(2011)Twin / multiple pregnancy

Hi rostrum, actually me & hubby also attended the classes but its actually of not much use cox when the babies arrive, everything is practical & hands-on, there is no way you can learn from classes...so I will advise you to save teh money & time to rest & do your shopping...


Meiling, this is wat most of my frens told me. But some find it useful though.. I will try to learn more from cl..practical really more impt.. Wat we learnt fm theory n practical is really different..now trying to complete all my shopping by end of d mth, then hv a good rest in 3rd tri..

R u trying for #3? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am same situation with Rostrum as try to finish all the shopping and wash new/old baby clothes during 2tri. Today the baby cots will deliver and only left to decor the bed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Somebody know where can custom made bedsheet? the baby bed/cot which i bought is not standard size and shape. So would like to custom made few to change time to time.

Dr said babies position is not good for natural so she said antenatal class may not useful for me. Anyway, is good to learn from CL or experiance friends or relatives.

Vio> During 1st tri,i like to obey and do what i want. But end out, i had bleeding then 1 month bedrest. Always remmeber, we have 2 babies inside and rest is what we can do for babies. Sometime i frustrated because pregnant with twin, i need to stay home and do nothin! But think back, people may not so luckly like us to have baby and somemore we have twin babies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Next week i will go for another scan, hopefully can confirm the sex of another baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

>>care to share which gynae are u with and hospital? Is it easy to push 2 babies? what are your twins weight

? sorry for so many questions.


My gynae is Dr John Tee from KKH. Quite easy to push 2 babies, one push for each one. They weight 2.3kg, 2.44kg, can discharge next day as me, no jaundice also.

I delivered my oldest daughter through natural birth with epi 3 years ago at TMC. Compared to 1st one, I feel that twins delivery naturally is not as well supported by nurses as singleton. You need to bear with pressures/hints of their indicating C-section. Monitoring twins' heartbeat at natural birth is more tedious than singleton.

Initially I planned to switch to my ex-Gynae at TMC ---DR WK Tan after twins' pregnancy hit 34th week and delivered there; but we liked Dr John Tee through out twins' check up and stick with him, and thankful that he didn't hesitate for more than a second when I asked to try naturally after seeing both twins' heads down at check-up just 2 days before scheduled C-section day.

Good luck if you'd like to try naturally...have faith..... welcome more questions.

Thanks Tubao for your delivery experiance. I also thinking about natural but both babies position are not suitable. Anyway, i told my gynae to monitor and perhaps they move their head down before sheduled c-section.

cookiemz> You are 24 weeks now? we are about the same as i am 24 weeks and 5 days now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] how your babies movement? my babies kicking me a lot and one like to wake up morning and one like to have party at nite! hahah...

Vio, I did not go too cos I was on bedrest all the way from conception day 10. Heard that MRs Wong is very good.

I personally think that being careful is really important but we have to balance with being happy too. Going out sometimes can make a person happy and this is good for you and bbs.

Just note that when you go out, keep hydrated, rest and rest. Avoid crowded places becos mums to be shd avoid getting flu altogether.

gentle reminder: doing housework seldom makes a person happy... remind daddy to be, happy mummy happy babies.... i am very fussy too. kitchen basin must polish everynight before i sleep and wipe dry. but i oso let go. too tired to walk to kitchen anyway...

tubao, you are not alone.

rostrum, mothers learn from one another. no harm reading up and comparing notes. my cl told me it is my doctor's fault for cutting the umbililca cord wrongly, that's why they popped out like a mushroom. then we found out after monitoring, she did not burp the babies after feeding. YEs, this is the YA Fern i was talking about.

hi sunshine,

yep, i'm 24 weeks today! i'm feeling very heavy and clumsy now, wonder how i can tahan another 12 more weeks..?! my babies like to squirm around in the day especially when i'm eating [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but i can't tell which bb is moving coz the poking and stretching are all over the place. how are your bbs positioned? are you going for your 25th week scan soon?

hi tubao,

i hope i can be like you and deliver the twins naturally.. you mean the nurses and midwives will pressure you to go for c-section? did you deliver in the OT?

hi rostrum,

i did not attend any antenatal classes when having my older kids, i learnt from my CL, the rest like BF-ing, pumps, BM storage, sterilisation of bottles can tap on the experience of other mummies, reading up etc.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Annika!!

Glad to see you here. Yes, the first 2 months were super siong!!! Though things got slightly better after that, it still feels very siong everyday. Haha. They are now 6 months and 1 week old and just started solids a few weeks ago.

I also have 1 fussy twin!!! Twin #1. Guess it's all relative... I have yet been able to sleep train him... no guts, unlike Pinky! =) He used to wake up SOOOO many times at nite. My twin #2 is also a self soother!!! He sucks his fingers and goes back to sleep!!! I didn't think that was possible cos my #1 toddler is also very fussy. So, my hit rate of an easy baby is 1 out of 3. Haha. I wish they all suck their fingers/thumbs. So Twin #2 started sleeping thru (12 am - 5/6am) since abt 5 mths old. Twin #1 is still waking up at around 4.30 am...

It's exhausting, but the worst is when all fall sick together. Can literally faint and collapse.

But I'm thankful that they are growing well and seeing how my toddler is growing gives me hope to look forward to. =) I also see the personalities of the twins developing and that really helps me to persevere!!

Hang in there all twin mummies with your pregnancy!!

rostrum: hahaha yeah trying to keep positive over the next 16 weeks also! Counting down to 25th week then 30th week then 35th week!

Trying to keep myself busy with reading on the internet but problem is, I can't seem to sit upright too long cos I cannot breathe properly after awhile. Then I have to lie down to stretch out straight. That bothers me a lot. At night also cannot sleep properly... I find I have been sleeping less and less as days pass.

sunshine: hahahaha ya would be funny to sit pairs of twins in a picture! hehehee! Well, we decided to get one stroller in the end. We'll carry the other one. We'll decide whether to get an additional one later on.

cookiemz: I conceived via IVF under Dr Loh. He keeps telling me he's the expert in multiples. LOL. Guess I'm lucky I got twins cos some ladies are still TTC under ivf even after a few tries...

Hello ladies,

I am also a mother of identical twin boys, they are now 32 months (almost 3 years old!). I fully understand all of your anxiety, stay happy and positive, I have birth via C sect at 36 weeks, first year was definitely very tiring, but after they turned 1, they seem to grow so fast!

Anyway, if you are keen on any items (identical clothings etc) related to twins, do email me!


>>did you deliver in the OT?


No, I delivered at normal delivery ward. well, as i observed from 2 natural delivery experience, though we can choose Gynae who is more pro and experienced at natural birth, some nurses/midwives may not have much experience of them. They didn't pressure me, but they often lost track of heart beat of twins due to technical reasons which added some anxiety to themselves and me.

Reading up more definitely helps. Choosing a experienced Gynae helps also.

vio, praise him mah... men get hooked on if you shower them with praises for all their efforts [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] note - not the results but their efforts.

prelude to maid training. train maid more siong

Hi 2010 twin mummies! Hi pinky! Hi L! Hi tubao! Hi Carla! Whatever happened to the 2010 twin thread?

Are you mummies still on BF? I have almost stopped. Babies are on solids 3X plus milk feeds. Younger one still needs to sleep on yaolan but the older one can soothe herself to sleep . Caring for twins is tough, I even went to see a chiropractor for my hand numbness.

Hope all twin mummies are doing fine and happy pregnancy for 2011 twin mums to be!


At which mth did you do CIO for your boy? We are thinking of doing around 6 mths plus once they taking solids well so we can cut the night feeds. In the meantime, just have to bite the bullets. It's just so hard to cope with lack of sleep....especially now I am 100% ebm so I still have to pump in the middle of the night, almost dozed off pumping on so many occasions.


Hihi! I know what you mean by looking forward to the toddler years. My #1 is also bringing me loads of joys and laughs and I can't wait for my twins turn.

This week my boy started CC, today is his first day without me, so I am hoping he copes well.

I will soon return to work (in May), and part of me wonder whether I can cope juggling my career and motherhood. The other part of me feels rather guilty that i cannot be there all the time for my 3 kids.

To the rest of the mummies about to embark on this exciting experience,

Rest well and enjoy your pregnancy. life will be very different once they come out. Do complete your preps as early as possible. I breezed thru my 1st and 2nd trimester, but fatigue builded up rapidly once I hit 3 rd trimester.

Soul > for me, i even have problem when i lie down to watch tv... the best position is sit straight but how to sleep with this position [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Went to shopping passed 2 days and really headache for anther baby ( one confirmed is boy and another yet to confirm). Really hope next week scan can tell.. i think i will try finish all the shopping before reaching 3rd tri... i dont want them to come out early!

Hey all mummies, I am also expecting twins and am 19 weeks. Just like to ask about your appetite? I am hungry in morn and aft but once abt 430pm, feel very bloated and eat very little. Been losing a bit of weight every month.

Hi, L, Annika, kikichan, Pinky

Nice to see you HERE!

I am back to work for 2+ months already, my twin girls will turn to 5 month next Monday. So much fun to play with them. Haha..... they help to expand my horizon of efficiency.

Nip > i am 25 weeks now and my appetite was not good first 3-4 months and till now, i can eat anything during lunch time but dinner just cereal or soup + milk. But again, weight is still going up. Yes, we have to eat slowly, small portion, every 2-3 hours. Otherwise will bloated.

By the way, Congratulation and enjoy ur pregnant journey [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I lost 7kg at 1st trimester due to bad morning sickness. Sadly, I am not fat to start with. 1.65m, 52kg before pregnancy; I hit 45kg at 16 week. Quite weak and lose confidence time back then, well, I pulled through it, not fantastic gain overall ---hit 66kg at delivery with all the bed rest and helper cooks food mostly for me alone. Cheer up and things will get better!

Hi Ladies, sorry have not posted for sometime. Have had a stream of visitors... last one leaving tomorrow! and big birthday celebrations for me last week, that seemed to go on forever!

Big 3-0 !

Sunshine, I'm still going to send you that e-mail! Haven't forgotten! Just been super busy!

L, I didn't really have to use the CIO method exactly to the letter, but yes, I let them learn to self settle themselves, prob took 3-4 days, but even then they weren't screaming, just fussy intermittent cries..The boys have just turned 7 months. We've started soilds now, so 3 X per day solids, 3 milk (240ml each time approx)(per baby). They nap from 10-12pm, 4-5pm in the day, then are put down at night usually around 7:30pm, dream feed at 9:30pm, and then sleep all the way till 7am! (breakfast 7:15am) All 4 of the kids eat their breakfast together, it is actually quite sweet! I do believe that since starting solids their sleeping through the night has improved.

Kikichan! Hi! How are things going with you? Have no idea what happened to the previous thread! Please fill me in on how you and your angels are!

Hi Carla.

Wow your boys drink 240ml at each go? Thats twice what my gals drink each time. They are also on 3 X solids and about 3-4 milk feeds. About 2-3 naps before they sleep for the night at about 730pm. Last feed is milk with cereal which keeps them full till the next morning 6-7am.

Gals are about 7kg now. How about your boys? They are more socially aware now. Elder twin can sit on her own, crawl and babble mama, papa, baba. Younger twin can only commando move , ie. chest on floor but can wriggle around.

Oh, I heard there is an upcoming twin plus garage sale in may 21 at Canadian Int Sch. Worth checking out for some good buys.


Kikichan, they usually only finish about 180-200 each feed, but about 210 at their dream feed as they are fast asleep! It really just depends on the day! Some days they are hungrier than others.They have 1 baby yoghurt after their dinner, so a not too concerned that they are missing out on any dairy.

They are def more socially aware, and especially of who is holding them!

I certainly dont need any more "stuff" in my house! Have kept most things from other twins, so we are pretty much set...for now! Prob need more stuff for 1 yr +

Thanks tubao for sharing! During my last few visits, doc did say mostly likely is c sect but during last chk up. He says can try natural as both placentas has shifted up to mid upper. But he says it's still early to decide as natural or c sect depends v much on baby positions nearer to edd.

I did heard before tt pushing 2 smaller babies is easier than pushing one big baby n I hope I can do it!

Your twins weight are ideal. What did u eat to acheive the weights?

Do u still rmb u feel more heavy n not so mobile during tri3? I'm planning my leave now so dunno Hw long I Shd rest before edd?

Yum yum, I read abt u in d other thread!! U r d mummy of triplets right? U only hv one cl during confinement? Any helpers to help u out during confinement? I m worried abt my cl also but I guess I just hv to tk things at one time.. Hope she wun b a burden to me...

Cookie, ya.. I m reading up alot since I'm not attending any classes... Sometimes I will post questions to ask if I hv any doubts n the mummies are v helpful!!!

I m worried abt BF though.. So trying to read up more to gain knowledge.. But I tink practical is more impt! Glad tf I hv frens ard me doing BF n can learn some tips from them [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hey all, thanks for advice and encouragement. I plan to work right up to delivery day or at least week. Is it possible to hold babies till abt week 37 0r 38? I just looked at my #1 records and I had him when he was 38....hmmm

So much to worry when have twins...I have yet to feel mine kick...thought usually earlier.

Soul, are u on any hormones support medi now? There are 2 white round tablets to b tken every nite n tt is supposed to cause drowsiness. I feel drowsy most of the times aft tking.. But at certain nights will hv disturbed slp due to pee-ing sessions if I happen to drink more before I slp.

Nip, I dun hv good appetite for the 1st 14 weeks due to ms. I eat alot starting wk 15 till now, wk 26+. I hv gained abt 12kg till date n it's scary! My doc advises no durians for me as worried my twins will grow too big n lack of oxygen.. As long as your twins are growing well, it should b fine.. Do chk with Yr doc on the next visit on Yr weight loss..

I read tt ms might return bk on tri 3 for some mummies. So m eating now whenever I feel hungry but try to eat more heathily...I can't starve my babies... Hehe..

Nip, my doc says he will not keep twins beyond 37 weeks n he told me best to rest a 2-3 weeks before edd as worried babies might come out earlier. Hving twins is different fm singletons.. So we need to rest more.

I feel butterflies flutterings feelings in my wk 16+. Bb kickings are more obvious in week 21-22... Dun worry so much.. U Shd b doing Yr detail scan soon? U kw genders already? Expecting non identical or identical twins?

hi sunshine, yumyum, rostrum,bebe,

okie ok..hv to learn to 'rest' n take it easy on hsewk for my two baobei sake. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

for d TMC antenatal classes w Mrs Wong, i signed up yest fr d Anmum Mothers & BB forum..cheaper..both of us 1st time parents, n i dun hv time to do reading to prepare myself n my hubby for their arrival. hee..will share w u all on impt tips after i attend d 6 lessons. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks vio [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] enjoy d classes ya!!


How are you coping with juggling work and motherhood? If I remember correctly, you also have a #1 besides your twins right?

Part of me looks forward to going back to work and interacting with adults again :p but dont know how I am going to get everyone ready and out the door in time! I reckon I will be late for work everyday...haha


Your kids are on such a great schedule! It does pay to start them young.


It is possible to hold twins to full term but it really depends on your own comfort level and whether it is safe for them. By the time, they get to 36-37 weeks, there isn't much room left for them, so you got to discuss with your doc if there is any added advantage for them to stay inside you.

I had my #1 at 38 weeks. For my twins, they were delivered at 36 weeks because by then, I was fully dilated and my leading twin was breech presentation so my doctor didnt want to take any chances in case I go into spontaneous labour so we scheduled C-sect.

Oh by the way, I worked till 34 weeks. By then, I was very glad to stop and rest at home!

Hi rostrum, it is me, the triplets mummy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] dun worry about cl but it is good to check out her bkground. State of health ( got high blood or on any long term med), tell her ur hse rules (eg. If she has flu during ur confinement, she has to wear mask). Protect ur babies should be everyone's top priority. That is of course, we have to be respectful and civil to one another. I have 2 cls cos yafern can't even make it with 2 babies. That is how I know mei ling and got her in later to replace ya fern. Becos she was good, my dh recommended to his ferns who got her for 4 mths. Before this, the agent said she is only good enuf for singletons.

My take is check out ur cl now calmly. Read up this book 'Asian parenting today'. Many people will offer u advice on what they have done for their kids but u still have to take the lead on what u want for yours.

For me, i have problem for contipation although Dr gave me some medicine... every morning i eat fruits before eating bread and milk but again, still.. i think i will buy prune juice today n "wash" my tummy!

My babies like to kick me untill i unable to sleep...i think they are super active. Again, i've started to feel hungry during midnite around 2-4am! Awake for milk n bread.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i have dinner at 7-8pm as normal ya.... really tiring as take time to sleep back. Any ideal??

Vio > enjoy ur class and share some tips if any [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks!!

Carl > no worry, let me know when you free then i come to your house ok?

Hi Carla, ur bbs are well-behaved! My boy just recently sleep thru from 9 to 7 and I dun do dream feed but we took the waking hrs to read n sing to bbs.

Vio, enjoy ur lessons and Meeting of more friends at the course!

Rostrum, forgot to say that I have 2 Helpers. About the durian part, I think the doc shd be more concerned about blood sugar. If u like it very much, everything in moderation then. I tot beef is good. Bite size minced beef balls with vege is easy on digestion.

Dear mummies, any recommendations for CL with experience for twins? Anyone of you planning for one? How to comms with them since our EDD dates hovers ard 36 weeks?

Hi yum yum

Sorry to interrupt here.

I have sent u a pm with regards on the cl that u have use hope you can reply me thanks a million.

As I have intention of hiring 1 both still quite worry had heard lots of negetive

Hi poppy poo, my take is hire a good cl will do. there is always a first time. if you have a helper at home, plus you and the cl, it is more than enough. feeding wise, no one can feed 2 babies at one time or soothe 2 at one time.

a cl with multiples experience are not so scared of babies with low birth weight.

Get a good helper will last you a longer run than the CL. All the best. Otherwise, you can try Meiling from ikare.

caca, replied on the matter. it still hurts to know that i have paid 4k per month for someone who dumps the work on me. the good part is i learn to juggle with 3 kids without much sleep. the bad is that my back still hurts and my kids are turning 1 soon.

Hi, rostrum,

Hehe.....I am always trouble eater from young. Don't know whether my experience helps.

>>What did u eat to acheive the weights?

Do u still rmb u feel more heavy n not so mobile during tri3? I'm planning my leave now so dunno Hw long I Shd rest before edd?

----I eat beef at 1st pregnancy after Dr told me that I had anemia, I drink two cups of milk for pregnant women at twins' pregnancy. I never took beef and milk before pregnancy, and I thought that I was milk intolerant, and it's surprised that my body was adapting to accommodate pregnancy.

At twins' pregnancy my weight is stagnant at 57kg for whole month at 7month, maybe due to work stress, anxiety of seeing my girl adapt to CC, and teaching maid. So I took leave from 29+week, though the food portion I took is slightly less than normal portion before pregnancy due to my poor stomach and poor appetite, I gained weight steadily one kg per week. Guess that resting at home doesn't consume much energy.

Hi, Annika

Nice to see you here! Woh! fully ebm, Great job, mummy!

>>How are you coping with juggling work and motherhood? If I remember correctly, you also have a #1 besides your twins right?

My MIL and helper take after twins at daytime, my #1(now 3 year+2month) go to full day CC and takes school bus. My hubby and I try to leave office at 5pm, go back to do OT if necessary after twins fall asleep at 8pm.

Yah.... twins and #1 can sleep through since 3 month, we are less tiring at daytime. In the evening either my hubby or I bring twins and #1 to downstairs with twins' stroller, and give them last feed, and put them to bed.

After twins are asleep,either my hubby or I will talk with MIL &helper about twins' feeding/sleep at daytime, and then play with #1 until she fall asleep around 9.30pm.

Usually one of us(my hubby and I) is involved in childcare at night, leaving another one doing errands or OT.

At weekends strictly no work, fully taking care of children and some rest. MIL is not helping at weekends also.

My #1 follows us almost everywhere when we do errands such as grocery shopping, visiting friends at weekends.

Thanks, yum yum! =)

I just checked with ikare, meiling is engaged during that time. They are counter-offering ya fern. Any comments about her?

But the charges for twins CL is quite scary! 3.5K not including work permit.

Hi Yumyum

Thanks for ur reply . Actually I have called them up and May also did tell me alot of ppl ask for Meiling So I think I just need to Act fast else later she taken up. Cos as for my cause I told May that I am quite a fussy eater I would love my food to taste good so May recommended Yafen which she say her cooking is much better than Meiling .However After hearing what u say I think I have to let me taste bud dwn abit and choose Meiling as long as she make tonic for me everyday and ensure I have hot food serve I will be happy le as this is the onli time to bu. So for so long winded. Wow btw cooping with 3babies surely is not easy at all.

Poppy poo, u must be expecting twins? If yes, will u be hiring helper?

I divide the running of household as such. Every family is different.

Maid - Housework (general), laundry (general), laundry (bb related),

Cl - cooking (general and confinement),

Hubby - Shopping for grocery (cl teach husband once and

then he is on his own) n bb stuff

Maid, cl and me - Feeding, cleaning of bottles and breast milk expressing equipment.

Maid and cl- shower bbs

Maid, cl and me - change diapers.

For food part, some order tingkat for the confinement food. I did not touch Ginger at all cos I am concerned of passing the food related Jaundice to the bbs thru breastfeeding.

Take hubby out of manpower list and it is best to have mum by ur side. Be it cl or relative, you need to make sure the bb to adult ratio is at least 1.5 cos u need some rest.


Any twin mummies here hving bad rashes? I hving puppp n currently in my week 35. Any remedy for itch? Hoping to hang on till full term but the itch is making me crazy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I had terrible PUPP for both of my twin pregnancies.I also have excema which flared up due to the hormone changes. Some things I can suggest are: SARNA, you can get it from Guardian, it is a cooling cream that def will help with the itch. Stay well moisturised! Every day after showering with QV Intensive, I covered the itchy areas in EMULSIFYING OINTMENT ( guardian also stocks this) , it is very thick and puts like a protective barrier over the areas. The more your skin stretches, the itchier it is, so it's important to stay well moisturised. Since you are already in week 35, thankfully you wont have to put up with it for too much longer. ( I know it feels like a lifetime!) After delivery it should subside, but still keep the areas moisturised as to avoid scars. I was not so diligent after my 1st pregnancy, so I have some scars on my lower tummy..but they are fading.

Hope some of these suggestions can bring you some relief! Also, I took some PIRITON antihistamine in my later stages of pregnancy- it is safe, I was given it by my Dermatologist, but only take it at night time. It helped me sleep, without constantly scratching and being uncomfortable with the itch during the night.

Keep me posted! and Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy! Do you know what you are having? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Carla,

Thks for sharing. May i noe which dermatologist u see? I went to national skin centre n e doc say it looks like puppp n gave me gv gentle wash to bathe, elomet cream n gv moisturier to apply n chlorpheniramine tablet to eat at nite but all these doesn't seems to help much!! My lower abdomen is especially itchy n now it seems to slowly spread to my buttock, thigh n legs!! It's making me v uncomfortable n can't sleep at nite.

Haiz. Sometimes I really feel like giving up n tell my gynae to schedule a c-section date asap.

I had itchy belly & itchy ankles towards the 32th wk of my twin preg. The itch was enough to drive me crazy !! Then I will scratch till bleed... But still not satisfied..

I used calamine lotion at night which helped to relief the itch enough for me to fall asleep. But calamine has a drying effect so I alt btw calamine & moisturising lotion in the day so as not to dry the skin & make it more itchy..

No choice but to tahan cos it's hormone thing & will only go

away after birth.


Hi jj,

So U tahan till full term? From week 34 to 37. Tats like 3 yrs to me though it's only 3 weeks. my god, I dunno hw long I can tahan. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

