(2011/12) Dec 2011

Hi mummies

Sorry to interrupt...I'm from Jan2011 mummy group..

I have left over 4 bottles of D.O.M which given by relatives during my confinement month. Thinking to sell it away. PM me if you are interested. thanks

Hi, ladies, anyone with Dr Sadhana as gyne? Has been pondering whether to continue with her after my ivf success. Or whether should change to a normal gyne. Am 8 weeks pregnant now...

Good day! Have attended the seminar at gleneagles today and found it very useful。 Dr chew gave a clear indications of what food to eat and what to avoid. Just found out that Ginger and black fungus should be eaten moderate as it is sciencifically proven to cause blood thinning. Raw food (sashimi) can be eaten provides u are 100% sure that the restaurants provide 101% fresh food.

Try the free confinement food and got 2 cans of milk power for me and Bb.

Learn how to Breastfeed and bath the Bb. This is really an interesting seminar and I urge all 1st moms and dad to attend Prenatal course.

Bad news -My doc says that I have weak womb so I het aching pelvis. He wants my hb to massage my tummy daily and bring me to swimming to strengthen it as well. Guess, I

will not start working at all till I give birth.


Since ur gynae recommend amnio, u doing?


Is there any reason y u want to change gynae? If u r comfortable with the current one, then no prob. Unless u have concerns then mayb u would like to change....

Happygal, Dr Sadhana is quite good, hubby wants me to follow up with her. Juz that I am considering a gyne from amk kkh clinic near my house. So hope to get some feedback about her before progressing further.


I do not know abt Dr Sadhana but the advice that was given to me before was that if I ever meet a gd gynae, I should juz stick to him as it will give me a piece of mind. Mayb, u discuss with ur hubby and decide together?


Sounds good. Mayb I should attend one also. Oh, hopefully the massage by hubby and swimming will help u relieve some pain. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tested & proven twice this week. I ate the alio olio spaghetti from tcc... Then threw up everything right after that!! Ewww!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] luckily it's one for one promo so not that heart pain abt $$$.. But the feeling is really terrible. It used to be my fav dish, now I'm gng to skip it totally until I hv given birth.


It's actually good for preg women but I cant swim. Haha..

Hi mummies,

Pardon my ignorance. I also noticed that swimming is encouraged among MTBs. But considering that we are at risk of hvg yeast infection and UTI, and swimming pool water is not exactly clean, isnt it unsafe?

Sorrie for being a suaku....

Btw, I signed up for TMC prenatal class in Sep with Mrs Wong (but hvnt pay yet). Is it too late? Just tot if I attend too early, I may forget.

sasha: how did your gynae determine you have weak womb? Because you experience pain in your pelvis? Hmm how does that differ from pain in the "lower stomach" area generally?

Hi mummies,

Can I checked if any of u is experiencing some kind of contractions, esp those with 2 or more babies before? I have been having contraction around the tummy area for the whole day. I do not have bleeding or spotting, just lots of discomfort. Could it be Braxton Hick contractions? Also worried that it could b gallbladder problem, cos I have that in last pregnancy. But all these contractions only happened to me in late 2nd trimester during last pregnancy, so not sure if it will surfaced so early in multiple pregnancies.

Happygal - We are going to enrol into a full Prenatal course and I really encourage dad to join in. It's is fun!

Missul - I can't swim too so I just kick the water like cycling in the pool. Too old n paiseh to use the swim board so I cling onto hb's shoulder for a half frog swim.

Yallo - my virginal feel aching like contraction. This happen especially when I stand still for 20 mins. The doc also asked it feels like my womb is so heavy that it feels like dropping out. I guess this would means that the MTB might have very weak womb.


We have decided to go for amnio too... will b early next month. I hope both of ours will go fine. Which hospital are u at? Did u opt for the express results? Hugz! Do keep me updated ok....


Really?! I thought as long as you bathe cleanly after the swim, it will b ok?


I talked to my hubby abt the prenatal course and he is keen... but got to wait for 20 wks to sign up for the one at TMC so Will b doing it later. Keep me updated on ur progress. Muz b fun!

Good morning girls!!

I just found out an expecting momm from my son's class that Aquabirth is available at NUH!! She was all about NUH, that the delivery suite is larger, cozier, all thumbs up for NUH!! But she was originally from Malaysia n lived in Netherlands where her first son was born, so I am not exactly sure if she had compared the other hospitals before she chooses NUH.

Whatever the case, I am happy to hear that there are more than 1 hospitals with water-birth facilities.

hi all mummy how are you, sorry i just want to intro my massage lady here maybe there are any mummy needed for pre and post natal event relaxing massage as well, i have good massage lady to recomended to all of you,she our family massage lady we get to know her at abt 7yrs, she very honest,skillfull with her experiance,we nalways miss and love her massage, malay lady her name jenny contac no 83305461. try her u will not regrect. have greats days a head


KK: Yes, NUH actually has aquabirth (waterbirth) facilities. I've not tried this but has given birth at NUH for my #2. Altho I'm only just a subsidized patient, but the services & facilities given is no different from a private patient. I do agree the delivery suite is big & well-equipped (comparing to TMC as I've given birth to my #1 at TMC), and the staff is nice too. That is why I'm still with NUH for my current pregnancy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

shasha: Weak womb can be serious if u don't give much attention & care to it as it will lead to poor pregnancy in future (miscarriage). Remember not to over exert urself & carry heavy things. I have a gf whose got a weak womb after delivering #1. When she wanna try for #2, she had 2 miscarriages & finally when she's successful for the 3rd time, her baby came out at week 20+ only because her waterbag burst. Lucky the baby survived after putting her in incubator for almost more than 1 month. So, u really need to take care of urself ya!

Jay: I don't remember I have BH contraction this early for my previous 2 pregnancies. Even now in my 13th week, I still have not feel any BH contraction yet. Maybe u should check & ask ur gynae about it just to make sure everything is alright? Take care ya...

Mummies going for amnio, all the best & relax ya. Hope all turn out good results! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jing Hui, yes, when I was expecting #1, one of the parent in our antenatal class told us TMC is very small. He said Raffels is biggest.. If my doctor isn't with Raffles, I think I may go NUH. I am between both NUH & Raffles.

So when you say subsidized patient, what kind of room do you get? How does that differ from other classes?

BH Contraction is Braxton Hick's. It's a false contraction. The tummy gets pulled up or tensed up like during contraction for labor except there should be no pain like contraction pain. Some say it is a "practice" contraction our boby naturally do. However, this should not happen in our stage of pregnancy. You can google more, if really happening, do see your OBGYN.


KK: Subsidized patient is like 'gov' patient at a subsidized rate, which we don't have a specific gynae (cannot choose our own gynae) of our own. We'll tend to see different /doc at every regular checkup which most people is not comfortable with. Also, visiting hours may not be so flexible as can only do visit on Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm. But becoz we're given a subsidized rate, fees are far relatively cheaper (esp on delivery & ward fees) as there will be no doc's fee for delivery being charged & we can only choose to stay in 6 or 8 bedded ward. But I find the B2 & C classes are not bad afterall...food is delicious & sumptous and staff is averagely polite as well. When in labour, we get the good delivery suite as well & there'll be attentive & experienced midwife to assist in delivery. In short, being a subsidized patient can save cost if we don't have any complication in pregnancy. That's my individual opinion & view [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Start of another week! Hope its a good one for all mummies here.

Re:pre-natal class:

Happygal: you can sign up now b4 20 weeks but only still attending from week 20 onwards.

Stardust25: I have signed up & paid for Mrs Wong's Sep Tue class. Maybe will see you there if same class. I have paid but then there is no correspondence/ email from them. Wondering if all's in order.


Cluelessmtb: I would like to share the shipping cost of the babyplus too. Wondering how many pieces should be enuff b4 we order? I can ask my friend too...

hello mommies.. hope everyone had a good weekend!

i m counting down to my Oscar scan cum gynae visit this Fri! overwhelemed with mixed feelings! juz hope everything will be ok!


sometimes, i do feel some pulling effect on my womb.... but not sure if it is BH though...


i have also signed up for Mrs Wong's Sat class in Sep, and have paid...

think i will be in my 24weeks by then...


can mommies share more abt the babyplus? keen to find out more.. thx..

TIE: I might be keen on the baby plus too. When you girls going to order? Is there any shops selling maybe i can bring my husband to see and decide whether to get it.

hello all...super super lost after more than a week not checking in! LOL...

going for the DS scan this friday...more than a month since seeing my BB on U/S...hope all is fine...

AC: me too!! was trying to catch up as much as i can, but seems a task impossible!!!

were u or yr wife affected by the food poisoning on board?? me & hb were... i had terrible diarrhea for a day (19 times) after the Vietnam city tour excursion! & wasted wed on board juz sleeping!! terrible experience!!

gd morn mummies! 1 weekend away and a bit lost in discussion....

Seems like many have or are planning to sign up for pre-natal class at TMC. Anyone got feedback on Mt Alvernia hospital's classes? I plan to deliver there, so thot go there for classes to enjoy course fee savings ;p

Babyplus seems quite interesting, but does it really work? I thot by talking to bb everyday and listen to classical music is enough liao;p If not too ex, I'd like to join in the group order too.

@piggy, have u done the blood test? Coz i read around, some have thick NT but blood test ok, bringing down the risk level. Tat time mine also considered thick NT & bb heartbeat slower than normal bb. I cried like siao and wasn't convinced I'm high risk, so followed up with blood test. Finally took the diagnostic test for peace of mind.

Chan, I done the blood test and the result combine with NT scan consider low risk, but due to NT reach 3mm so they want me to do cardiac scan. I think cardiac scan is wanted to check for bb heartbeat but not too sure s they didn’t explained much for me… still very worry….by the way may I know what is diagnostic test?

happygal, all the best for ur amnio results too! I might not take the express result, i find it more stressful cos knowing by 3 days i will receive a call, makes it worse haha.. so just wait 2wks and get to see all the results at one go.

Chan, when u did cvs, did u do strict bed-rest? not sure if after amnio is it a strict bed-rest or can still walk a bit just like first tri, dont over walk or exert kind?

piggy, my gynae told me will do detailed scan to check bb's heart from wk 18 onwards when he saw NT was 2.6mm and bb heartbeat slow at 155bpm. I guess that's the cardiac scan he's toking abt tho he didn't give details. Maybe you can check with your gynae or nurse more abt the cardiac scan. Diagnostic test = CVS or Amino. I took CVS at wk 12 with express results coz can't wait till wk 16 for Amino results. I'd prob break down by then.

cloud, i had to lie down 30mins at the clinic's recovery room after the procedure then they took another U/S to ensure bb is ok before i could go. After that it's strictly bed-rest for 24hrs. Only can get up to pee, bathe or eat. Nurse didn't even allow me go buy food at kopitiam, told me sit down rest while hubby go buy.

The way we get up from a lying/sitting position also have to be very careful not to strain stomach muscle. After 24 hrs rest my stomach still felt rather tight & pulling but not painful so I rested another 1-2 days on bed.

I heard amnio is 2 days bed-rest coz the needle goes further in compared to CVS. A frd of mine bedrest for 1 wk after amnio. If u planning to do amnio, better give yourself 1 week to rest bah.

Chan, 155bpm slow heartbeat? my bb hb is same to at 12wks and my gynae n sonographer all said ok. and i just googled again, it seems a normal range too leh...

cloud, i also duno why Dr say bb heartbeat slow. He said it's abt 10 beats slower than normal. He didn't seem too worried abt it though, said will check at later stage.

ling, i talk out loud to bb. Hubby does that too. Frds told me when bb is born, they can recognize the familiar voices who've been talking to them when they still in the womb.

mamaAsh, nope we were not affected. maybe cos we did not take any salad at the hotel...even on board we also seldom take anything raw.

life seems pretty normal on board leh...straits times write until so scary...

ur #1 is ashley and ur #2 is boy? i might have seen u at the pool...

Hello all, long time no post. Been sick and puking lately. sigh. Read post no energy type [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

The TMC class u all call to book request for Mrs Wong class can liao isit? will do that later...

My immune system like damn weak after preggie. always fall sick. u all too?

Will pop by & report again next week, should be able to know my bb gender. Finally can call bb the name instead of baby!!

Ling, my hubby & I a bit siao wan. We talk aloud to my doll (size of a 3 mth old baby) of 23 yrs all the time. So we naturally started talking to bb aloud too. Hehe ;p

Maybe your hubby duno wat to say to bb? I think ok to talk in silence bah since bb can't hear anyway. From wk 18 can start to talk aloud when his/her ear bones harden. Books say they can react to sounds from wk 18 onwards [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

congrats to all mommies here!

I got some preloved bestsellers pregnancy, parenting and nursing books for cheap sale.

1) What to expect when you're expecting (3rd edition) by Heidi Murkoff, Arlene Eisenberg and Sandee Hathaway

2) Conception, Pregnancy & Birth by Dr Miriam Stoppard

3) The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems by Tracy Hogg

4) The No-Cry Sleep Solution by Elizabeth Pantley

5) The Happiest Baby on the Block by Harvey Karp

6) Secrets of the Baby Whisperer: How to Calm, Connect, and Communicate with Your Baby by Tracy Hogg

7) What to Expect The First year by Heidi Murkoff, Arlene Eisenberg and Sandee Hathaway

8)The Nursing Mother's Companion by Kathleen Huggins

Pls see these links for pics and condition of books:-




Thanks in advance for looking!

Pls PM me if interested.

Hi All,

Couldn't access to the forum earlier. I came across a pretty good deal for babyplus and has posted in our Dec'11 fb group. Any other mummies interested in purchasing, do let me know. We can get it all shipped in together. The price is US$89.99 (exclude shipping to singapore).

The seller on ebay has about 8 sets. Currently, I have consolidated order for 5 sets.

Anyone else interest, pls PM me or drop me a msg on fb before 2300 hrs today.

hey mummies, jus wanna share - if u are getting a new filipino maid need to wait for 2mths plus for those w passport, those without passport needs abt 3mths plus. i'm so glad my dear fren reminded me so start searching if u r planning to get one... cos still need to train 1-2 mths before bb's born rite? shang nao jin.

Hi Joanne

I am interested but u do not accept pm and i am not on ur fb. However can u check if this is indeed cheaper than the aust eBay? If yes, I'm firm.

I was on a crowded train today and was standing in front of the reserved seat. The PRC lady (prob 30s or 40s in a nice dress) seated at the reserved seat who SAW me acted like nothing was wrong. After 3 stops, I asked her politely if I can have the reserved seat meant for the pregnant and elderly. She gestured as if she don't understand English and so I repeated that in Chinese for her before she finally stood up. Terrible... I looked at least 6mths preggie so there is no mistakening and I was quite tired after a hot walk.

I have decided to embark on my public education on reserved seats! Haha. Usually I am a peace lover and keep matters small kind but I just hated 2 things, people who cut my q and dun give up reserve seat!


Really... oki I will bk soon I think.


Take it easy after amnio oki. I will take the express results. I can't bear to wait anymore. Hahaha....


I din noe u all have a fb grp. Can I join too?


TIE/ Jasline - I'm in Sun's class. Oops, tink we wont meet then...I tink TMC is tracking, they've sent me SMS to pay up..:p

Chan P L / Ling- My hubby and I talk to my stuff toys too...but he doesnt talk to my bb leh. I think he's still trying to get used to fatherhood...and expressing it in other ways e.g. looking at strollers. Many of frens say fathers warm up slower than mummies....haha

MamaAsh/ AC - was thinking if u guys were on that cruise too....

