(2011/12) Dec 2011

why all clinics practices differently? my one can only start package from week 20 and it is $798 before GST. it is damn ex



Ya my fren ger also like can feel all along she got play with me la but when i jus pregnant tink 6 7 weeks she suddenly come hug me all tis they also tell me children can feel de.

Chan P L,

At 1st see is cute but when 2nd 3rd time cnt and with full bladder make me pek chek le haha. I also dun koe leh the nurse at conunter tell me cnt pee than the sonographer also told me tat tink like the bladder full will move i also not sure ley.


My niece is 5 years old. Thats y all along i hope mine is ger i feel ger more sweet lor .

Both my niece and nephew say is ger ley. I ask them why than they say because can be companion for mei mei because i still got 1 younger niece near to a yr old i ask them huh than if boy how they tell me than be mei mei bf lor i blur haha!

ling, mine is $550 for the package...and whatever tha we paid before the 13 weeks can be used to offset the $550, so we pay the difference...

jas, very sweet for a 5 yr old gal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope its a gal for u since u want a gal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i have 4 nieces and 1 nephew. all nieces said mine is gal cos they say boy will be naughty. faint right

sporty, yours is so cheap lor.

jas, ur niece is SO CUTE!!!! haha!! be mei mei bf.. haha!!

ling, mine also diff de.. i think diff clinic and gynae got their own package.. mine is $700 before GST and starting from week 12...

sporty, but urs seems gd leh.. can still be used to offset!!! mine is new start de.. but i think might be better coz past few times i visit my gynae is ard $200 plus le.. scan + consultation + med + GST...

at least most of you all can start from week 12. mine so stupid de, can only start from week 20. it doesnt save any money at all

Ling, saw from the table, i was with ur gynae for my 1st preg, i find her package increased a lot from 2yrs ago... n due to some other reasons decided to change gynae.

Ya sporty, urs is v cheap...

ling! that is very UNPROFESSIONAL of her to make such insensitive and unwatrranted comment! so angry reading tis! unprofessional medical pple who all the more expected to be patient, compassionate and caring really pissed me off to no end.

i can feel alot of 'movement' but it's not 'kicks' that i used to feel for my 1st. this time round it's more like when u have too much wind in your stomach kind? hahahaah

i very envy that some of you can feel movements. my mil keep asking me if i can feel. i really cant feel. she is as panic as me cos my last pregnancy, i cant feel movement at week 19plus and really something happen.

ling/jac, cheap but sometimes the queue can be very looong la...so have to give n take la...n also his consultation is very fast one, within 5 mins u are outta the room... so got good and bad, some pple like to slow scan and see their bb one wun like lor

decmum, PM will go to ur email box tha u registered with this forum...juz check tha email?

ling, sorry may i ask, what happened last round? did the heartbeat stopped? usually for first time mummies, u can feel after 20 weeks onwards ba...

sporty, how long is your long? i got wait for abt 2hrs before

yes, both my twins stopped heartbeat during detailed scan

sporty: dun forget my records r all heavy weight bb!! so i guess this also heavy weight liao lah... & i had been craving for durians! OMG... try to control man... so scare u know!?! but only like twice i kenna kick lah, think position makes bb can't move! haha... :p

jas: ya, gals will be sweeter, by rite, but my boy is sweeter then his jiejie! haha... my gal will only say, if bb comes out to be another didi, then didi take care! faintz...

izit really cheaper to take the package ah? cos i understand fr KK, they do have a limit of visits even for package leh... & tat time my gynae say won't be able to utilise all, so ask us not to take package, so can use this pre-natal grant for my delivery leh...

ling, for #3 the wait is much better cuz now he sees lesser patients i think...usually abt 30 mins max ba... what was the reason given for the stopped heartbeat?

mama ash, u better go easy on durians leh...now haven half way there leh...wait bb too big ah? :p LOL

ling, i think u r not the only 1.. i have friends who's package starts later too...

sporty, ya, my clinic the queue is very long and very pack.. so usually will reach slightly earlier so that i will not be late and no need wait too long... ur gynae also chop chop type?? mine also!! haha!! but somehow, still got a bit of waiting time coz of some mums who r late and stuff..

ling, u waited 2hrs for your turn? how come? did you have an appt? the times i need to wait for hrs is when i does not have appt but need to see doc... tried once is abt 2hrs?? in between got abt 20mins gynae went to deliver baby!!

so sorry to hear abt ur last preg... dun worry, i also havent feel anything yet.. =)

mamaash, how come ur gal says if didi comes out, didi take care? haha!!

i think mine is fixed de?? coz will only meet gynae once a month and if wanna change date after appt is fix, can change but need to pay extra!! btw, i heard ppl says during the last few weeks or last tri must see gynae every week??

mamaash, your gal damn cute, why ask didi to take care

Jacqueline, duno how they manage de. everytime make appt but i still need to wait very long, dun understand why

sporty: yes tat's wat am worry... my mum told my sis, aiyo, yr sis only 3mths & tummy so big! faintz... i also dare not eat too much leh... control control... i believe my bb will be the heaviest here lor!! LOL...

Jac: cos b4 i preggie, my gal keep asking me to give her a bb, then i ask her mummy deliver bb easy, but who take care, she say i'll help u lah... i can change her diaper, feed her milk mah... so now preggie liao, i ask her u wan didi or meimei, she say meimei, then i say if didi how, so she say didi take care lor! & later my kids had been telling everyone, mama tummy is another didi!! haha... but i had been telling them, mummy can't choose bb to be a didi or meimei hor, u will know when bb comes out ok! haha...

for last tri, depends on gynae leh, my didn't ask to go weekly, was like bi-weekly only...

jac, yes he is very chop lor...if no qns, he will think u ok...then NEXT!! hahha

ling, icic...sorry to bring up this topic... ur current pregnancy will be very shun shun and smooth sailing one! dun worry!!!

ling, maybe some late or some no appt, and the nurse try to slot them in??? maybe next time u try to arrange the 1st appt??

mamaash, my tummy also quite big leh.. obvious!! but my weight sort of maintaining leh.. maybe increase a little but i suspect its the stools again! after last sat, no toilet again.. =(

whahaah!! ur gal very cute!! for ur 2nd 1, she say she help u take care.. now ur 3rd, she say ask 2nd to take care!! lolx.. but being jie jie, i know she will also help de.. normally if the eldest is a gal, she will be a little motherly and helps to look after siblings.. (i talking abt me.. lolx!!)

oh.. bi-weekly!!! means i got 2 half days each month!! whahahahha!!!!

sporty, mine will ask if i am ok.. if my problem still bad.. den go for scan.. den tell me baby is healthy, hear heartbeat.. den after that say see her again when.. and usually thats it unless i got qns to ask! lolx!! which is gd also lah.. coz imagine if all gynae and mums take very long, the later appt timing de very poor thing leh..

ling, u will know soon!!! dun gan jiong!! all will be fine!! =)

Littlefren, I like how your mom actually explained and was rather frank with you about the love from different parents. That's something I learnt today which I can apply.

RE: Love between siblings and loving our parents

I love my mom dearly, but when I was young, I cannot appreciate both my parents' parenting style--belittle us to motivate us.. I swear to God I'll never to that to anyone. I was constantly being called "kong-kong", "siao", "bu-zhen-chang", all means nothing but "crazy" or "stupid". It's painful.

I used to always tell them, "you just don't love me as much as you love sister/ brother.", their reply is always, "we provide you a shelter, clothes and food and send you to school, what more do you want?"

What's the difference between me and a dog?

I gave up impressing them and live for myself, but I never allow myself to become lowly that they always thought I would be. Only then, they started seeing me differently.

I still love my mom dearly despite how I felt about their comments on me. I think this has alot to do with my upbringing from her. Always love each other and nothing is thicker than blood.

When the whole world was discussing about the "tiger mom", my MIL couldnt not agree that as an Asian parenting style, she sarcastically commented perhaps her mom (German) and her dad (Hungarian) are Asian. She really doesn't know how cruel an Asian parent can be.

gbh, thanks for enlightenment..

Ling, I would have asked her if my MC bothers her/him. And if sonographer is a "he, I will say, "I hope my boy doesn't turn out to ba someone insensitive"

Once, I entered a lift with my son, and I greeted the neighbor. He ignored my greeting but looked at me like, "stupid woman", so I politely told him "I am teaching my son "manners"" I think he was offended but was quick, he replied "I am happy for you." so I also quickly replied "I am rather sad for your mom." Thank God I stayed mid floor and by the time we ended this exchange, the lift door opened. But after that, when I was so afraid to see him again in the lift, strangely the next time I bumped into him, he was polite!!!

MamaAsh, thanks for update.

RE: Linea Nigra

I posted about the linea Nigra, I can see the line when I look into the mirror leh, can you girls see yours? Or am I the only one?

It's not very dark now, but will get darker as time goes..


I tink tt sonographer is very rude and insensitive. Should report her. Really mean!


Thanks for the updated table!


Ur baby so cute. Mine gave me some problems for the scan too but not as long as urs. Today my scan my baby was seen 'standing'. I also tot tt position quite xin ku but doc says its ok. learning to use its muscles to move around. Anyone else encounter funny positions of babies?


I also tempted to buy baby stuff but got to wait for a while more i guess. All the stuff so small and cute!


I can see mine too very faintly. My hubby was looking at it and say it is also hairy. hee...

Jacqueline: I know what you mean abt shopping, now GSS somemore right? ;)

KK: Good for you in dealing with your neighbour!

Jas: Have you received combined results yet? I've received mine, am relieved my pregnancy is classified as low risk after including results of blood test too.

Jasline: All the best in your OSCAR test tmr!

Hi dacylet,

No, I no need take leave cos I'm a full time tutor, so quite flexible timing! ;) my edd is 2 dec, cos I think at initial stage, bb was growing rather slow but caught up later! But gyn never change, he said nvm, just stick to it first! Let's count down to mi d July tog!!!

Hi ling,

My gynae doesn't even offer package lor! I wonder if all kkh doc dun offer or only my doc! Any mummies fr kWh to share??? N yes, I also wait for 2 hr for my gyn for quite a number of times, quite used to it but gonna change to The Private Suite after the next appt, hope the q can shorten!!

Hi jas,

I really love yr niece, so sweet! I didnt know kids are more sensitive to preg woman! Now I know y kids always smile back at me these days! Hee hee!!

Hi kk,

My mum is not much educated but I love her dearly n how she handled me n siblings, hope I can be a gd mum too. It's gd that u turn out to be a better woman n a good mum despite the difficult times at childhood. Regarding the linea nigra, when are we supposed to see it??? Any first time mummies haven't got it yet?

Hi Littlefren,

KKH does not offer any packages for gynae visits, its purely paying per visit but I think it is still very much affordable when I only pay about $80+ each time when my gynae is a senior consultant at The Private Suite. I waited an hour to see gynae and only get to scan and talk for 5min [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Didn't even get to know any form of measurement for baby. No scan for keeps also [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Is it supposed to be like that from 4 months onwards?

On linea nigra, I can see mine faintly since week 8 or so. Like happygal, I noticed hair along the line as well. Is it supposed to be like that? I have a straight line from below my breast all the way to the pubic area.


Same as you, I also notice a line from below my breast to pubic area. I tink if I wear a bikini now, it looks a bit funny. Hahahaha...


Let's see if it tells anything about baby's gender [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Looks like I have to wait till 20 July to know baby's gender.


Tt will b fun! I will noe abt tt time too. We will see if we have bbs of the same gender. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi kimiko n happy gal,

I got no line.... But got little hair growing like a line on belly... Ha!

So its not only my doc, I also think quite affordable so far. Hey kimiko, u mean all the while yr doc dun give u pics of scan or only the recent visit??? So far, I do get at least one piece but all poorly taken ones! A hahaha! My doc do mumble the crl at times, other than that also chop chop finish one.... Then the recent one that I visited my gp instead, he took all sorts of measurements, including feet n tummy! Very cute!

Hi Littlefren,

Nope, all along I get a pic of the scan each time except for the visit yesterday. Yes, the scans always look so blurred. On the contrary, the scans given from AMC or ADC are much better. I have no idea how 'big' my baby is, so sad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Dun be sad... Next time ask doc to tell u. I rem someone mentioned fr 2nd tri or something, bb is measured by head circumference n not crl anymore cos all bb grow at bat diff rates fr then. Yr next appt in July right, very fast will come one ;)

Ya AMC scans better ;)

Can't be helped, he seem to be rushing for time because he got a delivery to do and he was judging how many more patients he can see before he goes off. There are still a few more outside waiting for their turns, I was lucky I got to see him before he goes off. But still.. Especially my naughty baby always choose to sleep during scans. Feels kinda disappointed after 4 weeks of waiting. But I agree, after week 10 esp when MS slowly subsides, waiting no longer seems to be so painful as before.


ya... insomia quite bad... i think also partly i drank some coffee... oops... no choice... i need that to keep me going... if not will die looking after my gal... my slp cycle now all upside down... slp daytime, night time awake... i nap tog with my gal in the afternoon...


get bb clothes from US!!! they r really really very low prices n very very nice!!! hooded towels too! thicker n cheaper n nicer designs than those sold in SG.... that time during my honeymoon there, i went recced all the baby stuff!!!! KS me lah! that time only start to plan to have baby only... who knows tried one yr then bb comes... so i had all the babies stuff one yr before i even conceived!!!

gbh, woh u also having sleepless night... I have been awake since 3am. Tmr sure die, dunno how to work liao.

Sporty/Ling, your gynae package so cheap. Haiz...my gynae dun even have package now (last time use to have). Every visit so expensive, abt $300 per visit. No choice must stick to her cos she had my previous 3 pregnancies record including the one I m/c. I remembered last year when I had my m/c, my total bill fr seeing her fr wk 6 to wk 12, include D&C procedure costed $4k. My Hubby said can give birth to 1 baby liao. I really dare not count how much I will have to pay for this whole pregnancy. Just pray this bb dun give extra problem which needs me to see her under emergency situation.

Good Morning Mummies,

Ytd visit Dr at AMK KKH. This is my 1st time there I was so happy coz no need to wait...hahahahaha...and the nurse there r friendly (not like the one in Bukit Timah)...Ytd actually is not the actual appointment date but due to my OSCAR result I decide to go earlier...Thanks god Dr John Tee told me that my OSCAR test is low risk ask me not to worry...He is very nice and he didn't request me to pay for ytd visit coz he said my appointment shld b on 4 Jul, he ask me back again...hahahahaha...if I go others private clinic sure need to pay $$$$....thks all MTB give me support during this few days...thks a lot... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kkh the private suite,

No packages for kkh and the waiting time at tps is no different. I wait an average of 90 mins every visit n even longer if my gynea has a delivery. The plus point is the seats r more comfy, freed of Milo, coffee n tea n meds are dispensed there as well. My gynea also gave me a u/s copy at each visit throughout the pregnancy but later in pregnancy can't make out wat is on it coz baby is too big to fit into the frame.

Piggy: So glad your results show you as low risk! And you are super low risk right? Congrats!

I also had a scare just before I left the hospital on the day of my scan. I was surprised when the receptionist tried to schedule me for a cardiac scan. I looked at her and ask her "My bb req's a cardiac scan?" she asked me if my dr didn't inform me? I said no but proceed to get a date. Then requested to speak with the MO at the sonographer's office again. She came back from talking with the dr to tell me a cardiac scan is not req'd. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gynae packages:

Similar to others from KKH, I don't have a package either. I pay per visit. Jay, your gynae visits sound very expensive to me.

Morning Mummies..

Today is Friday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Most of us are in 2nd tri right?

did you gain weight? Increase in appetite?

Ms Carpe Diem, thks....but Dr John Tee still ask me to go for cardiac scan to check bb heart system...he said due to the NT so he suggest me to go but not to worry...hehehe...I was so happy coz I think I hv a good gynae...


jac, what u said is true la...if all the mums have alot of qns to ask then have to wait very long! heee

kk, haha...the "exchange" with ur neighbour is very funny!

littlefren, some pple may not have linea nigra one...i didnt have it for my #1...

kimiko, think 4 mths on wards, gynae seldom give u the scan cuz the bb is too big to scan...sometimes will give, maybe only the face area?

kimiko/happygal, some pple say if u have hair on ur tummy means u are expecting a boy, lets see whether isit true for u...

anne, welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gbh, ya la...ur timing like opposite frm us :p

jay, ur gynae is known to be ex la...so bo bian la, juz have to pay since u already engaged her as ur gynae...

ms carpe diem, wahh really a big scare yesterday...

dacylet, yeah fri today...yes to gain weight & appetite! haha


Mayb ur line is faint below the hair? hee... it will grow darker so will juz have to wait for a while.


Glad to hear tt. The doc seems very nice yah.

Ms carpe diem,

Muz b quite a scare but lucky juz a false scare. It seems that my courage diminish with my pregnancy. Very scared to hear anyting remotely not so good.


Im in my 2nd tri. din gain weight. doc said should start gaining but even if dun gain so much but baby growing, he say no need to worry. They will normally let u noe if they tink baby not putting on enough weight. No increase in appetite but then again I dun have MS so i juz eat small meals coz i always feel bloated.

All mummies,

Have a gd weekend yah!


Really? Hahaha... I dun mind the gender... I juz wanna hav a healthy n bouncy baby. Can't wait to hold bb in my arms although tts a long way off...!!

Hi Anne!


Really ex leh but nvm as long as baby healthy. Money can earn back. :)

Ms Carpe Diem,

No ley haven't got my result, i ask the nurse at TMC when will send the report back to my gynae clinic they say latest by mon so see if my clinic got call me. Now praying hard! but happy that your result is low risk.


I hope what you all say abt tummy got hair is boy is not true leh. Hehe! i was hoping a ger but i also realise my tummy got a bit hair leh i still tot normal de ley.

Hey sporty, so not every body will have the line? Ok, comforting to know that, was thinking whether I missing out something ;) I also hv hair on my tummy, so maybe a boy? Ha, let's wait n see ;)

Happy gal, me too! Very scared to hear anything no good too..... Tend to think east think west at times....

Dacylet, me appetite n weight seems to have maintained, in fact first tri eat more ;)

Stella, ha, I wait about 2-3 hr normally.... So 90 min is a plus point ;) keke! Better seat is plus plus.... ;)

Piggy: Yes, it's great you have a good dr. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sporty: Yes, thank God it's Fri! It was a bit of a scare.

Just wondering, how many of you have gone for a cardiac scan for your child?

Happygal: Yah me too!

