(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!


today is my turn to feel a little depressed... found out someone who started trying same time as me has bfp... trying to keep my spirits up....

such a tough journey.... cross fingers one of us get bfp soon!


peapea>> *Hugz* Dun be depressed. I understand how u feel, we all do.

It's really a tough journey and really hope someone will get a BFP this cycle!


thanks... the strange thing was, i never knew how hard it will be to hit me when i found out she was expecting... it took all i could not to burst out crying

My preg colleague was advising me to go TCM "tiao" my body. I told her, muz keep patting her tummy till she gives birth to get luck. =p

Guess I have to make up my mind and go TCM after next cycle of TTC. Does my hubby need to go see TCM too? He smokes.

Amy - DH thinks it normal to miss AF. i'll email my dr if AF doesn't report this wkend... see what he says then.

BTW, its better to bring your DH to TCM as well.

peapea - dont be depressed. 化悲愤为力量。i told myself that when i found out that my SIL is expecting her #3. its like so easy for her to get conceive whereas, i seems to head no where.

nvm... let‘s all 加油! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sonel>> Yr hubby is so funny lorz. It's not normal lorz, esp when we are in TTC process. Give us hope lehz, if miss AF. Then after tat, the disappointment is terrible. How many days DPO r u?

With the advices from u gals, will tell hubby he muz go wif me to "tiao" our body. =D One more cycle to try hard. Praying hard for a sticky BFP!

Misses BL >> LOL Cannot be lar. Too far into my cycle already for implantation. If tmr morning still no AF I think I'll do the HPT. *fingers crossed*

Sonel >> Yar my 2 bosses' daughters are expecting at the same time, and on my fb wall I see so many of my friends expecting or gave birth. But I always tell myself that the ppl who had accident/have it easy and didn't have to worry just weren't counting how many near misses they had!

Amy>> shoo mine away too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Peapea>> dun be sad, your turn will be coming.

Keep feeling that there is discharge coming under me. Went to the washroom to check & it's juz little bit of yellow cm (tmi, sorry). Phew.. Really dunno if it's sign of af coming.

Amy - not very sure of my DPO actually. got a faint line on CD16 & i didnt test thereafter.

tethysea - good post! and same like you, lots of frenz posting their gd news on the wall.. anyways good luck to your HPT tmr. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

missus - shoo away yours and mine AF!!! :D

Amy>> I patted a no of my pregnant frds' tummies but nothing leh, keke..

Though I heard some ppl got it after patting preggo ladies' tummies.

Sonel>> shoo af and welcome sticky bfp! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

missus BL>> I also having some discharge, sometimes white, sometimes yellow. But my previous cycle also have, so dun think is a sign of pregnancy in my case.

Amy>> thks thks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

last mth closed to my af, I hv alot of such cm but this mth not many. Sigh, really dunno where went wrong?! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hopefully it's a good sign.

Tml is my cd 38, really hv strong urge to test using my first urine..!

I think as long as af still not here, still can massage.. But if u dunno whether u r preg anot then better not. Unless the person knows how to do it cos she might "touch" on the wrong vein.. Something like that, I heard.

So tempted to go coz my back has been quite pain. Think will juz go ba, since dun think likely to be preg. Juz ask them to be more gentle lorz. =p

i think back massage is okie. Just tell them u migh be preggy, they will be more gentle.

anybody know whether milo is okie for diarrhea? Feel like drinking something warm.

morning ladies!

JC, u are having diarrhea? some ppl cant take milo when they are having diarrhea cuz there is milk content inside and it can make things worse. unless u have making your own milo (and not the satchet), then just use the powder and add sugar.

drink more isotonic drinks. you will feel better soon.. isotonic drinks help to replenish the loss of minerals, ions etc...

Thanx gals, for the suggestions. Will see how ba, if tomolo AF nv come, prob may juz go for my massage. If not, will postpone to next Thurs. Fertility Friend suggests next Wed as the day to test HPT if AF not here. =x

JC>> Take care, drink lots of water. I think isotonic drinks, as suggested by peapea is a better choice. If not, honey water also can.

Good morning ladies!!

Sorry for being MIA for few days as dont dare to think too much. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] yesterday mark my 14 dpo. Today consider 1st day of AF MIA... Keeping my fingers cross. Will wait till Friday to test HPT. I have no symptom till now. Only having on and off light cramp since last week. dont worry, i will keep everyone posted here. I really hope and praying hard we can all strike the sticky BFP!!! Let JIA YOU together.

Lynzi>> How are you? Didnt see you posting recently too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I am scare although AF late, but still scare as worry it maybe just joking with me. Maybe delay? Feeling worry each time when going toilet as scare to see red. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I chickened out and didn't test this morning after all. :p I think if it is a negative I can forget about doing any work today, so I better just wait till the weekend. Anyway I had cramping and a slight temp drop of 0.1 this morning, plus FF suggests that I may have 41-day cycle this time >_>

Morning!! It's my cd 38 today.. Tested using morning pee & still got a bfn! Maybe I'm really not preg, juz late af. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

erm.... i think my bbt and my opk all siao siao liao...

cuz yesterday my temp was 35.7 and today is 36.02. is it considered a thermal shift? but my opks had been all faint only... plus, the fertile mucus happened quite a few days earlier.....

bearGE>> Understand how u feel. Keep positive! Hoping u will get the BFP on Fri! =) Me also been gg coo-coo from wondering if my AF will arrive punctually. =(

Last cycle, 1 week before my AF, my nipples had been very painful. After the pain went away, my AF came exactly one week after. Like diff this mth. Sianz..

Amy>> same here.. My this mth symptoms r totally diff from last mth.

If I'm not wrong, I'm around 22-23 dpo. Now af is 7 days late. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] if not preg, I rather it comes so I van start my new cycle soon. The feeling of hanging in the air is veri sucky [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

missus>> Ya, know wat u mean. Maybe u wait till weekend and test HPT again. If still no BFP, maybe u shd go take a blood test to confirm?

tethysea>> Went thru tat before - tested on a work day when my AF MIA fro 3 mths and got BFN, made me no mood to work for tat day.

Amy >> Yar man... although if positive I might also have no mood to work :p I'm so tempted, I'm already CD39! But the more I look at my chart and compare w online galleries the more I'm convinced that FF is right about my cycle length this month [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

amy>> thinking of gng to blood test this sat if still no news.

tethy>> i think we will be more relieved if got our bfp or af.

2WW is hard enough, 3 weeks is really a killer!

went washroom earlier and see that there is a glob of yellow cm discharge, somehow the same as last mth's sysptoms. so i think af is reporting soon, either today, if not tomorrow.

later gng to acc my preggo frd to see swim wear for maternity ladies. =_=

amy, tethysea and missus,

jia you ah..... feel happy hearing all of u AF havent come... gives ppl hope... hopefully a BFP is going to appear!!

Good morning gals!

Those in 2wwk jiayou!

Bearge>> good luck to u and lots of bbdust to u!

Peapea>> haiz.... We r in d same boat, this cycle my temp is everywhere thought o had occurred but bbt dun seem to show n my faint positive on opk all Tat. Even cm correspond with o. But I still dun think I had yet... Wonder wats wrong again. Sigh.

missus>> Agreed! 2WW already very cham le, 3ww is a killer! =( U do a HPT in the morning first b4 u go see doc for the blood test ba.

amy>> ya, i will do a HPT b4 seeing a doc. cheaper oso. keke..

but that is provided af not here yet. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] somehow i feel it's coming soon.

wow.. the thread is moving fast.

CD41 & counting. having on-off cramp since last nite. AF reporting soon?

Amy - i had booked for massage last wkend but didnt dare to go. think i'll go after i get 'confirmation' from AF or BFP.

bearGE - good luck to your HPT on Friday! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

missus - agree that 2www is already hard & 3ww is a killer!

Hi ladies! Been quite busy lately too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bearGE, good luck to your testing! hope you get a BFP!

tethysea & missus_BL, hope you will have good news too and not that your cycle is too haywire.

amy, if I were you, I think I would also postpone the massage just in case. I am even thinking of stopping my facials and colouring of my hair!

Dolma & peapea, maybe you have O but just cannot tell? Think CM would probably be a good indicator of your fertile period. I remember reading abt it or someone told me abt it...

nb01>> Ya lorz, better be safe than sorry. =) But I juz went for a facial and scalp treatment last weekend. =x Think these 2 wun be as bad as if I were to go for massage.


Amy, I think facial and scalp treatment is not as bad as massage coz at least it doesn't press on you. But not to scare you, my cousin had an early mc when she went for a facial and didn't know abt her pregnancy. I think facials with machines or massage is not that good so I am thinking of stopping or changing my treatments. And think colouring is also bad coz of the dye so I think it is not recommended to do it during pregnancy or at least 1st tri if you cannot tahan. I am playing it super safe... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

