(2011/12) Dec 2011

happygal, usually for #1, boy/gal is fine la...only #2 some pple may prefer the opposite gender to #1..hehhe...

jas, ur gynae told u ur bb's a gal liao eh? heheh...tha one is old wives tale la so may be true or not true

littlefren, yeah...dun worry tha u missing out something, no line also better la cuz at least no need to worry tha its fading so slow after birth...

counting down to 12pm and will be outta the office!!


Thks Littlefren and Jas!

Jas, hope you'll get your results tdy and that it's good results too! So you can share the good news with loved ones this weekend!

Piggy's risk is very very low, mine not as low but I think I'm ok with the results lah.

Just wondering for all of you who hv passed through this stage before me: Is a cardiac scan a usual but optional test to do at this stage?


No la not so early but for me i prefer a ger lor but hor dun koe y so far my family who know i am preg all guess is boy.

Haha i think we can test proven when we koe the gender see those mummies got hair on tummies really having boy?

Ms Carpe Diem,

Thanks. Ya lor i was thinking after everything ok need tell my company le.

ms carpe diem, i didnt do any cardial scan for 3 of my pregnancies leh... think not neccesary ba unless instructed by gynae

jas, how come ur family guess is boy eh? from ur symptoms?

Thks sporty! I will double check with my gynae next week to find out if my pregnancy req's a cardiac scan. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jas: Yah, that'll be nice. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

littlefren, jas

hairy tummy = boy?

my tummy seemed more hairy than last time, but my tummy quite round also leh... now got ppl guess is boy, some guess is girl.

I noticed my belly button is coming out... any mummies got obvious change?

Hi dacylet, so fast your belly button is coming out. I think apart from showing tummy with tiny hair on linea nigra, not much difference. Maybe my neck lines become damn obvious?

On the linea nigra issue, I noticed mine has tiny hair along it but there are more hair in the tummy area and the line there is thicker than the top line also.

Congrats ms crape diem and piggy on obtaining good results, you can ease your mind now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I noticed that there are still a number of mummies joining us and I'm losing track already. Welcome all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

On gender, I secretly wish for a boy because I'm not sure if I'm going to have #2. Thought it would be tough for a girl to handle all household affairs. But again, the best scenario would be to have both a girl and a boy.

piggy, glad to hear everything is fine for u...

Tummy hairy: i had that for my 1st preg but it's gal keke n my linea line was darker that time too. This time it's pretty faint still.

Another myth i hear: If u hv gal, ur MS tend to be v bad.. which is true for my 1st preg... but of cos not all the time true for all mummies...

belly button: My belly button didnt go back after delivery that time, sad... anyway, my belly button is protruding out to the max now for me already...

Kimiko: Thks!

On linea nigra: I don't have any and I pray I won't be having any throughout this pregnancy. Heh. And no stretchmarks too I hope [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hello all...

went for u/s this morning...never got to see gynae...only sono and someone who explained the u/s results for DS...

my wife suppose to be W12D5 but shown on scan is W13D1...EDD moved 1 day early again...now 29 Dec...I guess can expect between x'mas to new year...nice period!

everything is good...HB 167... CRL 6.95cm...NT is 1.8mm...nose bone, spine, abdomen, stomach, hands and feet all can be seen...all risks very low...so i guess is good news...only thing is never try to see gender...i guess too early already...

next consult with gynae is 14 Jul but no scan that day...detailed scan is 11 Aug which is abt week 20 so will know gender by then!!! will be best birthday present for both of us (our birthdays both in Aug and 3 days apart)! can't wait!!!

Congrats AC, really glad for you. This is your wife's first trimester screening results? Your BB is slightly bigger than mine (2 days earlier I think)

Hee, just in case if I and your wife give birth in KKH at the same time, hope to be able to visit both our babies together. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi AC, congrats on your good results! You went to ADC for the OSCAR screening today right? Must have been excited watching your baby at different angles [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks all. yes very very exciting. those giving birth around late dec can visit each other...lol...

then i expect next year we will be arranging play dates...

i seen some of the ladies who got married in the same month as me...some of them are mummies already and they posted photos of playdates in their FB...so cute to have 10 or more babies all born in the same month lying side by side for a photo! hahaha...

Dacylet: yes .. im gaining weight + appetite increase. if i dun eat, i will feel nauseous haha .. my belly button will be out at night and in the morning, it went back in.

Littlefren - GP has the machine to scan baby oh?

All mummies and a daddy - 1-3 July Baby Fair @ Expo

Dacylet, my belly button also getting shallower. My Hubby even commented if I had been cleaning it, cos it looks white n shinny to him.

My tummy quite obvious for 3 month plus, n can be quite hard also. Now able to feel the womb slide to one side, n see my tummy loop-sided if I sleep on my side. Can't wait for the baby's movement to kick in[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw, what is cardiac scan? Actually the clinic nurse said my next appointment is to scan for any fetal abnormalities. Is that detailed scan? N doesn't detailed scan include cardiac scan.

Haiz.... My gynae never ever explain what type of scan she is doing. Everytime, she will tell me .... Oh here is the leg,the hand, the brain, the heart, Oh u can see the 4 chambers of heart, blood flow, nice heartbeat, then take some measurement, tell me bb is growing in proportion, dun worry. I can only go....woh...yes...arr...oh...great.... n 10 min later, I m out.

Littledarling: Thks for info of bb expo!

Jay: Cardiac scan is a scan of bb's heart, to detect any heart abnormalities.

My belly button starting to get shallower too. But it's so nice you can feel your womb. I can't feel anything yet. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

morning mummies...

now preparing to visit my gynae later... finally the wait is here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


that good! my appetite still normal. even my colleagues also say, how come your appetite never increase? but if i eat too much, i feel like puking.


do you feel your belly button very sensitive? =P

oh yah, last night I noticed linea nigra... quite faint.

Morning mummies.. Are ur bum showing out? Im only 13-14 weeks but ppl thought I already in my 5th mth... Now seeing GP, have tiny spots super itchy..


My tummy is very obvious now. Partly because I haven't shed the fats frm my first pregnancy yet so now double. I'm only 11wks n I already get seats on mrt. Lucky I bought more maternity wear.

Ling - so sad to hear abt your twins....u mean no symptoms at all and the gynae just tell u no heartbeat at scan? I tink some of us here can empathise somewhat with your fear. I'm at week 16 and dont feel anything too.....2 weeks ago, I tot I had flutters but they disappeared completely this week..so I tink it was just air...I may just go rent a fetal doppler to hear heartbeat....

Abt tummy - hubby also said mine kind of ballooned suddenly last week. Those who know I'm preggy also commented the same. But those who dont nv say anything....wonder if it's actually not obvious to the unaware or they are too polite to ask! haha

Abt linea nigra - I see a faint line but no hair leh.....But I'm starting to grow leg hair, yeeks!


Keep us updated yah. so exciting!

Mine can see abit but it depends on the clothing I wear. So, I guess it is not tt big after all. hahaha...


Anybody has twitches at the side of their lower abdomen? Sometimes I have them. wonder what it means....

Hi all...

I'm new in this thread. My EDD is 20 Dec 2011. I was initially carrying a twin but lost one during my 10th week. Cried my lungs out for awhile. But, thank God for keeping one alive with me. Am so blessed.

Has anyone of you booked your postnatal massage? I'm contemplating between Origins Jamu Massage and Rustic Nirvana.


Giselle, lots of hug. At least you manage to keep one. I lost both last yr

Stardust, yes no symptoms at all. Before that everything is still ok then sudd during detailed scan, the sonographer couldn't find their heartbeat then they ask another doc to reconfirm.

Welcome Giselle, sorry to hear about your loss but glad to know that you are still positive.

Hi Ling, so sorry to hear about your loss. It does make me wonder if its really a good idea to have our appts 4weeks apart. Nevertheless, let's all jia you together..

Hi mummies, hv been having prob posting here for the past few days. Zzz.. Glad that all of u are doing well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I hv passed my 12 weeks mark but still vomiting. Hopefully it recovers soon.

I did my Oscar ytd. NT 2.4mm, odd is 1:3000++. Can see the bb nasal bone, crl 5.8mm, fhb 164bpm. Bb was slping again during the scan but in the correct position, which make the scan easier.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the sonographer told me it's likely a gal! So happy when I heard that even it's only 80%. lol..

The gynae said my result is normal but consider high risk. -_-" then I asked if need to do further test, he said no need cos my odd is 1:3000++. I'm really confused abt it. So came Hm to read up & see that as long as I c the nasal bone, nt is lower than 3.5, the risk of Down syndrome is low too. Decided not to think too much & focus on staying healthy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

It's my regular scan tml. Will ask the gynae again. Hee..

Hi Giselle .. my frd used Origins Jamu Massage b4 and she said that they r good .. i hvnt book them yet .. do we hv to book them early?

Giselle, *hugs*. Sorry to hear about your loss. Stay strong for the little baby inside you now.

Bump: I'm moving into wk 16 and my bump looks neither here nor there now. Just looks fat with a tummy. Very annoying. Can't fit into my regular clothes much but too early to buy maternity clothes!

Hi missusBL, I see.. I was wondering why they say you are high risk when your ratio is much higher than the background risk ratio.

Mine was 1: 5000+: background 1:913 but my doc says everything is ok and that i'm under 'low-risk'. Like yourself, my baby's nasal bone was seen, NT was 2.3mm I think. But glad that there's 80% you will be getting a girl and thats what you want. I have totally no idea about my baby's gender as yet and I'll be 17 weeks in 2 days' time.

On the bump issue, I definitely look pregnant now but with loose tops I may just look like I have a very big tummy

Giselle: Sorry abt the loss but glad you manage to keep one.

MissusBL: Do your ratios include results from your blood test? Depending on the blood test, the results could be further changed.

Good morning,

MissusBL: my NT was 3mm the consultant also told me i m consider high risk...but the adjusted ratio 1:16450...so not to worry your adjusted rate more than 1:300 so consider low risk de...cheer up...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Wanna ask smthing, after give birth i plan to bring my bb back to m'sia for my mother to take k...but bb is singaporean so it is possible to stay in m'sia??? anyone can help to answer my Q???

Morning to all,

Went for OSCAR scan last Fri. NT was 2.43, gynae commented the brenchmark is 2.5. We are a bit worried, have to wait 1 week for the blood test results then combine and see the overall raio. However he did commented can see the nasal bone thus risk not too high. Hopfully dun need to go thru the amniotic test.

we finally decided on the confinement lady issue...we will be using one who was used by my wife's friend. she's a malaysian and charges $2200.

she request to go back to malaysia about 3-4 days before CNY and will pro-rate accordingly. we plan to remove the table in study and set up a single bed for her there...

hopefully everything turn out well...

morning all!!

am gg for my check up today afternoon!! been waiting for a long time... hope i can get gynae to see bb's gender! though only 15wks.. but if bb is good, i guess gynae shd be able to 'guess'? haha... :p

Giselle, welcome!! i was in the same situation as u, during my wk 8 visit, gynae say my pregnancy highly started off as twin, but she say the one twin is not making it through, cos no more heartbeat, so left one only.. which am glad also... but i checked online, there's a term for this "Disappearing twins" u can have a read here... www.thebabywebsite.com/article.1278.Disappearing_Twin_Syndrome.htm

piggy: i only have a friend who went back m'sia for confinement... i guess if u bring bb back, then bb will have to come out every mth to stamp the passport? wat if u call ICA to check?

AC: tat's good... but u mean she will be back for CNY & won't be back oredi? or juz a CNY holiday back for her??

gd mrg all...

i went for my OSCAR scan last fri...

but i wasnt given any sicks ... the sonographer say will pass the results to my gynae, and clinic will inform me of outcome together with my blood test report..

@JJJ_mummy: did u do yours at TMC? i wonder why wasnt i given my results on the spot?! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

so anxious to know...

btw, did any of u notice ur EDD being delayed, later and later...

initially, mine was 24dec based on LMP calculation..

then 1 mth ago, gynae mention, the GA indicates the EDD as 30 dec (1 week delay)..

on my u/s last fri, it was further delayed to 1jan...

is this normal? i was secretly hoping for it to pop even b4 xmas.. but now, it seems further and further...

hi mummies!!

Here's the update on my last Saturday appointment with my gynae.

First Section


That day, the nurse 1 told me she need my urine sample and blood test also. So, she pass me a bottle for urine collection, followed by blood test.

"Hmmm, how come I can't find your vein?" The nurse asked.

"Usually on this particular area on my left arm." I replied.

The nurse tried to find the pulse. "Is it hard to find?"

"Yes, it will take sometime to find." my response.

The nurse gets "sian". "Ok, exercise a bit".

One minute later, "Still cannot find. Ok, we try on the hand... Don't have?" Now the nurse starts to get impatient.

Another nurse 2 beside her tell her, " Later the next one also need blood test."

Nurse 1 "What? How come so many need blood test today?"

In the end, she poked from the side of my wrist, which is considered a dangerous area to drew blood. Some more 3 test tubes!! My hubby see also pity me.

Second Section


I met my gynae in his room.

"So today we will be able to know the gender. Any preference?"

"Nope, boy or girl are fine. As long as the BB is healthy."

He did a quick scan to find the BB. "Good, there you go."

The arrow pointed somewhere on the screen and show a letter "G".

"Make a guess, what did the computer show you?" gynae asked.

"Girl." I replied.

He looked at my hubby. "It stands for?"

My hubby don't want to comment, cuz he do not wish to prejudge based on the the letter.

"Not girl meh? G = Girl right?" I asked.

My gynae then revealed the answer. "The computer say..."




"Aye? How to see?" I puzzled.

"There, this white line there." he replied.

"Huh? Then where is the body?????" I'm getting more puzzled.

I never understand the scan image from Day 1 till now. I guess I need more practice... =.="

mamaAsh, can help me update my next gynae appointment to 30 July? My detailed scan is on 16 July.


Today i went to Josiah infant care at suntec to check out the environment and price.

It cost ard $1500 after subsidy.... very ex huh..

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] this is near my work place and i can drop by during lunch. im still worried to have a maid with baby at home. No one to help to look at the maid.


Hi mummies, juz seen the gynae... He said cos my nt was 2.4mm, that's y considered high risk. But since we can see the nasal bone & combine with blood is 1:3000++ so need not worry. Furthermore there is still a detailed scan in 20th week.

My bb is finally awake & kicking! Not sure if it's cos I took OJ earlier. :p he oso said it's likely a gal but ask me dun buy anything until it's cfm. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

