(2011/12) Dec 2011


agree that sometimes only child, their social n mentality a bit different from the rest. somehow i feel that some of my only child frens they dun seem to factor in others when making decisions... they only think of themselves... n i think its something they r not aware of too...


kk, mscarpediem,

sound can def travel via water... it travels better via liquid than gas... bcoz the way sounds travel is by the vibration of molecules (more dense => more molecules n hence better transmission) hence bb can def hear sounds just outside tummy. see this: http://library.thinkquest.org/19537/Physics4.html

but i wont advise the use of babyplus bcoz of risk of deafness whether it's true or not. i rather my child be less smarter than be hearing impaired lah...


hello mummies! sorry to interrupt, i'm a sept 2010 mommy.

I have a 400g tin of Karihome infant milk (0-6mo) to let go @ $18. Expires late 2012. Got it for standby for my son last Oct but didn't use it.

Pls PM me if u are interested. Tampines collection. Thanks!

All the best to all of you ! have a good birth!

weekend's coming soon!


chan, wahh u put on less than 1kg? wow...envy! my gynae also have a package so at least the "cost" is not as bad... ya u shd check with ur gynae whether they have package

kimiko, great tha ur checkup's fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lawshe, u signed up for oscar plus detailed scan? mine was close to 400 for tha...

jay, 4d is like a video clip of ur bb "swimming" ard... for 3d, its a pic of the bb tha u can see the face features etc

littlefren, wooo so OJ works for u eh? heheh... i juz feel nauseous and burpy once in a while...mostly its burpy lor

gbh, ur insomia is really serious...u kept posting at 3am??


welcome back. I went to google the scam too.. really bad. I hope none of the mummies here affected. Makes me wonder whether I can trust to buy things advertised on this website. so sad.


exciting rite to hear the heartbeat. glad all's fine!


I am forever burpy. esp gross after the fish oil pill has been digested.

4d sounds interesting. Maybe i will consider it when baby is much bigger. I am going in for a checkup today. hope all is fine. My gynae did give me a 3D picture the last time I went. I do not know if its chargeable but he did not charge me. I wonder if he will give me another one today? Hee....

yallo: though my hb is not the only child, but he's too self-centered, which am still trying hard to accept, though we're tog for 8 yrs liao.

kimiko: am also the eldest, having a younger sis & bro, we r really close, guess is due to our parents, cos we always talk everything at home & i rem my classmates were all so surprised tat i tell my mum everything & they find our relationship so close juz like friends!! so i hope i can have this type of relationship w my children!!

gbh: agree, no matter how many siblings u have, it's the upbringing i feel...

though i do not come fr a big family, my parents only have 3 kids, but we are really close & though i have 2 kids oredi, but i feel having more kids & bringing them up to know that family kinship is very impt, as i see tat my hb's grandparents having 7 kids & they try to maintain the closeness of gathering together during festivals, chatting, they even try to org oversea trips yearly to keep our old grandpa company. and during the times when our old grandma was down with cancer, all kids get together to try to take care of her, then i tot, if i have only 1 child, so sad, she will be bearing the sadness all by herself... tat's when i tot to have more children. Though raising up children is not an easy task, but i always feel 'talk' is very impt, i alway talk to my children & all their qns will also be arrow to me, sometimes i do get irritated, but then i tot, if they dun talk to me, i would feel so sad... haha... dilema!!

Hi Mummies,

Yesterday when for my oscar test at TMC and wan share my experience with u.

I think i am 1 of those unlucky de bah, my little nottie dun wan to cooperate yesterday spend abt half a day at TMC lor.

1st scan - it was sleeping facing down, no matter how we move dun care at all and worse hor we see his hand sweep away us lor, the sonographer feel so cute when she see 2nd time and told me you see you see your baby sweeping us away ask us dun disturb haha.So no choice ask me go walk walk 20 mins come back again.

2nd scan - This time face up le but the neck keep stretch behind, the sonographer cannot take the neck thickness, she told me this is 1 of the most important measurement and guess what? this time we see the baby put the finger on the lip like asking us keep quiet. And again need go walk 20 mins again.This time i a bit pek chek le because my bladder start a bit full and the sonographer told me cnt empty so i scold the baby i say mummy very angry with u, u better cooperate lor.

3rd scan - this time worse lor face vertical and curl up is completely cnt scan de and de sonographer can c my bladder is full le she say maybe u go empty and come back see ok mah. Come back from toilet still dun move and by than 11+ le lor so the sonographer say ask me go for lunch and relax maybe will be better. After lunch i sweet talk to the baby i told the baby mummy feed u full full le you cooperate later ok.

4th scan - still vertical lor, the sonographer ask me to turn side and keep cough lor and finally get to scan lor.I was so happy when finally finish haha the sonographer told me dun worry u not our record holder la she say got 1 mummy wait until 6 they going close than ok and wait for about 7 hrs lor she told me gan hao is mooncake festival so they koe the mummy hungry ask her wan eat mooncake and after eat the mooncake the baby cooperate. She told me and is goodwood park de mooncake so the baby koe hw to appreciate haha.

I also dun koe is coincidence or wat but i think the baby seems to understand like i scold the baby she/he dun cooperate, but when i sweet talk and eat full full than gan yuan cooperate le haha.

Btw because of 4 scans i meet different sonographers and they are all quite friendly you can just ask them if all measurement all tis normal they will let you know, now i am only worried about the blood test hope everything is fine and good luck to all mummies who are going for the oscar test.

happygal, yeah...ya rite! the fishy smell rite...v gross!! hahah... think if ur gynae's machine can print 3d, they will give u foc la, thas what my gynae does too! have fun at ur checkup today!

mamaash, i am like u also the eldest...yeah agree with u tha communication is very impt!! haha u have 2 chatterboxes arrowing their qns at u everyday eh? luckily i have one now, another one still ee ee ar ar away...haha but still quite "irritating" at times...ahha

jas, wow...really a loong scan leh esp with the full bladder...

MamaAsh: Thanks for updating the table and about your experiences with siblings whether as part of a group yourself or with your own children. I can imagine the dilemma of dealung with the annoyance yet concerned about the communication. What do your children normally ask you questions on?

Jas: Your bb definitely has his/her own mind. So cute to hear it! I did my OSCAR yesterday too and am very glad to know someone's taking on the same day as mine. My bb was also in the wrong position at first and similar to yours, seemed to exhibit some distress at being agitated to move position. Hee. I had also tried to cajole him/her to turn. Keke. Thank goodness I don't need to bribe him/her with food before he/she turn because KKH sonographers not as patient as TMC ones. The q behind me is very long. If I hv to come back, I've got to come back another day.

The sonographers/MO who gave me result didn't share whether the measurements were normal, just told me it has to be judged on the basis of my age and another factor (can't remember). They did share though based on my NT scan results, what are my personal risks (given as a figure of

1: (number) The final results will be different based on my blood test results which similar to yours I'm also waiting for.

All the best to us doing/waiting to do our OSCAR!


Ya really xin ku and the sonographer told me if i empty need about 1/2 an hr for the bladder to be full again leh but hor i really cnt tahan le so try after lunch lor.

Ms Carpe Diem,

Haha i was telling my hubby this baby no doubt your zhong eat bao bao than ok le because hor my hubby also same cnt hungry de.

hi mummies, my fren will be gg to US next month. I'm thinking of what are some of the baby stuff that is worth buying from US? any recommendations? stroller, breast pump etc etc...

Jas: Hee hee, look like your bb take after your hubby.

Think our bb take after my hubby and I too coz quite guai in turning over after some time. Although got a bit of stubborn streak like me in not wanting to move initially just waving his/her hands in distress! Hehe. Am I a sadist? Taking so much pleasure in my bb's distress. I'm just feeling v happy to see the bb move within me (coz I can't feel his/her movements) currently.

Just checking if any mummies here can feel their child move already within them?

mscarpediem: my kids will repeat their qns over & over & over... my son will ask me:

mama, y boyboy got birdbird (his pte part) & galgal dun have?

mama, y police can hold guns & we can't?

mama, y u need to go to work? & u didn't go to sch?

mama, y birdbird shit on yr car? cos they got no place to shit?

then my gal will ask me:

mama, y big galgal got breast?

mama, how u give birth to me?

mama, y bb need to take so long then come out? (cos we told her bb in my tummy but will only come out during xmas!!)

Morning to all mummies, im so tired. Every night wake up at 3plus then cannot go back to slp

during my oscar test, i was quite pissed with the sonographer. she is damn insensitive. i jus casually asking whether my baby is boy or gal. she actually suan me back saying i had mc before and the gender still matter to me meh.

I’m also the eldest in the family but I am not close with my siblings. I jus hope my kids wont be like me.

Zmama, I think you can ask your friend to buy breast pump. If you know your baby gender, can buy some new born baby clothes. But stroller I think it is too bulky to bring back


xin ke ni for holding your bladder full... at least BB is constantly on the move [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ms Carpe Diem,

actually i dunno how it feels like (first preg)... but sometime it feels like something is "spinning" or "swirling" below... strange feeling, so dunno if it is just bloated with gas or BB is "swimming"...

anyone going for detailed scan soon?

jas, nvm la...at least its over ! n now juz need to wait for the results!

zmama, buy bb clothes...alot cheaper there like gap, ralph lauren and osh kosh...

ms carpe diem, yeah i feel movements like from 1 to 2 weeks ago...not major movements tho :p u felt any fluttering yet?

ling, wah tha sonographer abit tactless leh...said tha!

Ms Carpe Diem,

No la i think hor really hor like now we still cannot feel them so every scanning or whatever whereby we can see them we are happy they are safe and sound inside my tummy. I rem got 1 position hor the baby hanging with the head down i still say like tat not xin ku meh? the sonographer told me no de they now inside water so very comfy de.


This is my 1st baby but my nephew and niece also excited about my tis baby keep ask me when coming out i say Dec my nephew ask me why so long? haha

@jas: hahaha.. couldnt help laughing at how cute ur bb is!

lucky u for having such good and patient sonographers! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

glad to hear all measurements are normal! ;)

i'm going for my oscar scan tmr at TMC too..

hope everything is well for bb!


Y the sonographer so guo fen de?

I got ask the sonographer also can know is boy or ger she say no still early say detail scan more accurate lor.


TMC sonographers all quite good my hubby say tink all take turn scan me le haha. You know so funny when finally ok they saw me they say ok le ar? can feel their sense of relief for me also.Haha!

You got any question during the scan can just ask them. I meet all 4 also friendly will tell me the range and say the baby within the range lor.

MamaAsh: Looking at the questions as is typed, they look cute and reflect innocent childlikeness, which touches my heart. But I guess when they keep repeating the questions over and over, it's really v irritating right?

Ling: That sonographer really pushed it! How can she? Too much...

Dacylet: I do too, but I think for me, it's gas, coz I feel very bloated. :p

Sporty: Wow, that's nice! No, I don't think I feel anything like this yet...

thanks mummies for your suggestions [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i just went for oscar on tue but still can't tell the gender... i'm very eager to know so we can start thinking of names for the baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jas: Yah totally agree with you that knowing our bb is safe and sound is the most important. And it's so good that your whole family (including your extended family) is excited for you!

Zmama: Similar to you, I look forward to knowing our bb's gender too

wow!! so many of u went oscar!! i guess i miss the fun of seeing so many things happening inside.. by 16 weeks we can guess the gender le right?? i got a follwup with KK tml after my last discharge.. wanna go back coz i want my blood test report i did there! haha! and hopefully the doc can tel me the gender! actually this doc quite nice.. Dr Khoo was KK.. he was attending to me when i was hospitalized there.. caring and ans all ur qns and stuff.. thought of switching to him initially but end up didnt coz i am already with dr heng..

i am the eldest of 3 kids.. with 2 younger bros.. but i m closest to my youngest bro.. we r 9 years apart.. he will tell me anything.. sometimes i will nag to him.. den recently we game together again.. i will bring him out for shopping, movie, makan, etc.. unlike my youngest, i am not exactly close to the other 1 who is only 2 years my junior.. in fact, we fought before when we were young!! and there's a lot things he do which "wo kan bu shun yan".. lolx. my family also usually ask me for help if not my youngest bro.. not the other 1.. alot prob de lah.. but recently our relationship is better but still not as good.. i m so close to my youngest bro that he is the one super excited when he knows i am preg. he is gonna be uncle.. keep asking me to rest more, eat more.. cannot suffer.. den i told him abt my last scan, he also got excited and says wanna go for the appt with me the next time!! and i do agree i dote on my youngest bro more.. maybe coz of the age diff and i feel that i have the responsibility to take care of him also..

Hi Ms CarpeDiam,

i did my scan in kkh too! and i went in and out like 3 times, they were ok. in fact somebody behind me wanna cut my queue by saying she cannot hold her bladder anymore n asked to go first n made a fuss, but they just ask her go release herself first n drink again after me. i got my result on the spot, i thot u shd too!the paper we get after the scan is the result already combined w the blood test! so if your result is ok, u are safe!

hey dacylet, i going for detail scan on 12 july.

Hi jas, thanks for sharing your cute scan experience [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] can tell u had fun!

Hi Ling, that sonographer is too much! which hosp is that???? what is her problem? u shd tell her 'u dunno say dunno lah' but after the scan, keke.... otherwise she dun scan u properly... what a xiao ren!

i dun dare to say her cos wait she really anyhow scan for me then i have to waste money to scan again. she really chop chop scan for me. she say my baby is very active and she must measure very quickly...blah blah blah. i jus wanna know so that i can start to call my baby by name only mah.

jasline, all the best for ur scan tom!

ms carpe diem, soon u will feel it le...cuz for first time mummy, some books wrote tha u can feel abt 20 weeks

jac, hopefully ur gynae can tell the gender tom [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mscarpediam: yes, my hb juz say be patient & answer them the same thing lor... i say ya, cos u were not the one being asked mah... they're cute if they r good lah.. hahaha...

jas: yes, all kids can't wait one lor... we didn't wanna tell my kids am preggie one, cos they were pretty rough w me when they r w me, so hb say better to tell them got bb in yr tummy! then they get all excited & would try to talk to bb everyday! haha...

dayclet: very fast yr turn will come!! bb grow very fast, then u'll hope they be bb again! haha...

ling: tat sonographer is super bad lor!! mei kou de!! even mc b4 also still a mummy b4 lor!! stupid her!!

sporty: i also seems to feel bb this week, like bb is doing somersault inside!! or when my position is not correct, i get a hard kick! haha...

am seeing bb on monday! hope can get gynae to tell me the gender!! haha... then i can start buying again!! haha...

Jacqueline: No worries, you'll catch up on all the action for the 20th week detailed scan. Coming up soon for you I believe? And hope you'll know the gender of your bb soon!

Littlefren: Did you do your blood test earlier than your NT scan? I guess that's why you got your full report already? I did my blood test just before my NT scan, and the blood test results will take 2-3 days to be ready. After which, I think I can get my combined results from my gynae next week... so I don't know the combined results yet... but I think KKH will call me either tomorrow or Monday with my blood test results and I guess this will be an indication of my combined results already...

Yupz yupz, agree KKH people are ok, it's just that the q behind is really long, so I think if the bb don't turn, I will have to schedule another date to do again! So nice for you that the staff firmly keeps to the q order! Great work on them! All the best in your detailed scan coming up soon!

Jasline: All the best for your OSCAR scan tomorrow!

Sporty: yes hopefully!

MamaAsh: Hee, and wah, congrats on feeling your bb! Hope you'll know gender then. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi ms carpediem, oic, yup yup, I had blood test first! Ha! Ya, the q was long for me too but no need re Q if need come back! Gd that yr bb was cooperative, mine notti lor, in out three times holding full bladder! But was nice to see it for quite a while. ;)


Ya, i think the children like so excited got new baby to them like a toy to them leh.

You know my niece so cute that day she pass me her fav elmo say she wan give my baby i tot she joking i say ok lor thanks jie jie and yesterday she ask me y i nv take home the elmo she wan give baby de i feel so sweet hearing tat i tell her ok i rem to take the next time i go her hse.

Hi mummies,

OSCAR scan a terrible scan make me cry few days, until my hb can't take it ask me to earlier my regular check up by tonight. The consultant make me worry and cry few day, told me NT reach 3mm consider high risk after that saying combine my blood test the result consider low risk. Few minutes later told me another story need to do cardiac scan....I totally lost...Dunno wat to do...go back home keep crying until hb cannot take it ask me to consult gynae... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


u going during weekday... taking leave? mine on 16 july... =P tomolo going to visit gynae... FINALLY after waiting almost 4 weeks! cannot push forward, cuz gynae schedule is too packed..

Did your EDD changed? Last time in 30 Nov right?


my brother also tell his daughter that got BB inside me. Then he ask her, "Didi or MeiMei inside?". My niece stunned there.

I'm also curious on the gender, then can decide what to buy... hehehe


what is the ratio like? check with your gynae. You can always call up your gynae to check.

dun stress yourself k?


Dunno hw to read the ratio coz consultant didn't explain in detail. from the report got 2 difference ratio, background risk and adjusted risk, for background risk trisomy 21 ratio is 1:840, adjusted risk trisomy 21 ratio is 1:16450....

piggy, ur risk is v low, dont have to worry, adjusted risk is combined with scan n blood test. and ur risk level is actually v v low!


Really? Thank you for the explaination.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

will consult gynae again to confirm....

Ms Carpe Diem, i think my 20th week is in aug!! so long... ytd saw some baby stuff on reebonz.. wanna buy.. but hb says dun buy 1st... =(

jas, ur niece is really cute and wen xin!! she still ask u y nv take home!! so sweet of her...

piggy, dun stress.... it might not be that bad.. but the consultant also very bad lah.. tell u so many things and makes ur mind goes wild... dun think so much k??

my friend was saying kids r close to preg woman!! naturally!!! her daughter usually is quite (man ri - warm up slow) was friendly with me... usually when we say hi or what, she will ignore or go somewhere.. esp when a lot ppl, she will cry.. but that day went to my friend's hse.. i say hi to her, she didnt really acknowledge lah! but she auto go bring lego for me to play with her!!! also ask me take her toys, elmo, play doh, etc.. this is the 1st time she auto do that!! last time she will probably give u a sticker of u ask from her only!! so prob its true kids r sensitive to preg woman..

now think of it.. she is a gal.. i am a gal.. she has so many toys.. but she bring lego for me to play 1st wor.. does it hint anything? lolx!!

LawShe, my oscar blood test + hospital blood test + oscar scan + consultation around $470 after gst.

yallo / jay / sporty, next Mon I'm going for check-up then see got package price or not. From what I read in other forums, my gynae's package apparently starts from 5th month. I hope to get some savings if have package.

sporty, my weight flutuates btw 46.3 - 47.2 from wk 6 to now wk 14. I'm the type who puts on weight very easily so kind of surprised why i'm not putting on much weight now despite eating more. Worried whether bb growing well or not. Or does she have her father's genes --> eat & eat won't grow fat?

jas, your bb scan experience very cute. It's nice so see bb's action in the womb. My past few scans she's always sleeping no action, except for the time after CVS she was moving a lot, duno coz she's just as freaked out as mummy by the needle or coz i was playing iphone games before that. How come need full bladder for oscar scan? If I didn't rem wrongly, the nurse asked me to empty bladder before the scan.

Ling, maybe shld feedback to hosp on that rude insensitive sono? Coz duno what other unkind comments she give other mtb.

piggy, your risk is very low so dun worry so much.

mamaAsh, thank you for updating & sharing the table [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oh man...now not even 4pm??!!

mama ash, wahh so fast u can feel bb kick ah? mine only movements nia... yeah i cant wait to start shopping after i kno the gender!!

jas, ur niece really so sweet...how old is she??

dacylet, u shd ask ur niece to guess didi or meimei cuz usually kids guess are quite correct one!

chan, my gynae package starts from week 13 cuz once trimester 2 can start liao... wow, u are still very light as a preggy!! if ur bb's growing well shd be fine la...dun worry!

