?
wat a nice cool weather. so fast we are into march...i am oredi counting down (unwillingly) to going back to work and doing some last min catch up on work related updates in the office... bad beds...my mil may not help me long to look after bb so i need to find a nanny. panicked but sometime i have expected! anyone has any agent to recommend?

yes i find using adult clipper so much easier. last time i tried using bb clipper...coz it was so small i couldnt hold properly....:p
Anyone interested to buy motherlove more milk plus, went to tmc phamercy is selling at $89 , online only $53. Any one interested, let me know today ? Or can go iherb to see if u interested in other product, want to save some shipping charges.
Hi all, posted so long ago on jan thread. Can i join the jan 2012 grp?my edd supposed to be 14 jan but due to high blood pressure, bb has to come out on 37week (end up become xmas bb, rabbit bb).
Hi can add me to the fb group too?

My baby boy is born on 25th Jan.

1st time mum. Look forward to learning from the experienced mums.

have pmed my fb address =)

jojo, I still don't dare to bring bb out alone. scared I cannot cope. u still can bring both out together. pei fu!!

moscato, mine also 1-way stroller. think bb can't see our face so scared ba. I've a sling (babysafe) but don't really know how to use leh. tried put my boy in & he cried too. think coz the cradle position uncomfortable ba coz he's kinda heavy & still need neck support. uncomfortable for me too. :p
Jac: if u are considering carrier, u can check out Agape Babies' bp in the forum. She carries baby bjorn, ergo n beco carrier. Price reasonable. My colleague bought direct from USA, cheaper by a bit only.
Posted on Monday, March 05, 2012 - 6:29 pm:   
Hi mummies,

Do u have good Confinement lady to recommend?

Pls pm me.

Hi Chez,
My CL juz left, she's malaysian, is very good with bb n housework not calculative juz abit talkative, overall very good. Pm me if u interested
Yawn im so sleepy..
Jac, i also feel my life is so monotonous. Wake up and go thru the same motion everyday, until im v sien as well. But no choice leh, still hv to do it till bb grows up. If only life can be fast forwarded ? ;p

My bb doesnt sleep much in daytime. Sleeps for 15min wake up already. Duno how to make her sleep longer also, haiz.
Hi jac,

I have not been working for 3years plus. But I think with a baby I need to go back to work soon. Financially it will be so heavy on us plus if I dun work there won't be any subsidy right?
Getting a maid is 450 plus 170. Not very expensive. But having a stranger in the hse also abit awkward. Plus I dun have enuff room for the maid as well.

My mum helping to look after now. We see how things go...
moscato, thanks! I'm thinking of whether to get the manduca or ergo. manduca seems better, but more ex lo. dunno whether to splurge anot. waiting to find a "fine" day to bring bb to the novena store to try out the manduca. hahah. u know where I can try out the ergo?

lush, my boy also has problems sleeping in the day. so let him sleep in the yaolan in the day lo, but yaolan muz shake else can't sleep long also. maybe u wan try? alternatively he sleeps very well in our arms, but it's really super straining & tiring on my arms, neck & back. sigh.

marie, ya agree. it feels awkward to have a stranger ard, plus a whole lot of maid issues to deal with. the IFC & CC subsidy is only available if u work. hope u find a favourable solution soon. good luck!!
Not very sure which stores carry ergo. Check the internet or u can chk with agape if can try. It seems beco is better than ergo but depends whether u want to carry bb facing out or not.

My boy also doesnt sleep long in yaolan too in daytime. Do u think our area too noisy? The trucks, aeroplanes, traffic..-.-
My boy is 7 weeks old but still have episodes of senseless crying. Today after his 12 pm feed, he cried non stop after being burped. The more we cooed n tried to calm him, the more he escalated n cried til face v red. End up i have to let him drink his himalaya bonnaisan colic syrup, which i tried not to give nowadays since he appeared drowsy after that.

Anyone bb still cry like that at week 7? He is ok most days nowadays, but so exhausting when he melts down like that
RitzC: my boy has been fussing in the evening, after 5pm. Think he is sleepy, but even we try to coax him to sleep, he will cry. Yaolan cried, carry n walk ard still cry, give pacifier also cry. Have to attempt to give him the pacifier a few times then he will suck n fall asleep. But doesnt last long, will wake up n fuss again until the next feed.
While waiting for my more ideal iFc to be available, i hv finally managed to get a next best in the meantime. Feel xin tong to hv to put her there.

I think wif bb getting older, we can better predict their frus and reasonably manage them. I really hope so!
Am wondering how to carry the barang barang, eg my handbag, bb bag to ifc and pumping stuff to office abd of course bb when start work. I dont drive so hv to fight the crowd with the things i hv to carry. Gosh.

Any mummies hv any idea what kind of cooler bag is good for transporting frozen bm in storage bags to bring to ifc and also to bring pumped milk home from office ah?
close window but turn on fan and music (to let bb get used to the "noise" whch is more constant than when leave the window open with all kinds of noise...). yaoloan diff fr sarong? my bb sleeps in sarong in the day(can sleep long). i put him in sarong onli when he sleeps so no shaking d sarong. then yday i decided to let him sleep in sarong at nite too coz i am tired dealing with him when he cannot sleep well at nite cos at nite we let him sleep on bed! n guess what he slept for 5 hrs in the sarong at nite... but i din wan him to get addicted to sarong oso leh
Valteen: where is your ifc? Not near ur hm? I read that mummies use Fridge-to-go cooler bag.

Jkids: i need to on the fan even with windows open. I on tv instead. They are building overhead bridge n the ifc opp my plc. The materials are just directly downstairs.

Sarong n yaolan same thing. How abt trying to carry ur bb to the bed after he is sound asleep at nite?
moscato/jkids, they r building a sch beside my place so it's quite noisy. my boy always get startled. sigh. depending on his mood & how hardworking we r in shaking the yaolan/sarong, he can sleep btw 15min-2hrs on the yaolan. impossible to get him to sleep on the mattress in the day so boh bian got to rely on the yaolan. at least he gets some sleep in the day. he sleeps on the mattress & on his tummy at night thou.

ritzc/moscato, nowadays my boy fuss & cry inconsolably from 7+pm to 11+pm every night. think colic ba? same as moscato, try everything also don't work. all of us will juz take turns to carry him & try soothe him (very very tiring). only after we feed him at 11+pm then he'll go sleep. he sleeps quite well (tummy down on the mattress) after that thou. will wake up at 2-3am for his feed, but go back to sleep very fast after that. wonder when then he'll outgrow his colic?? or will it ever happen??

valteen, which IFC u registered? which one is ur ideal?

I am under waitlist to two ifcs at amk just around my hse. Wld be great as i jz walk and deposit. I will registering to one at bishan in the meantime lor. Gotta lug her and stuff, take a train, walk to ctr, walk back to mrt and travel to work. Sigh....what to do.

MOscato, fridge to go back? Is this a specific name or referring to those cooler that we put in ice pack ah?

Getting more and more scared wif all these prep.
Valteen, I'm using fridge-to-go. It's a cooler bag with ice pack in-built at the sides, so u can just throw the whole bag into the freezer. U can get it at the fix-it shop next to the cashiers of giant in Vivo city, the lower level cashiers. I think got some other shops in s'pore selling it, u can google it. The vivo shop has a wider range.
Yi Chin
6 to 8 hrs is v good le. I dun mean to freeze lah. Meant to say carry those frozen bm in this bag to be transported to ifc. Shld be ok ya? ; )
Moscato, jac, ya, evening to midnight is usually the stressful period coz need to get him to sleep. I let him be until 9pm, if his eyes still open as big as marbles, i will pat pat him n force him to sleep, tell him he have to sleep coz night time so he needs to sleep. He usually put up a struggle, wave his fists etc la. Before 9pm, he usually naps lightly n we take turns to carry him if he is fussy.
I tried huggies ultra yest nite. very absorbant, lasted almost 9hrs for my boy (actually he din complain, juz that we decided to change his diapers). but also very bulky. good for nite time use.
Valteen: u can check out www.fridge-to-go.com.sg. Cant advise u much cos didnt bf my #1 and stop for the current one. My colleagues kept theirs in the office freezer.

Will ur hb accompany u to bring bb to ifc? Btw i think u can leave your stroller with ifc for the day.
Jac, the taka fair has very good promotion for Huggies ultra m size and above. Stated there U.P. $16.50, now $10.95. If u buy up to $100 (taka member) or $150 (non taka member) u get free delivery too. Can mix sizes too, though small size diapers, u only save $0.75. Check it out
Thanks a lot.
We will probably take tiurns to bring bb to ifc. Stroller a bit inconvenient in the morning train. Thinming of bb carrier but also wondering whch to buy. The one at hm which someone gave is 'ergo-nomically' not recommended. I want faint le. Haha.
hi, may I know when is the taka fair until?

also, is there a pigeon booth and do they offer old bottle trade in?

is there a pampers booth too? my boy's skin is super sensitive. can't use huggies.

Hi snowey_white, taka fair until 25 mar. Yes there us a pigeon booth with old bottles trade in, but did not see any pampers booth, only Huggies. Lots of strollers, car seats and cots to choose from though
Valteen, transporting definitely no problem. I put ebm in fridge to go, bring to IFC, then to work. In office, I put the empty fridge to go in the freezer. After expressing, I'll put the ebm in the fridge, must label name, cos we have a few nursing mothers in the dept, cannot mix up the milk.
end of day then use fridge to go to transport newly expressed ebm back home.

How do the bottles trade in works at the taka fair? Old big bottle for new big bottle?
Pamela: thanks! glad to know that taka fair is till end march. now I have to decide whether to go for the taka fair or expo baby fair. I went for the expo baby fair in nov last yr. there was pigeon booth n pampers booth.

have a qn on how to clean baby's tongue. it seems to have alot of white residue. he's on breast milk (almost tbm), just 1 night feed on formula. wondering whether it's the formula milk that causes the white residue n whether need to clean it off. if so, how to?

btw, are u guys chatting on facebook? any idea how I can join the group. I'm a first time mum. hoping to learn from you guys and look forward to playdates in the near future!
Arghh my baby refused to sleep and cried badly last night no matter how..change diaper, after feed, carrying all doesn't help. Making us so tired and I got so frustrated that I spoke harshly to bb, even though I know she probably won't understand
I wonder when then can I have a better night's sleep..
Yi chin

Thanks a lot. Tatz v helpful! I juz need to find out if my office freezer has space or not. Otherwise also no use. One more qn: is the bag insulated? When bb start ifc next week, i muz quick run to vivobto check the ftg out.

Snowey white

U can get a kind of brush wif silica gel holder to brush. I got from ntuc. Can use to brush tongue and gum also.
Yi Chin: just complete set of old btls for the trade. Any size will do. I think the trade in is for their 240ml btls.

Medory: i also 'scolded' my boy 2 nites ago. Carry already still crying n struggling away. I was so tired plus having slight menses cramps. And my hb didnt even pop over to take a look. So fustrating!

Snowey white: i use wash cloth over my finger n wipe the tongue but cant do very far in. Recently didnt clean. Think becos he uses pacifier, self clean by his own saliva, quite clean leh. Haa
Medory: I sometimes spoke harshly to my baby when she refused to sleep at night too. We are too tired that's why. I said to her, "if you continue like this mummy don't need to sleep already." and babies though don't understand but can sense our emotions from our tone. So she sometimes cry after that. Then I apologise to her and try to soothe her.
Valteen, the ice pack are at the inside of the bag. Should be insulated bah, if not how to maintain coldness for 6hr. Outter lining of the bag also doesn't get wet easily with condensation. Some design are collapsable for easy storage.

Thanks moscato! Thinking should I trade in all my old pigeon bottles for new ones and change the standard neck pigeon bottles to the wide neck ones.

Blucryst, u very funny, scold baby, after that still need to apologie to her.
Yi Chin: worth trading-in if u need them. Btls wont spoil too. Too bad i just bought new ones when my avent leaked. Shldnt be so 'faithful' to avent, shld have trade-in my #1 old btls during the last fair for pigeon. Save $. Now i have so many btls at hm.

Valteen, welcome!

Snowey white, u can go to the previous one page of archive, bianz and jojo put up their email add there. Send them friend request and get them to add u to the group. If not u can pm them ur email.
