(2011/12) Dec 2011

gretel, yeah my frens and i were talking abt this scam... when i first saw the BP, i find it abit too good to be true lor...

creamy, if ur gynae had already arranged for detailed scan at week 19 means shd be ok la, hope ur appetite picks up soon!

flee, yes i have this cough thingy also, every morn while showering i was bz coughing out the phelgm...


Mamaash - Kiasu Gynae = High Cost. My hb is already feeling the high expenses and we are hoping to save some $$ by getting some 2nd clothing from other parents.

Sporty - thanks..

Joanne, Ling, Kimiko - I believe stuff nose is very comment as I read it in the book that pregnant lady blood vessel tends to thicken so it block our nose. I have been having blocked nose quite frequently lately too and get up to drink water in the middle of the night cause of very dry throat.

Me tooblock nose these few days very uncomfortable n mid night have to wake up drink water

Juz had a review yesterday was prescribe anti depressant med as i have an unstable mood hope itget better soon i hate being depress

Abt blocked nose: I've been having blocked nose at night ard the time I sleep as well...

Kailing: How's your OSCAR scan? I had mine today as well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So glad to see my bb's heart beating after a scare 2 days ago when most of my MS suddenly disappeared. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Flee, creamy, Babybee – welcome welcome! ;)

Happygal & Joanne – hahah you will know bb gender sooooonnnn! Patience patience! Joanne your bb so cute leh hide hide here, hide hide there, keep mummy in suspense, I was laughing reading your post haha. Next time play hide n seek!

Also not joining FB as haven ‘announce’ my pregnancy yet…I’m still not showing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] no one ever gives up seat to me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Kimiko, sporty – keep us posted on your check up!

Flee – one child v lonely. I can see from my #1… he’s 4 now and since like, 3? He starts asking for a sibling n on weekends when he doesn’t have childcare, can see he’s really lonely! And v tiring for me the main caregiver to CONSTANTLY keep him occupied and entertain him…their energy level never ending one u know! But then of cos too early for you to talk abt all these… u enjoy your #1 first… take things 1 step at a time ;)

Ms Carpe Diem, hows OSCAR? Havet really catch up withe rest of the post since my post ystd.. Busy day at home.

Gretel, I am not sure if every car is the same but the agent in Singapore for my car, it is this way. So that the owner of other car with same brand cannot take their key and try to "steal" our tyre. The tyres are expensive!! About $5-600/pc here. That's why I intend to order from US and freight in. The agent's logistics company is charging $1000+ just for air-freight. Therefore his price is very steep. I am going to order those all terraine/ general use, therefore about USD90/pc, even with my air freight rate. It should still be less than $500/pc. If your car is one with the tyre bolted at the back, you may want to find out with any workshop if they can remove and change it. If this is possible, then you know it can be easily stolen. Surely there is security measures to "protect" it. According to our car agent, we can purchase a new lock and it comes in a set of 5, 4 for the wheels and one for the spare.

Sporty, u are also teasing me.. I am the slave, gotta PKL, from recept to answering to different ministry if my books are not submitted properly.. hahaha! In some way it is good to have flexi work, but I tend o get lazy and procrastinate until last minute. Then of course I suffer at the last minute.

Gretel, don't be upset about the announcement lah, I am sure she wanted to share the joy. My office people are betting on the gender of my baby, and I am perfectly fine with it. I ahve to chk with the accountant how much money she has collected from the betting... And for the EDD, dont' worry so much about it now, there may be a chance that it's gonna be changed again at the later time. When I was prg with #1, 2 of the MTBs had theirs revised to 2 weeks earlier!! I am not a believer of counting the time and date of birth, even counting strokes of the names etc. Bcos I learnt about these counting thing since my nephews were born, and given specific few names to name, eventually life still sama-sama, worse case, a few of them even cannot study well and ended job hopping so frequently.

bfly & Jasline, don't worry about cutting fringe lah, my mom said if u don't pan-tang now, u need not be worried thru out the pregnancy, but if you choose to be pan-tang, then in case u desperately need to cut something, that's whn trouble can come. I cut so mant things when I was preg with #1, even when and dye my hair. He came out flawless!!!

Welcome new mommies in this thread!

Experience mommies with different gender children, I have a qn. Is it true that when u are expecting a girl, the linear nigra from below the belly button and the one on top wont join while if you are expecting a boy, the line would?

dawn: hope u get well soon... try not to worry too much?! i also find myself almost getting in depression mood, cos find my hb not understanding at all, and due to minor things he can upset and we r on cold war after our cruise trip till today... i juz try not to think abt it... concentrate on my kids only... being pregnant is tough, being a understanding wife is not being appreciated... u take care there k...

dacylet: ehm, can eat crab lah, unless u worry abt ezecma? old wives tales is bb will be 多手多脚 but if u're not worry can eat... i eat alot! haha...

shasha: oh.. tat BP.. i had almost wanting to go for it, cos seems like many mummies had given good comments abt her BP!! hope they get back their $$...

sporty: i had been trying to cough out my phelgm since i know am preggie everyday every time!! so irritating... am wondering if am falling sick or wat!!

ms carpe diem, good to hear tha ur ms's gone! can start to eat properly already

dacylet, can eat crab la...i have been eating :p

gretel, u must be v slim, thas why cant tell tha u are preggy!! yeah agree, when u have 2 kids, u no need to entertain them at home, they will entertain themselves!! haha

kk, no la...at least PKL, its still ur own biz mah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the flexibility is always there!! for my #2, i have linear nigra but #1 i dun have... this is the first time i heard of your qn leh...i think usually pple wun go and see the linear nigra so carefully ba, and also...how to bend down and see??! hahaha... next time when we gets bigger, maybe cant even see our feet!!

mama ash, cheer up!! dun be so depressed!!! yeah, every morn i cough until the gastric juice came out...haha

Craving for bbq steamboat now.... So long so cravings!!! Ever. Since i had depression i dun have cravings!!!! But its a waste of $$ for me to eat buffet bbq steamboat now haizzzz

gretel, when i was young and playing on my own...i will talk to myself...my mum tot i'm crazy! then i tell her...no one play with me so i have to play different roles ma!

but i know for sure usually only child will grow up with some attitude problem. all their life they don't have to think for others...so very easy they end up self-centred and selfish...cos no need to share with anyone on anything and parents will focus all their attention on that one child...

i notice that about myself and always try to limit it when possible...

AC: i have to agree on wat u say... but dun think it only applies to only child leh.. cos it applies to my hb, i guess is due to him having some family prob @ home when young, so he keep everything to himself, even after marriage also like tat, so i find it so hard to communicate with him at times & get him to see things differently... all he thinks abt is himself... glad u manage to notice tat yrself...

sporty: thks! am trying to cheer up too... ya, i also been coughing till i vomit!! so irriting leh...

dawn, maybe juz go for the bbq steamboat buffet after u feel better?

ac, not true la...nowadays many pple are self centered also even they have siblings...lots of them at my workplace...hahah

mama ash, bo bian la...our last bb liao, juz hang on...i already used to puking my gastric juices every morning...haha

of cos i don't think it applies to only child only...however, i think it's more likely to happen due to the environment...

my parents did not exactly have a happy marriage and i figured that the problem is lack of communication. right from the beginning i told my wife we need to communicate when we have problems. so till now we hardly quarrel and any unhappiness do not last more than an hour. if there is any unhappiness we promise to say out when we are ready...

so in a way i guess i'm lucky we never had cold war...maybe her occupation also helps to build up her patience...

AC: I totally agree w u, normally i will try to forget wat happened after a nite's sleep!! but not my hb... so i feel so sad... i always tell him, try to adopt a forgive & forget... then he tell me he can't!! wow biang... then how? hang on to watever unhappiness till u die?? life is so short, but he nvr gets it!! i find he's even more petite then woman lor... at least worst then me!! everything i can tahan i tahan... haiz... tough lah...

KK: you must have been really bz! Hope you'll have enough time to rest!

It's good to see the child in detail. NT scan results seemed ok but will need to wait for blood test results. Thanks for asking. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

MamaAsh: It's indeed not ez to be pregnant and to try to be a good wife. Hope with time, love and understanding, things between you and your hubby will become ok again...

Sporty: Yes! And your detailed scan's coming soon! Looking fwd to hearing good results from you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

AC: It's so good you are actively practicing mindfulness about ourselves, it's very hard so kudos to you for trying! Thanks for sharing insights on being an only child.

mamaAsh, I have a hubby like yours. He had been an only child until 6 years old when his sister was born. He told me he usually play by himself and even the only neighbor boy who's a year or 2 older think he is too young to play together.. He keeps everything to himself, and I hate it. I also think he has problem communicating with others. Sometimes I hear him on the phone, he stutter cos the other person doesn't seem to give him a chance to speak.

But even thought that's what I observed of him, most people think he makes a good lawyer, cos he can really "cockroach" his way into making people believe his "innocence". Which is what I hate, cos it seem I am always the bad guy!

AC, yes, I think my hb is still pretty self-centred privately when I first met him. It got better bcos I came from a family with many siblings and forced him to share. He improves more when my boy was born. I don't really blame him Cos his sister is 6 years younger and being a different gender, he never need to share anything. Then again, he does have a compassion for the less fortunate.

Thank Ms Carpe Diem, rest is manageable, but this afternoon, I was late to come into the office, and almost didn't make it cos I was so sleepy after my chicken rice..

mamaAsh, I learn something from another mom that day. We are both the 2nd born and we have our "imbalance" self. She told me, just remember, when you cannot forgive and let go, it's like hoping the other person dies by drinking the poison yourself!!

I used to tell people "oh, how God forgiven us and we have to forgive. After hearing this, I found this is the best, short and straight-forward way to tell someone how important it is to live a let-go life.

having siblings also have own share of problems la...like now we buy present for SIL's #2...have to buy for #1 even though it's #2's birthday...SIL say this is to prevent #1 jealous of #2...

having big age gap between siblings also have problem...older one may think younger one too childish or cannot do the same things so refuse to play together...

kinda asking my wife if she want little dragon or little snake but she just want to concentrate on little bunny 1st...she's gonna be 32 in aug...so i hope to have #2 before she's 35...then most likely will stop at 2...partly her age and partly not sure if we can afford to...

but i told my wife long ago i won't have only 1...at least 2...think i forgot to tell her #1 and #2 should not be too big an age gap...lol...but i guess she also want to close factory before 35 la...less risky for mother and BB...

ac, yeah agree with u communication is very impt! i also seldom quarrel with my hb...whatever we are not happy, we say it out & wun keep inside us...

mama ash, think maybe ur hb likes to think n think n think...thas why very diff for him to forgive & forget...

ms carpe diem, still long way leh...detailed scan, next mth leh...i juz looking forward to gynae appt this week...hopefully can kno the gender cuz i already go mothercare and beo-ed what i wanna buy liao...hahha


before I had my #1 my hb used to say he only wants 1 kid. I told him only child very poor thing, grow up alone n later in life all the family's prob hv to shoulder alone, no sibling to turn to for support. I know because I'm an only child n I had quite a lonely childhood. Till today I'm not gd at social functions n I only hv a very small handfull of friends. Prefer to b on my own. Plus with elderly n sick parents n no close relatives, everything I handle myself. After my boy came out,

my hb agreed that he needs a sibling to grow up with. But confirm I wana stop at 2. more than that I dun think I hv e energy to handle.

KK: Sounds like a good problem in terms of care of bb. So that bb won't feel stressed with too fast a pace mah.

Sporty: A month will whiz by, but yes, upcoming gynae visits are always exciting, chance to see bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies

thanks for sharing your prenatal appt schedules. Seems like once a mth is standard practice?

@shasha, my hb & I also begin to feel the high expenses of gynae visits so we asked around for prenatal schedules. Each visit $100, oscar almost $500, CVS $1400. Very siong ah! We intend to get 2nd hand stuff from his brother. There is an old wives' tale saying take 2nd hand stuff is gd, the "fortune/luck" from other bb is passed down.

@BBnGG, finally found someone here also at MAH. I was wondering how cum no one even tho i heard MAH quite gd. But my frd said there got a lot of hidden costs...

@Dawn, got craving must satisfy ;p It'll sure brighten up your day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Go with a big eater to make value your $$$ lor ;p But pls ensure it's thoroughly cooked and dun put those shell seafood like cockles in soup even if u dun eat. Coz if not fresh u might end up with stomachache like wat happened to me.

For mummies down with bad cough, please take gd care and see if drink warm water can reduce phlegm. Dun eat too much chicken coz it apparently causes phlegm. My mum always had gd health until she preg with me then very sick then suddenly got asthma. After she gave birth, her asthma mysteriously disappeared. End up I got asthma at 2 yrs old till adulthood.

Me at wk14 liao but my appetite seems to have gone down. 2-3 wks ago I was hungry all the time but now duno why, most of my food cravings gone. And I can't stand the taste of plain water. Anyone face the same problem?

Put on slightly less than 1 kg. Tummy show a bit liao tho not enuff to get seats on the mrt ;p

Stella, I heard the same fr my gf who's only child too! She said the worse is if she has to make a critical decision all on her own for her old parents and if it turned out to be an unwise decision, she will only be the one shouldering the guilt.

I never like growing up with me older sister though I love all my other siblings dearly. However, I found myself loving her so much after I got married.

I was very glad that she agreed to be my kid(s) guardian should something happen to my hb & I before he(they) grow up. I think she is the only person I can entrust my kid to.

Recently, we had a little misunderstanding and it took our other siblings to help put us back together. The beauty of having siblings.

hi mamaAsh

Pls update me in the table too. Thank you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

EDD: 17 Dec

Gender: Girl

Dr Henry Cheng (Mt Alvenia)

1st Preg

Btw, where can we view the table? At FB?

Chan PL: Your OSCAR is q expensive. Mine + standard blood tests (thess minor, hep B, HIV) is $400+.

KK: That's a beautiful story abt having siblings.

Stella: I'm not an only child but I'm not good with social functions too. I can imagine the burden though of not having anyone else to discuss parent care options...


Yes, decisions are tough especially if it's something u know ur parents won't like but u hv no one to back u up even if it's in their best interests. Wen my mum passed away, I nearly went mad coz I was the only one handling e whole funeral coz I hv no one else. I had some help frm a couple of close friends but decisions and paperwork and arrangements only I could do. Lucky my hb was with me especially during the wake in e middle of e night. That was really a time I really wished I had a sibling or a close relative at least. My experience made me determined to hv more than jus one child, for their own sakes because my hb n I are not young n I dun wan my son having to struggle on his own w 2 old folks on his shoulder.

ms Carpe Diem,

I used to hv a major phobia of social functions. Even the first day of school was terrifying for me. I wld clam up n refuse to even make eye contact w strangers. I wld stick to a person I knew n not move away frm them. Things only got slightly better in secondary school then in poly. Strangely I chose a job that forces me to interact with people whether I want to or not so even though I'm not a social butterfly, now I can hold a decent conversation with a stranger(if I hv to).

KK, same you know, I also tell me sister to be my children guardian if anything happen to us. Hahaha... she says the same as well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chan P L, I like MAH. Sisters and nurses are good and helpful. My children sees the PD there too.

Stella: I was a bit like that too, although it sounds like less than you. Similar to you, I also only become more sociable after I've left school. Interestingly, my confidence from interacting with people comes from joining Toastmasters after graduation. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dawn go for your bbq steamboat when you appetite picks up. Even cannot eat alot, can also watch people eat. Hehehe...

Hi mummies,

I'm back from the routine gynae visit. I waited an hour for my turn but only get to see doctor for 5min. Everything is ok and I got to hear baby's heartbeat for the first time. Very strong heartbeat so I feel quite comforted. However! Baby is asleep as always!! Doctor told us there's nothing to worry about as baby spends a great deal of time sleeping, will be awake for 45min and sleeps 45min next. But still everytime during scan, baby is asleep.

On the siblings issue, being the eldest sibling to a brother and sister all 4yrs apart. Which means I'm 8yrs older than my youngest brother, I never had any problem communicating to them probably because I can be quite versatile, serious when need to, 'fool around' when relaxed. But I agree it's better to have more than one to share family's loads and burdens and that better to have the siblings with minimum age gap. I do find it hard when my parents rely on me heavily just becoz I'm the eldest and always make me do things to 'show example'. But end up none of them pick up necessary skills my parents made me learn becoz I readily have things done and they forget to make them do the same when they reach the required age. These are esp obvious when I moved out after marriage.

@Chan PL: I'm delivering at Mt A too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Does your gynae have a package to cover the regular check-ups? I took up a package with my gynae that includes scans (but excludes the various blood tests and pills), think it does give quite a bit of savings. Maybe you can check with your gynae?

mamaAsh & KK: I can understand how you gals feel because my hubby is the classic example of an only child. Sometimes I really feel he's very self-centered and it's not something he does on purpose, but the entire mindset is just different. Like he doesn't naturally factor other ppl into his thoughts, it's mostly just about himself. Very frustrating sometimes sigh. Not easy hor. Jiayou to all of us!

BBnGG, remember to put this in your will cos if this is not stated, other relatives may contest.

Stella, oh dear, so much u've been thru.

I always thought I will have 3, and due to my age, I wished I had my triplets when I did my IVF 3 years ago. Then when my FET failed, I thought I was just going to have one.. Thank God for my #2!


I sure know the loneliness of an only child.. Cos I have 2 nephews fr diff sisters. And each is an only child. Although they r both very close, they r of 11 yrs gap. Thus, I can understd how it feels to be an only child.

Hmm.. The sane thing in mind is to at least have 2 lah... But then, sometimes it's really beyond us to plan.. This preg doesn't come easy.. Therefore, as far as I m terrified by all these preg symptoms, I oso nv forget to count my blessings for this gift. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm sure all mummies here feel likewise too!

There n then, seeing others being preg like very fast leh.. I am like literally counting down to x'mas lor!

Hi mummies, it have been a long time for me here n i hope all are fine..

i went for oscar recently at tmc and the bill is close to $450, consider exp or normal??

on the topic of siblings, i guess diff family hv diff culture in bonding the kids.. i am eldest in the family of 3 girls n my other sisters are just one year and two years apart.. despite the close age group, we have grow to be very competitive and try to outshine each other, which at the end of the day can be very stressful.. it had been very tiring these few years as each of us try to show our best front to our parents..

i shifted out after getting married and the younger ones followed suit, and 2 years ago when my dad was hospitalise, i end up picking the medical bill and caring for them (and i was heavily preg then).. it was real sad and i am hoping my kids wun be the same..

at times i tot having siblings are gd but i too see the disadvantages.. frenz can be closer to me than them n it is really painful..

LawShe, sorry to hear your plight. Indeed the sibling rivalry is intense for my family, anyway, I gave up being an angel to my parents cos they never seem to be happy with my achievement anyway. Anyhow, I think this has alot to do with how your parents express their love and expectations as well as how you girls perceived what they expressed to you.

I was always the black sheep and it was only after I started working that my mom finally got better.

I always think siblings are forever and I hope you not let this spoil your relationship with other siblings.


Thanks for sharing ur exp as an only child. I personally came from a big family and really appreciate having my siblings ard, be it during gd or bad times. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Like during this preg, my eldest sis is the most gan Cheong one.. Everyday she is stressed abt what to prepare for me, day n nite( cos my hubb is not in town thus I m staying with

my sis). Whenever I vomit- which was really often, she'll stay by the toilet to see if I m fine. My hubb cannot make it lor.. When he saw me vomit, he dare not see the vomit!

I m actually still contemplating whether to deliver at Mt A of GlenE... Any exp to share? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I've always been envious of bigger families even though I know it's not always a fairytale. My hb n his bro are not close at all, I think they hate each other's guts n that's thanks to my mil favoring my bil since young till now n she can b very obvious! Personally I believe the parents play a big part in how well siblings get along most of the time.

I also hv a friend who has 4 sibling of different age gaps n they get along very well. They are even very close to all the uncles, aunties n cousins on their dad's side to the extent of gathering every Sunday. And family events sees e whole family out in full force, abt 30-40 of them regardless of age n they are all very close knit! I wish I cld give my son the same happy experience of having so many close cousins, but all I can offer are my own cousins's kids n all of them stay overseas.

Ms Carpe Diem,

Wow toastmasters? Your English n speech skills must be very good then![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chan, my gynae fee is also very expensive. I actually try to stretch it to 5 weeks for my next appointment. Will only pop by if absolutely necessary, cos unschedule or emergency appointment will cost double. So far I only saw her twice, n already cost me close to $1k (include Oscar n blood test). Next appointment is the detailed scan, dunno how much it will cost???

May I know what is the difference between 3D n 4D? I think my gynae did 3D scan for both my visit. The scan will rotate around the foetus, like top down, or front view. I have a full front view of the foetus at 9 wks, can see the head with both eye lobe, body with the 2 hands n legs.....not sure if that is 3D or 4D.

Hi mummies, it's been so long since I last posted, hope everyone's well. Just to update on my recent scan which I did w my gp. As my next appt is 6 weeks fr the previous, so I scheduled one in btw to make sure my bb's ok!

I drank a large cup of freshly squeezed orange juice before going in n yes, bb's finally not sleepy, not sure it was due to the juice or coincidental! In fact, my doc said bb was very busy! Guess my gp wasn't as in a hurry as my gynae, he actually brought me through different parts of the bb, measure his head circumference, tummy n even it's little feet, 1.9cm he told me! It was nice seeing bb suckle it's thumb n pull out, bb did a somersault too!!!

Overall, it was a nice experience n looking forward to my next appt, which is the detailed scan 3 week later ;) my doc did try hard to find out it's gender but bb just won't coorperate, so I told him it's ok.

Also, would like to say welcome to all new mummies in the thread. Mama ash, I did think of u when I saw the news, 19 times really jia at, glad u r ok now,

Hey sporty, yr edd same as me, do u still have ms or totally gone? I still feel nauseous n burpy leh....

Regarding only child or not, I'm the eldeest of three n have always love my siblings even though I know my mum favor my bro more, but since young, she has always explained to me that Im more capable in many ways n favored by my dad more, so there must be a balance, so as a result, I dun really have sibling rivalry but tend to help each other in our shortcomings. Yes, how parents explain n express their love is very impt!

Same as some of u, I would like to have 2 n I'm 33 this yr, not sure if I can make it before 35. So far, my hubby seems only keen to hv one. Anyway, it was hard for me to have conceived this one, so I think dun think too much also!!

Lawshe: it seems like different clinic have different costs. Think 1 mother is able to hv hers for $220, my OSCAR alone costs $345 including gst. Then another mother paid more than you...

Stella: Don't think my english is good, but perhaps I do know how to structure speeches and learn vocalisation techniques to be heard in a mass audience. Most importantly I guess is the confidence I guess, coz I guess for us introverts, confidence is what we need the most in? I'm guessing that's what you learn too in interacting with others?

Littlefren: You're v blessed to hv a mother who took time to explain to you, I guess that's one way she had expressed her love for you. Thks for sharimg your experiences w your siblings!

I'm in the same situation as you in terms of desire for more than one child but wondering whether it's wise due to age. Although it's too early to think abt the 2nd, my guess is our current gynaes can be 1 source we can consult before making a decision?


i dun think the scan u did is 3D, 3D is the one that you hsve to pay extra (its a optional scan) and its more for excited parents-to-be to see their babies like as if how they would appear when born. not the up/down scan which i think its the normal U/S scan that your gynae will do for u. i nvr did the 3D scan for my #1 but i think it is the same as 4D, just that some pple said 4D bcoz got sounds with it...



i think it is not a matter of how many siblings there r to determine how close the family will be. i have seen family with only 2 children (all grown ups) and are very very close to each other, i have also seen family with 4 children n yet all of them mind their own biz kind. in fact i do know personally of such families that got 4 kids but end up only got 1 child taking care of the elderly parents one.... the rest all bochup... so sad right for the parents???

