(2011/12) Dec 2011

hi mummies! I went for my detailed scan ydy. Bb was rather active but gynae mged to get all the measurements. Best part was he recorded the whole scan process into DVD for us so that we can view the video at home. But he didn't say weight of my bb leh. Only mentioned my EDD bgt fwd to 13 Dec. And said I've put on too much weight. Quite surprising coz pre-preggy to now at 20wks, I put on 4 kg which I thot is not much liao.

I started to feel bb movement at wk 16 though it's only past wk that the movements were stronger. Usually feel more movements after meals and at nite when lying down.

Think I mentioned I kena yeast infection few days ago. Ydy doc didn't prescribe me anything but told me to stop using panty liners and use cold water to wash if it's itchy. I also start to drink Vitagen everyday. If u r experiencing the same problem, might want to try it.

Ydy was discussing with hb on parentcraft course and he refused to go, say it's boring and he no time. I was so pissed!! He expect me to take care of bb and he in charge of playing with her only?!! Angry leh!

kimiko, glad your results turn out fine. Now can start shopping [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Tdy's papers got show some discounted items at Taka Bb Fair, can happily go buy liao.

Wendy, please stay positive. Hope things will turn out well.

Gretel, I've heard of a similar case where bb died 1 week before delivery. Another case was bb was well, but mum ended up in ICU nearly died. Very scary. Was telling my frd that founding out I'm preggy is happiness for a day then happiness and worries for next 9 mths and beyond.

Wendy: Dr Roland was checking on you when I went for my check up today.

I was worried when I saw your posting. You and baby have indeed gone through so much together. Fight through this one more hurdle together. Eat and rest well so the blood, oxygen and water will go to baby. Hopefully the amniotic fluid will start to accumulate fast. Jiayou jiayou! Hugzzz

Reserve seats: I really think the reserved seats should be taken by the deserving. Which is why I do not hesitate to ask politely if i can have the seat. Gals, lets fight for our rights! =)

Sterilizer: I saw from today's ad that Pigeon sterilizer set is going for $199 at Taka's fair. I remembered this is recommended by most mums coz of the size of the sterilizer. Is this price a good deal? Ad states usual price is $310.

Finally done with detailed scan and gynae visit. Baby is cooperative, didn't move alot. I think I took half an hr inside. Confirm it is a boy. I can start calling by his name

so many days didnt come in but read so many scary news...

Wendy, jia you!! u must be a fighter like your baby!!!

baby movement... also scaring me after reading what u all posted... ytd i was still telling hubby today like nothing from baby.. i am not sure if its fetal movement but occasionally i will feel tummy a little weird like got something inside turning.. so ytd i dun remember feeling anything like this.. but last night before i sleep, i feel something twice... i was lying on my back so i think baby was feeling uncomfy.. so i turn to lie on left.. better... but when i tried to lie on right, i can feel like something heavy "transporting" from one side of tummy to another! so end up, i went back to lie on left side..

TIE, i think u mentioned that u went for detailed scan at Parkway east le right?? i forgot if i asked and if u replied.. i understand that the scan will sometimes be very fast, sometimes takes a while.. i was wondering if we need to go early or not? my appt is 11am.

this early morning leg cramp again but it got over quite fast. but i got 1 qn to ask... since morning till now, i keep having cramps and sharp pains... is this normal??? i see some of u mentioned that it could be pelvis expanding??

also, does anyone has a copy or photo of the taka baby fair? i hope to see what they have leh...

Went for detailed scan yday too and all is normal, bb was shy couldnt see his whole front view face initially, and i had to turn n turn haha

Yeah Wendy, hope u're doing ok.... jia you!

Chan, 4kg is not a lot! I put on 6kg already haiz... Anyway i got the pill from gynae to insert, err i think i nv insert deep enough, cos when i woke up to pee in middle of night, some of the pills came out... hmm... so not sure if it's gonna be effective, but i did feel the burning n itch in middle of night. I do wear panty liner, hmm maybe i shld take more yogurt.

Jacqueline, its a full page ad so quite hard to scan Taka ad. Its on page A14 of Straits Times today. I am not too sure which sonographer did your gynae schedule you for. Mine is Dr Jennifer as my gynae feels she is very experienced. She is really fast and efficient. Hence, the detailed scan is only 10mins and an hour for the report to be out.

TIE, your 3D pic very clear! My scans were all blur grainy images altho can still see the 5 fingers but def can't see clear features like yours. My gynae also said i put on too much weight. I think i also have to ration 1 kg gain per mth liao. Biscuit supper replaced with apple. Lunch also less rice.

Thanks everyone for your encouragement..truly appreciate..

Tie..dr Roland is indeed a superb dr..be it whatever is e outcome..I appreciate everything he did for me..u had an apptment with him n u knew he is with me??I reAlli envy every mummies to be in e forum enjoying e pregnancy n advancing ahead but I am so much lacking behind..

I reAlli dun knw hw I can get the leakage prob solve n hw my womb will heal n water starts accumulating..

I reAlli love my bb boy..he was very playing just now when dr aziz did e aminotic test n fluid transfer to my womb,my bb was so alert tAt when e needle was insert into e womb,he start pulling e needle n play with it..I felt amazed by him..despite e fact tat I have for not much fluid left...he is still busy finding things to do n play n there reAlli see no reason for me to give him up..I love him n I hope he will persevere n go thru this with me,..I just ask for a healthy bb boy n I hope god will bless me..

Chan, this is the first time my gynae showed me the 3D and he tried to play around with the settings/ color to sharpen the image. Guess at this stage when baby's features are more developed, then can see better. My 2D scans are also grainy. You only put on 4kg... Think no worries. Keke. If based on average weight gain, I can only put on 1kg from now till delivery! It should be due to my Taiwan trip. Gotta be conscious about diet liao.

Wendy, with the amniotic transfer, I belive things will look better. Keep your spirits high and eat well k. Wow, your baby boy is really active. He pulled the needle and played with it? The scan is quite clear also ya.

Hihi, I am doing a BP on cloth diaper as I need to replenish supply for my NO.2 as No1 still on cloth diaper so i need more to change...

BP price for dec 2011 mummies:

1 set = 1 cover + 2 inserts

If i can hit min quantity 50: its $8 per set

min quantity 100: $7 per set (but no more freebies as shown in my webablum as its already cost price)

Price includes normal postage...


If interested pls email me at [email protected]

I am buying about 10 sets so i need 40 more sets to hit target of 50...

cloud, my family said duno where my 4kg went to coz bump not say very big leh. Haiz, since gynae say too much liao, have to watch diet liao lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] The pills are usually for 3 or 7 days, so first nite drop out prob wouldnt affect too much. But better to stop wearing panty liner unless got a lot of discharge. And wear cotton undies only. Altho feel a bit awkward w/o liner, I could feel the effectiveness by next day. Touch wood tdy so far no itching. Ydy when still using, I felt burning & itch whole day. Yup, yogurt seems to work too based on what most websites state.

TIE, OMG!! the scan so obvious!!! but baby hiding face?? haha! So cute!!!!!

I remembered someone saying she gained 4kg since pre-preg and doc says put on too much weight?? i also put on around 4kg since 1st appt... but it's only for the past 1 month i put on 3kg! but so far, i dun see myself gaining a lot weight except my tummy leh... I dun eat more than usual, and only takign more mac double cheeseburger / beef coz doc says baby a little small so asked me to eat more beef.. so 4kg is a lot ar?? siao liao... need to cut down le??

cloud942, ur baby also shy shy de.. hehez!!

i used the insert before, and also when urine, i also see the med coming out and the disgusting green discharge still a lot the enxt day and still very itchy! but it got better from the following day le.. so u should be better tml!! =)

TIE, full page?? zzz.. die.. ofc no newspaper, at hm at no english papers.. lolx!! i duno who my gynae refer fo rme but i call parkway up before, they say only got 1 sonographer and only do wed and thurs... so same?? so i think i can reach ard 11am and no need too early?? the stupid thing abt parkway is there is nowhere we can sit down and eat and wait except the delifrance!!

the normal preg weight gain ahould be ard 11-15kgs right?. so since now i have put on 4kg, and 19-20 weeks to go, so each week i can only put on max 400g?? so i think we will put on more weight later the ending right??

wendy, dun worry, things should be going on well and doctors are doing all they can.. your boy is also still very healthy and playful and strong.. gambatte!!!!

Tie,in fact,there is not much purpose to transfer saline into e womb when there is a leakage like tat..coz irregardless of how much dr aziz transfer e fluid..it will just leak out[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]..well,I can only pray for miracle...

Yup..my boy is so active tat dr Roland n dr aziz was also saying tat visibly fine since active but since got leakage pro,they will need to check if bb is normal though my Oscar test is fine.1:2727..

I knw he gotten b a cute n active boy if I have got e chance to deliver him but it seems so long for me..sad..reAlli sad

Dawn: sorry i got a very stupid question.

How to wash the cloth diapers if baby poo? Do we have a "pad" on top of the cloth diaper so if poo, we just try away the paper so its easier to wash the cloth diaper?

Littlefren - no worries, go shop ard first. I intend to only contact the supplier again in mid Aug to avoid purchases during 7th month. But I think once we confirmx2 interest, let's not back out cos the supplier may then reduce or retract the discount.

On doppler - thought of buying last time but frens warned me that if cannot hear, will be very paranoid. Plus once bb in 2nd trimester, can usually hear heartbeat very well through tummy. Plus can feel the "lump" where bb is. Hubby has been my manual doppler.

On fetal movement - mine is quite the kicker. Can see the kicks very visibly when bb kicks. And my experience is contrary, when i play with bb, she responses...though not always.

Pigeon steriliser - I am also very interested but was tinking if I should just buy the steriliser and leave options open for the other things. Or more wu hua and convenient just to buy the bundle. But still early leh....sigh v tempted by the Taka ad also

Wendy, dun be disheartened. My staff previously had massive bleeding and water bag leaked at 3 months. She also managed to give birth to a healthy boy. But its total total bedrest. Lets hope with the bedrest (minimal movement), the saline will not leak much, giving time for your womb to heal the leak. You and baby can pull through this. My little girl wanna meet your little boy in 5 months time! =)


8 kgs already? my friends keep telling me I have to eat more to put more weight... I think i'm gaining weight @ 100g per week???


last tri will gain very fast, cuz bb is putting on weight.


jia you to both of you. Rest more k?

taka baby fair,

I wonder what are the offers there... hmmm

Chan, think my insert is a diff kind, only need to use 1... Ya now w discharge, i still prefer to wear liner leh hmm... shall see how it goes...

Jac, oh ok, hope it'll get better tom, cos today like no diff, still got discharge hmm...

Wendy, looks like things will get better!! Hang in there!

Wendy, not sure if this will be an encouraging news to you but there are babies surviving born just at 24weeks. I really hope the best for you, please continue to stay positive.

Dawn, I'm also interested in the cloth diapers but what are the inserts for and does the baby still need to wear a normal diaper before wrapping with cloth diaper? Then how long can the cloth diaper last?

I think I mentioned in fb that I gained 8kg as per the scan on 20 Jul 2011. My parents were feeding me non-stop from that day till 25 Jul 2011 for the other detail scan and I gained another 2kg, total 10kg already. I almost fainted when I saw the weight gain. But so far no doctor comment anything about my weight. I'm visibly a bit fatter than before but my tummy is really big now. No clothes can cover anymore.

Jac, if possible try not to eat too much Mac's beef burgers. Just a while back, there was news on their beef burgers being 'un-decomposable' for months left on table top. Anyway, its better to take fresh food. And its so nice that you and some other mummies can feel where baby is, even when they move from one side to another. I can't really feel any hard lump, only know when baby kicks me.

TIE, congrats! Your 3D baby picture is so cool! My feet also looks swollen now, was wondering if this has anything to do with 'too much' weight gain since we both gain quite a bit of weight?

jac, i scanned the taka ad but coz too big, have to be in 3 A4 pages (but the last column still can't fit in). Can't upload here coz file too big. I can email over if u keen to take a look.

dacylet, u r only gaining 100g per week?? den think u really need to eat more liao...

hmm.. baby gain more in last tri.. so i think i need to cut down now le.. lolx..

cloud942, give urself 1 more day.. let all the bateria and germs comes out.. i think cleaner to use panty liner.. i remember that time i also use panty liner coz can keep changing.. if nv use, will stain panty and willbe very er xin when it stains ur panty. plus i think unless u can change your panty very often (at home), if not, if u r out, the stained panty might still have some bateria from the stains and end up not recovering fully?

kimiko, i think nappy needs to change often as and when when baby poo or uring like diapers.. there is also nappy liner that u can but.. similar to diaper liners.. what i heard is u also need to line the nappy liner de.. but the washing part i thin should be the most troublesome but shouldnt be so bad coz got nappy liner. but still, must make sure its washed very thoroighly.

huh?? mac beef burgers no gd ar? hmmz.. but thats the easiest way to find beef leh... unless that western stalls u find in foodcourts and coffee shops but those usually not nice de..

i think u can try lying down and feel ur tummy.. usually u can feel that it's slightly harder at the lowest part of ur tummy? at least u know ur baby kick!! i dun even know what is kick yet and i truly hope the "movement" i felt are really baby movement and nto tummy giving prob again! haha!!

Kimiko, I was amazed with the pic too. Initially cannot make head or tail, until doc rotate the pic on the screen. Opps, I am still leading you by 1kg and we have about similar EDD. =P I think the swollen feet could also be due to the weight gain. When I pressed the feet, they felt bruised. Hopefully the feet gets better. I felt like a penguin swaddling with the weight gain. I can't imagine my size nearing delivery!

Jac, I think I still don't understand on the diaper thingy.. Haha, sounds so alien to me. The normal diapers are the thrown away ones when baby poos or pees right? But cloth diaper is the washable type right? What is a nappy/diaper liner? So can I say that when I use a cloth diaper, no need to wear a disposable diaper inside (in case of leakage or something)? I was wondering if I do that, baby also feel very hot down there right? Hmmm.. *lots of questions*

Hmmm.. To be frank, that was one of my fav burgers from Mac but ever since I'm pregnant (apart from the MS period), I totally never touch their beef burgers anymore because of that news. Not sure about BK, etc but I think might be 'safer' going by taste.

I tried to feel lying down but no matter where I press (I also dont dare to press too hard, scared I'll 'injure' my baby), it feels the same *sigh*. I can differentiate from 'boxes' and 'kicks' mainly from baby's position. Becoz Dr Chang told me my baby is in a upright position, legs at the bottom, head on top? Haha.. So if I feel something like a 'air punch' at the side of tummy, I know is baby boxing me. But the kicks are much more frequent and obvious. He likes to kick on and off.

TIE, I think I might even 'overtake' you soon. Some days I just eat like I have been starving for days. Haha.. Just that when I'm not at my parents' I try to eat normally. They really feed me like feeding a pig whenever I'm home for short stay. Bruised? Hmmm.. My feet look swollen but doesn't feel any different from usual when I press them. Yes, I agree with you as I'm also starting to wonder how big my tummy gonna get nearing delivery. I think my tummy looks like 7-8months and I feel like I have to support my tummy to walk at times esp after a meal.

bfly, i also thot 4kg no big deal but gynae went "wah! 49kg?!". Then i asked if i put on too much weight, he said yes, too much liao. I guess in next few mths we'll put on even more weight as bb grow faster. Many of my colleagues put on 15-20kg by time deliver.

stardust, the pigeon bundle seems quite gd deal. BB Kingdom sell sterilizer at $125, Food warmer at $75. Like that already $200.

cloud, i also prefer wear liner. Feel dirty w/o it but the itch was very uncomfortable and I feel burning sensation when urinating, so last nite till tdy I didn't use liner. Panty stain quite disgusting but at least no itch liao.

Jac, just emailed u liao.

thanks chan pl!!!!

kimiko, no no.. when u use nappy, no need the disposable diapers anymore de... and when u use nappy and when baby is on bed, usually ppl will put some cot sheet or something to prevent the dirty nappys from dirtying the bed/mattress.

the liner is a piece of "paper" that ppl use. usually liners are used for nappy but i heard some ppl using it for dispoable diapers too.

this is 1 photo i found for liners..


info abt nappy liners..


how to use nappy liner..


chan pl, burning sensation during urine might means UTI wor...

i had slight UTI just 1 month plus back... did uring test but luckily not serious and i only had sharp pains.. but usually when u have burning senstion and feels pains when urine, better go see doc... i am having difficulty urine too and feel pain.. but i am just monitoring... i heard from a friend that if UTI gets serious, might need to be hospitalised!

Hihi, this thread is moving so fast till my post previously had been overtaken & not replied hehe ...

For those who are keen in the Taka BB Fair [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks leftbraini!

By the way what is the difference between Medela Freestyle and PIS?

The deal for freestyle seems good.

chan pl, u scratch ur private area when u bath??? no gd leh!! u be careful... i got infection/inflammation once before.. coz too itchy, den whenever after toilet, i rub and rub hoping to get rid of the itch.. end up got some bleeding inside i think..

thanks leftbrani and chan pl!! really must go shopping liao! but duno if they got capella or not.. the maclaren states 2009 version... duno got any diff between this and newest version, if there is any...

kimiko, i also blur blur de.. i remembered last time got practise on my youngest bro before but htink forget le... anyway, i 99% using diapers coz no 1 to wash nappy for me...

Jac: Seems like taka dont have capella i don remmeber seeing it there when im there.

By the way John Little at Marina Square does have some discount for capella. not sure if it is good deal though.

hmmmz... john little have have sale??? faint... sale all come at WRONG time!! haha!! i thought of using my taka vouchers leh... argh!!!! what else can i still buy?? the cot seems like gd deal but hubby thinking buying playpen at kingdom... =(

Jac, I read online that the 2009 maclaren version got recalled back before because of 1 missing item or something. Nobody was hurt but they recall back the stroller. I may be wrong with the explanation but I remember the 2009 versions were recall back for some reason. I wanted to get Capella but hubby don't like and I'm surprised he is willing to up the budget to get one which suits his taste and can last longer. Sounds like an expensive stroller but since he pay I got no comment.. Haha..

I also feel like shopping for big items now becoz of all the discounts but really no place to put.. So sad

Cloth diaper: save me quite a lot of $$, i am totally on cloth diaper for my boy except going out... so a few mth = 1 pack of disposables...

I would usually use disposable nappy liner on top of the cloth diaper... so if baby poo, then i throw away the liner... if no poo, i would wash and reuse... 1 pack of liner around $8.50(150 pieces) can use for quite long...

sometimes by the time my boy outgrown the disposable diaper size, i still havent finish 1 pack of disposable

And at the end of the day, juz throw into washing machine and wash will do.... and dry nia lor... quite easy.... (but i wash every 2 day... too lazy to wash everyday)

and its 1 size fits all, got button to adjust...

there are other brandeds ones out there, some may prefer to buy those.... but i have budget.... so cheap ones will do since it works the same way...

The inserts that come with the diapers are absorbent and can absorb quite an amount of urine as compared to the traditional type of cloth napkins...

I usually change my boy every 3 hrs or so.... but still not full yet... coz i like him to be clean so change frequently.... for night... i use 2 inserts and can last over night...

and cloth diaper can reduce nappy rash


this link is a review by a mummy whose baby is totally on cloth diaper even outside... she is quite pro in cloth diapering... when i juz started cloth diaper i also go see her blog for more info, she explain very clearly how to use and all the steps (i nv follow everything, coz she very detail, some steps i skip)

Everyone please take note: "URGENT!!! For all parents, Nestle is asking for everyone to return all BANANA BABY FOOD expiring 2012 because they may contain GLASS. Please copy & paste for all babies safety. Bar code 7613033089 73, EVEN if you are not a parent please help forward this post. You could help save a child!!!!"


kimiko, 09 version got recall back??!! eeek!! den y still on sale???

dawn, ya, seems like nappy alot pros.. but hor... i got something to ask.. when bb use nappy, and there is liner, what if bb poo?? den wun stain the nappy meh??

i wish i can so easily wash... my MIl and SIL alot clothes to wash de.. esp my MIL, alot chothes and big size and heavy.. i already got prob trying to wash my own clothes, bras and hubby's clothes and bedsheets.. so if got nappy even worse.. how to wash?? that day my MIL also say liao.. diapers easier.. use and throw.. no need so troublesome.. i got 1 feeling she just doesnt wanna have so many prob bah.. and wun affect her life..

i might seems selfish or maybe unreasonable bu ti feel that my in-laws not really that enthu or excited abt me preg.. and not as gan jiong as my family..

last sat i was cleaning the room and no 1 asked if i need help.. and hubby is working whole weekend. vacuum, cleaning, change bedsheet, etc.. no 1 ask.. den evening time all went out and i still cleaning.. den after cleaning hungry but too tired to buy dinner.. emo...

sunday even more emo.. den i tell my youngest bro.. and he went to tell my dad. immediately, both came and pick me up go home.. emo + gan dong.. and both worried that i at home alone, no 1 care much. and scared i hungry or anything no 1 knows. last time my dad did say married liao dun go back so often coz not nice for both side families.. but now, he says if i alone at home and feeling no good, go back home... at least got ppl ard for me.. that day after my dad and bro picked me up, instantly felt better...


joanne koh, anywhere also can find leh.. i think can buy during taka fair also.. 8 plus a pack.. that day i saw at bhg sale also quite cheap...

