(2011/12) Dec 2011

dawn, i think you are making yourself overstressed now esp with your online stall.. is there any friends who can help u with your stuff? maybe u can teach them and then they can help u after that? if not, i think even if making a loss (of coz ppl in business will not want them to happen) but your health is still more impt. like some ppl always say, we must try to think positiove and stay happy so that we will have a happy baby too...

i think sometimes its easier said than done, but i am sure somehow things can be worked out.. dun overstress yourself.. i think most customer will be able to understand if you explain to them your situations..

jia you.. gambatte!!! think positive and dun overstress yourself.. if need be, gotta give up some stuff... we will all be here for you... =)

A very busy day for me and didn't go office..

BBnGG, so good. during my #1, 2 qns everyone asked would be first, are you due soon? when I say "no" the next qn is, "twins?".. When I say "no", they all go "woah, baby must be very big. If too big huh, you better go for C-section, don't be hero."

Joanne, you have to be careful of where you place the order of "medium" beef. Some "medium" means "medium rare" which is still bloody; some "medium" is "medium well" which is quite close to well done, just very very little pink. Try order "medium plus" it is more pink than m"medium well" but not bloody.

Most restaurant will understand that you are expecting and cannot take anything under-done.

My recommendation is to order medium plus, if still see blood, can get kitchen to cook it slightly more. Rather than order "medium well" then find it too cooked and irreversible.

Beef is great for baby's growth. So, enjoy!

Babybunny, good to hear you are staying positive!! Good spirit to keep during preg!

Thanks thanks

No one to help me, i spoke to my hubby he is willing to help me pack but his work is tiring, so i dun expect much from him, i m going to take things very slowlynow so only if i m ok then i am going start clear stuff again

Tried to explain to some customers, some cam tell me, wanna sick muz also settle the online stuff first. How am i suppose to know when i am going to b unwell so from then till now i totally stop selling n tie up all looseend n finally now i have a clear mind with a heavy hidden stone which i try not to let it stress me

Juz wanna voice out herr, felt better after seeing so many caring kind souls! Really appreciated n gave me strength to move on

Jia you Dawn, you can do it.

You already know that you can walk away from your drpression so that is your 1st step. Think positive.

Just leave your stock if you are still not up to handling them. And maybe for the time being, don't buy anymore so those won't add on to your burden and stress.

Jia you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dawn, think u r thinking too much, don't stress. The stocks are not total loss yet, when u get well, u can still sell them. As for those inconsiderate customers just ignore them for now, don't let it bother u k! Jia you!

Yes i m not going to bring in anymore! I dun wan post natal depression too

Juz heard from my doc post natal depression may take up till 1 year before starting as hormones may take a long time to settle down

So my depression is 1/2 1/2 cozmy no1 is 14 mths

dawn, u think too far le lah!! dun think about post natal depression!! although i also scared for myself lah!! i am the type i cannot tahan kids/babies screaming away.. very irritating.. so i keep telling ppl last time that i scared i will end up going crazy and throw my kids out of the window!! of coz thats not gonna happened lah.. but its tell ppl that i scared i will get irritated and depressed.. even my friends worry for me esp when i got no 1 to help me after giving birth also..

yes, those inconsiderate customer IGNORE THEM!!! it's not as if u r not replying them or not doing anything.. u r trying to do them! so, as long as u feel that u have done your best and nv dui bu qi anyone, gd enough.. very hard to satisfy everyone de.. =)

those working mums.. how do u all tahan at work ar?? 1st come in morning already very tired, not enough rest.. whole body no energy.. den slowly feeling sleeping.. by afternoon, i will wanna sleep but nowhere for me to hide.. i have sweets at my desk and muching them on and off but i scared wait sugar level too high.. and btw, eating sweets is not making me awake at all lor..

finally 6pm, off work le.. but still cannot go.. waiting for hubby to pick me up.. cannot blame him also coz he also work till ard 6 plus sometimes later and he works in tuas or jurong island.. zzz... i duwan take public transport home myself now coz it's an hr journey.. i scared i will vomit or faint inside the bus!! lolx!! i feel like i am very hard to please.. =(

Dawn, dun get stress over ur stock. When u get better then slowly clear. And ignore those customers. Well, I guess they are mummy as well, can't they understand ur situation

Jac, already consult dr give me medi to stop vomiting, but no use...

Babybunny, I m also week 12 now, eat so little after that all vomit out again, but tummy still big.... :'( tonite try potato for dinner, just know my friend told me that she search from web, potato can reduce the feeling of vomiting. Tmr tell u the result...

Piggy plain crackers can help too n if thirsty sip water not drink inbig glup

N min talking haha for me talking = air go in = vomit faster

The condition of this BABYBJORN Carrier Air is 10/10 as it's used for less than 5 times. It comes in the original box and it's like brand new.

Features of BABYBJORN Air:

- Great comfort for Mom, Dad and Baby.

- Baby can face to either the front or rear

- Machine washable

- Wide padded shoulder straps provides maximum comfort for parents

- Rigid mesh gives excellent stability

- Built-in support for baby's head

- Extra soft mesh is comfortable against baby's chin

- Lightweight, flexible 3D mesh greatly dissipates heat and moisture, and adjusts to the size of the baby

- Carrier fits neatly into attached bag. Bag folds into pocket on inside when not in use

Selling it at $130. (Mothercare is selling at $199) Self collection at Toa Payoh MRT station any time or at Queensway MRT station on Sat/ weekday nights. Interested buyer please PM me.


Dawn, you mean those Kong Guan Soda biscuit right?

my gf also recommended me when I kept having sudden hunger strikes. It did help.

Morning mummies,

Re forbidden food for preggies,

Dont forget tt those gourmet soft cheese also a no no bcoz they r usually not pasteurized n like raw food can cause serious bact infection like listeria.

Ytd did Oscar. Results not out yet but shld be ok based on tech reaction during scan. No weird or worried looks/comments from her.

Been having mild constipation past few days. Feels terrible tt my stomach feels "uncleared" like wanna eat also can't eat much bcoz system not cleared.

Trying to scan thro latest few posts...


I know they say cold drinks not good for preggies n if I rem correctly, I learnt in prenatal class tt is bcoz cold drinks constrict blood vessels or something like tt n hence will affect blood n oxygen flow to bb. Hence not advisable to drink freq. But I dun care lah. So hot the weather. I still drink once in a while. I nvr totally abstain from cold drinks. N somehow I find cold plain water helps to ease a bit of my ms.

Oh btw ytd I asked gynae abt multi v for my preg n he asked if got eat well? I told him not really so he prescribed fish oil n multi v. Last preg I rem he totally nvr gave me these. In fact my last preg ms was much much worse! But ok lah my gal still come out healthy. Hopefully #2 will be even better n bigger sized than jie jie. Jie jie was small at 2.5kg at birth.


U dun stress urself too much lah. U can slways sell ur stuff after u settle down n feel better. Ur goods won't spoil one mah. I think what u r feeling is prob a sense of guilt of not selling (like machiam waste money buying goods) and fear of can't sell off (which is a fear of the future/unknown, things tt haven happen yet). I run an online biz too so I think I know how u feel. Sometimes I also get tt esp if I restock n I scared can't sell off. It's a human worry of the unknown lah. Most of the times we worry abt things tt have not happened ( in fact a lot of times, things that in the end won't even happen). We just worry ourselves sick nia lah. Just try to rem this then u won't feel so upset n stressed Liao. As for nasty impatient customers, for the time being u might wanna stop all sale first if u can't cope. Dun overly tire urself out bcoz of tt. Rest enough n once u feel better then resume ur biz lor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so quiet this morning eh?

piggy, *pat pat* MS shd go away soon!

babybunny, since ur symptoms are diff, maybe its another gender for u this time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

chan, i also cant wait to whack sashimis!! must go for buffet after we pop!!

It isn't a good friday to start off with.

Got a call at 8am telling me to go down to the clinic asap for my blood test report. The doctor told me that my white blood cell and platelets are low.

Do a blood test again today and result will be out tml. Asked the doctor what if the result is still the same and he told me will need to do blood test everyday to monitor.



Chin up. Probably nothing serious and will improve. I am still deciding if i should do amnio.... sigh... all the worries we have.


Thanks... yah man Singapore so hot... I will try to lessen cold drinks but not abstain. else will kill me perhaps. Hahaha...Glad to hear ur oscar should b well. not like mine not so gd then keep worrying.


Can i self-invite? Hahaha.. I got craving for sashimis too!

Dear mummies...

Anyone keen to take prenatal exercise or any advice where to take them? I am looking at mayb aqua aerobics or yoga....

I was on mc yesterday and went back to work just now...but have cramps in the mrt and felt so unwell when I reached office. So decided to travel back home to rest. feeling terrible of MS recently and my giddy spells. Later need to visit the doc for a mc cos my coy needs official mc from doc if more than 1 day. really feel so tired and sick to go to the clinic now. And I lost more weight this week..I really hope my appetite comes back soon... :s


sounds bad.... but all of it will past and I tink it will b worth it holding that little bundle in ur arms. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Do take care and rest well...

joanne, dun worry...everything shd be fine!

happygal, whats ur concern? if u intend to keep the child, some pple dun bother to do lor... but of cuz if u do, u get a peace of mind... sure, onz u for sashimis! also, sashimi helps in boosting milk supply lor! cant wait to eat!!

verene, hang on...hope u recover soon!!

@Joanne: cheer up ok.. stay positive...

r u currently taking iron tablets? perhaps u can check with ur gynae on this...

Jia you!!

@Verene: see a doc and have plenty of rest!! tk care

piggy, what did your doc gives you?? some was given VitB6 ( i think), some maxalon, so far the most exp and should be most effective is Zofran. This will cost around $40 in private hospital. You must get the real 1 coz there's also generic ones.. I didnt know and both times was given generic ones and that doesnt help.. but the real 1 heard is super effective. Maybe you can try talking to your gynae?

happygal, i didnt even do oscar coz when me and hb discuss, we decided that no matter what, we will keep the baby so decides to not do it and dun waste money.. you have to discuss with your hubby what happens if the risk is high. like sporty also says, if u all decides to keep the baby, no point doing the amino test.. plus heard its also harmful to the baby..

verene, gambatte!!! it will all be over soon.. give yourself another 2 weeks! whats what doc say!! =)

my tummy is reallybig and round lor.. even my colleague says so.. so obvious but she also asked the same qn i asked myself... 3 months only. a bit too early to show so big leh.. so i suspected coz of constipation.. havent gone toilet for duno how long.. probably since last weekend? the last time something comes out is because i took the lactus liquid thingy.. diarrhea after that.. but this time, i took on wed and ytd.. but till now still no effect.. how?? and i took my weight ytd! weight increase!! must be the stools inside my tummy!!

yeah!!! TGIF everyone!! It's finally weekend!!!

Hi Jac, the medi tt I take is MetoCLOPramide from KKH, no use.... My tummy also big n round but I go toilet as usual. Jac try to eat more fruits if really useful...

Later go for NT scan, worry.................

sporty, ya, me very tired.. was still thinking this morning wanna take leave or not. haha!! tried prune juice le.. even tried those fruits that ppl says can help and also fybogel.. i have history of constipation and IBS... but it sort of recovered liao. i am able to go toilet regularly.. until i got preg.. and now worse... i try to go toilet a few times a day.. sit for 5-10 mins.. but no use.. end up my back even more pain! haha!!

i heard constipation is common but like mine??

oh no, i've been having coke ice-cream float for past 2 days and iced apple juice for past 2 wks!

sashimi/sushi lover mtb, let's go makan jap buffet together after confinement [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Looking fwd to it!

joanne, gynae got say what cause the low white blood cell?

happygal, i'm keen to do prenatal exercise but lazy lah. Hope my daily 20 min walk to buy lunch is enough ;p You may want to check with your gynae what type of exercise u can do. Coz some preg book say those with low lying placenta, weak cervix, bleeding/spotting should avoid exercise.

agree with jac & sporty whether to do amino or not depends on what you intend to do if results no gd. Coz if u wana keep bb, no point subj bb to m/c risks. Not to mention the $$, anxiety & pain involved.

verene, hope u get well soon!

jac, be careful la...cuz will easily get piles one ah... try to drink more water n eat fibre stuffs lor

chan, coke ice cream float from mac ah? i crave for a & w rootbeer float!! damn shiok lor!!

jac, got try eating Sunsweet pitted prune? Or try eat guava? Drink apple juice? Those 3 work quite well for me.

sporty, i DIY the float coz near my place no McDonald. I put vanila ice-cream with choco chips & mashmallow in coke. Very shiok also, altho can't compare to A&W float ;p

piggy, this is maxalon.. common med for vomiting.. normal GP will also prescribe this if u tell them u have MS... maybe can talk to the doc at KK and says that this med is not effective? r u taking it as pill or into your drip??

dun worry so much abt the scan... everything will be fine.. stay positive...

sporty, i suspect got piles leh.. even GP also says.. maybe inside coz once i happened to see fresh blood.. i usually wipe the toilet bowl seat 1st before using.. so saw it on the toilet paper inside toilet bowl. but when i wipe nothing le leh..

Chan, tried before le.. also no use.. prune / prune juice makes me even more bloated.. i was on grave diet before.. coz i like the soft soft part inside.. also fail.. tried apple juice, papaya juice, also no use.. thats y i can only take the liquid when necessary.. last time even worse.. i took laxative everyday or every other day!

Thanks all for the well wishes.

Cooked pasta with tomato sauce just now and managed to finish it. guess the sourish sauce makes me to have a better appetite. will go take a nap later.

Mumies got constipation try mixing your white rice with brownrice. Brown rice is high in fibre. and 1st thing in the morning drink 1 cup of fresh milk.

that's gd news verene!! have a gd nap later! (can sleep for my share also?? =P)

CT, home dun cook de.. no brown rice.. and i cannot take milk... tummy bloated.. and wanna vomit..

I have no idea what causes low platelets and the doctor just tell me a lot of reasons can cause it to happened like cough, flu . .

Hi Jac, too bad you can't take milk. That day I had magnolia milk in the morning then about half an hour to an hour later I had green apple juice. I ran to the toilet after that. The milk is from McDonalds, the very small pakaging one while the green apple juice is the normal size you get in food court.

Wah mummies, the idea of sashimi just make me drool. I was posting in my fb yesterday that I'm craving for salmon sashimi >.<

I have tummy ache this morning and has no appetite for any food. Force myself in with 2 fishballs and 3 fishcakes.now drinking a bit of lemon barley so that i will not get low blood.

Bad Friday.

I can't find amenda pump at robinsion sales. But they do have medela swing set at $399. Saw a couple of strollers

cost at $250 +/-.

Btw, I saw someone comment about a book earlier that cost $48. If amyone is interested in this book, I can get it at $40 cause my gynae is the co author and he can sell book to its

patients at a cheaper. However, u have to sell collect at my place at Tiong Bahru.

There is a seminar by gleneagles on Tmr from 2pm to 5pm titled joy of motherhood. Fee is $10/ person or $15/ person

Myths and misconceptions on what to eat during and after pregnancy by Dr Peter Chew

Menus & receipts during pregnancy and post delivery (includes food tasting)

The Dos and Dont's of Brestfeeding & Demonstration on baby bathing by Lactation Consultant, GE

SOS signs & symptoms in newborns by Dr Chng Seo Yi

Interested pls visit alive.org.Sg

kimiko, actually at the beginning i did force myself to drink milk every morning.. but no diarrhea also.. it come out from the other side.. some ppl say morning drink orange drink also effective but i tried and no use..

just now like got kick.. went toilet.. wasted trip again.. lolx!!

Hi everyone, I just came back from scan. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] low risk for down syndrome. Hehe.. Sonographer told me Bb gender, said maybe boy, showed me the Bb butt from the bottom, something stick out btw Bb's legs hehe.. Bb also notti kept jumping up and don't stay still, Sonographer had a hard time to get the best shot.

Jac-I also can't take fresh milk, I tried strawberry or chocolate milk, better.. Never vomit.. As for orange juice, I only take fresh orange and only when I'm having headache.. Try to refrain taking too much orange, Bb later have phelgm

Congrats Lyn! It must be a relief for you after the scan. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm going for mine coming Wed.


congrats on the good oscar results!!

so, do u mean that we will be able to know the results immediately?

wah, so happy to know the gender isnt it!

i'm looking forward to my oscar scan next Fri too, hopefully everything will be good and well!

gd luck to all mommies for ur upcoming scans!

oh no! too much orange is no gd, will causes phelgm in bb?! i'm taking 1 orange everyday, and my fav fruit juice is orange juice... oh oh.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


gratz Lyn!!!! test result is gd and it's prob a boy!!! actually this year, seems like a lot gals.. most of my fren's babies r gals!! so its nice to hear its a bot occasionally.. i wonder mine is gal or boy.. maybe like what everyone says when they see my 12wplus 13 w scan.. all guess its boy! lolx!!

too much orange no gd?? okok.. i will take note.. anyway, i also dun like to eat orange.. usually is juice only.. that day i suddenly tell hubby.. like long time nv see banana milk le!! miss it leh.. haha!!

Ms Carpe Diem, dun worry or think so much.. everything will be fine! =)

