(2012/01) Jan 2012

Any bbs having reflux issues? I suspect mine has it. She spits out milk a few times a day, sometimes watery cottage cheese like. Cries inconsolably sometimes. Reflux has been mistaken for colic sometimes.. Now im suspecting she has reflux rather than colic. Hmmm..
Hi mknwt,
Added u in FB Grp, welcome
Jkids, i took my boy's mittens off today at week 6 after trimming and filing his nails.

Rilakgal, hi, how r u doing? U r the one who pm me previously right? U gave birth at how many weeks? Boy boy or gal gal?
Hi Mommies,

My bb is 8 weeks old. During confinement, been reading all the posts and got comfort in knowing that I am not alone in facing all those problems. Would like to join in, can add me on fb. My email is: [email protected]
Hello! I delivered on 16 Jan, baby girl
Kinda retired from smh after knowing the first batch of SMH Jan moms. Can someone add me to the fb group?
Would love to know more Jan moms ;) [email protected]
Hi ritzc, yea I delivered my boy at 38 weeks on 26 jan. re admitted to Kkh due to post partum haemorrhage and been recovering well.. Only found sometime to come to
Smh this week as I have been total breast feeding my baby.. It's so tiring!!! Hahaha ;) hope you are coping well ;)
Rilakgal, so glad we both made it to full term despite cervical shortening.
n what a coincidence ur delievery date is my initial edd date- i induce earlier on 16 jan. Anyway, motherhood is the real challenge, jia you!
Hi Lush, my newborn has reflux issues too. Can share with me how you cope? It's frustrating for me as I must prop her up for 30 min after feed. Since feeding is every two hours, it seems I'm carrying her the whole damn day. I'm going insane liao.
Yeah I delivered on the exact day of 38 weeks.. Our bbs have been cooperative in this regard ;) yah.. Motherhood is more challenging than pregnancy.. Shld have spent more time enjoying myself during pregnancy haha
hi mummies.

My hubby and I finally surrender. We really cannot handle the baby. We going to maid agency and get a maid to look after our prince.
Xiaoenen: if baby got reflux, cannot lie down immediately after feed. Daytime, i got time, so let baby sit up straight 30min. At night, me and baby wanna sleep. Right after feed, will put him on the swing, then both of us will knock out together. you can put baby on car infant seat also. Then no need to carry Liao. Better dun carry too much, or else he will get used to it. My son only eat every 3hr. At night, sometimes can sleep till 4 to 6hrs.
Hi Catherine, may I know what is reflux n how is it like? My bb can't sleep too. N wailed for ppl to carry whenever she is awake. I'm really exhausted.
Hi mummies,
I had tried to add some of u, if so far no friend request fm me aka Fiona Lim or others do check on ur email address provided again since I fail to locate a few email address on fb.

So pls re-verify n we will try to add u again in any case u can add me [email protected] n search my link to our SMH - Jan 2012 Mummies cheers n hope to see u soon
Hi Marie,
Juz do wat best for all, don't over stress urself, taking care of bb especially for 1st mum like us is not easy.
i actuallt prefer coming here than go fb to tok... so it will be quiet thread soon...

sometimes when i cannot take it esp when i have not enough sleep and bb is sticky... i will leave bb to cry,this is something i wun try on my previous babies. so far i tried few times...my bb would cry on and off for 30 min...and after that fell asleep on its own. i heard from people b4 that if u leave bb to cry...bb will eventually stop crying for u to carry. quite heartpain at 1st but i have to cry lah else i can never rest and go crazy and notbe able to finish my housework...
Anyone want to buyf fenugreek ? I hv extra 2 more bottle. Gnc selling $29.50 for 100 capsules, I am selling $35 for 200 capsules including registered postage. Interested pm me your details.

Bianz, can add me, [email protected] . Some mummies add me as friend but I not in the Jan group.
Catherine, I so envy you... My boy only sleeps at most 3 hours at night. He frequently wakes up every 1.5-2 hours. Looking forward to the time he can sleep longer
Hi jkids,
Hope I can b like u, but once I saw he cry till red face I so scare tat he will b even more colicky tat's when I pick him up which is arnd 5 mins or 10 mins top, helpless me
ritzc, what do u use to trim & file yr bb's nails? i wanna remove my boy's mittens, but i'm having so much difficulties trimming his nails. his nails r so sharp that it's painful when he scratches me, can't imagine if he scratches himself.

lush/catherine, i think my boy also having some reflux problem. nowadays he everytime like choke & can't breathe after finishing his milk. keep on struggling & crying coz can't burp out. will puke out some milk when he burps. only feel better after burping out (but can take quite awhile). see already very kek xim. i suspect he could be having some phlegm? not sure leh. anyone got any experience/ advice?

marie, can yr mum/mil help u look after yr bb instead? nowadays the maids abit cmi (unless u have recommendations, i.e. tried & tested one, else if getting fresh maid then can forget abt it la IMHO). i'm getting rid of my maid soon (after 3 mths) & gonna send my boy to infant care instead. my maid doesn't take care of bb at nite, my boy cry like crazy she juz close her room door & sleep thro the nite. also cannot trust her to make milk or bathe my boy. end up she juz do housework (& also not very clean lo). then me & mum take care of bb in the day & i take care of bb myself at nite. really a waste of $$ to keep her juz to do housework. also it'll be better if there's a family member ard to supervise the maid. my mum's working (flexi hrs thou) so can't supervise the maid whole day. can't trust the maid to be alone with my boy. she always ask to go the supermart downstairs to buy food & always disappear for an hr+ (this is when both me & my mum are ard). can't imagine if she secretly brings my boy out when we r not ard.
Hi Jan mummies,
happy to know that there are a group of you suffering from the same problem as mine... =P

my gal borned on 7 Jan, having 2 hourly feeding which driving me crazy... and her milk reflux also quite serious, change 6~7 shirt in day time...

now i am putting her with nanny as i am not good at handling baby and need to take care of my 5 years old gal as well...

motherhood is not easy, when i look at my elder daughter, i wish my new born bb can grow up fast but on the other hand i know we can't push that, and should enjoy every moment now...
Jac, i use tommee tippee scissors to trim when he is in deep sleep n file his nails with the nail filer that comes w the set. Initially i use the nail clipper in the set but cant see clearly so scissors is safer. After cutting, his nails will still leave a mark whenever he rubs his face coz his nails r v dry from wearing mi
Mittens for so long. But if weather v cold like today, i still let him wear his mittens. His toe nails r v short so i leave them alone.
Xiao en en, im also trying to find out how to cope with reflux! ;p haha. Sometimes she burps out so much milk, i feel so heart pain. I jus let her sit in rocker after feed, didnt want to carry her for fear of her demanding it more next time. At nite i jus put her to bed already. Think we should just try not to rock her too much. I heard if reflux, should rub the back n not pat when burping, duno true or not. Sigh. She can cry incessantly sometimes so I duno if she is in pain cos of reflux or jus needy. If latter then i dun wan to carry her so long, but if former then i will wan to sooth her. But i duno which is which... Headache.
Hallo Mummies,

Very long never post here. Seems like I missed out a lot of things. .
Does all of you find your baby to be more active now that they have passed 5 weeks? How long your baby usually nap in the day time? Mine nap for short here and there, sometims can make me and hubby restless. At night, she sleeps from 10+pm till 7-8 am, only cry in the middle for 3-4 times for milk. Is this normal? i've found at this age, there is nothing much to do to interact with them yet they want our accompanion. Any mums experiencing this?

Honestly, I find nowadays after having baby is like going through motion. feed, change diapers, bath bb, pump, do housework, carry baby, put bb to sleep and gone is my 24 hrs. I hope I am not the only one feeling this. Any tips how to break away this 'feeling'?
Jac, i use NUK scissors to trim the nails. It doesnt come with a filer like the tommee tippee set so his fingers still sharp. -.-
I already remove his mittens totally unless sleeping in aircon which i didn't for the last few nites cos i feel that his nose blocked if sleep in aircon.

He will also choke while drinking milk. he will use his tongue to push out some phlegm at times. Yesterday noon just merlion 1 time again.
will check with the PD when i bring him for vaccination 2 wks later.

btw, there will a PCF infantcare opening up opp your plc leh. U already pay registration fees for MFS? will let my mum take care for the time being..maybe send him to IFC when he is older and dont need so much attention.

delphina: it's very routine every day for me too. felt that going thru this for a long time but it was only 3 weeks...sometimes counting down to going back to work..LOL..
Hi mummies,

I also tried adding some of u here in our fb group but to no avail.. Just in case, my email is [email protected].
Bianz, serene123 and me are admin of the thread so u can add any of us..

Thanks serene for creating the thread once again!
yes agree it has become a motion and times passes super fast! soon its back to work...geez. wish time can move slower coz i will miss bb when he's small.

i use adult nailclip so juz one clip and the nail will come off...coz they have little fingers mah. toes wise..they grow very slow...so din cut yet
Hi delphina,
Totally understand how u feel, in fact think I experience similar feeling twice.

When I fail to latch on while also fail in pumping, so stress n feeling like a total lousy milk machine, everyday gg thru with difficult latching till bleed n painful pumping miserable amount less than 10ml... Cry buckets till hb ask me 2 stop n let go...

Other experience is exactly like urs, guess we r use 2 our freedom n all these new experience of caring for our precious though enjoyable @ times is also tough, at least work stop once office hr is over but these are 24hr duty. So it's normal to feel depress. On n off especially during his bad days, I will b like a puppy longing for my hb 2 return... to hv a sense of normality back when it's juz e 2 of us.

So we intend to hv 1 date nite every week while my mil take over bb to keep my sanity, anyone who can help u? It will really help in improving ur emo, tried n test while CL is arnd, take a breather outside a couple of time n immediately felt re-charge n banish any resentment.

Hang on ya, we r here for u, do share n vent any negative feelings here n hopefully made u feel better
delphina, I think it's normal to feel this way, esp for us who r 1st time mums. i never expected motherhood to be so tough, physically & emotionally. tired already cannot call halt or quit. now juz have to bear with it & hope that my boy will grow up faster & be less difficult & I can really start enjoying motherhood.

moscato, there's a PCF IFC? at where? yeah I paid the registration fees for MFS liao. I also thot since ur mum can help u look after ur boy then its better to send him to IFC later. by then his immunity would be stronger & less likely to fall sick so easily. I also wish I don't have to send my boy to IFC so early but boh bian. now juz praying he don't fall sick so often.

jkids, u got skill leh!! I'm using pigeon scissors. but it's sooooo difficult. always drip sweat when I cut my boy's nails. will an adult nail clipper be easier?? wondering shld get filer anot..
Delphina, same here, as much as i love my boy, motherhood is really tough esp feels like loss of freedom. I already give myself one day off every week to stay w my hubby alone to get a good night rest, but many a days i also feel v emo n miserable coz the rest of the week i usually will be with my son day n night n essentially stuck at home. My frens keep reminding me bb grow up fast, before long we going to miss their bb times when they grow into toddler. So hang on, jia you!
Hi jac,

I spoken to my mum. My mum agreed to help me look after my baby for the time being. Cos I also scared the maid illtreat my prince. I juz give my mum $500 . By the way, how much is infant care? I dun know if infant care can handle my boy boh. Cos he drinks milk every 2 hours. I also dun haf enuff room for the maid to stay. By the way, are you working? If working then go infant care then haf subsidy right ?
Jac: the IFC will be in punggol vista. Ready in Q2 cos they need to build walls. My mum will still need to take care for me before i can get a vacancy. Try 1st lor, if not gd then withdraw or else hard to get one. The location very convenient for me, dont want to waste the opportunity. :p Try not to depend on her if can. Need to do nite feeds, will be tiring for her plus her hands n legs keep aching nowadays.
Hi mummies,

How I wish to haf a life as follows....
I wish to be a housewife but still haf a maid helping out. Then haf a car which I am not sharing with hubby. Staying in east coast area so that I can bring my prince to the beach with my maid.
Then when I feel like going casino, I leave my maid n my child with my mum. Then i drive myself to casino.

Once a month, shopping in orchard road buying the latest fashion bag. Dinning in fine restaurant.

That will be a Perfect and dream life for me.
Hi I delivered on 24 jan to a baby boy. Hope to join u guys in Facebook. I'm Sharing fb acct with my hubby, email ronnxer@ yahoo.com
marie, glad that ur mum can help. one problem solved.
MFS IFC is $1188+GST before subsidy. I'm working so got $600 subsidy, so paying abt $670+/mth. abt the same as getting a maid. but I trust the IFC teachers more rather than my maid. I'm also worried whether the IFC teachers can handle my boy anot since he's rather difficult. he screams & wails for milk every 2.5hrs, & also needs to be carried & walked to sleep, & also have habit of sleeping on yaolan (IFC only got bouncer & cot). but they're the professionals mah, shld be able to handle ba. & there's 3 teachers, maid only 1 person, so shld be able to cope better than my maid. I guess maid is ok if there's a family member (or best, urself ;)) ard to supervise full-time. if not I rather put my trust in IFC lo. btw, I also got the same dream as u, plus wanna go travel 1 near destination + 1 far destination once a yr. hahah.

moscato, icic. Q2 may be abit late for me liao leh. i starting work in mid apr. juz nice my boy start IFC on 1st apr so I can still pei him at the IFC for 1-2 days & leave him there for shorter hrs at the start to get him used to it. I quite like the environment & teachers at 183 MFS, so glad that I managed to get a place there. good luck!! hope u get a place too!!

Moscato, Ritzc, Jac, Jkids, and Bianz: Thanks so much for listening to me and making me feel better. Hope the next few weeks become easierr for us :) as we hands on more.

Bianz: will try to find someone to help me. Sounds like 1 date night is a good idea. For someone like me who used to be very busy with work and now doing full time SAHM, the changes are really drastic.. I always pray for manageable day as it goes by.
