(2011/12) Dec 2011

Thks once again, mummies.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my parent kept asking me if the gender will change cos like still early. -_-" I told them unless a bird is grown within the next few weeks from now to detailed scan.. If not is cfm a gal. I want a princess to doll her up too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I agree.. Sometimes ppl stare at us on the train, properky thinking if we are fat or preg.. Esp at this stage, our tummy is neither here nor there. But I'm glad that there are kind ppl who gave up their seats eventually.. Maybe coz I kept touching my tummy in frt of them bah. Keke..

Oh dear, could it be that my tummy is too big for 5mths? My mum told me that my baby bump looks very obvious now. In fact just went out in Thurs and 1 auntie gave up her reserved seat for me. So touched when she could be using the seat for herself. Shame on those who hog onto the seats when others need it more than them.

MissusBL, could it be that your parents are hoping that you will have a boy? I think that's the case for my dad. He kept saying 'it's ok whether you have a boy or girl, to us it makes no difference just that if you have a boy it's better for your in-laws'. When I finally told them I have a boy, my dad was visibly very happy about it and he commented 'oh, that few weeks you never drop by or call home I thought it's because you have a girl so dare not call home'. -.- Ai yo, I told him girl or boy also my baby mah, why would I feel that way.. Haha.. My in-laws never ask me anything about my pregnancy since the start, it feels so different.

Counting down to Monday, hope the final verdict will put a smile on both of us. My hubby and I have been so worried though we distract ourselves with other things. *fingers crossed*

Just came back from my appt. Mine confirmed is a girl. went to Isetan Scotts to have a look at the bb fair, redeem my vouchers and bought toys for my boy only.

Kimiko>> cheer up & dun worry.. I'm sure your bb will be ok.

My frd did her detailed scan, they said the bb's brain has some prob but she did a sec scan, turned up everything is fine. Another frd showed her bb's spine is not growing well but ended up ok on the next scan too. Maybe bb's position was wrong so cant scan properly..

Stay positive & we will hear good news from u on mon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies,

as you all know, my maternal grandma passed away and she has this metal bed which is like the hospital bed kind, the bedrest part can be adjusted manually by turning a lever kind... anyone knows where we can sell/donate this? mattress not included.

Winniep and stardust: I like the quinny zap extra too. If can do bp can let me know how much? Also can we actually self collect instead of delivery as free delivery only till end July. I will like to get the quinny and the cushion seat. Not getting the maxi cosi seat. Think the cushion is good enough for new born. I think need the handle in front for baby to hold when they can sit up. Few accessories we need to buy on top of the stroller

If anyone is doing bulk purchase for quinny zap extra, lemme know too! I am also looking at it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thanks!

Hi mummies,

Yup, I want to get bulk discount from the supplier too. But his warranty is for 1 yr and his repair is done by himself...is this ok with you? I am still thinking whether this is fine...

So far, he has advised me the discount available for buying stroller and car seat ($30-$50). He has offered me discounts for both Quinny Zapp Extra and Buzz. More for Buzz in Rebel Red, but both substantial. In fact, I think he sells the cheapest...I can't find anywhere selling as cheap...

If the mummies here are interested, pls let me know your orders and questions and I will help check with him:


Order, Colour & Qty:

Total Amt:



Bfly - irrc, self collection is possible at Punggol Central.

Hi mamaAsh, mine is a boy boy not girl girl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Anyway I'm going for my 2nd detail scan later, hope everything will be ok.. Update us on your scan later ya?

kimiko: sorry... :p too much readin! haha... updated... oh u gg for scan again? maybe i would see u there! hahaha... my appt is @ 2pm... but most prob i will be there abit late, cos my hb will be late & he didn't join me for my past 2 detail scans, so i'll try to delay my timing so he can see for this #3, shd be our last pregnancy lah... hahaha... :p

Hello MamaAsh,

Would u mind to update mine as well..

Dr. Kusuma Lee

Gender: Girl

Loc: Orchard

Edd: 09 Dec 2011

No: 1

Hosp: Mt E

Thanks a lot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

It's okie mamaAsh, I'm going to TMC for second opinion actually. Done the first at KKH but something is not ok with the umbilical cord and has caused us quite a lot of concern. My appt is at 4.30pm so feeling kinda nervous now.

Hi peeps,

Went for my normal checks on sat. Gyane did a check says 90% a bb girl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the rest of the 10% will confirm during my detail scan next month :0

MamaAsh, can please kindly help me to update thanks .

kimiko... yes, u relax... everything will be fine de... dun worry too much k!! do update us!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kimiko - Don't worry! All the best for the scan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mamaAsh - Pls update for me. I'm having a Girl. Hospital: Mount Alvernia

When gynae scanned that it's a girl, could tell hubby was disappointed. #1 girl, #2 girl. Oh well, I told him that people want a baby also so hard so we should be blessed that we are going to have another girl. As long the baby is healthy, that is the utmost important.

bernice... understand... u also dun be affected lah... correct, boy or girl is ok, so long they r healthy!! my hb was saying he's hoping this #3 is a gal... haha.. shall see!! :p updated yr data [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

calleigh & babybee: data updated! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks MamaAsh. I felt like tearing when gynae said it's a gal, he scanned fr bottom up and can't find birdie, it is flat. If it's a boy, thought can close shop liao, now must go for no. 3. It's God's gift so I accept it.

All the best for your scan later! May your hubby's wish be fulfilled [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

The quinny supplier said he can offer discounts for BP but the extent of discount depends on qty.

Viewing is available at his place. He has demo sets but if we want to see the colours, will need to peep through holes in the boxes.

To reserve a certain colour or model but to deliver on later date is ok too, but $100 deposit is required.

Let me know if you have further qns? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I suggest once I confirm the BP discount and orders with him, we can deal with the supplier direct for payment, delivery and collection. What do you ladies think?

Stardust no le he didn revert mayb too many queries. But he did say can self collect. N call him one mth b4 delivery. How to do bp if it warranty starts after u buy? Cos i only need it in dec.

Hi Winniep,

I think ok ba cos he did say just deposit $100 to reserve. So buy = pay full amt?

But if I buy, I think I will want it back home with me. Cos both side also collect dust. Since pay liao, better bring home. Haha.

Generally, the old fashion parents/in-laws prefer boys. I rem my uncle-in-law consoled to me when 8 was expecting my daughter leaving me puzzled coz I wanted a girl badly then. I understand where he's coming from as he has 3 daughters, all married but only 1 has a girl living in US..he's yearning badly for a boy lah...

Bernice: Look on the bright side. You can enrol the girls in an all-girls school so no need to shuttle bet 2sch like what I'll doing next yr.

Gbh: We donated the hospital studs bed to Khing Wan Shiu hospital. They'll collect from your home directly. You can donate any medical items to them

Hi Mummies to be

I'm from the April mummies 2011 thread, given birth to boy-girl twins (their 3mths+ now!!)

Want to start selling my maternity clothings since ulikely I will be giving birth again.

PM me if you are interested in getting almost brand new maternity clothes (bought mostly from Spring) Sizes are L/ XL, blouse, t-shirts, bottoms, 1pc swimming costume.

Ps: Ive also some bb items to sell i.e. BN Bottles, Medela breastmilk bags, breast pads etc

Hi everyone, I'm so relieved now! Just finish at Dr TC Chang's. Everything is normal and doctor was able to find 3 arteries and the vein of the umbilical cord. Everything is normal and we even get a cd for the scan. Finally can look forward to baby's arrival and shop happily for him. Thanks so much for your kind words and support for the past few days.

Bernice, its really good enough to know that baby is healthy. I was so worried and upset when I heard baby may not be ok that nothing else really matters.

hurray Kimiko! So happy for u!! Think the other day bb was not a right position that's why... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Having my detail scan tom, praying all will be ok too...


Wat a great news from u! Relief urself and take gd care; not forgetting to enjoy ur shopping spree!



thank you so much for the advice. will chk with my uncle on latest status on the bed and will contact the hosp if he hasnt done anything abt it.


glad that all's fine for bb! i know how worrying it can be when something happens to our lil ones.

Yay kimiko! Happy for u!

Stardust I'm ok with paying $100 d first. I will be getting the black zapp and red maxi cos car seat

Do you mummies get moodswings? I think I'm at it? It's like when u r pms-ing.

Kimiko - so happy for u!

Winniep -ok, will note your order.

On gender - I dont have such issues. PILs are quite modern and in any case so far they only hv grand daughters so no pressure on me. My mum has 4 daughters and my dad prefer gals. Hubby also prefer gals...his paternal instincts came only after he found out ours is a gal...hahaha....

But Hubby was quite miffed recently. His fren who just had a bb gal told hubby my PIL sure mind ours not a boy just tat they dont say! Wat a thing to say. I mean, maybe his is lidat, but why impose this on others?!

And I'm so sad, I found stretchmarks alrdy....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Dear mummies n daddy to be..I have not been logging in for Any updates since I was discharge the last round..

This time round,I am reAlli wondering if this will b my last log in here..as usual,I am admitted to e hospital again..this time round.,not due to ohss nor spotting..but due to water bag leaking..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]..

I was damm devastated to hear this..I am in week 17 now but how will my water bag leak just like this..I am reAlli paranoid n I believe no1 is just as unfortunate as me..just imagine e bb heartbeat is still strong as before.,but there is not much fluid left in my water bag..n my bb is fighting for his life alone..since there is nothing much I can do or my dr can do.,

I reAlli don't knw wAt I can for my lovely boy now..I hope Ge will fight on n my water will reaccumulate in my water bag again..

Hi Wendy, so sorry to hear this. U must be positive n strong ya. Did ur gynae explain wat actually went wrong? Any way to stop the leak?

Congrats Kimiko! Really happy for you! Happy shopping!


Have a great time looking at ur bb tmr. I am sure all will be fine...


Be positive. Sometimes all u need is to b positive and all will turn out fine. U must be a fighter like your boy. *Hugs*

Thanks everyone! It was a rollar coaster ride for both myself and my husband for the past few days. KKH also informed that I do not have to go through amnio test and scheduled for me to do a growth scan in september.

Oh dear! Wendy, I really hope everything will eventually goes well for you just as it turns out ok for me. Please stay positive and strong for your baby.

Bluey..there is no real findings y there is such leakage too..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]..no way to stop e leakage nor prevent e leak..just hope e water will reaccumulate..though e chance is only 10%..I pray for miracle coz I reAlli went thru so much for my boy..I knw hw is a fighter who is persevering..just wan to tell him mummy love him.love him for who he is n wat he had gone thru now.,

Happygal..thanks for yr care..I hope I can do more for my boy..I hope I can stay positive too..but I just can't feel upset abt it

Hi Wendy

Really hope all b okie soon .. I can't help frowning w worries now as well .. But I will definitely keep u and bb in my prayer .. Tat miracle will happen and all be alright soon

Do continue to stay strong like ur little boy

Take care ya n rest more

Dear Wendy,

It may be disheartening for u now, but dun give up k. As long as there is a chance, do fight on. Dun think too much and have bedrest as much as possible to see if the situation improve.

At one stage I was told that my water bag was too small and the doc said nutting much can be done except rest. Wish u and bb well.. Jiayou!

MamaAsh>> mine is a bb gal, do add on the table. Thks.

Kimiko>> congrats on the good news! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] phew..

Wendy>> cheer up too! We hv come so far, I believe your bb will be grow healthily. Meanwhile do take your supplement & stay positive. Jiayou!!


Btw Wendy

I jus did a little search in the Internet .. Impt thing to do right now is complete bed rest n i dunno if ur doc will prescribe u with antibiotics or other medicine

Please please rest as much as possible..

Take care n jiayou

