(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

back from my gynae check.

Uterus is fine according to the doc. Feeling abit weird when she stick the scan inside me...haha.

will go back to see her 3 weeks later..see test report how...testing for hormones and thyroid.

she gave me medication for menses to come. I spoke to my GP, he say it is okie to eat them as they just balance up something lah..

will it affect the cycle after i eat?


Hi ladies

how's everyone here... been a long time since i came in here... hope all got good news soon... jia you wor...

Fern > hi how are you? I am seeing dr benjamin tham... he is very nice... very detail...

devil - i dun like him.. lol! but for convenience sake.. i might see him again ! >.<" ~

im contemplating paul tseng who comes recommended by my other frn... if not maybe jocelyn wong... will decide when i strike ! but hor.. as u knw la... dr ang is one of the cheapest lor...


I am fine.. Glad to know Dr Benjaimin is a right choice.

ok will get those two stuff to assist in ttc, hope it helps. DOnt understand why plan no1 so easy no 2 so hard so stressed nw

I initially wanted to see Dr Lawerene Ang too cos near me as i stay sembawang but i changed mind after seeing him once. I dont like him and staff either. So check for Dr Benjamin THam who indeed has very god reviews..

misscandy, bibi81, yeah... Dr Lawrence Ang is the chop chop and go one... My sis also recommend Dr Benjamin Tham at TMC but needs to travel to TMC to visit him...

redgin, i think he is quite good from what my sis said lah... That time he did a virginal scan for her... Then said this is the egg. Go home and BD, sure have baby... Haha...

Hi there,

I also like know more on Dr Bejamin Tham. I have only commulicated with him on email and he aleady seems quite nice. He teill me just do the ovulation kit and try 3 times if 3 times fail consult him. Ny previous gyne has never entertained me on ph or email. Dr Tham does which impreseed me a lot or a new patient

Dr Benjamin Tham, i heard from my sis he very good and nice... Like her number 1, she couldnt push. He use his hand and helped to push the baby out... Hehee... Imagine that... But she still use epi lah... Dr Lawrence Ang is he dun encourage epi and prefer us to give birth naturally.. He encourages us to save money and keep the money for the baby's needs instead... Haha...

i guess pros n cons ba... benjamin tham... do u knw his charges? his name very familar leh... he used to be frm KKH is it? is he the one that the wife also passed away not too long ago?

Devil nope... not 5th mth... for preggie package is $600 start on 12 weeks of pregnancy....

He will not force you to take this test and that test... like that time he got ask me if i want to do OSCAR to check for DS but i reject he never insist end up he do a simple scan for me to check for DS for that U/S i save $ also can check if my BB is at risk...

He will let you have a peace of mind...

his charges is $60 for consultation $30 for U/S scan $5 for urine test... etc...

I had alot frds also under him... and they are happy with his consultation everytime we enjoy the visit very much...

Amy (jeffcraze), ya, even if the plate / bowl is not used is ok, but must mix with those you use de, that symbolize "family" mah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Good luck. Hope magic works on you.

thanks alot mdmkhoo. it's not written on his namecard. Im going overseas soon. so it's better to have his email too.. thanks alot

Redgin, you going to test tml? Good luck and hope to hear good news from you! I O'ed 1-2days after you, think I will hang on for another week to see if AF reports. Don't really have much symptoms except occasional pulls at the abdominal. Guess no hope liao....

HI Mummies,

GLad to know I am not the only one struggling to have a no 2 with stress.

My mesnses just come today. sad. Hiaz. Try again next mth and guess must really try ovulation kits. When to try isit right after menses everyday? pls advise

Glad to hear Dr Tham is good. SO I will confrim see him for both fertility issues and pregnancy in future.

Pls let me know his charges. Are they expensive. My previous gyne was very senoir Dr Lim Teck Chai at Tanglin expensive yet very rushed. Hpe I made a right choice this time.


Hi Diana,

Yes I have, Pls gve me your msn i add you now as i not sure my own msn address. paiseh..i am online now. thanks

wow, such good reviews! very tempted to go to him for next bb.. hahaha!!! $600 is also cheap! Dr Ang charges like $500... so $100 more for better consult and reassurance is ok.. hee hee...

fern - testing on strips depends on yr cycle... if u are a normal cycle like 28-30 day kind... then cn start testing from CD 10 onwards... but if yr cycle irregular, best to use the online ovulation calculators to help... u cn find at babycenter website... if u have iphone even better... can go dl those apps to monitor yr cycle... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] jus search for ovulation ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

im sooooooo keen to try the bowl thing.. hee... shall go look for one soon... hee hee...

Good morning ladies.

I'm new to this thread but have been a silent reader for some time.

Like some you I'm also TTCing for #2 now but not successful.

Hi DInana,

My email is as follows: [email protected]

RE Dr Lim Teck Chai.

Yes, he is a very senoir doctors. Many rich tai tai sees him. He was my mum gyne previously. So my mum recommended. But I dun like as he was so rushed at each consultation maybe cos my preegnency was very smooth then. Very fast say nothing much to ask But I was a new mummy then so lots quientions but not answered. SO no 2, definately I wasnt change gyne.

Re Ovultaion kit, What meaning CD 10 onwarrd, My cycle used to be very accurate before marriage now, changed like 3-5 days late. Can be a week late at times also. Like yesterday, very strange, i had some blood streaks then today, its completely gone. Usually, it will get heavier the 2nd day. not this time. But I do have some crampping. Not sure why like that. hope get some advises here, pls.

re ovulation calendar, which is the most reliable can give me the link. Cos i tried before but many times it doesnt work or not accuate in my case till i give up.

Fern, he was my mum's gynae too i.e. the one who delivered me if I'm not wrong. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Did cross my mind if I should go back to him should I be successful in my attempt. Will kiv since it's too early to think about gynae now. I've seen Dr Jocelyn Wong/ TMC for some basic checks when I first started ttc. So far, I find her very pleasant and rather attentive to my questions. Most importantly, I'm more comfortable with a female doctor.


i tested this morning with the cheap hpt strip, but not using first urine. i got a faint line leh. so confused. i think i will go buy clearblue later.

Redgin, faint line is a positive too!!! Congrats!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pls buy the clearblue digital, can detect as early as 4 days before your AF due!! Enough of faint or dark lines and you got so confused.



So guess you got to stay on for this job for another few months at least until ur baby is born and finish your maternity leave.

Redgin>> Congrats!!! So many khakis graduated liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I have been reading this read for a while and would like to join u girls in ttcing.

I am currently at CD15, so I guess should be oing soon.

Thanks girls, but let me double confirm first tomorrow morning with clear blue. Hopefully still got line ah...

KWXY, now i know how you feel. hehe. u had faint line testing with the cheap hpt or clearblue ah?


Yup, i turned down the job offer already. anyways, even if this month no tio, i want to continue ttc and hb agreed. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi TTC mates, its been up and down for me for the past few days...i dun like it.

I was tested faint line on clearblue on Thursday and until Yday, Monday, its still a faint line. Got worried, i had a blood test to chk on the HCG...test result came bk yday.

At 4 weeks, the HCG should be 40miu - 4480miu. Mine only 70miu...doc need me to get another blood test again directly at Mount A...if the result is lower than 70miu...i cannot keep the bb...

i will stay positive thru out the journey!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Don't go worry yourself crazy k? I know it's tough so go occupy yourself. Your hcg is still within the range, and you might have O later than expected. So just wait and see, i'm sure this bb will stick with you, juz like how i'm sure you tio this month! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But i got no sore breasts, no symptoms whatsoever leh. that's why i'm still skeptical.


Good luck to you!

aiyor KWXY,

So sad to hear that, you must be strong. Talk to the baby tell the baby to be strong inside also.

I also got encounter like you before but mine de ends with chemical pregnancy.

I test faint positive when my AF delay for 5 days.The 6 days test no line le and 7 days come AF so mine come and go very fast. Thats y i nv test now even i delay AF lor.

thats soo sweet of you!! yup!! im praying for the best for thurs! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

your dream will come true too!! BFP BFP BFP!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


jas, so poor thing... i also scared i same thing leh. i remember for my #1 when i tested on dpo12, it was a clear positive. now is faint faint one. never mind, whatever it is, just wait and see lah... if bb's mine will be mine.

