(2011)Twin / multiple pregnancy

hi tubao, icic..sounds gd to me for yr maclaren techno XT twin stroller. ok,will seriously consider your suggestion for maclaren n babyjogger pram/stroller. hee..so nice of u to invite me to your hse..ok ok..will go if there's a nid to. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi cookiemz, i thk if we use a carrier n a single pram...oso gt disadvantage...coz one of d parent will be tired carrying one of them, i.e. going shopping or some events tat nid to stand ard.

hi sunshine, u can try to eat raisins as snack..gd iron food.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] continue to pray to God..n everything will go smoothly.. most impt u going due in no. of weeks, dun worry n be happy.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Vio... now i try to eat more meat and vege with a bit of rice or noodle. However, during this pregnancy, i love carbo!! Specially fried rice and fried noodle haha..

Baby jogger a bit pricy as we need to buy additional seats / adaptor for attach the infant car seat. But we simple love it !

Hi All

i just chanced upon this forum and found it rather helpful.

Me and my wife are anticipating the arrival of our identical twins.

we are first time parents and the excitment and anxiety is almost rendering me in panic attack each day LOL..... pardon my panic there...

maybe i have been reading too much about complications and premature births ... reading the happiness and joy in this forum helps relief a lot.

can any one recommend a good delivery doc for twins?

What are the costs involved in twins delivery?

what to expect pre and post delivery?

where to find a confinement nanny? and whats the usual cost?

is it ok for preggers to fly and travel?

Many many thanks !



Hi, Melvin

I read much from archive of 2009/2010 twin forum to gain info and inspirations. Too bad, 2010 twin forum folder seems gone.

Hi Melvin, we are also first time parent and expecting One gal and one boy twin in end June / July. How many weeks of your wife now?

I cant tell which doctor is good delivery for twin and it depend which hospital you prefer to.

For the confinement lady, i booked it when i was abt 16 weeks (3-4 months) as it always high demand for those experiance with twin babies. She was recommended by twin mummy. However, i havent use her yet, perhaps after my confinement, i will give you some comments?

Hi Mummies, it is any problem if babies are difference size? yesterday went for scan, my baby boy about 1.7 and baby gal is only 1.4

i am a bit worry and Dr asks me do another scan in Hospital next friday. Again, my baby gal is hardly move but keep hiccup... i am kind of worry about her. Any advice?

hi sunshine,

difference of a few hundred grams between the bbs should be quite normal at this stage. did your Dr say what his concern was? maybe your bb gal was snoozing during the scan? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i had my wk 30 scan couple days ago too, my bbs are 1.95 and 1.4, the difference is quite big but my gynae had no issues with it.. he said they are within the normal range. i will be doing another growth scan in 2 weeks' time to see how they are faring.

what's your bbs' position? mine are in breech and transverse, high chance for c-section [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

oh, your jogger looks very good! how much did it cost for the whole system including convertible seats etc?

hi rostrum,

i looked at my recent report and i think ADC's fetal weight estimation could be based mainly on AC though they also measured the head circumference and femur length. did Dr tseng say that his machine estimates based on AC or all 3 measurements? am still pondering if i shd go back to TMC for a check to see if the bb weights are really that different.

Hi Cookienz,

My Dr concerns about baby gal may not able to get enough "food" from me because both of them were same weight from the beginning. However,my hubby quite worry so asked Dr for additional scan. My babies are head down now. Anyhow, they like to move around... last 2 weeks, baby gal head down and baby boy's head is on my left hand side over my chest.

Wah, one of your baby is 1.95 ya.. I am 31 weeks but babies are 1.7/1.3 only.

I bought the baby jogger during mothercare fair at Harbour front 15% discount. Infant, the baby jogger city select can be single / twin stroller. I think i paid $1150++ for 1 set of baby jogger (come wite one seat) then additional seat. If you like to attach baby car seat, you need to pay additional car seat adaptor @ $215 each + Car seat (maxi coxi cabrio)Luckly my friends bought me the car seat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif])

Hi sunshine, try talking to bbs and ask them to share their food. Tell the smaller bb to jiayou and eat more. It worked for me.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies,

anybody tried Ya Fen from i.kare before?i juz called to book meiling and she's not available..


or any suggestions for other twins CL?


I bought mine from the US website, amazon.com. With express delivery, it is only about US$95, which is cheaper than Singapore shops selling at $168.

With express delivery, pillow was delivered within 4 days. If u r not in a hurry, u can use normal shipping which is cheaper.

Hi rainzz, i am going to deliver in end of june/beginning of july and i have confirmed with one confinement lady call (Aunty金花)who recommended by twin mummy. If i find she is good, then i will recommend to you ok? may i know your due date?

Hi Cookienz and Rostrum, how are babies now? Yesterday went to Mount E for scan and baby gal is 1.76 and baby boy is 1.67kg. I am started to feel contruction from my upper tummy and hope babies can "tahan" few more weeks!

Now i cant stand too long ( no more than 15min) otherwise my body will weak [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] this weekend have to do last min purchase cos i really worry pre delivery!!

hi sunshine

good to hear that your bbs are fine! i went to see my TMC gynae on Monday and bbs were 1.79 & 1.86 kg. i think it is really how the machine estimates the weight, so different hospitals will have different estimations. anyway as long as our bbs are growing, shd be fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

how are your bbs' positions now? think i'm obsessed with the bbs positions, coz really pray hard i can do natural instead of c-section. mine are still moving around, yesterday they were playing with each other! rt side bb moved, then the left side bb pushed back, then rt then left, so amusing..

wow you still can do shopping?! bb stuff? it's GSS now, but i'm too lazy to squeeze with the crowd, still have to work.. am shopping online instead ;) i have started to wash the bb clothings and beddings, next would be the bb cot & playpen. so fast hor, we only have a few more weeks to popping!

hi rostrum, how are you and bbs? have not seen you around for a while.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Great to hear from you cookie! Yes as long as they are growing healty ;)

Babies head are down which is very good. But my gynae seen prefer c-section as she worrys during natural birth if One baby comes out but another one suddenly turn... but I really want to try natural birth cos I scare of "knife" how ur gyaen? Prefer c-section or natural?

Because my gynae clinic at paragon medical tower so "shun bien" shop at paragon. I have started to wash new born baby clothes few weeks ago haha... this week will start to wash 3-6 months clothes. I always feel no enough clothes when they born as we bought a lot 3-6 months clothes. Tomolo will go and buy changing mat/ mattress protector and bath accessories. Have you packed your hospital bag? I almost done ;)

Yesterday went for maternity tour at Mount E and I need to pre register before deliver... Because I am 32 weeks now. Anyway, better do it as soon as possible.

hi vida,

tks for d link..it will be helpful for our future needs.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi Miss tan, i bought mine fr a mummy here. its still quite new n much cheaper.. abt $80 lesser.

hi sunshine, jiayou jiayou..remember to share w u yr gd news when u hv popped. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi yumyum, tks for d nice gesture..i hv gotten clothes,toys, cots, etc fr my friends, relatives,etc. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hee.. my hb n i really save alot of money.. but m getting some new items such as breastpump, car seats & pram/stroller for my kids..

Morning.. Since last week i have some soft of contruction like tighting my upper tummy for 10 second then release, i have this everyday about 5-10 times.. i asked my gynae and she said it may contruction but beginning stage because i dint feel any cramps. Keep the figure close and hopefully my babies can wait another few more weeks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif])

So Vio and Cookiez, may i know your babies sex?

This coming thursday, motherhood has baby fair at Expo. I may pooby and just to buy baby bag as my husband has ordered. I dont think i able to walk too long. Nowaday, stand or walk 10 min is hard for me now... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi MTBs, I am new to this thread. Expecting twins in Dec.

Hi Rainzz - * wave*

MTBs-Any good CL to recommend for twins. I read it is more difficult to hire CL for twins? Their rates are also more expensive? Thank you =)

Hi sunshine, consider stayin at home? List down the things u want to get and ask ferns who are going if they can buy for u (if below certain price). Not worth the squeeze unless u are onwheelchair. Contraction, dun play play. Drinking enuf water?

hi sunshine,

i'm having 2 girls. i've been having such contractions for many weeks already, recently they occur very frequently, but gynae says as long as not painful, should be okay.

re: natural/c-section... i think my gynae is pro-natural, unless he thinks there is certain risk in doing so, then he will recommend c-section. is it really possible for the 2nd bb to turn breech in the midst of delivery?

yumyum is right, think you better not go squeeze with the rest at Expo, the crowd can be horrendous! now when i walk abit too fast or too much, my tummy will harden into a ball, very uncomfy. i hope i can tong for at least couple more weeks until my gynae is back from leave.. haiz..

oh, i never pack any hospital bag when delivering my #1 and #2... coz everything is provided by KKH, anything that i need, i just ask hb to go downstairs and buy! haha... i'm very lazy hor..

hi clb / rainzz,

good CLs are hard to book these days, i was told once we BFP, better book them already. the CL i booked is charging me 2.8k for twins and is recommended by relatives, but i don't know how good she is.

hi yumyum,

you have triplets rt? how old are they now? are you working? i'm wondering how i can cope with 4 kids next time

Hi cookiemz- when is ur EDD? was wondering whether you can feedback on ur CL when u use her service (if u r using her service soon), then i'll hire her, provided she's still available...coz i'm being paranoid, read some horror stories on CL on other thread...feel better if it's from sisters' personal experiences.

i haven booked yet coz worry anything happen (touchwood), so decided only to book when go into 2nd trimester...

Cookiez confinement lady price is very cheap as mine is S$3500 for twin. Cos she always handle twin/triple babies. Now she is doing confinement with twin babies. I hope my babies can stay long inside for another 3 weeks, otherwise, my confinement lady will not able to cope!

Cookiez > I think my hubby will get down to purchase something in Expo and i will stay inside the car. I always believe i can do this and do that... but in this trimester, i feel i am useless as just walk 10 min and i feel tired and heavy. The upper tummy contruction is irregular and something is quite uncomfortable.

Yumyum > I drink a lot of waters ( 2 lits) per day so far no leg cramp at night. But keep going to toilet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Now my leg is swellen easy if i sit or stand too long. So bed rest and keep leg up are best for me.

I also missed the garage sales under twinsplussing as my hubby working, he doesnt allow me to go myself. I heard they will have another garage sales in November. Maybe i can sell something there as my babies already more than 5months, perhaps i can combine with someone here to open a stall during garage sales??

Yumyum, are you member of twinsplussing?

Hi cookiez, I am not working and will consider returning to workforce when kids are in school. I have 2 maids to help me. How old are your older darlings?

Hi tubao, have u got your helper in yet? Hope she is ok. I din know of twinplus till now. Thanks!

Hi ladies, the bb clothes are taken. I have lotsa mittens and socks for bbs, toys for bb to exercise their hands and legs too. If you want, do pm me. Yes, I am giving them away. Also glass bottles to store breast milk too.

Hi sunshine, good girl. Stay and learn to shop online. Check out babymeadows. Cheaper and they deliver to your house somemore. Drink water help to keep amniotic fluid clean for our darlings and keep swell at bay. Need to pee at night, juz make sure the walkway is safe for you.

Hi Yumyum, this week is exhauted week as my baby gal result came out and not that good cos she is small and not gain much weight from last month till now, so i need to do a lot of tests.. however, Dr will observe me week by week and i may have c-section in 1-2 weeks time!

Great to have 2 helpers as i dont have any, i have confinement lady for 28 days and after i will be alone to take care. Because my hubby contact is 1 year so is hard to have stay in maid. But we have part time maid and she comes once a week but i have arranged her to come 2-3 time per weeks after i delivered. I really hope i can cope with it as first time mom!

Hi all,

Can I join in? I conceived thru ivf and I am now 22 weeks expecting twin.

Hi Vio, we are abt the same timing, my fertility doc said I shld be deliverying ard mid/end Sep. Hvnt seen my gynae yet, going to be transferred to TMC soon at 25 weeks.

Hi Sunshine, hang in there and jiayou!

Went motherhood baby fair yesterday. Didnt find a lot of brand there mainly Avent and Pigeon. Avent is hving promotion for the steamer so tempted to buy. Any mums survived without steriliser or plan not to buy one? Bcos my fertility doc advice me no need to buy one and use d traditional way + use 12 bottles so can save money... but in laws advice buy 2 small bottles for each bb only... we end up going to buy only 2 small bottles each and without steriliser... a bit worried

hi sunshine, for the confinement lady, she did not come in until my babies are back at home.

I was running to hospital everyday to give them freshly expressed milk and to feed them. Ate a lot from the food court at kkh for lunch or took bread there to eat.

my youngest was at special care unit for 13 days. kkh's practice is once bb reaches 2kg and if can take bcg, can go home. Now they also make sure that bb can drink efficiently from milk bottle.

My 3 kids are on tube feed when they are out at 33 weeks and 6 days. The mummy next to my bed, although her baby boy was 4 kg and full term was also in special care unit for 4 days because he does not have the sucking reflex.

Anyway, dun worry so much, eat more for the 2 kids and tell bbs to share out the food. Tell your girl to absorb more, jiayou!! Rest and nap. Listen to some music you like or even read.

It will be ok. Anything, just drop me a note. let me know if you need to call.

Before confinement lady leaves, get her to cook some dishes you like and freeze them. when you want to eat, just make hot. Eg. Wine chicken - make a big pot and freeze them. just boil and add mee sua, can eat for lunch.

Hi ladies,

Items still available:

1) Bouncing Net with 4 spare changes of nets

2) Onesies (girls and boys)

3) Mittens

4) Socks

5) diaper cloth

6) GLass bottles and Medela Milk bottles (BPA free) preloved - good for storage of breast milk

7) pacifiers or soothers (sterilized but never use)

8) Receiving cloth

9) Stuff toys

10) Activity mats (2 new and 1 preloved)

Thanks yumyum.. Today going to see dr again and hope baby gal grow up a bit. My baby gal moves a lot nowaday and i am pleased ;) Anyway, dr advice c-section latest by end of june (35-36weeeks). I am a bit excited but scare also as i dont like operation...

Yes, thank for your advice and i will ask confinement lady to cook more n keep it. But i hope she is a nice person ;)

Hi pping, i bought the sterilier as my husband is 'ang mo' and doesnt know what is traditional way to steam the bottles. Heheh... So he bought it! However, i think my confinement lady will know how to steam the bottles.

hi mummies,

finally have some time to pop by here.

hi clb, my edd is end july, but latest i shd be popping by 1st week july.. my CL is from batam, not sure if there will be immigration issues for her stay coz the CL work permit only applies to nannies from M'sia. will let you know if the CL is good.

hi yumyum, my older kids are 4 and 5 this year. i am waiting for my 2nd maid to come and will be putting the kids to full time childcare once the bbs come.

wow, you managed to keep your triplets till almost 34 wks! must be very heavy wor... my #2 also came out at 33+6, had to stay SCN until he turned 35 wks gestation age before KKH can discharge him.

hi sunshine, hope your bb gal puts on more weight this week [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] is the difference between the 2 bbs still big?

hi pping, i have used both the steriliser and traditional steaming method before. sometimes the bottles can MELT or distort (heart pain if these are the BPA free bottles) when using the traditional steaming method coz of the hot metal pot, so i still prefer the steriliser.

hi ladies,

sorrie,was bz w work n bb stuff..lots of research to do n family activities..gosh i missed lots of posts fr u all.. hee.. :p

sunshine, glad everything has been well.. remember to drink young coconut water..they said its gd to cool dwn yr body, clear toxic n gd for yr bb's skins.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] for C-op, dun be scared ya..remember alot of mums hv done before..everything will be ok wan..trust yr gynae. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] oh..u asked abt my twins gender rite.. one of them cfm is a boy, n d other looks like a girl.. heee..i will dote on d boy, n my dh will dote on my girl girl.. everyone is happy when they heard the news..

Hi pping, hee.. ya, we r abt d same timing ler. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u noe yr bbs' gender? so, u going to tmc? why change to another hospital?

For mi, i will be using sterilizer as i thk its more efficient n time saving..would recommend u to buy mayb more bottles n sterilizer. I will be using avent as i hv 125 ml and 260 ml bottles fr my friend/siblings. Btw, it will be gd for u to start buying/loaning bb essentials as later part we wont be able to move much..heavy ler.

hmm.. wonder hw rostrum? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi yumyum,

veri nice of u... can i take some items fr u?

item 4, 6 (medela milk bottles), item 10? still available?

Hii....I too am about to be a twin mummy - EDD 7 Aug 2011 (maybe earlier according to dr). Learning alot reading your posts.

I also have a blog site that I recently created to try an document my journey into motherhood with twins: http://nunumum.wordpress.com/

Hi cookiez, yesterdsy went to scan and showed baby gal gain weight (1.7kg now and baby boy is 2kg. Thanks to yumyum advice and i keep asking my baby gal eat more hahah... It work!

Vio> same as me one boy and one gal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] congrat! Anyway as long they are healthy, gender doesnt matter.

Now i have some contruction special during evening time, every 10-15min but just mild.. Now i cant move much as feel tired and sleepy all the time. I have put on 15kgs now qnd really worry how to loose the weight....

Hi anusha, welcome! Hope you enjoy the twin pregnancy journey ;)

Thanks all for the advice, I will see if I can get a 2nd hand sterilizer. Btw anyone plan to BF/latch on twin? Wondering if the u-shaped pillow (the normal one for feeding 1 baby) will do the job for latching twin...

Hi Vio, I m also carrying boy-girl twin [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just get to know the gender last 2 weeks when doing FA scan, din know the gender is written on the report. Hv u done FA scan already?

Actually I only go fertility centre so far and not yet hospital. After FA scan then I will be transferred to the assigned gynae at TMC. Meanwhile I still need to go back to the fertility centre for prolution injection all the way. Are you on proluton also?

Yar I think I hv got most essentials already...left 1 bigger one--car seat. U will get 2 car seats?? We are still wondering... hehe...

Hi Sunshine, glad to know your bb gal has catched up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I think we need to rest when our body tell us to ya...

Hi sunshine, very happy for u!!

Dun worry about losing weight. Multiples mummies lose weight in no time. I lost everything I gain and is now 3 kg lighter than prepregnancy. I gain 32 kg and was 84 kg.

The contraction will be on and off. Breathe and relax. Talk to bbs and even read to them[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] they can hear you already.

Hi Vio, I can keep item 4 for you, for item 6, it is only suitable for milk storage cos the lines cannot be seen. u still want it? It can fit into medela freestyle pumps.

Item 10, I got 1 more preloved one left. The others are reserved. pm me if u r ok so we arrange for pickup.

Pping, I do have a preloved pigeon sterilizer lying around in my mum's place. If u are keen, u can pm me. Dun mind exchanging it with 1 pack of mammy poko xl diaper pants.

Hi Yumyum, i am always at home as feel heavy now. my routine is standard breakfast, fruits, lunch, tea break, dinner, milk with biscult and sleep. Kind of bored but i know i will get chaos when babies are born. You have triple right? how many months now?

Pping, boy/gal? congrat! for me, i have 2 car seats as my stroller can attach 2 car seats.

Hii Sunshine, nice to see things are progressing well with your twin pregnancy. When are you due again?

Hi all you mummies, reading your posts has enlightned me a lot now....was panicking on how to cope, but its nice to know we are all in the same boat and its great to see how you are all doing so well.

Hi sunshine, try reading aloud to bbs? I was reading to my kIds till delivery. My sister In law reccomended me readin Asian parenting today. It is a great book for those who are much on their own and little guidance from parents or in laws.

Nush18, are u having multiples too? Dun panick. Just eat well and rest well. It is not that bad. Imagine all the cuties calling u ' mama' [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] that is what I am seeing now.

Hi, yumyum

My new maid came 2 weeks ago, so far so good, not very smart person, but attitude is ok. I called the agent which you recommended, but didn't go down to choose since another agent which my colleague recommended has transfer maid available.

Hi rush, my schedule c-section on 21 june ;) it about 35-36weeks. I wanna try natural but my grandma and hubby said better c-section as my mum had hard time delivered me and my sister (we r twin too).

Yumyum, i am reading a book "how to cope with twin" and watch korea series 同伊. I cant sit long otherwise my leg will swollen so always lay down on bed. I ordered tingkat food for my lunch and keep some for dinner.

Today is my last scan at mount E and hopefully ok ;)


Hi ladies, sorry Mia for so long as bz washing Bb stuffs n trying to stay relaxed. My water bag burst this morning at 35w2d. Dr Loh is on oversea leave so I requested prof John tee to deliver for me instead.. They say babies will b out today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Jia you for d rest of u!!!

