(2011)Twin / multiple pregnancy

I tahan till 36 wks cos I induce my twins. Ya it would seem like forever... No choice really cos nothing helps


2.3 & 2.5, natural delivery with epi

Ya they went home with me

Pain of birth take over the itchiness.. Hahaha... Now will scratch here & there cos the skin loose loose but the intense feeling of itchiness is gone

wah .. natural delivery *envy*

i shld go for c-section as one of my twin is in cephalic n the other in breech position though dr loh (my gynae) say can try natural delivery.

Hi Jj, long time dint hear from you... how your twin babies? Great your babies have good weight and delivered natuarally!! Me and my sister was 2.2 and 2.5 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i hope my twin also have good weight too!

I am 26 weeks and they both head down and near my vagina. That's why i always feel heavy at the bottom and toilet many times. Dr advice takes it easy and really hope they can inside my tummy till 37 weeks! I hope natural deliver but my dr seen like to have c-section. Anyway, see how it goes..

Yum Yum, I hv already engaged a freelance CL upon my friend's recommendations. she has experience with twins so I just gotta cross my fingers tt I am comfortable with her.

Tubao, I dun tk beef due to religion...I can tk milk before pregnancy, but after pregnancy, whenever I drink, I will itch down there, not sure why...so now I switch to yoghurt so it has been working well so far.

Hopefully my next chk, my smaller twin will catch up!

Hi JJ, nice seeing u here! Yr babies has good weights and really envy tt u can go thru natural delivery....hope I can be like u...Congrats!


I'm a mother of a set of 3weeks old boy-gal twin. Though I have breastfed my eldest boy, am having problems with breastfeeding my twins. How do you all manage the night feeds cos I'm perpetually feeding all the time?

Currently I pump out milk at night n confinement lady will feed, but after confinement lady leaves n when I go back to work subsequently, I'm still thinking of the arrangement.

Any advice?

For those who have My brest friend twins pillow, do you know where I can get them? Tried Babytown and Baby Meadows but stock will only arrive end May.


Rainz, I booked my freelance cl during my 11 weeks. If u hv good cl fore recommendation, it's good to book early ESP if they are v popular.

Yes agreed with rostrum! I booked when i was 16 weeks and unable to take one CL when recommend by twin mummies. Luckly i got another one also recommend by twin mummy.

rostrum and sunshine - Thanks for your advice.

Any recommendations?

did u gals do the down syndrome test for your babies?


hi rostrum,

what are your bbs' weight at 25 week scan? dr loh says one of my bb is fat and sent me for GD test.. and i have not even touched durian yet this pregnancy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi sunshine,

we are about the same weeks rt? which hospital will you be delivering at and how far apart are your checkups? i wish my bbs will be headdown at next visit.. would like to try natural delivery too

Hi Cookiemz, I am about 27 weeks and 4 days now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I will deliver at Mount E. I go for check out every 3 weeks.

Last weekend, start packing babies stuffs to ensure all in order and today i will start to wash new clothes!

My babies headdown for my last visit but it hard to say... hopefully i can natural delivery too!

My babies are super active as keep moving every day (24/7)!! something i cant sleep because baby gal like to do night party inside! Anyway want have some experiance as me? are they super active?

Dear mummies,

I have an used black side by side twin stroller (frm first wheel) & 2 white baby cots (frm ikea can convert into junior bed) to let go. If you r interested pls call 97480775. Thks!

Rainzz, yes went for d Ds scan, I tink I did mine at kkh in week 12+.

Cookiemz. One weighs 1.1kg n d other is 875g if I m not wrong. Dr Loh dun allow me to touch durians too.. Wat are Yr babies' Wgts? Did Yr pee show any signs of GD?

Rainzz and Rostrum > yesterday went for my regular scan (29 weeks) and babies are 1.2 kg each now. I am so happy that i am only put on 1kg for passed 3 weeks! Well, in fact, i had flu and cough so i ate porridge for my lunch and dinner. As long babies are healthy and growing, Dr said no problem if i gain little weight. But overall, i have put on 11kg already!

Did anyone know when we need to look for Dr for baby? Cos my gynae is specilise women not baby. Do you have any good Dr for baby to recommend?

Hey mummies, can check how far apart are your doc visit, mine is like 5 weeks apart, next at 25 wk and 30 wk.

Hi nip, i am 3 weeks apart as i have bleeding history so required to visit Dr often. Now i am 29 weeks and require 2 weeks apart. But this is standard rite?

hi gals (sunshine, rostrum, yumyum, etc)...hv u all bought twin prams? Any recommendation? My h and i hv intention of going for back-to back type instead of side-to side type.

Am looking for domestic helper to help out my mil on hsework. U all hv gt recommendation for gd maid agency?

My gynae advised mi not to move too much fr wk 27 onwards..did ur doc oso said d same thing? Hw do you cope during tat period? Do you all still go to work?

Nip1, u r with Kkh? Normally Kkh chk ups are 4-5 weeks apart if there is nothing wrong.. if u dun feel assured, u can request to your gynae to shorthen d interval.

Vio, I did not get d twin strollers as I find it's v cramp n babies can't sit for long. I gt 2 single strollers instead, maclaren xt.

I m still waiting for my helper to come n this is my 1st experience wif d agency so not sure good or not? If u need d contact, do pm me ya.

My gynae only keep telling me to rest more but did not Stop me fm going to work as mine is desk bound job. I m currently

30 weeks. I tink we still need to move abit for blood circulation. Jus b sure not to over exert ourselves n rest if feel tired.

Hi vio, I got 3 single seaters. Easier to move around and into lifts. I have a baby bjorn and I like to put one bb in it and push the others in the strollers. Easier to sell or give away too.

I quit my job quite 1 mth preggy. Everyone is different. Doc advises us based on our condition. I am rather petite to hold 3 inside so I bed rest all the way.

Vio, i have baby jogger (one upper n one lower) side by side seen very troublesome as too wide so we decided to buy have Baby jogger city select and it can easy to remove the seats n place 2 car seats.

Rostrum, yup frm kk. Just Thot if twins shld be seen lesser week apart. But if everything fine then ok. I am waiting for a maid now, just sent the old one back. Still yet to get pram...

hi rostrum, yumyum & sunshine, tks for yr advice. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] okie roughly hv some idea of wat to buy, most impt is my H n i r comfortable..

Rostrum, d other time u told mi ur edd is ard 18 Jun..so, take care ya..when u hv popped, muz share d gd news to all of us.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yumyum, ya, knowing u hv triplets..u do oso muz take care n do bedrest..nw is d best time to rest ler...when's ur edd based on doc advise?

Sunshine, yes, i agree side-by side pram too troublesome..was oso considering like yumyum's suggestion..i see hw..

Btw, d other time i attended a one-day KKH parenting workshop, mainly for father.There is some handouts which might be useful for taking care of our bb & calming d bb..u all wan it? PM me if u nid a copy..i hv scanned the handouts,n can send soft copy to you all. Let me noe oh..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Vio, thank you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I bedrested all the way. A bit boring but I learn to shop online. Can check out babymeadows. My triplets are now 1 year old already :D

Nip, how long are u now? Actually I hv been seeing another gynae concurrently for my this pregnancy as I find the gap in Kkh is too long. I seen tt gynae fm week 14 till 28 n stop already. In my next Appt with Kkh at week 30+, I will request for more frequent appts.

Vio, my edd is on 15th jul but due to twins, latest will pop by end of jun which is 37 weeks. I tried to pm u but u dun accept pms. Can u pm me instead? Thanks!

Rostrum, ur due date on 15 july? For me is 22 july n due to twin, if c-section will be 1 july ;) we are about the same timing. So do you feel ur babies moves? My babies keep moving n sometime make me unable to sleep! What are your twin weight now? Mine is 1.2kg each

How about vio and nip? What is ur due date?

Vio, for me.. I've stopped working when i was 8 weeks due to heavy bleeding n request bed rest. Anyway, i dont have any helper so i need to take care my twin myself. Can i have the soft copy of the parenting workshop note? Thanks! My email add is [email protected]


I had maclaren techno twin stroller for twins, combi miracle turn single stroller from my older daughter's time . Both are quite handy , I can push twins at twins stroller with my older daughter walking besides me , to buy takeaway breakfast. And twin stroller can be put into sedan car boot , and so far can go in all lifts . We bring them to sambaing park , marina barrage , to let our daughter still have some excursion.

If we want to walk around bigger circle of neighborhood with one twin, combi single one is handy .

hi rostrum,

my bbs were 1.08kg and 0.8kg at 25 wks, not far from yours leh, how come dr says the bigger one is fat? my #2 was big so dr loh made me do the GD test last time. anyway i passed my GD test and i celebrated with a couple of durian puffs.. haha.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i saw my backup gynae at 27 wks (think we hv the same 2 gynaes) and the bbs were abt same size at 1.1kg each... he said the kkh measurements could have been overestimated. did you tell your backup gynae that you were not going back to see him?

hi sunshine,

active bbs are good rt? no need to count kicks etc.. though it feels like the tummy is in constant upheaval [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my bbs were head up at 25 weeks, when i went for another scan at 27 wks, both were head down, then one of them turned up while the gynae was scanning! he says the bbs position will only be fixed around 34 wks.

Sunshine, my babies move alot too, but not all the time...esp one baby.....so whenever I gets worried, I will use the fetal doppler to listen to their heartbeats to make myself more assured.

I feel quite breathless at times nowadays...next growth scan is 30th week at this week, will update when I hv the latest weights.

cookiemz, I also not sure lei...Maybe Dr Loh commented based on individual sizes? Me not v small size, 160cm and 53kg...maybe u are more petite? Yr backup gynae is Dr Paul? I hv not told him yet..will inform via phone soon..

Cookiemz - How many weeks you are now? I am also tempted to Durian haha.. maybe will buy some and eat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] anyway, weather is too hot to eat durian...

Dr said no need to count kicks as long they move time to time, anyway, i can count when they dont move cos they move all the time! My babies have funny position now. One head down and one head on my left hand side, both legs are on my right hand side.

Rostrum - I have same situation like breathless special i lay on bed. I am 29 weeks going to 30 weeks ( this friday) and next scan will be 31 weeks ( which 2 weeks apart) Yes, update me the babies sizes as my gynae said my babies sizes are average so far.

Hey rostrum, I am about 22 weeks. I have been eating quite a lot of rubbish since getting pregnant. sigh. My doc is dr loh too, he said my twins are average and that is good.

Sunshine, I get breathless once when I m sitting dw, not sure y butmy hb rate is 100+!!! B sure to avoid crowded places n stuffy places, it will mk us breathless too..

Nip, Its ok to indulge junk foods occasionally. Happy mum = happy babies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but try to maintain a high protein n high calcium diet.. Most impt a balanced diet too as babies start to draw nutrients fm us fm 2nd tri onwards. Drinking enuff water will prevent preterm delivery also while enuff calcium will prevent leg cramps...

Hi Rostrum, PM you liao.. hee..paiseh i thk i did not set my settings properly. anyway, do let mi noe ur email k n will send the handouts to you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi sunshine, will email you the handouts. My edd based on doc advise for twins is abt mid sep to end sep. original edd is 20 Oct. For myself, i try to tahan/work less/rest more to deliver after 37wk..see hw it goes.. take care oh..our baobeis' is our top priority rite. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi tubao, tks for yr advise..i m oso looking at maclaren n combi twin stroller. But ppl i noe of keep suggesting us to get single stroller. For myself, i m those who dun hv much arm strength..i scared no energy to push d twin stroller alone if my H is not ard w mi. Is there any problem pushing twin stroller alone?

Any other mummies-to be who wan d KKH parenting handouts, can oso let mi noe here.

Hi Nip, for me i also eat a lot of rubbish cracker haha..

Thanks Vio, i am still thinking of natural birth, hope my babies have good position!

Yesterday my gynea called me and informed me i have very low iron in my body... i took multi-v which content iron but seen it not enough for twin. i keep drinking a lot of milks/yogurt to ensure enough calsium and protein, eat a lot of fruit to ensure not contipation and enough vitamic C but now is lack of iron. Now have to take extra pill for iron.

hi sunshine,

i'm 29 weeks today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/biggrin.gif].. next scan is at wk 30. my gynae also said i'm anaemic, need to take iron supplements, but the supplements make me constipate and feel dizzy, so my mum cooks pork liver soup for me instead. same same, i simply love durians and hope they are still in season in june/july, so that i can eat just before i pop/during confinement!!

hi rostrum,

yup, m seeing Dr tseng too... might stop seeing him after the wk 30 scan if Dr loh steps up the appts. i m abt 158cm and on the bak bak side, so not exactly petite size, could be due to my dad having mild diabetes so i hv to test for GD. the breathlessness is common in trimester 3, especially when we are carrying such a big ball. it is usually very bad for me when i lie down, but once i shift to lie on my left, it gets much better.

re: strollers

i used single stroller for my #1 and carriers for my #2 and much prefer to use carriers. my fren who had twins recommends twin strollers, but i'm just afraid of the hassle and size of twin strollers, so will probably stick to either baby carriers for the twins or one in stroller and one in carrier, anyway i have like 5 bb carriers, better use them to the max.. haha..

sunshine, does your jogger fold down easily? it is the type with big wheels right?

Hi cookiez, we r abt the same pregnant weeks ;) for me, this friday will be 30 weeks. Next scan on 31 weeks. So let me know ur babies sizes ya! Although is my 3rd trimester but i dont have appertizer. Hungry but dont feel like eating.. Today ll go n take some iron supplement from gynae and try to eat meat or each meal.

I bought the baby jogger which 2 big wheels behind. (http://www.babyjogger.com/city_select_lp.aspx)It can be single stroller or twin. We love this because can attach 2 car seats. Seat can be removed then fold the stand, not that big. We also bought baby carrier.

I have figure joint pain... Anyone know what is the reason?

Hi, Vio

I haven't folded/carried twin stroller to car boot yet. My husband did it so far. But maneuvering it is easy; my MIL who doesn't have much arm strentgh and couldn't bath my twins due to weak arms can happily use twin stroller. And my 3year old older daughter can move twin stroller also.

Haha...... size looks daunting. The bad point I feel is that we get too high profiled when pushing twins around in twin stroller. ^_^.

Hehe.... I stay in Sembawang, don't mind it if you come to my home to try both strollers. ^_^

baby jogger that sunshine recommends sounds very good. Hehe.....wish that I saw it earlier.

Mummies, I need urgent advices...

Anyone kws whether fetal weights are based on what perimeters to derive?

I am given 2 sets of different weight measurements by 2 different gynaes and I am confused now....

One is based on adominal circumference only.

The other one is based on abdominal circumference, head circumference and thigh bone length...

Which shd I take into consideration?

hi rostrum,

do the 2 sets of measurements differ alot? what did the gynaes advise?

i believe your 30 wk scan is done by the ADC sonographer and they would have taken all 3 measurements into consideration when estimating the weight. personally i had a bad experience at ADC so sometimes am abit skeptical of their results. ultimately, it is still an estimation of bb's weight and can differ from actual weight by a few hundred grams, so don't be unduly worried.

i had different opinions from the 2 gynaes as well and i chose to rely on the one which gave me greater assurance. if you are still worried, maybe can do another scan 1-2 weeks later?


The difference is too great!

ADC given me 1.1kg and 1.3kg

TMC given me 1.45kg and 1.6kg...

Honestly I really dislike ADC and also hv bad experience with them...if I am not wrong, they only based on AC...

The sonographer can tel me my placentas, blood flow to the babies are good, babies are big and too difficult to scan and they can give me such weights...

Now I am considering whether to deliver in TMC or not? Hw abt u?

I went back to Dr Tseng after the scare in KKH...Dh and my mum ask me to stick back to Dr Tseng...

hi rostrum,

did you do both scans at around the same time? did Dr loh say anything about bb size? mine were the reverse of yours, ADC's estimations were heavier than TMC's. for mine, ADC took the 3 types of measurements and my bbs were 300g apart at 25 wks, with one avg and one fat (looking at Abdominal circumf alone). at TMC, both bbs were abt the same weight at wk 27 and average size.

i'm staying with KKH as Dr Loh delivered my 1st 2 kids and i find him v good and skillful. my main peeve is with the ADC pple coz of the DS scan.


Cookie, I did d scans 1 day apart n d difference cannot b so great right?

I was told tt adc only tk ac into considerations.. Adc took hc, ac n fl for your calculations?

Dr tseng took ac, hc n fl for the calculations.

This is not d 1st time adc scares me.. The last time is also d ds scan..

