(2012/01) Jan 2012


nite she okie, but day she sleep short intervals only and easily startled ah. so in the day alot of things i can't do cos 1/2 way also interrupted by her like pumping.

Did you try apply ru yi oil and massage his stomach? when clariss had colic she wasn't able to poo for 3-4 days, plus stomache alot of wind so she is very pain and always crying after her feed at 6pm. Now better. so far we dun encounter profuse non-stop crying from her.
Thanks Chris for all the info. bb has eczema on her body now, so she doesnt like us to touch her skin cos painful, sigh everyday bathing her is tormenting cos she will keep crying. So probably cant massage now. I duno why her skin is so dry.. Been applying physiogel 3x a day already.. Tis morning her entire torso was shedding flaky skin.

And she simply refuses to drink from bottle now! I have been trying for 2weeks already. She just doesnt want to take it only wants to latch on, really a headache. Everyday battle with her also lose. She can go without milk for 5hrs if its from a bottle. She only relents if i allow her to latch on. Such a stubborn girl. Duno how now. Haiz.
ya, yu guo very crowded in the evening..

i will go in the morning or aftrrnoon..

i massage my son with yu yee oil.. the ones that they used at yu guo too..

haizzz...... my nite time is a nitemare when he keeps waking up struggling to fart... his fart can b huge an smelly..

many gas drops out there dun really work for my boy.. wat else should i do? i thot by now should be subsiding right?

Eczema? oh have you brought her see PD? Think they have special wash and cream/gel to apply. wow poor gal muz be very itchy and pain for her.

Did you check on your diet? Like for me i avoid stuff tat can cause wind like brocolli, onions etc..
hmm..usually colic clears when bb around 3-4mths. u might ask dr wats the problem with him.
my boy is fully on formula...

i had to stop bf cos i had to eat bp medications that can pass thru breastmilk.. moreover, i have foremilk hindmilk imbalance too..

all the pd will say is he will get over it lor.. but im the one facing his pain..

the doc at yu guo also say this is common.. but i dunno how long i can stand seeing my boy in misery..
Congrats all mummies!

I have several items that I need to clear. Please PM me if interested.

(i) Brand New, Avent fridge to go Thermal bag, Retail price: $29. Selling price: $23.20
(ii) Brand New, A box of 3 Avent 260ml bottles, Retail price: $37.90. Selling price: $30.30
(iii) Brand New, A set of Avent nipple protector, Retail price: $16.90. Selling price: $13.50
(iv) Brand New, Avent 18m+ straw bottle (blue colour), Retail price: $19.90. Selling price: $15.90
(vi) Brand New, Pigeon breastmilk storage milk bag. Package comes in 25 pieces, used 1 only. Retail price for 25 pieces is $15.90. Selling the remainder 24 pieces for $12
(vii) Brand New, Medela micro-steam bags. Package comes in 5 pieces, used 1 only. Left 4. Great for travelling or use in office for sterilising milk bottles and pump parts using a microwave. Each bag can be used for 20 times. Not sure retail price. Selling the 4 pieces for $10. One piece for $3. This is definitely much cheaper then retail price.

Also have an Avent Single Electric breast pump lightly used (in fact less than 5 times) for sale at $160. Comes with a set of brand new accessories. Pump can be battery operated and used as a manual pump as well.

Self collection at Boon Lay Mrt or Tanjong Pagar Mrt during weekdays. Thanks!

I understand how you feel cos alot of my buddies had the same experience. We can only try to cuddle and carry them when they are in pain and when they are crying as this helps to relieve and offer them comfort. One of my buddy says tat sarong works well for her bb, however my gal hates it. When her colic starts we got to carry her and can't put her down as she'll scream even louder.

Does your boy takes very long to finish his milk? normal is 10-15mins. Coz if he takes too long to finish his milk he will be sucking in more air and also the milk will be cold and drinking cold milk causes wind in the stomach. We have since changed all our bottles to Dr brown and Bfree. So far so good.
Wow so many of u bringing bb to yu guo? Haha I went there when I was a kid!!!

Lush: I don't have experience with eczema bb but my friends they all recommend using organic products, ie shampoo, shower gel, moisturiser. Don't just use a mild moisturiser, the entire routine has to be used with mild or organic products. See if it helps. Also u got ask someone else to help u bottle feed? My girl refuses to let me bottle feed her at first but is fine when hubs does it. Now I can but may still need to fight with her. So must try to feed her when she is not too tired or hungry to min fighting

Chris: oh got to massage their belly button area for so long? Ok I go try cos my girl poos only every 5-7 days...

Feeding: my 14 wk old drinks very little... I either latch or bottle feed and the most I have fed her w bottle is 90ml... Is it severely underfeeding? But she is growing well and feeding every 3 hrs.

ya my gal used to poo poo like once every 3-4 days once after "man yue" it lasted till she 8weeks old. faintz, her fart super loud and smelly. Yup got to massage around their belly button area 100 rounds and per day 300 rounds. According to the yu guo sinseh supposed to help them pass motion.
silsilly, what fm r u using? my PD recommended frisco comfort or isomil (soy milk) for colic. I was giving my boy isomil 2-3 feeds at nite (more than this his poo will be abit hard) since wk 4. juz stop recently coz find that he's having even greater difficulty pooing now (maybe stomach stronger now liao) & his stomach wind & reflux condition has gotten better. now he's fully on enfalac & poos once everyday without much difficulty. maybe u can try something like similac total comfort which is more gentle on the stomach? did think of trying it previously, but decided to stick to enfalac + isomil combi instead, so that eventually can phase him away from isomil.
hi jac,

im using nan ha.. my boy poos everyday on nan ha.. if tke friso comfort can cause diarrhorea i heard?

im very tired seeing my tired son battling with his discomfort... he cries, i cry.. he is going to be 12 weeks soon n ge is still havin gastro problems.. when will this end?
I heard you all mentioning about Yu Guo. Is it very good? Is it only for infants? I sprain my back when I wake up from my bed. My son got blocked nose and end up snoring like old man when he sleep. Was thinking of going to see doc together.
Mummies,how much milk and frequency usually consumes by 10 weeks old baby? Mine still drink 60-90ml every 2 hourly. At night,she can last for 5 hrs without drinking milk. My relatives said her intake is too little and too frequent. Is that right ? What should I do to train her?

For mummies who has stopped breastfeeding, any special thing to note before stopping ? My supply is very little, each pump only total like 20-30ml so thinking to stop.
Delphina: my boy drinking between 60-130ml each feed. I will feed him 3 hrly. Sometimes longer if he is napping. He always break his feeds into 2. Fussed mid thru the feed. Got to let him nap. If he wakes up within an hr, i will try to let him finish the balance. At night, he can drink 60ml and last for 5-7 hrs but still only drinks 60-90ml then continued sleeping.

Dont know how to break this bad habit.
Hi mommies...
Saw that you are all talking about feeding.. My girl is 12 weeks old and she is drinking 120ml and will cry for milk again 2-3 hours.. Is that too much??
silsilly, have u seen a PD? any advise given? my boy is 12wks+ now. we gave him ridwind (prescribed by PD) 0.5ml 3 times a day & also put ruyi oil once a day after bath. helps him to pass out (alot!) gas. we've stopped the ridwind liao, ard the same time as the isomil, when both run out. I think the improvement is quite gradual one. but ard 10wks+ he started feeding lesser (in terms of total amt.. can tong till 3hrs in the day & 4-5hrs at nite.. b4 that is almost every 2.5hrs) & sleeping more. PD says babies cant differentiate stomach pain & hunger so they tend to eat more which leads to overfeeding & more pain, it's a vicious cycle. they'll usually improve by 3-4mths.

delphina, at 10wks my boy drinks 120ml every 3hrly in the day & 4-5hrly in the nite. but boys tend to eat more ba. mabbe u can try giving ur gal 120ml see she can finish & tong for >3hrs anot. if not, think its better to give lesser amt & more frequent feeds ba. let her adjust herself ba. so far I haven't done anything to train/adjust my boy's feeding & sleeping hrs, he hungry juz feed him, tired then carry him to sleep (the carrying to sleep part is a very very very bad habit!!), then seems like he slowly knows how to adjust timing himself leh.

anyone got idea how to break the carrying to sleep habit? I got to carry (& sing) my boy to sleep whenever he wants to sleep. usually at nite got to carry him from 9-11pm b4 I can put him down on the mattress. sigh!!!
@Jac My MIL also like to carry my gal to slp.. i try to break it.. So now what I do is i make sure she is well fed at night, off the lights and just on a night light. Put her on the cot and on her music mobile.. She will slowly go to slp.. Oh ya she needs her pacifier.. Pacifier = sleep for her..
Heehee Xuan mommy,

hbs used the same method as you to coax my gal to sleep too. Sometimes we on the nursery CD for her instead of music mobile. She will slowly go to sleep.

clariss is also taking Nan HA now, cos PD asked us to switch bk from Nan Pro when she heard tat our gal starts to have rashes (sensitive skin), not pooing and poo 1x for average 3-4 days and having colic. So far so good.
Any mummies using tollyjoy milk storage bags? Pls note they hv recalled these bags. I am using and now probably hv to dump my 'freezer full' of bm.

I am devastated.
Hi Chris
Ya that method works well (so far so good).. Hahaha... Hope they don't change pattern if not problem again cos need to find solution.. Lol...
By the way mommies how to join the FB group? :D
Any kind mommies using Huggies S44? I need the barcode and proof of purchase on the packaging to redeem a Huggies romper. I accidentially thrown away my packaging.

Need to accompany the barcode, proof of purchase and supermarket receipt to redeem. I have the receipt, looking for kind mommies to help to cut out the items on packaging. PM me if you have, I am willing to pay for postage. Thank you

pd will always give ridwind.. ask to take 3 times a day.. been threre done that and my son cries even worst! haizzz... gotta stop it..

he said to continue with nan ha when i told him i had to stop breastfeeding..

my bb tries his best to stay asleep but those sudden tummy atacks will come and disturb him.. he end up overtired and it makes it more difficult to calm him down later..

i bought friso comfort like u suggested.. gave him in the morning.. he end up in crying fits in the late morning.. my boy gg to b 12 wks nxt tues n his prob seem to b escalating rather than helping..

abt carrying bb to sleep, i think its fine.. just carry, cuddle n rock for awhile n put ur bb on bed while still awake.. they shld b able to doze off.. dun let bb sleep on ur arms.. unless bb is crying fits, then no choice lor..

but i should think that ur bb isnt crying so much anymore?

im still waiting for some peace in takin care of my boy.. so draining..
My gal been crying.. even though i feed full 130ml of breastmilk... carry also cry.. till i just leave her there n let her cry to slp.. haiz..

I started work this week.. I enjoy going back to work.. At home I was so bored.. Think I am weird..
xuan & silsilly, the mtd doesnt work leh. he sleeps when I carry him, but cries immediately when I put him down. got to wait till he sleep until blur blur then can put him down. very bad habit. sigh. wonder when then he can start falling asleep on his own. anyway juz as I tot his condition has improved, he merlioned twice yest. so I'm giving him gripe water now (coz hse no ridwind liao). hope he feels better soon. think the gas is affecting his sleep. he's sleeping lesser & keeps on wanting to feed. so I can only keep on carrying & rocking him, hoping he'll sleep more & not feed so much. sigh.
valteen, I've used about 10 tollyjoy milkbags in dec last year and baby had already drank the ebm in feb! Hopefully nothing will happen! But sayang, having to throw away all the hard work ebm for u!

When ur baby started infant care, did u stay there the whole day? or do u leave when baby is sleeping? u pump milk there or go home then pump?
Yi Chin
Yah lor heart pain. Anyway i returned them the remaining bags and they replaced wif a little hamper containing 8 storage bottles, wipes and antibac liquid.

Ifc only allowed me to be there only on the first two days. I went in and out in between lor. Then chatted wif the reachers and see hw they do things. I go hm and pumps. There is no pl at ifc for u to pump. It was tiring cos i hv to shuttle here there and everywhere. Lol
can imagine the feelings...
i very scare to go bk to work...recently many changes at work place n i may not b able to catchup, somemore, its peak period. ah! n i scare when i go back, i will be sacked, haha. then my mil keep pushing away, not wanting to help me look after bb. scare when i am abt to go back to work, she will fly aeroplane again... been trying to find a nanny but so gd news so far....haiz..

xuan mummy:
u are indeed weird haha. bored at home? i have tonnes of things to do at home leh...maybe i am a "zhai nu" n dunmind doing things at home. u can keep me at home for a mth n i still feel ok...

i cant rem...but does your bb sleep in yaolan or sarong?quite tough but gotta hang on...
Haha jkids

I scared i kena sack also. I will miss bb a lot. Although i v busy, i knw what i am busying for and am i doing daily. At work? Other than for the money, i dunno wat am i doing everyday. Clearing shit everyday. Rather clear my ah gal shit at hm.
Seems like drinking 120ml for 10 weeks old is common.
Jac: I tried to feed her 120ml but she is unable to finish. Like what u said, i hv to give her lesser amt and more frequent feeds then and hoping she will be on track soon. Less bottles to wash and steriliZe if frequency drops. There seems to be nothing much I can do to influence this huh as it depends on each baby stomach capacity ya.

Jkids, Valteen: I am a SAHM since my pregnancy and nowadays I do miss gg back to work and having an adult conversation instead of baby talk at times. But I guees I have to stay home for time being as no one to look after my baby. After not working for sometime, I also worried abt adjusting mysrlf back to office work..
jkids, my boy sleeps on yaolan in the day & mattress at night. but got to carry & rock him till he sleeps then can put him down on the yaolan/ mattress. somemore in the day he tends to sleep very short nia, 15-30mins at most, then cry & got to carry & rock him to sleep again before putting him down, & the cycle continues. seems like most babies r able to sleep on their own by now leh, except my boy. sobs.
btw, when r u starting work? soon liao? y dont u try IFC? probably ard the same $$ as a nanny ba?

I'm SOOOOoooo not looking forward to going back work. mountains of work waiting for me. not at office but kana arrowed left, right, center. sianz!!! how to work OT & wkends like last time??? stress!!!

my boy starting IFC coming mon. so kan jiong. worried he can't adapt. worried they'll juz leave him to cry to sleep. heart pain. sobs.......
Dont think ifc will let ur baby cry to sleep lah. I jz heartpain that they will not be able to give immediate attention when bb cries but this also cant be helped wif limited teachers and lots of babies. Till now i stll feel bad abt sending gal there but on the other hand, it may be good cos they actually got activities. Like my ifc they will sing to bbs. Of course bbs mau be too young but itz part if development rather than some stay at hm nannies who 'throw' bb in front of tvs.

My gal had fever last thur and fri cos of viral infection. So heartpain. Though fever sybsided but she still cranky on and off. Dunno to bring her to ifc tomolo or not. Sigh...i am dead beat!

I really dun miss my work leh, only miss the salary if i dun work. Heeee am i abnormal?
u made me laugh!
normal to miss the salary lah...practical mah

there was a period where i din work for a yr. maybe it was a juz a yr, i could easily adapt wen i went back to the workforce. so it depends on how long u wana b away fr workforce. u are not considering nanny or infant care rite? so do u intend to go back to work when bb goes to childcare centee?

i have no car and the infant care centre is not near my house or the mrt...very difficult to take bus...very crowded
...n dun wana bb fall sick often at the centre, very hard to look after one. wait pass to my elder kids oso man fan. aiya, thinking of my heartless mil only makes me mad again. i am going back in 2 weeks time...but i hope to delay so that it may be easiler for my mil to handle the bb if she really helps me...

so your baby going ifc tomorrow... hmn...likely they will leave him to cry coz they cant possibly carry him to sleep everytime or give him immed attention. got to do it the hard way. i oso leave my bb to carry when i need a break or busy with things...:p maybe after the cries...yr bb will learn to zzz on his own...think of the positive ok?
but putting bb at ifc is very prone to falling sick or getting...
I dun hv car too so gotta bring gal take train from amk to bishan. Siong! One more ifc opening near my pl which i hope they can accept my gal. Praying real hard. Without a car, even wif an ifc in amk but within our route also v tough.

Sigh my gal had fever lor, dunno if itz from ifc or from my shuttling her here and there under sun and sometimes rain. I feel terribly bad.
Jac: do you give your boy pacifier? i find it with that, easier to coax my boy to sleep. will the ifc request you to give him one?
how's your preparation for ifc? a lot of things to bring? the ifc will sterilise the bottles for you or u have to bring along a few?

at least u will get to see your boy after each day of work. I can only get to see mine on weekends after i start work. Hope the ifc will be completed soon and i can get a place so that i can bring him home.
Thanks valteen! I used to put my older girls in the infant care at my work place, so when baby sleeps, I go back to office to talk to colleagues or find a room to pump.

Will be starting this one in another infantcare in May. I was thinking what to do for the whole day there. I think I'll go home to pump milk and eat lunch when baby sleeps then go back to infantcare again.

Is ur baby better now? Going infant care is like that one, something will happen every month, mine kena flu, diaper rash, gastric flu, hfmd etc, all my leave spent on these events lor.

Delphina, my girl still dislikes drinking from the bottle after 2 months of bottle training. I give her 3 bottles a day now and She drinks between 40 to 90ml each time. Will cry everytime she drinks from bottle. But at least got improvement lah, last time only take a few mouthfuls or 30ml. Hope that she can take more in infantcare.
hi Mummies

I would like to ask whether does you all know where can I buy the plastic caps for those glass bottles that we got from the hospital?

Kiddy palace is selling at $1.8 per piece which I find it ex. Tks
Thanks Yi Chin. My gal better. After her mc last thur and fri, brought her bk to ifc this morn again. So heartpain again. She pooed quite a bit this couple of days. Last 2 says her poo greenish. Thus morn like getting bk to normal color le.

First two days at ifc, i stayed for abt 2 hrs, then left hm to pump do my things, then go bk. find it hard to stay whole day. So when she settled in, i left her there.

i salute u! can be very frustrating to bring bb take public transport rite...so crowded these days... but luckily its only one stop. unless the ifc is at the void deck, how nice. the new house i bought hv a ccc at the void deck...i am eyeing it, haha. no car means more restictions so we hv to go for convenience 1st. so hv u put your bb on waiting list at d new ifc?

u dun intend to visit bb during weekdays?
