(2011/12) Dec 2011

Yesterday was confiding here sp hapily n mamage to pick myself up to clear a bit of chores left there so long n play with my son happily,

But today wake up feeldepress again!! All my happiness gone!! What happen i tot i walk out of it n was so happy n today suck in again damn depression


Thanks Jasline and Jacqueline for your encouragement. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

And all the best to you, Jasline, for your upcoming OSCAR test too. How many weeks will you be pregnant when you go for the test?


dun worry too much. did doc says if low blood white cells n platelets, whats the implications? higher risk of infection?


cheer up... preg is all abt swinging hormones anyway... u r not alone...

ya, dawn , u dun think so much... we r undergoing hormones changes and nowadays we all are unpredictable somehow..

like me, now is total no mood for anything.. duwan do anything.. no interest in anything.. coming to work is a horrible thing, etc.. but bo bian, we must know life still goes on.. happy or unhappy also must move on.. so y not be happy?? (i duno hear from where de..lolx!!!)

@Ms Carpe Diem:

based on the GA, i will be 13 weeks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wat abt u?

Hey, all..

Just arrived at the office.. What a Friday!!

Hope all mommies are well and those going NT scan get good result and enjoy watching baby. Also, hopefully know the gender if wished to.

The clinic just called and told me that everything is fine now!!!!

They says it might be due to me taking blood test on sunday and they only send it for test on monday so the time is too long, that's why causes a clump of blood together which can misled the result!!!

If low platelets, it will be dangerous for natural birth because the blood flow will be heavy.

chan, ohh i thot its the mac coke float cuz i saw the 1 for 1 coupon :p wahh ur float also sounds v shiok!!

jac, got piles must becareful la cuz extreme cases hor, when u deliver, u tend to push the piles out with the bb also...sounds gross :p

joanne, glad tha ur test's ok now! what a rude shock!!

kimiko, ya man...now i can only "smell" sashimi whenever my hb eats it! haha

lyn, congrats for ur good results and the boy!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jasline, i juz saw my fb n got a shock from u ah...i thot what happened...whahhahha :p yes go easy on the orange...

Mummies!! Im so so upset! yesterday went for my driving test, and the tester was so bad! keep scolding me and making comments/remarks through out the whole journey. I almost cried. Haven exit circuit already know cannot make it liao.. when i stopped at stop sign, he said why stop. I said 'sir, stop sign, got white line..'. then he said 'no car just go lah!', penalised me for delay in moving off. Approaching pedestrian crossing, i slowed down to crawling speed. Turned my head left and right to check for pedestrian. He said i failed to look out for pedestrians. Penalised 8 pts. When i checked blindspot, he said incorrect checking of blindspot, penalise! Hais.. Ended up i got 42 pts. So demoralised that i dunno if i should try again in august... =( even my hubbie can said how come i got so much demerit pts. Damm sad..


The piles is like a clump of tissue at your anus...if you constipate or have hard stools, it will cause abrasion and bleed. I suffered from piles during my first pregnancy due to my bad constipation and also the pushing. The piles swell and i bled quite often and also it is painful...you can't sit properly. I had it removed in Nov 2009...felt so much better. So be careful to have healthy bowel movements.

sounds really gross indeed but if push out means cure then good?! my sis's fren has crooked spine and during delivery 'push it straight'?? also dunno true or not sounds so WOAAAA to me haha. but if it's true really v good - one stone kills 2 birds!

i'm spotting again today and could be i carry heavy things ytd.. gosh now really feel my body now like some 'royal flesh' (wahahahaa!) so frail machiam lin dai yu cannot tis cannot tat... argh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Lyn & Joanne- Yeah! can feel your relief! weekend is here relax and stay positive!

dawn - $ cant buy health and happiness (thou $ IS impt ;p ) forget abt the loots now and focus on your health.. chug it aside - out of sight out of mind?

Happy weekend mummies! and mummies to be [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jacqueline, ya, I work only half day so that I will be around for my son. I prefer to come in the aftn cos I work less. If I come in the am, I usually ended working almost a full day.

Mummymoo, woah, that tester is really mean!! Anyway, if not becos we need the license we also 睬他都傻. Don't be discouraged. Think about how with a license you'll be able to drive baby around for play dates!!!

Gretel, did your doc give u duphaston for spotting?

Pushing piles our during delivery doesn't mean push out and dropped off. It'll be pushed out and stay hanging outside!!

Omg!!! So embarrassing sorrie lol tis is hilarious I've tot it'll drop off n CURE!! Pardon my ignorance pls no offense wat a fool I m! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Yeah on that hormone pills.. Hope it works..

joanne>> i've been coughing since 5 weeks but gynae din say i have low placenta.

i hope not oso cos i'm gng for my scan next week. dun worry too much, my colleague has low placenta but her 2 children are now studying in uni & poly.

lyn>> congrat! how many weeks are you?

i'm gng for my OSCAR scan next fri, by then is 12weeks, think too early to scan for gender too. keke...

jacq>> yours is a bb boy too? congrats ya!

i taking orange juice at most once a week.. now i eat more apples or pears. somehow they ease constipation too though slower than plune or kiwi [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ms Carpe Diem>> mine is next fri.. veri scary! let's jiayou together! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i'm one of those who had got v bad piles after delivery too but mine didnt bleed though. V painful, more painful than stitches and took likw 2 mths to get better, and yes cant sit properly lor... bleah, gonna go thru that again for next delivery...haiz. Was so bad that i didnt dare to poo after delivery for 5days even though i ate the syrup to soften stools...

mummymoo, dun be discouraged. I was an immediate failure case for my 1st driving test. Tester said I didnt look out when switching lanes and nearly caused accident, but I was like "har? got near miss meh?" Jia you in August!

hmm, maybe I should take driving refresher course so that can drive bb around....

gretel, got royal flesh means get royal treatment too ;p Suddenly my knight become my maid liao.. hehehe. Take care not to carry heavy things or over-strain yourself.

Gretel, dun worry lah, we learnt something everyday. Today I also just learnt that the spare wheels behind my car is bolted using a special nut that is identical to itself so that owners that drive the same car cannot use their "key" to "steal" it. Then I went around checking those with spare wheels at the back of their trunk.

Chan P L / KK: was feeling so upset and demoralising that i dun even have the confidence for another test in august... =( hais.. guess i need to overcome that barrier..

gretel: pls take care and do not carry heavy things. When i had spotting previously, i was given hormone jabs every week until end of 1st trimester. =(

Jasline: Based on my ultrascan age, I'll be 12w4d I think....

Joanne: So glad results are ok! Congrats!

missusBL: Yes, let's jiayou! All the best in your results next Fri! (You are doing the test on the same date as Jasline's, wonder if both of you are doing in the same hospital?)

Jacqueline: You've found out your bb is a boy? Congrats!

mummymoo: Every tester is different. I had taken driving test 3 times, and all 3 have different temperaments, not all of them will have MS on the day they are invigilating. :-D

mummymoo, 加油!加油!

I had the injection during my #1, it was the start of 2nd tri and blood just gushed out. Initially I wasn't panic, I just change and put on the napkin and wanted to go office. Then I just didn't have peace, then I found myself praying! I had 4 injections spread through out the next 2 weeks.

I also remembered the first thing doc check was to make sure the cervic is closed. I know my neighbor's wasnt and she had to be in bed for the whole pregnancy. Apparently, her cervic was "sewn up". And only released at 38 weeks when she was induced to deliver.

went for a meeting...

jac, i dunno how piles look like lor...but i heard its v gross one!

mummymoo, go for another test soon la, maybe the tester PMS yesterday so made alot of comments...

gretel, i think push out piles can be quite gross i heard...aiyo, u better dun carry heavy things la...

kk, ur job is so flexi tha u can come in the afternoon... envy envy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sporty, ya, that's what I like. I am standing in for someone in marketing currently on maternity leave, she will be back next Monday, so my service will be ending June then I can go back to my own office, which is even more flexible...

mummymoo, ur tester so funny de?? anyway, somehow or rather, they will penalised u for not checking blindspot de.. even if u always check also no sue.. will still kena de.. dun be sad.. take this as an experience.. u will make it the nexttime!!

verene, i dun have bloody tissue lah.. but i realised got alot those mucus/jelly type thingy... hmmz..

u all make piles sounds er xin!!! i hope i dun have it.. its very painful de right?? i heard...

wow!! so many ppl have piles after preg???

gretel, i think u prob have been moving ard too much or keep carrying heavy things? need to stop carrying heavy things now le.. but i do understand sometimes bo bian.. try to avoid if possible bah..

KK, what u work as?? half day from whattime to what time?? i thinking of taking half day job after giving birth... can look after kid and also have a bit of income..

missus BL & Ms Carpe Diem , nono.. u misunderstood.. i still duno gal or boy.. but somehow everyone says its boy from the scan..

alot of u all driving?? i havent really drove since i damaged my ex-bf's car.. den drive hubby's car a few times but scared.. my hands will tremble and legs will stiff!!!

Jacqueline, I have a company with my hb providing consultancy services to overseas companies looking at expanding to Asia. So I am the only person running the day to day operation which is not very much to do unless there are local conferences or overseas meetings.

So since I very "eng" in the office, I cover the other office with the marketing work until their staff comes back. But that also mean I have lesser money from July.

Jacqueline, my previous insurance agent once approached me if I will be interested to be a PA to her colleague. She said it's very easy, just some tele-marketing (I think not cold calls), to arrange appointment with clients for the ins agent. She told me it's only a few days/ week work.

I did a short term PA job to a financial consultant before. I am sure the job scope is somewhat the same, but I know usually insurance agents do not need to do a very thorough financial analysis for the client as compared to the ones I attached before.

Like I say, we learnt something everyday. The greatest thing I learnt was working thru all the papers I received from her clients and sorting them accordingly and put into excel so that at one glance, the clients are able to understand their net worth and eventually put everything into their wills.

WOW... kk, u r the lady boss!!! ok lah, den at least ur work load is still ok and VERY flexible! haha!! telemarketing??? i know le.. basically the agent will give a list of names and tel no to the PA and the PA will call the names up and see if they free to meet up.. nah...

Just done NT scan... consultant told me everything normal BUT NT too thick reach 3mm, request me to go back on my week 14 for cardiac scan very worry.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] very worry....may god bless my bb is healty....

Jacqueline, if not cold calling, at least to his/her client is easier than cold calling. U kena ppl slam phone down..

Aiyo, I not boss, my hb is. Good thing is the work is flexi. He thinks I can work from home, but I know I cannot, cos my son is biggest distraction! And I need to get out of the house or I'll be yellow-faced-wife.

Piggy, God bless your child, now it is you to believe he/she is perfect in health like Jesus!! And He give shalom peace in your heart! (Amen)

Alamak,I really still trying to figure out how to reply to the messages without losing track of who I am replying to. Geez... dumb me.

Waiting for sashimi!!!


same lor... quite lazy to do tts y muz find khakis but then again I got spotting in my first tri then. Duno if can. better check with my gynae.

Sporty & Jac,

Im concerned coz I don't tink I can take care of a child with downs for the rest of its life, so may not keep it but amnio has its risks... so really dilemma.


think positive, thats what I am doing. Should be fine. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jacqueline: Are the people who looked at your scan and commented it is a boy medical professionals? If so, it's likely a boy.

No matter what, hope you (and all of us) enjoy the process of anticipating and discovering our child's genders. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Missus-I'm in week12 day 6 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I kpo keep asking Sonographer boy or gal.. Cos I want to go chiong GSS.. She say too early cant see one but when she scan Bb butt.. She said maybe boy.. Then I saw the one thingy sticking out btw legs.. Lol.. Whole process of scanning was very fun, Bb was active and we spent Abt 20-30mins scanning.. I told Hubby, maybe Bb want us to see him longer.. Purposely jump up and down, giving Sonographer hard time to scan..

Hi mummies,

I'm selling this Ikea changing table which was rarely used (as I moved to my mum's place shortly after I gave birth) with GULLUNGE babycare mat (as shown in picture). Condition is 9.5/10

Product informations:

Length: 72 cm

Width: 53 cm

Height: 87 cm

- Converts into a convenient table/shelf unit when not used as a changing table any more.

- Solid beech material.

Selling at $40. Self collection at Depot Rd. Please PM me if interested.



Brown rice is high in fiber but I think can worsen constipation bcoz it's heaty? Bcoz tt time when I intro brown rice cereal to my gal, immed got constipation. Also when the toddler my mother bbsits ate full brown rice for her porridge, always get constipation n dunno y. Until I told my mother maybe it's this. She went to inform the mother n change the diet to half brown n half normal rice then the constipation problem eases by a lot.

piggy, what's NT too thick?? sorry, didnt went for oscar so not sure what r those..

KK, i understand its not cold-calling.. my fren is in this line.. its the list of names and contact they got during roadshows.. ur hubby is the boss and u r his wife.. that makes ulady boss!! *wink* gd also lah.. at least ur hours r flexible and u can rest more..

Lyn, my office also mostly guys.. but no eye candy!! i got a few other female coleagues but mostly in other offices..

happygal, thats what i thought so too.. but u realy wanna give it up if rates r high?? i also dun think i can handle a baby with down.. esp financially.. but asking me to remove it i feel can ren.. it's murder i feel.. so i rather not know anything.. also, i read up online before, they some it can be generic de.. so even if u remove it this time, the chance of the next with down is also high.. not scaring u all but thats what i read online.. i also scared... anyway, u go discuss with hubby 1st.. both needs to agree on an answer..

Ms Carpe Diem, no lah, they are all friends.. but duno y they feel its boy and also they seems to see something also! but some of them r parents le.. was talking to hubby ytd.. i realised i need carbo.. no carbo means will hungry.. and i can finish up a bowl of rice now.. but not because i am hungry but i wanna eat it.. last time i take less than half bowl de.. so hubby also commented it might really be boy!!

ya, i am pretty excited to know if its boy or gal... coz it means i can go shopping!! last time when see baby stuff, i find them so cute... all miniatures!! haha!! esp adidas shoes.. i am confirm gonna get 1 for my kids!!!

lyn, same same.... iits the 12w plus to 13w scan that my friends say they see something coming out between the legs.. but i commentsed it could be the cord.. haha!!

u also taking kiwi? i tried, still got a few more at hm but no use.. i also had papaya milk.. my fav fruit juice since young. also no use..

i am ahappy gal this morning!!! woke up 6 plus feels got kick so go toilet but fail.. but 10 plus woke up again and go toilet.. this time got things come out!! although its not the healthy type but i am so happy there's output!!! and i took my weight after that, i am 1kg lighter!!! the stools r weighing at 1kg?? haha!! but now super hungry liao..

Jac- I meant so far my office this year all produce Bb boy, don't have Bb gal wor.. I also gained 1 kg so far.. I really hope stools weight 1 kg lol

Jac- I took papaya but I tried to limit, cos my mil said scared later Bb jaundice.. So I just listened.. But I find eating fruits help [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyone here do cardiac scan b4??? After the NT scan I cry whole night... Today whole day look at the report... Consultant said consider low risk but due to NT reach 3mm she advise to do cardiac scan but she didn't further explain wat is cardiac scan....anyone here know pls explain to me... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Amnio will let us know confirmation on chromosomal deficiencies so I guess will go ahead. Hard decision. Sigh... But I will pray hard and will talk to baby everyday and b positive. Btw, saviour for constipation is PRUNE juice. really useful leh!


I do not know what is cardiac scan. I onli know my gynae suggest amnio as my NT scan also no good. I understand how u feel coz I also cry after getting the results. Let's pray for the best!


gbh, wow! I understand even after retirement you;ll still be getting a decent amount of income from your port folio.. I was with IPP.

Jaqueline, name is nice but most thing is bao-ka-liao leh.

