(2012/01) Jan 2012

Letting go of my ultra beloved 1 yr old STOKKE Xplory Blue

Perfect for a boy. Imagine your 3-mth old baby at the same height with you are dinner table. Or your 9-mth old able to see the noodle chef at Ding Tai Fung open kitchen.

Mothercare price $2,209

Selling my love for $1,600

Serious buyers only. Interested parties, pls SMS Winnie @9005 8165

It's a used item, do expect normal scratches.

Lush: my bb cries as if ganna abused. Haa..he wants to continue with the shower. Usually i will shower between 9 plus to 12 plus, depending on his feed time n if he is sleeping. I will wipe him again before his last feed for the day.

Any of ur bb still merlion at times? Mine still does. Wonder when will he outgrown.
i bath bb in the morning...bet 8+to 10+/. at nite depending on whether he's smelly or not, will wipe him.

moscato: mine sometimes still does...

lush: u cannot stay over at yr mum's place? not gd in d long term...

jac: thanks jac but i dun stay ard there :p
moscato, the shop is at square 2 (novena). mine is the normal range (new style series made of organic cotton + hemp). $249.

lush, maybe u can move to stay with ur mum or let bb stay with her during wkdays? seems like childcare arrangement is a big headache for most of us here. sigh. I bathe my boy during noon time, usually btw 10am-3pm when the weather is hottest. usually bathe him half hr after his feed. muz catch him in the right mood else he'll be fussing thro'out the whole bath session. will wipe him in the nite ard 8-9pm.

jkids, oops sorry muz have remembered wrongly.
Maybe u guys can shop ard for IFC? There are still good ones there but do expect them to be further away from home or even a bit more ex. Try to talk to the centre mgr and visit the sch more often (esp go impromptu to look at the operation of sch). For me IFC is my personal fave compared to inlaws or even my mum. Cos the older generation hv their own ways and may not listen to us. For #1, I have to teach them how to use diapers and convince them the benefit of bm etc. And they are also a bit unhygienic haha so for me sch is best. But of cos hv to close eye a bit. If sch is clean enuf, will hv lesser probs of sickness but at least sch will not leave the kid to watch tv, which is sth I don't like and what a lot of grandmothers and nannies may do so tt they can cook or do housework.
Jac.. Ya also exploring stayin with mum but hb wants to see bb every nite.. He say he bu she de leh.. and he doesnt wanna stay with my parents cos not so convenient also. Hmmm see how ba.

Looks like most of u bath bb in the daytime, except me in the evening. Maybe bbs dont like bathing in the evening, i shall try morning tomorrow! And my bb retire for the night at abt 7pm. She only next wake up for feed at 10+. Most of ur bbs sleep later? But because she sleeps early, she tends to wake up at abt 5+ to fuss, I have to pat her back to sleep and she next wakes up at 7+. How do I get bb to sleep later than 7pm?
Hi Lush,

For me, hbs establish a routine for bb, my bb is 2mths old now. She sleeps at around 7pm after her feed and wakes up at 10pm for her last feed then she'll sleep through till 6am -7am. She'll wake up for her feed at 6am and sleep till 10am+ then i'll feed her and leave her on her own to entertain herself for like 20-30mins while i prepare her bath or do other hsehold chores. This is to let her milk flow down to her tummy, then i bath her and she enjoyed her bath. After bathing, i'll cuddle her for a while and she'll wanna sleep. Evening normally we wipe her around 7pm after her feed then dress her in her PJ to prepare her for bedtime.

Normally baby will like to be fed before her bath, then she'll not fuss. We tried a few times trial and error that if we bath her very close to her next feeding she will cry 1/2 way while dressing her up after her bath cos she's hungry.. So now she knows tat after her feed is her bath then sleep.

my gal also fusses during changing her clothes after bath, my fren says is cos they enjoyed the bath too much and doesn't wan to get out as most babies love bathing. And sometimes baby cries cos due to change in temperature especially when we bring them out from the bath got to wrap them up and keep them warm. We tried to talk to her and play with her during dressing up time and this few days it works and she smiled while we dress her instead of the usual screaming and crying. Baby pattern changes every day, last time dressing her is torture cos she keep crying till whole face red ah, then i karung kapo got to dress her up fast fast. Yesterday, when hbs bath her, she even doze off.
Wow Chris, how do u get bb to sleep fr 10-6 wothout waking up?? Im trying to achieve tat but cant, she always wakes up twice a night, around 1 and 4am. Wads ur trick? ;)

Yesterday i fed her at 5.30pm then bathed her at 6. She screamed thru out. I also talked to her, sayang her before bathing but she still cry. When i carry her she stopped crying. Hmmm... maybe tomorow i try showering her in the morning, her mood usually better in the morning.
Hi lush,

Same i bath bb and when i put her down to dress her up she cried throughout and this lasted for 1 week. Previously she don't cry. She stopped crying until i carry her. Faintz.. Then suddenly that day hb around with me and when he saw tat she starting to cry he keep talking her and to distract her and the way we talk to baby muz be soft and higher pitch and keep smiling and making funny faces at her and touching her lor..tats wat i saw hb do it and funny le it works on her.

Do you give bb FM for her last feed? We normally feed her fully FM for her last feed. Before her feed we will quickly wipe her and change to her PJ then we will on the aircon, feed her then burp her, off the lights (remember to leave a small light around) then hbs will swaddle her and carry her a while before leaving her in her cot. Then we will leave the room and keep everything quiet and if she cries then pat pat her to sleep.. We always leave the lights off (and leave a small light on) to let her know is nite time and she has to sleep. We sleep in the same room as she is. Before that, when CL around, she wakes up at 2am-3am for feeding then another round before 6am. When we took over the 1st week also the same, its very tiring. Then we slowly adjust and prolong her sleep like when we hear her fussing around middle of the nite, we act blur and ignore her, we only go to her when she cry by doing that we tried to delay her feeding time day by day. Slowly we managed to delay from 3am till 5am and then slowly to 6am+
But different baby different pattern, like my sil's bb at 3wks already slept from 9pm - 9am so envy her. Her bb a big eater.
Hi lush,

ya maybe u try shower her in the morning when her mood is good, but remember to shower her 30mins after her feed cos if not a hungry baby will be a fussy and impatient baby and will be crying all the way like mine last time.. At nite we just wipe her. Hbs wanted to give her a warm bath as we attended wong boi bpo's class and she also suggested warm bath in the evening bb will sleep better. However, our in-laws is against bathing bb in the evening unless she has really soiled herself and really dirty. So we stick back to old routine. ie wipe her lor.

Did you read Mother and Baby Mar issue, there are a few tips on how to soothe your baby to sleep. quite interesting. you might wanna take a look.
Chris - thanks! Those tips r v helpful! The huggies website is also v insightful
i shall try on bb tonite ;) whenever she wakes up in the middle of the night she will eh eh and she immediately falls asleep after I feed her. So duno if she is wakin up cos of habit or hunger, but i shall try delayin feed tonite ! ;)

Usually she cries the moment we take her out fr water when when we try to dress her. Occasionally she will cry in water too. Today i tried bathin her at 930am. Jus put into water was ok, i was wipin her face then she struggled n the towel hit her eye then all hell broke loose, cried non stop.
now her phobia will b worse? Sigh, i was trying to b v careful already still fail.

No worries, heehee no one is perfect, i nearly slip and drop bb in water before too cos she was struggling and kicking away then it was really slippery to hold her and my gal slip and water splash on her face lor. She didn't cry but can see she abit shocked then i quickly talk to her and continue the bath hahahaha. Told hbs abt it and he chided me to be more careful. But very important is during bath, do not let water go in the ears, cos will cause ear infection.

Oh if she cries the moment u take her out fr water could be cos she enjoying her bath and doesn't wanna get out or the way u take her out could have cause her discomfort or cos of temperature change cos when out of water bb will feel sudden change in temperature from warm to cold. For me is my bb cried cos i didn't carry her properly when i took her out from water while struggling to cover her with a thick towel and could have hurt her in a way so she cried and scream. Then now i bath her in my bath room and dress her on my bed (distance nearer like less than 2m away), i closed all the windows and door in my bedroom so tat she won't get chilled and i just carried her either naked or covered with a cloth diaper then to my bed where the thick and warm towels are to dry her up. Hbs taught me cos he knew i have difficult time trying to carry her in one hand and the other hand trying very hard to wrap her in a thick towel before carrying her all the way to the next room which is a short distance away and she might get chilled cos naked ah.
Jac, i think my boy is over 6kg now, he seems to be going through a growth spurt- getting taller and so much heavier. How, he is only slightly over 2 mths. Cant imagine how heavy he is going to be at 6 mths.

Btw, quite a few of us r on fb now. Mummies, join us there if u want, can see ur bbs' photos

wow most of you are in fb no wonder seldom see you gals posting.
i'm still at the old thread with hazel and catherine they all.

wow your boy muz be very chubby and cute now. how much milk is he drinking now? Mine drinking 120ml and was thinking of increasing her feed cos fil just called and said tat 120ml doesn't satisfy her le cos today morning fed her at 7.15am normally will last her 3hrs - 4 hrs but at 9.50am she already crying non stop for milk.

ur bb seem to b doing well.. went to yu guo with my bb and im still going thru misery with my bb sleeping.. i dun mind waking up at nite to feed bb.. but i mind waking up every half hour trying to pacify him when he suddenly cries..in pain i think.. when is this gonna end.. he is gg to b 3 months in 2 weeks and he is still colicky?

im dying in exhaustion!

Hi hi you are here too? so far after going there several times clariss condition has since improved. cos the massage helps to dispel wind cos she too young can't take medicine at all and we gave her grip water and colic drops also doesn't work. I surf the net and read books on colicky babies and there's no actual cure for them so hope tat they'll outgrow the stage. What we could do is try means and ways to relieve their conditions. One of them is massage.

Have you brought your baby to PD and check with him why does your bb keeps crying? Is it just colic or other stuff? Is it becos baby is still hungry and not full after her feed? Coz my PD initially gave us colic drops and said if she doesn't get better by 2wks then need to bring her back to check for other ailments. We didn't bring her back cos can't tahan her constant crying for hrs every nite so 2 days later at the advice of my in-laws and buddies we quickly bring her to YU GUO to massage lor.
Chris, thanks... Ya hmmmmm maybe she doesnt wanna stop kicking water. Yesterday she woke up at 1am and 4am.. she cried for a while then i couldnt take it n fed her at 1.30am n 4.30am.. Then she fell asleep right after the feed.. Maybe its a habit for her already! Argh.

don't worry every baby pattern different, she'll outgrow it just give her some time.

Yu GUO is a chinese physician famous for children.

My buddies, sil and my malay massage lady brought their babies and children there for massage. My buddy daughter had colic so she brought her there and it helps so she recommended me, and my malay massage lady brought her daughter there to for massage when her daughter has bronchitis and wasn't able to breathe properly she said the massage there was good as it helps to clear the phelgm from the lungs etc and her daughter becomes better. My other buddy brought their sons there for massage cos his son was unable to sleep well at night or difficulty to fall asleep.

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Posted on 14 May, 2009


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how many yu guo session did u go for? i think you've
mentioned it at the other thread but i just wanna ask again if u dun mind...

really hoping my boy will outgrow his wind problems soon... haizz.. seeing him in pain drains a mother even more cos i dunno what to do to..
Hi Silsilly,

i found this thread how to soothe colicky babies:-
under the parents magazine, hope it helps:-

We tried the koala hold before that is carry baby upright pressing his tummy against your body and keep walk around the house. Colicky baby hold and also paddle her legs. Whenever she starts colic attack, the best way so far is to carry her around in koala hug and then walk around or sway your body like you are dancing. Me and hbs took turns cos quite tiring. Best is to soothe them to sleep after carrying bb. Massage ru yi oil to bb as often as 3 times per day especially after the bath it helps to relieve wind. Use your 2 fingers rub in clockwise circular motion around the belly button area for like as many rounds (80) as possible. Yu Guo sinseh taught us this helps to relieve wind and also help her poo poo. Once we do it she'll fart more often.

I understand wat you are going through cos i has the same experience which lasted for 2wks till we suspect is colic and brought her see PD. Its tough especially it starts from 5pm+ all the way till 9pm. Faintz and tat is the time when hbs return from work and us having dinner.
ritzc, I haven't got the chance to weigh my boy yet. but I think he got ard 7-8kg liao ba. hahah. my arms are breaking liao. sometimes got to use sling/ carrier to carry him even at home. :p

silsilly, maybe u can try letting ur boy sleep on his tummy? I know it's not recommended due to risk of SIDS, but I find it helps lo. my boy also got colic. in the day he doesn't sleep much, everytime suddenly scream & cry very loudly after sleeping for half hr or so on the yaolan. at night I put him tummy down on the mattress & he can sleep for 3-4hrs straight. I trying to get him sleep on tummy in the day, but hw keep on fussing when i put him on the mattress. hard to break the habit of sleeping on yaolan caused by my mum & MIL. sigh.
i did provide my email address but was not added. cant rem who did the adding but think she cannot find my addre..

is the fb chat like forum where we can read the history like coming here? or its a live chat where u ned to be online? coz find it quite time consuming to have a live chat. prefer to see history of the comments instead.
Tks chris..

the doc at yu guo told me to come thrice.. but since he still have mountains of wind, i shall go for three more session then..

They don't take booking thro phone. Have to go down personally. For infants got prority, just bring BC and your IC down for registration and tell the counter that you are booking for baby. They will give you a queue number and they will clip it to your a appointment card together with a small card with the word "baby" written on it. Then they will instruct you to bring the appointment card to either room 7 or 9 then leave the card outside the dr's door. Waiting time 5-10mins. Cos if infant, when the dr see the card written "baby" will call for your bb's name 1st. Remember to bring a wrap and a cloth diaper and lay it on the massage bed cos of hygiene as many kids lie on it. They are closed on Wednesdays.
Jac, Lush

Massage and consultation fees around $25.00, if you are given the herbal bag to wrap around bb's tummy, 1 herbal bag lasts the whole day (24hrs) is $3 each, and the belt to secure the herbal bag is $6 each and washable. Cash payments only, no NETs. Massage around 20-30mins. Remember to feed your bb 1hr before the massage.
Jac, Lush

Once you have seen the dr in the room, the dr will instruct one of the massage lady (around 6)to massage your baby in the big open room. She'll normally start with massaging one of the palm, then follow by forehead, tummy and back of baby.
Jac, Lush,

i also changed my feeding bottle to anti-colic bottles DR Brown which can be easily purchased at kiddy palace and mothercare. And i bought Bfree anti colic bottles too. Both not bad, reduce amount of wind consume when they drink milk.
Hi Chris,
I also brought my bb a mth ago to yu guo. The Yao bao is $2 each. the tummy wrap is $4 n consultation is $25. My boy went for three sessions. Dr hung said that it is due to overbearing. If possible reduce the Amt of milk. After one session, my Boy didn't cry during feeding time anymore. Of os, before each feeding, we help him to massage him stomach n also circle his legs so that he fart first. Then we also used dr brown bottle. It helps to make the expressed milk warmer if u feeding expressed milk,
Due o overfeeding, bb can't fully digest the milk n then the wind in their stomach will make them think they are hungry n then we feed more again. It's a vicious cycle. M boy drinks just enough, or 80% full n after sometime, he don't cry for more after he finished his milk. An I thought by feeding less milk, he will gain less weight. But not actually, in fact, he still gain weight normally. Best to go yu guo on weekdays daytime cos come weekend, the clinic is super packed on weekends
Hi overthemoon,

ya we normally warm the expressmilk warmer cos in-laws believe tat cold milk will produce "wind" heehee. Oops ya hor is $2 each for the yao bao ie herbal bag, heehee ya remember paid $2x2 + $6 total $10.00. Yup we have being doing the massage and circle her legs and this helps her fart easier.

How do we know if we overfeed baby? my gal is now 9wks+ we feeding her 120ml milk which will last her 3-4 hrs and we only feed her on demand, if she cries for it and is around her feeding time.
Hi chrisbaby,
Its trial n error. I used this formula to calculate roughly, 2.5oz x weight in poundsx 30ml=total amt to drink per day. To calculate amt per feed, just divide total amt divided by no of feeds he has per day. ﹰi only know When my bb is underfed when he cries in another waye straight after a feed. When bb is underfed, he finds it hard to sleep.
I rather my bb has more meals in smaller amts. Each bb is different , depending on their digestive system. My bb born,at 37wks, small also, so he digests slowly than normao bb.at 13wks, he still drinking 120ml each time every 2.5-3hrs. But his weight which was only 10% percentile at .birth, now he has caught up with the rest of bb ard his age.now 55%percentile. And he is easier to take care as he doesnt cry during feeding n sleeps after 45-60mins after each feed automatically. So far, he is on total expressed miilk n only 1 meal is formula cos i.want him to get used to formula taste also.ﹰﹰ

i just bought the dr brown bottle.. really many parts to assemble.. is it true that we cannot sterelise the bottles and parts? bcos instructions say to use warm water only?

will b going to yu guo again this week for more sessions to dispel the wind from my boy., see him suffering is killing me in the insides..


huh really, cos hbs sterilise all the parts le. Did you boy improve after going to YU GUO? Try to go in the morning or late afternoon. Avoid going in the evenings cos super crowded ah.
