(2011/12) Dec 2011

bfly, if u wanna beef bb up now...eat lotsa beef, durians and eggs!

wendy, yes detailed scan is quite interesting cuz they take detailed measurements of the bb...so the scan can be quite a long session depending on whether cooperates or not

joanne, nope...detailed scan dun come with blood test... blood test only during oscars test... unless the mummy kena GD, then maybe need to poke herself daily to test the sugar level in blood

ling, go for the tmc prenatal class by mrs wong, its makes a diff...

stardust, congrats on ur gal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yah gradually the gynae will only measure weight of bb instead of the size of the bb...

happygal, welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] did ur gynae advise u to go for amnio?

spagetti, sama sama...i am an supporter of bfing also [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


sporty, really ah? cos i thought can save some money for my breast pump, $117 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ling, ya cuz mrs wong is quite famous in this field...she's often on tv/mags also... thas why alot of pple even requests to see her when they are staying at tmc for personal bfing coaching...

Morning all...

gbh: Thanks for the contact! I've copied down the details & will call up to check about the pump [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

RE: baby gender

Slowly, many of u starting to know baby's gender ler. Exciting, isn't it? For 1st time mummies, sure very excited & looking forward coz can buy clothes for baby already! :D That's fun coz baby's clothes are really cute!...All in mini size.

sporty: If wanna beef up baby, really have to take those food u mentioned now? Will the 'good thing' only goes to mummy if eat so early? :p I thought towards later stage of pregnancy, when baby starts to gain weight that time only eat?

RE: breastfeeding

Although I find it really a tough & difficult job, but still will persist to do my best again this time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I failed to breastfeed my #1 as I have little knowledge about breastfeeding & got a very wrong pump that's not ideal & suitable for me, thus giving up after only 1 month. After joining SMH forum for 2nd pregnancy, I really learned alot about breastfeeding, having lotsa encouragement from fellow mummies here who have good experience in breastfeeding [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I did not breastfeed my #2 for very long, but 14 months should be a successful achievement right? Hope other mummies (1st timers esp) can 'jia you' on breastfeeding too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning mummies..

cool weather to start for the day.


most likely no chg in your edd. wk 15, more or less can see the gender already.


manago cannot eat too much. very heaty!


ask your gynae if should proceed to amino test. what is your ratio like?

jing hui, normally whatever weight tha mummies put on for first trimester goes to mummy lor...since u are approaching 2nd trimester soon, can start to eat those items lor...

Shasha: I do get dull, stretchy aches in my lower abdomen sometimes which I attribute to stretching of the uterus too, so I'm guessing it's normal, hope that'll put your heart at ease?

Hope you'll rest well and take care!

sporty: Haha, that's what I'm worried & afraid of...weight only goes to mummy! :p But as for now, did not really eat a lot, coz sometimes don't know why appetite not very good altho feel hungry. What I like most now is tom yum beehoon & asam laksa :p The most comfort food & satisfying craving! ^_^

RE: ache/pain in lower abdomen

For 1st time mummies, am sure u'll feel paranoid & worried about this issue. Nothing to worry much if the pain does not prolong & is not accompanied with bleeding. If feel pain, try to relax the muscles & rest by sitting/lying down. If u feel tense, guess the ache/pain won't go off. Try to relax ya...

Junghui: your preferences of food and symptoms are the same as mine! *hi-5*

For me, I find I still have appetite for lunch, but dinner I will feel hungry but bloated. I suspect that the spicy, sourish lunch I normally have is causing the bloatedness during dinner time...

morning mummies!!!! it's a tiring and sick morning! haha!!

kimiko, i duno abt daerk knight wor.. coz mine is mage.. now got how many jobs i duno le but i heard highest level is level 200? haha!!

wendy, dun worry, the blood clot will go off soon.. and hope it wun come back again.. rest well and dun move ard too much..

Ling, maybe there's something ur stomach cannot accept in the kway chup?? or maybe it's certain time of the day?? i realised even i eat the same food, my reactions will be diff de..

wow!! 3kg in 2 weeks might a a little to much, but now still early.. anyway u need to eat and baby needs to eat mah.. ideally, they say we should gain 0.5 to 1kg every week.. so maybe u can try to cut down on some food?

congratz stardust!! the gender is more or less confirmed!!!

gbh, cannot eat mangoes???? i was just eating it a few weeks back and ate a few!!

jinghui, yes!! everytime i passed by those baby shops, really hope i can buy sdomething but cannot buy.. but i bought those mini shoes/booties already.. very cute de!! bought quite a few pairs.. some can give my friends! haha!! i love miniature stuff!!

my cramp is not so bad but the sharp pain is.. so end up i will try all sorts of positions lying on bed and see which position is comfy!

something interesting happened last night.. i was meeting my ex-colleagues for dinner at ichiban... since i duno what to eat, i ordered the same thing that me and hb always eat.. cha soba and katsu don set.. it's really a lot.. cant finish and i am feeling super full like tummy gonna burst.. den one of my ex-colleague commented... i am so funny.. i ate the carbo but left the meat there!! i also didnt realised until i look at my own food.. i ate the cha soba, the rice in katsu don.. but i hardly touched the chicken!!!! lolx!! not sure why but dun feel like / like to eat chicken nowadays.. esp when i am very sensitive to checken taste. those bloody type or those frozen type got a taste de.. since last time ia lready cannot accept. but i rememebred the chicken last night dun really have those taste leh...

jing hui, u also didnt gained alot for ur #2 rite? so this time shd be quite ok la...dun worry... wah, u love spicy stuffs eh? talking abt food, i am v hungry now...

jac, 0.5 to 1kg every week abit too much ba? scary leh... imagine 40 weeks of pregnancy = 20kg at least?! heheh...

Ms Carpe Diem: *hi-5*! I thought I'm the weird one here, haha...only crave for sourish kinda food :p I somehow find these 2 cravings ease my poor appetite & seems easy to digest too!

Usually, breakfast & dinner I don't have appetite to eat. Only lunch time can eat like usual. Until now (about 12 weeks), I still feel bloated & nauseous towards certain food/smell of food. I was ok for my past 2 pregnancies when I reached around 10 weeks.

gd mg mommies...

i really want back my quality sleep! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i have been getting up at 2.30am-3.00am to pee for the past week without fail, and have problems getting back to sleep... so i end up being so zombiefied at work the next day...

Re: Gender

congrats to all mommies who get to know their bb gender! i'm so looking forward to it, as its my 1st bb... so probably can start shopping once we know!

Re: Oscar scan

all the best to GBH & other mommies we are going for ur oscar scan...

my oscar scan cum appt is next Fri! it's close to 1mth since i last since my bb! so looking forward, and of coz keeping my fingers crossed for gd results

Re: Cheong Choon store

Thanks GBH for the contact! have noted it down, and shall pop by...

Re: ache/pain in lower abdomen

Ya, indeed i have been feeling ache/pain for the past few days in my lower abdomen...

thanks for ur advice Jing Hui! i will try to relax...

sporty: Yeah, I love spicy food (influenced by hubby :p), but now take moderately. U know, I love black pepper crab, Indian curry rice (briyani with mutton), curry lasksa etc etc. Enough to make u salivate? :p Haha, me so bad!

Erm, #2 gained about 15-16kg?...cannot really remember. But I did control my intake & diet lor, coz very scared overweight ler! :p Haha, 'ai mei' la...that's why :p #1 was terrible!...only the beginning stage itself already gained alot, ended up total weight gain near to 20kg!! OOps! :p Of coz now will still try not to gain so much la, hehe. Maybe slightly towards the middle to end of pregnancy, eat more 'bu' stuff to beef baby up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Now not really becoz I wanna control my intake of food, but becoz my appetite still not very good. So, is something good also la.

Jacqueline: Talking about meat...I'm also experiencing similar situation as u. I find that frozen stuff like nugget, even normal chicken & pork cooked in any way...taste awful! Got some kinda frozen meat smell. So, I hardly eat chicken also nowadays. Strangely, I find lamb/mutton is favorable as well as fish :p Really weird & strange LOL! Taste bud gone hay-wired.

jing hui, so usually for ur lunch, u will cook? i have appetite for bf & lunch only... dinner normally eat very little... yeah, i like mutton bryani also but now cannot eat mutton leh... yes i am more hungry now!! haha... u looked ok when u having ur no 2 leh...

jasline, tell me abt it...i wake up like 3 times a nite now...hahha... then i cant go back to sleep!! haha

Jasline: No prob ;-) I think most 1st time mummies will experience this kind of ache/pain in lower abdomen more frequent & the intensity is more as well, maybe due to 1st time womb/uterus stretching? Me, 3rd time mummy don't really feel it anymore coz uterus/womb is already expanded for few times ler :p Already 'get used' to it! Only occasionally will feel the ache/pain, but very very mild & short pain only. What's important, don't feel so tensed up, paranoid & worry too much if there isn't serious issue like bleeding & prolong pain. Relax...relax...and relax!... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sporty: Erm, cannot eat mutton is becoz elderly people advised not to eat, right? My MIL also tell me not to eat, becoz baby later will have epilepsy wor. Erm, I don't really believe in it & eat w/o telling her :p It's just a belief to me la, after all...else how the Indians gonna survive if cannot eat mutton? If really say after eaten mutton will cause epilepsy, then all the Indian babies, or even the Western who eat lamb steak will have epilepsy babies...? Not logic & make sense, right? So, I still eat :p Bad daughter in law hor?

Overall, I still look ok la when pregnant with #2 that time when we went out for Nov babies SMH outing. Most of my friends & relatives also commented I did not gain very much. Of coz I'm happy & thrilled to hear those comments! :p (so vain) Maybe I was carrying my gal last time, so wanna look good & care about my overall image :p That's what most mummies said too, right? They said, when carry boy, tends to look slack & sluggish while carry gal, tends to wanna look good.

This thread moves super fast... I was on holiday for 1 week & I can't catchup liao!

Really not as fun holiday being pregnant as I couldn't walk as much & felt tired easily. Also, have to skip all those fun rides that will rock you.. really bor hua leh... missed all those sashimi.... Shopping not as fun as I can't buy those pretty clothes & shoes for non-pregnant women...sigh... Thank God that I didn't have motion sickness in the plane or bus ride.

sporty: Lunch & dinner I cook at home. But I don't have appetite to eat even it's self home cooked food, wahahaha :p I cook mainly becoz of my kids & hubby. Else, I won't cook & just wanna have my tom yum beehon & asam laksa only! :p

sporty, i duno leh.. thats what i rwead from one of the brouchers that my gynae gave... rightfully, at the end, we should gain ard 15kg..

this is what i found..


jinghui, i am ok with nuggets and fast food.. ok those chicken that is cooked.. i also duno hwo to explain leh.. like some chicken rice, chicken chop, etc.. i cannot take fish for now, i will vomit.. i even vomit my fav fish porridge on quite a few occasions!!

havent tried lamb yet but i seems ok with pork nowadays.. maybe i shall try mutton..

u know what?? i miss beef!! medium rare!!! haha!!

For this pregnancy, I crave for sourish food. I had assam curry fish last nite. Yummmy...

But I am not in too spicy food. hehehe...

hihi mummies! i had to change sides with hubby on bed so that toilet is just next to me coz from wk 6 i go toilet 2-3 times a nite. Usually after pee can sleep immed, except last nite. Guess bb wanted to see the red moon. Too bad it was raining [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my appetite quite gd this wk. Thot will put on weight but just weighed myself after bkfast, lost a bit of weight instead. Where did all my food go to?! How come? Is this normal? Hope bb is growing well...

i can't stand smell of fish these days. Eat a lot of chicken & pork. My daily mixed-veg rice lunch now sure include sweet & sour pork ;p

The only sourish item i crave for is the sour ribbon sweet. But scared eat too much end up diabetes.

My mum also told me dun eat mutton coz will cause epilepsy. Sister say dun eat crab coz next time child will be "many many hands, everything want to touch". Friend say dun eat stingray coz it'll cause skin problem in bb. Any other items can't eat, whether due to old wives' tale or scientific?

I remember my gyane told me that I should eat more beef since I will not be taking the DNA pill. So when I told him well done beef is hard to eat, he told me to go for the medium!

I double confirmed with him and he says that we can take anything!

Hi mummies,

recently many of friend keep remind me to avoid banana, 蚕豆 and crab, reason not good for bb. But last night just hv chili crab, hahahaha.....

Tmr will go for NT scan hope everything will be fine, a bit worry....

piggy, my mum say those small short bananas are ok. Avoid those longer ones usually found in supermarkets coz it's apparently very "cooling". Now i start thinking of banana milkshake... drool...

All the best to your NT scan tml!

Carpet - thanks for confirming.

Jinghui - my sister who is pregnant kept nagging at me not to eat mutton too. I totally ignored her advice and find it ridiculous too.

Later, I am going to Robinson to shop shop after days of resting at home. ;-)

Joanne - medium beef still have lots of blood leh and it is uncook in the middle. I stop eating steak cause I can't stands well done beef which is totally spoilt that Steak. Alternatively, better try Chinese beef noodle which is fully cooked. Eg, Geylang beef noodle.....

Chan P L: Old wive's tale forbidden food are mutton/lamb & crab. That's what I can think of as of now. Scientifically forbidden food will be stingray (contain toxic - sometimes u taste a bit like ammonia), pineapple & unripe papaya (esp in early pregnancy as will lead to miscarriage & kill fetus), raw food like sashimi, cockles, oyster, unpasteurized cheese (blue cheese, they call it?), milk & yogurt, and some chinese herbs(?). Basically, we can eat almost all food, but in moderation.

Ling: I think medium cooked beef, half boiled egg & half cooked food should best avoided as might contain bacteria.

I love vietnamese beef noodle...always trying to squeeze the very last drop of the lime into my soup noodle...though the beef abit raw, but ok to eat. tot we needs iron in our bodies too, right?

shasha: Haha, yeah...really ridiculous la! I was wondering if really the case, if we eat mutton/lamb, later baby will have epilepsy...what about those other religion that mainly eat on this, then all of their babies will have epilepsy lor? Or only chinese babies will have epilepsy?? Doesn't make sense & logic, right?

Hehe, later u going to Robinson eh? Can help check out if got sell Ameda breast pump there (price), and whether have any discount?

Hi mummies,

Talking abt food, I'm eating normally now n I feel guilty esp eating those bee hoon for breakfast daily cos that can last me till lunch if not I'll get hungry fast if I eat bread. Hope that won't make me gain more weight! Shall see what's my weight gain on next visit. I hoping to put on less than 15kg, dunno can or not lol

Happygal, I'm advised to do amnio test too as my Oscar isn't good.

hi mummies, does your gynae issue u MC on the days of your checkup? i know we get full day MC on the day of blood test, but not sure about the regular checkups? is this smthing we can request for?

Jing hui - sure. Will check out that at Robinson .

No stingray - Omg, the only fish I have appetite for and has ever eaten is BBQ sambal stingray on last monday cause I can't stands fish smell nowadays.

The gyane really tell me it's okay with the blood from medium cooked beef. I guess it really depends on each gyane. Every gyane says different things. Most importantly is what we are comfortable with.

Like for me, a well-done steak is too hard so I will opt for medium.

zmama, my gynae will give mc if we request for it.. but so far coz my company do have time off for preg gynae visits, i seldom ask for mc unless i am not going to work. probably they willnot issue u straight. u might need to ask for it.

jing hui, ya i dun eat mutton becuz of fear of epliepsy, juz to be safe than sorry la...

cp, where did u go for hols?

jac, weight gain depends on whether you are underweight or overweight before preggy...underweight one can put on more la

chan, the crab i still eat la cuz for my #1 i refrained from eating but #1 still quite "itchy hands"....hahah

zmama, my gynae will issue mc on day of checkup but must ask la...

sporty, what i r4ead is underweight will put on lesser weight wor.. hmm....

piggy, did you see doc?? maybe can ask for some anti-nausea med?? some of us are taking it.. there's a few types.. u might wanna check with your gynae?

hmm how many types of vitamins are you all talking now? Two weeks ago i went to see my gynae and now got 3 different types of vits... some i am not sure if hahaha it is even necessary coz the nurse juz give me as we signed up the package with the gynae lol... since it is included.

I have been quite a notti mtb... lol... my frens gave up on nagging at me what can eat what cannot lol.

Wow, seeing mummies here talking about food makes me feel hungry suddenly[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Like Piggy, I still experiencing vomitting and nauseas feeling everyday though I am now already in wk12. Unlike my previous pregnancy which was a breeze where I have very good appetite and little MS, this pregnancy is very rough on me. I do feel hungry every 2 hrs or so, but upon 1st or 2nd bite, I can't eat anymore, so eating very little, but tummy still super big, sob sob..

cloud942 - My OSCAR results also not that good, so need to do another scan before further assessment. But I spoke with a friend and she told me dun worry so much as OSCAR sometimes gives false alarms, and there are mummies whom went through the amnio test and things are actually ok de, so let's keep positive ya!

babybunny, i am also still vomitting when I am in week 12 and hospitalized.. Doc says it will usually end in 2 weeks time.. so endure a little more.. it will be over soon... Gambatte!!!

shasha, i love sambal stingray too but since frd say her frd's bb come out really got skin problem, i dun dare to eat, esp coz i already have eczema to begin with. Let's endure together for the next 6 mths! I can't stand smell of fish these days but I still crave for fish steamboat ;p

frds all nag me to stop drinking my fav iced-teh coz too cooling but I couldnt resist a cup of it just now. Gynae never say can't drink leh...

I do agree old wives tale of no mutton & crab quite silly. But decided no harm avoiding, in case the tales are true. haha. My pantang dad even reminded me few times dun buy stuff for bb yet until 7th or 8th mth. So now weekend go shopping only can see no buy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

anything with blood I won't dare eat leh coz all website i go to say must avoid undercooked meat. Some say also should avoid processed meat such as ham & hotdogs coz might contain bacteria. If really want to eat then must boil it first. Overnight leftovers should be avoided too.

My gynae said can eat everything except for raw & half-cooked food for fear of bacteria infection. I used to love eating medium rare steak before my 1st pregnancy but forced to change my habit to eating well done steak for the sake of the baby...gradually I stick to eating well done steak now! Only thing didn't change is I still love sashimi but need to abstain from it during pregnancy. Can't wait for baby to be born then I can eat as much sashimi as I like!

sashimi!!! i like salmon & swordfish most. Now hardly go jap restaurants to eat coz see pp eat sashimi like very shiok but I can't eat... Endure endure.. 6 mths more to go!

I bgt the book "The Essential Guide for First-time Asian Mums & Dads from Pregnancy to Preschool" from Popular yesterday. I find it quite useful for a 1st time super excited mum like me coz it covers almost everything although not in details. Got step-by-step photos on how to breastfeed, bathe bb, recognise color of stool etc. Although quite expensive at $48, all proceeds go to the Singapore Children's Society. So treat as doing good deed lor.

In an excited mood tdy after flipping thru the book. Can't wait to attend pre-natal class and see my bb in Dec. My EDD's 17 Dec. Anyone similar date?

Jacqueline - Yup, Gambatte to all mummies here, must hang on!!!

For those who love sashimi, I saw 1 colleague of mine still eating them all the way throughout her pregnancy, she said its ok so long as the fish is fresh. So think abstaining from certain food is really up to individuals ba?? Frankly for me, I just try to remember and avoid those food that are in the listed in those pregnancy books. However, the only thing I can't stop is cold drinks. I am those that only drink cold beverages even for water, so this is the only thing that really gets to those around me esp my PILs, haha.


Jacequline n babybunny i am also still vomitting, gadtric, heartburn, bloated n all these lead to part of my depression as i am not well i m not able to continue my online store n slow reply to customers thus they keep chasing me ended up stress n no one can help me coz they dun know how i operate n pack stuff n they have their own work too

Plus i m working full time too so i really have very little timr left n now even wan close down also no one wanna buy my stock all chen huo da jie only offer me 1/2 price of the cost n i have around 3k worth of stocks on hand there is no way i wanna make a loss of 1-2 k coz i am not well n this even more stress me

After talking to some mummies who pmed me abt their experiences i realised that depression have to depend on myself to walk out

Now i m treating as an holiday now everything off my mind, my no1 i also neglect( have to make up to him next time), stocks also dun think first although its a heavy stone in my heart without it remove i dun think i cam get well too BUT all have to clear my mind now have to leavr it very very empty for a few days n slowly do things 1 by 1 now

After my family knows abt my drpression all really help me, my no1 is 14 mths now its a difficult stage now his screams can makr me go into panic attack n drpress but my family take turns to look after him so i no need worry n think abt him, he scream i hide in room

So i realised now left with my heavy stone which is my stocks, i have to clear it but not now mayb another few weeks when all my ms subside hopefully

I need alot of support hope i can come here shu ku

Sidetrack: those buying rompers packs, gap pj, legwarmers, socks, wait for me i will sell soon but dun stress me ok hehe

