(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

wishstar - did u try the guardian at Lot One..? i see that many places like out of stock. u may have to run to more than one store to try finding [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yest I was at Ion Guardian.. I saw them...

i think guardian's midstream pregnancy test kit is quite good.. i think around $7+.. results are quite clear...compared with clearblue and watsons..

I heard from my fren that actually the strip ones can also detect pregnancy quite well ..so dun really need to buy expensive testkits..

but the strip ones, gotta use a container to contain urine for the test.. midstream ones are more convenient.

If it helps, I bought my strips from http://baby-desires.com/blog/store

They don't sell alot of things but it's really cheap. I bought my 5 HCG strips from there on 23 Jun and got it on 24 Jun. $3.50 with free delivery.

Haven't used it and don't know how good though. Oh ya, the strips are individually sealed (I was still thinking it's those loose kind until I got it). ;p

wishstar - huh... not even hpt sold? u mean not even the guardian house brands too? Or only the clearblue ones not there? I think u have to go to the bigger stores then.

wishstar, there's one lady selling, mayb u wan get from her?? Mayb u can try get at Jurong Point if u free.. U in CD2, got bit of time to buy them..

I went Watson to check out the ovulation kit from clearblue.. very ex and only 7 strips. Think it is the smiley face one that you guys are talking about. Dunno if worth it to buy, and today me at CD11.. does it means if i use it now will not be accurate?

Hello & how's Every1....Pop by to say "Hi"

It's a wet & cosy Fri, if oni today is a sat...few more hrs to knock off...

Gd luck to those in 2WW, Jia you to all who are trying hard & congrats to those whom have strike [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].....

Hi all,

I think I may have a false positive coz I went to the toilet and find some blood. I am not sure if my period is coming. So confuse. my period is late for 13 days. Haiz [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Windy>> You should take another test to be sure. If your AF is normally regular and is now late for 13 days, most likely you are pregnant. The blood / spotting you are now encountering is quite often experienced by mummies during the first trimester. If you are pregnant, you need to go see gyanae..he / she can give you pills to stabilise the preganncy (after which the bleeding should reduce then stop), you need bed rest too.


have you seen a gynae yet? please do see one okie? if you're really preggie, and you're bleeding, it'll definitely be better if you can see a gynae now.. is the bleeding red or brownish in color?


=P Are you still working hard? Why MIA whole of this week?


hmmm.. if you ovulate earlier (which i highly doubt so)... then whatever you test after will be negative results lor.. are you charting your bbt as well?


afternoon.. u also mia for quite some time already hor..


why not get clearblue digital? it tells you in words whether you are pregnant or not.. then you will not have to decipher whether you are preggie..

if you want, do another hpt.. if tested positive, go see the gynae..

for myself, i won't bother testing already.. will go directly to the gynae to do a check..

Jaster>Working hard at work so MIA lor & forum is not lively as compared to MSN conference...sob sob...

I think no choice got to wait [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I need a female gynae so its better to wait coz I'm a rather fussy person.

I currently staying in the west.

anyway my bleeding stop liao. going crazy seems like my stomach/abdomen is playing a prank on me.

Buying another test kit to test again later. Think should be quite accurate now right?

walk in or appointment is still the same price..

is better to go to gynae to check..

what if u really pregnant, den gynae can give u some an tai medi to stop the bleeding..

hope this will help..


actually it depends on yourself on what you want to do.. since you already got 2 positive HPT results.. I will think that you're preggie already...

And since you're spotting, i will suggest that you see a gynae to get an tai yao to stabilize the pregnancy..

if you don't mind a male gynae, i'm currently seeing Dr Wong Mun Tat at Bukit Gombak.. he has got night clinic.. dont know if you can walk in just like that or not..

if you walk, you won't be charged at a higher rate. maybe got to wait a little longer..

Windy - yeah, like the rest say, walk in to any gynae /women's clinic (whether male or female doesn't matter now, cos they wun be doing very detailed tests now). You can always change gynae at a later stage. If you are spotting during early preg, its important to get stabilised medicine. But before that, I also suggest you get clearblue to see if you get positive line. Don't buy those housebrands hpts le.. wait you suspect the results again.

But otherwise, maybe you can wait till tomorrow and see if your AF reports tomorrow. Don't go crazy.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all,

I am here to give some words of encouragements to those that 'seem to have problems' in conceiving...

I am a live example of one of those.... infact, I have irregular menses and was also diagnosed of PCOS... I still remembered when I was married in 2006, my inlaws kept asking for 'results' after months of my marriage wo knowing that we have put on hold the plan cos we wanted to enjoy marriage life...when we really try a baby and did not succeed after 2 months.. with the pressure from the in laws and ourselves, we have our fair share of consulting TCM and fertilty doc for help... I was lucky to be able to find a real good one after seeking help from gynae and under the fertility doc, i was preggy after the first cycle... i almost could not believe when i saw the test strip result... finally able to see double lines....and thats was approx 2 years ago and i am a proud mother of 1 ... recently, i have also gone back to the same fertility doc as i dont want to wait to long to conceive the second one... and was also managed to conceive after the first cycle and is currently 10weeks preggy... for those out there who are still trying, dont despair.... the baby dust will sure land on you one day.. gamateh....

wishstar - on the opks, you can use as many times as you can.. but usually peope use it once or twice in the day, hoping to catch the LH surge. If you use the cheap opks, you can use twice a day.. like once in the afternoon, once at night. But on the expensive clearblue smiley opks, i think i will only use one time.. cos more expensive ma.

But if u dun see a positive result, may not mean u didnt ovulate too. Cos we may not have caught the LH surge which lasts only a short while. So it really depends.. all of these instruments are only for a gauge.

baby2011 - who is your good gynae.. share the contacts [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Oh yes, were you under some medication/treatments on your successful month?

hello everyone...

reporting here coz i wanted a 2011 baby. already have a 08baby boy, now he is 2.5yo...

i used to have the standard symptoms when ovulating - mucus discharge and mittelschmerz (ovulation pains). but for the past 4 mths, i have non of those and dont know when im ovulating

and to top it off, i have regular long CDs, but the past 6 cycles have been very haywire, ranging from 47 days to 32 days...

sianz...this mth is the 1st mth im trying by trying on days that i think i should be fertile

btw, am using the opk strips and for range of 5-6 days, never show any lines at all (apart from the control band)....arggggg

This morning I decided to just go take the blood test for HCG. Got the results tonight and its confirmed negative. So I will be taking the pills to induce menstruation. Has anyone taken before and how long does it take before the period comes?


I took it once before, can't remember the dosage but AF came the day after I finished my last pill.


Really getting demoralized after 2 years of trying. Why?!

Haiz, this time AF got no cramps and the flow is still very slow now.

immortalruby - mine also just arrived. this morning. haiz...

but, thinking back, glad that it arrived also. cuz i knew nth about the importance of folic acid until i joined this forum. and, only just started to take them today..


Last night, it was just a strand of red in my discharge. This morning, it's still red. I think the ammount too much for spotting but not enough for regular flow?!


jia you! You have started taking folic acid already? Must remember to take daily.

immortalruby - thanks!!! let's jiayou together! :D just started on folic acid this morning, from GNC. praying hard that i will remember to take it daily..imagine, i bought it last saturday, and only remember to take it today. *faint*


Hi ladies, I'm also trying for a new baby so wish to join u gals to "jia you" together.

Just had a missed miscarriage few months ago so I'm hoping to get pregnant again with a healthy baby. Sighs...

Baby dust to all..

