(2011/12) Dec 2011

hi mummies! Can I join you all on FB too? How do I find? Or group moderator will add the member's email? Will my FB friends know I'm in the group? I've yet to break the news of my preg to frds ;p

Just wondering, how often are your prenatal appts scheduled? My 1st was at wk 6, then wk 9, then wk 12 for oscar. Wk 15 appt coming up nxt wk.


Hi mummies ,

Would like to join in the thread just had my first gyane visit today as well as Oscar scan done didn't realize that I am already 3months pregnant till today as I can't remember my LMP. Tested positive a month ago but thought my last mense was end April which I was wrong as according to my gyane it's end march instead. Here's a update of myself , this is my no 2... My first is coming to a year old next month. Gyane is dr wk tan from tmc... Edd is 3jan but as my first was born premature at week 34 dr tan predicted this is going to be early too:0 so here am I joining this thread... Hope to get to know more mummies here ...

Chan - your friend will know that u have join the MTB Dec 2011 group !

Mamaash - thank goodness u are better now. I believe it is better to arrange some med from gynae especially if u are going overseas. My gynae gave me headache/fever, flu, stomache, anti vomit pill in advance so I dun have to worry in the event I get sick on weekend. Kiasu Gynae.

AC: yes but I tot those crew could be e ones bringing passengers to see e doc, cos tats wat I saw lor... Not too sure too!! But we only have buffet for breakfast on tue, dinner we went pavilion.

Shasha: ya I had wanted to see my gynae b4 e trip but no time to go lor... It's better to have a kiasu gynae, at least if anything happened u got med on hand leh!! Will be seeing my gynae on next Monday! Bb shd be ok since no cramps, no spotting or no blood! Haha...

GBH - thanks for the advice on swimming! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

MamaAsh - sounds like quite an ordeal. Luckily you are ok now.

Abt detailed scan - I also always thought it'll be done at week 20 but my gynae said week 24 leh...

Abt gender - my fren told me gender better to wait for detailed scan esp boy hard to detect.....altho my gynae told me 80% gal. Anybody had a misdiagnosis b4, haha?

I hv a qn abt weight gain. Im at week 16 and my tummy and weight has ballon....my weight is 44.6 kg tdy, 43.9 last week and 42.5 the week before last...is it too rapid hah? I only gained 1 kg in tri 1....


I can't wait to noe my baby's gender too!


Same here... I wanna join the happening fb grp but I haven't let my colleagues noe... So mayb I will wait. My fixed prenatal appt abt the same as urs but I got spotting along the way so in between also see my gynae.

Gretel and Joanne,

U all at TMC too! Same as me!


I asked my gynae and he says its ok. I onli gained 1.2kg although I am in my 13th week. But he says should start gaining more in second trimester.

chan, ya i think our friends can see on newsfeed that we joined the FB group... so i'll join later too esp now that i've to do amnio.

happygal, i'm at tmc too.

stardust, i've got misdiagnosis for my 1st preg haha.. my previous gynae scan machine was quite old type and cant really see clearly then she tot she saw the boy's part that time but in the end it's gal during the detailed scan haha.

i think i've probably gained ard 4kg or so, i'm at wk15 now... First tri had hunger attacks so gotta eat n eat!

shasha, thanks for the info. Guess I will request to join the FB group after I break the news to frds.

happygal, thanks for sharing your prenatal appts. Coz my hb was asking how cum I see gynae so often. I also thot appt seems like quite often but don't mind though, coz I'm excited to know bb's progress [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Seems like most at TMC. Anyone at MAH?


same here... got to do amnio so I wan to wait till everything is settled before joining fb. Lucky you, I had not much of an appetite and don't really fancy eating for my first tri.


I feel nervous when I visit my gynae. Hahahaha....I only feel a sense of relief after I see my bb on screen and can hear the heartbeat.

happygal, for me it's no choice must eat if not i'll feel nauseous, so hv to force myself to eat n i really dislike the feeling, eat until scared....

My gynae visit is every 4wks... i seemed to worry more abt this preg n even after amnio gotta worry abt detailed scan to make sure everything ok. My first preg was more excited and blur i guess haha

Chan P L, I am with MAH [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning ladies, midweek... 2 more days to weekend.

Welcome Flee, Creamy and babybee.

Hi morning everyone,

Wanna to check if anyone has any post natal massage ladies to recommend? Those Malay type of massage.. I am looking for 1 .. For my first I used a Malay lady found it in the forum itself though she is a nice lady but I find her talk too much :0 please post here or pm me if you have 1 to share thanks

mamaAsh, we had bf at pavilion...then buffet dinner...so our meals were opposite...most likely cause is hotel food already...since crew are not affected and overall number of people affected seems too small to be on board food...

i think no one suspect anything when i joined the group...lol...maybe no one pay attention to a guy joining such group...

i wonder if this Fri will know the gender...we got some clothes for BB already but so far more boy colors...my wife friend bought a romper for new born from US in yellow for us cos gender-neutral...so funny...

At paragon 4d/3d scan cost $150. I bden to Nuh to scan my 3bb last year waiting time was damn long. so maybe this 4th one i go paragon.


I see.... Must b positive. I have the same worries as you but I keep telling myself that i need to stay positive or I may slide into depression worrying. So Jiayou together yah!


I am also looking for one. I am clueless how long in advance I must book for one and where to find one.

shasha, good to hear tha u have a good oscar result!

bfly, u not doing the 4d scan at NUH? i heard the cost is quite affordable there...

flee/creamy/babybee, welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

blfy/jasline, cutting own fringe is fine la...as long as u dun cut on ur bed (old wives' tale again)...

kailing, sometimes the gynae can tell the gender of the bb at 3 mths provided the position of the bb is rite...thas why some gals kno it earlier...

chan, my appts are once a mth now... think like last mth to due date then it become more frequent...

stardust, weight gain of 1 kg in trimester 1 is ok leh... so far i gained like 5kg liao...opps!! hahah... usually the gender shd be quite zun esp at the detailed scan but of cuz there's mis diagonosis also but quite rare...

Happy gal,

They are just like the confinement lady popular ones must book in advance ... So can starting searching if got suitable ones must book first to secure the date...

sporty, which week are you now? i am week 15 and i also gain 5kg, cham la. more to come cos i every hr also hunger attack.

welcome flee,creamy and babybee

for those who add me as friend in fb, i will confirm you gals later ok? cos once i accept, it will show that i have added new friends from Dec MTB 2011 closed group then my secret will leak out. i have decided to announce my pregnancy after week 20, my phobia is there

Went for my appt last night! Baby is so naughty! Was facing sideway but doctor couldn't see anything between the legs. Ask bb to turn and really turn, but show us the ass!!!

End up ask doc guess, he just keep laughing and tell me he don't like guessing and ask me wait till detailed scan which is on the 22nd July. Gyane appt will be on the same day too.

ling, i am going to be 17 weeks this fri...hehe... ya la, i always feel hungry in the day...so eat n eat la... like yest morn i had carrot cake plus mac bf for bf...scary ite?!

joanne, alamak...u almost kno the gender of ur bb! now u dun have to worry the dates for the detailed scan liao since gynae helped u to make appt...

sporty, you are 2 weeks ahead of me. that means i gain more weight.. i wonder how to control. i must eat once i am hungry

ling, for me i juz eat the 3 main meals la n i seldom snack...i realised my gain is abt 1kg a mth kind... maybe eat fruits when u are hungry instead?!

sporty, i think i eat 5 small meals a day. only dinner is full. i duno why, i dun like fruits for this pregnancy, especially anything that is sour. keke

ling, u like sweet stuffs eh? anyways dun worry abt weight gain now la, as long as bb's growing healthily, whatever weight tha's gained, next time can lose thru bfing...

Ya! Nearly know. but I'm thinking since sideway and nothing stick out, it's a small guess that it will be a girl.

But I will be waiting till detailed scan to confirm. anyone detailed scan on 22/7?

sporty: i still don know whether im going to do 3/4d scan. im very pro NUH bcoz i been there for OSCAR and the nurses were all very friendly and the doc who helped me to scan she actually gave me 2 2D photo and one 3D photo. Which i think that seems alot. but i will be going to TMC for detailed scan as it was cheaper and i already signed up FBI... detailed scan and 3/4D must be in the same hospital else they wont do the 3/4D scan for you. this is what i understand.

joanne, u prefer boy or gal?

bfly, since u have the fbi for tmc, 4d scan shd be cheaper rite? i kno of frens, who went detailed scan at tmc then went 3d/4d scan at nuh leh...cuz 3d/4d scan done later at 28 weeks plus?!

sporty: maybe it is just the rule of TMC.. they ask whether i have been there for scan when i enquire abt 3/4D scan. SO they said must have the scan there before goign for 3/4D.. Actually before FBI discount, TMC detailed scan is cheaper than NUH. Even NUH detailed scan plus 3/4D scan package still more ex compared to TMC (after FBI discount). i love the 3D which i got it for my OSCAR. so still thinking on the 3/4D scan. my husband think it is not necessary though.

sporty: NUH said 3/4D scan is to be done on 26-28 weeks. and TMC said 3/4D scan should be done in 28-32 weeks.

Some pricing here i got for mummies ref:


Detailed Scan + 3/4(?)D package = $321

Detailed Scan only = $172.27


Detailed Scan only = $158.35 (previously i asked when im planning for OSCAR is $126.25. DOnt know is it the price has increased)

3D only = $96.30

4D only = $192.60

Morning mummies,

Going for a routine gynae visit later and am rather excited. Was having irritating nasal issues (runny and blocked nose) which made me sneeze real hard (hope baby is not affected) and difficulty sleeping at night. This is my 16th week, hope doctor is able to give a good guess on baby's gender otherwise really have to wait till detailed scan on 20 July.

On the weight gain issue, I only started gaining weight from week 8 when I was feeling better from MS but it fluctuates along with MS. Recently I stop feeling so hungry all the time and was able to keep to the 3 main meals of the day. Instead of gaining weight, I seem to lose or maintain weight. Is it alright not to gain much weight during 2nd trimester?

bfly, ya...some parents like to do 3d/4d to give it as a "gift" to the bbs when they grow up lor... its always a choice whether u wanna do it for now... for me, i done 3d scan (as my gynae does it for foc if the bb's position is good), 4d never done it for #1 and #2 and i doubted i will do it for #3 la...have to be fair mah :p heee

kimiko, hope ur nasal issue goes away soon! we gg for detailed scan on the same day! hehe ... think u dun have to worry abt the weight issues as long bb's growing well!!

joanne, hope ur wish for a gal comes true!!

Hi sporty, thanks! I woke up in the middle of the night for the past few days with an itchy throat, I wonder if its a sign of infection or anything.

There's no 3d/4d scan in KKH right?

hahaha..i've been the one gaining weight! argh!!!

anyone has any review of Capella S217 stroller to share? can't seem to find any from google! saw it at Giant...cheap and seems not bad...

am thinking of PP's Si Classico but is more than double the price...

anyone compared the 2 models before?

kimiko, same!! i always wake up with a stuffy nose & itchy throat... now having a sore throat...sianz [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ac, my hb gained 10kg when i was preggy with #1...cuz he ate up whatever tha i cant finish...after birth, i lost all and the 10kg is still with him! hahah!

sporty and kimiko, me too!!! in the middle of the nite, i get very stuffy nose and itchy throat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Actually if the Ob is v detailed n bb's position is right, gender can be told as early as 12 wks! However, say when even if u dun see anything in between bb's thighs, doc might not wanna conclude that it's a girl unless they see 3 clear lines... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

As for wt gain, i'm 15->16 weeks but only gain ard 1 kg thou my tummy looks kinda big..

First trimester was a great nitemare to me, spotting, crazy vomiting, bad cough n heartburn.. Now simmer down mainly to cough n heartburn thou I still vomit at nite sometimes..

Before this preg, I tot I would love to have 3 kids.. But now... I think only child is not that bad an idea.. Hee.. N my hubb calls me a loser! :p

only child is a VERY bad idea! hahaha...i'm only child so i know...

i gained like 4kg since my wife got preg...eating less for dinner and going to gym more now...even on the cruise i was in gym like 4 times 1 hour each...

thinking of having just boiled chicked thigh and salad for dinner till my BB is born! like those 2 girls selected for korean band...lol

Oh I had that saliva thingy too! Seems to have all the undesirable symptoms.. Sigh.. But as my cough caught up, it becomes phlegm that's forever there, no joke! All day long! So do beware n keep away fr pple who had fallen sick cos our immunity is really weak now. Wat happened to me was I caught the cough bacteria n i have been coughing since 7 weeks into the preg.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

All do take care ya!

On weight gain, I've only gained 2 kgs till now (15 weeks).

My gynae arranged me for the detailed scan at week 19... is it too early?

My 1st trimester's bad too. spotting...hospitalised... luckily for MS I only felt nausea, only puke out once. But very poor appetite till date.

morning mummies..

am losing track of who knows the gender of yr bb oredi... maybe mummies wanna post me updated of yr EDD info & gender of bb if you know? so i can try to update the table again... thx! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi AC, I own a Capella stroller, older version of s-705. I suppose the s-217 is not so stable and much smaller, u might need to change a stroller when the child grows bigger. My sis in law owns one but she said the handle broke when her bow swing on it. Though it is lighter weight, the wheels are thin hence it looks flimsy. And she has problems maneuvering the stroller, it can't move straight, may due to the four wheel drive design and can't lock the back wheels. Not sure if there is any improvement in the newer batch though. PP Si has good reviews in the US. My cousin bought the 2009 model for USD 135, si affordable as compared to SG (remember u mentioned the price was like 400+). I was so tempted to buy one but can't due to space constrain. Hubby don't allow. Perhaps I can convince him at a later stage.

Re: detail scan

I won't have a detail scan done elsewhere cos my gynae will do the scanning every other month as and when the bb grows and check bb development progress. Plus point, I save $$ but still curious what is it like to go for a detail scan with all the pics printed out.

thanks Verene, my wife likes that S217 can stand on it's own and is relatively light. the wheels does seem small but we tested and find it is alright to maneuver...

US so cheap ah...too bad don't know anyone in US to help...abit too big to ask friend going US to help buy also...like not very nice leh...

yes Si 2009 on promo was $459 when i saw in vivo. maybe cheaper during baby fairs... but read review is the basket under the seat is much better in 2011 version and that's the part with the most complain from 2009 and 2010 versions...maybe by end of year have 2012 version? lol...

ooooo jus saw ST front page news - hope no one from this thread affected! the SCAM over RWS under the bulk purchase thread this forum! aiyoooo

