(2011/12) Dec 2011

i can feel the joy of all parents when they see their babies (thou tiny like bean!!) or even when they hear the hb!!

my hubby and i r so anxiously waiting to hear tt next thurs!!

for me, i juz dun feel too bad.. as in, my appetite has been ok, juz that i cant eat alot or fast else i will feel bloated. on the overall, i dun have much MS!

but the sad part is that i have been having mucus-like discharge everyday (its not bleeding thou), and in fact doc has prescribed me ustrogen to help support the preg... he told me not to worry... but i simply juz cant help but worry!!!

praying hard that baby will stay strong & healthy !!


Haha my colleagues are giving me a farewell lunch. they keep asking me what I feel like eating but the thing is I don't have much appetite nowadays. They keep suggesting buffet for me but I rejected cos i know i can't eat much and also plus the thot of not able to eat the salmon sashimi now..sob sob..then they keep asking me why dont want buffet...aiyoo....so difficult to keep it a secret!!

Hi ladies.

Did my scan and gynae say edd 11 Jan.

But as my #1 was via c-sec, gynae say this #2 also would be C-sec at Week 38, means end dec. Yikes...

takeiteasy, where did you go for your mee siam? I have tried dried lao shu fen this morning with some chilli and it really taste better than anything. Of course go to toilet later but still not too bad better than I can't eat anyhing. Now I crave badly for mee siam. I am living in the east too? Where one is nice can ask DH bring me go. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

clb, goh and j03 what you eat normally these few days? I have not been eating healthy food because of the nausea and vomiting. Just try to drink some fish bone soup later for nutrients. Hopefully can drink without vomiting again.

seaangle: i guess my 2 kids are abt yrs age... #1 K2 tis year, #2 N2 tis year... i also no energy to guide them to do homework... i let them run & play in the house... & i juz sit there & watch TV... my #2 boy is sticking to me & cry alot, mil is saying due to me preggie... i dunno leh, cos my #1 was not like tat when preggie with #2. is yrs like tat?

AC: recently i also been having sandwich, taken Quinnoz twice & find subway not nice liao... haha.. somehow, taking sandwich makes me feel better!! maybe yr wife also...

maybe will let wife try Quinnoz tonight...got a branch in airport...

she watched tv yesterday and saw burger...that gave her the craving...she's really not a fast food person...so i guess this is a change for her...

MeloDi: The one at Glory (East coast Road near to Katong Mall) is quite nice. I felt so satisfied after eating. Keke... A bit sinful though. Hmm. Should i eat it for lunch today? =P

Hello everyone.

Thread is so fast I didn't even managed to catch up.

Went to see Dr. yesterday. he said my BB only 5 weeks. Scan show sac only although according to my LMP is 7 weeks. Will be back to see him in 2 weeks time. Hope to heard hb by then.

MS kicked in for me. Although didn't vomit, kept feeling wanting to throw up and constantly need something in my mouth to keep the feeling down. Already been popping dried plums. Now mouth so sour..

Hmm.. mee siam sounds tempting.

Dear mummies,

Still not feeling well since 2weeks ago. Last Sunday went for check up, Yeah~~~ can hear bb HB already. so happy. Before that still very worried.

The doc say actually panadol is very safe for pregnancy, have no worried.

my next app will be on 09 June 2011.

Everytime after my meal, the feeling is very not good. Very scare of eating now. And my whole body always no energy. HAiz~~~ So good if i can take long leave to rest at home.

takeiteasy, is it beside or inside Katong Mall. Wow there got nice laksa too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]But I want to eat mee siam first...:p

East Coast Road is quite long, Glory is near to Katong Mall, not inside. Its like a row of shophouses kind. Keke, you can jio Sweetmi together for mee siam!

The blog also recommend makan peranakan mee siam. I have not tried that though. Only tried Glory.

Let me count, I should be 10W6D today. Monday can do Oscar test liao!

TIE, congrats! Yours test will be shun shun li li one. Good luck! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

TIE...i just visited Dr roland just now..Didnt do any scan since i did it last 2days so he say do it next week again[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]..u r so lucky..reaching 2nd trimester soon..envy..I told him i have no appetite for anything and he say it ok..coz the bb is still very small,they dont absorb much from us too..just take what we like..but not too much of everything..Just got a jab too so got to rest my uterus..so no scan..haiz

I will ask to to turn on loud for me for my next visit to hear the HB sound alike washing machine..haha..

TIE - I will eat it for lunch already! Whole morning want to puke. Lucky my office area has one not bad. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

AC (tupapa) - Haven tried Quinnoz before but my hubby raves about it. just bought 2 discount vouchers so that we can try. If interested, give me ur email add. I send u link!

TIE & Melodi..if you have craving for mee siam..try the one @ yishun..the coffeeshop opposite the famous Toto 7-11 shop..very nice..one of the best i ever try..

Thanks Wendy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] really crave for that now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] They said salted potato chips also can ease nausea. Maybe try that too.

MeloDi: Keke. Looking more forward to seeing the growth of bb and heard the scan more detailed. At this stage can see bb's hands waving and legs kicking! Btw, ocassionally i indulged in junk food like fast food and my fav Calbee hot & spicy chips. Makes me feel good! Opps.

CP: keke. found my earlier post extracted from brochure from gynae. OSCAR test is to screeen for abnormalities, in particular Down's Syndrome. The risk assessment is done by a combination of your (a) maternal age, (b) fetal length, (c) fetal NT (fluid collection beneath the fetal skin in the region of the fetal neck that is measured by means of an ultrsound) and (d) serum biochemistry (sample of blood analysed for levels of 2 hormones - hCG and PAPP-A)at 11-13 weeks into your pregnancy.

Wendy: how many visits have you made? You probably can descipher the HB amidst the digestive sounds in your next visit. haha. maybe my hearing not sensitive enough. While first trimester almost over, my worries not entirely over. Will be going for surgery in week 14 so praying hard won't affect tai qi. Will see what's Roland's take on monday.

Sweemi: How's your mee siam? I always feel so happy each time i satisfied my craving!

bfly: I assume its at the gynae clinic bah coz his clinic is inside Eastshore at one go in the same day. I understand from some that they have to make separate appointments for blood test, scan and gynae appointment.

@TIE: I see. Mine i need to book seeprately. I will be doing it at NUH end May. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

TIE...my visits to Dr Roland is countless..haha..practically every week since i got OHSS from IVF..then when i was pregnant,supposed to go 2 weeks later,then i got spotting then again see him before the 2 weeks around 1 week + also..haha..then i tell my hubby that our bb like to see dr roland that y we got to visit dr roland every week..haha.Why are you going for Surgery?? Is dr Roland Doing the surgery for you??If he is..dont worry coz i am sure you are in good hands..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wendy, then you must be looking forward to the package from week 16 onwards. quite siong to pay for individual visits like that wor. I got 2 cysts (6cm and 3cm) that i will most likely be removing. Yup, he is the one doing the surgery. As usual, any ops have risks. The pain from surgery may result in contractions etc. The comfort is his track record for such surgeries during pregnancy is 100% success. So I don't think so much first. A week at a time... =)

@mamaAsh (mama_ash),

yes..our kids are of same age. born in 2005 and 2007 right? hmm, my #2 currently still ok though hubby did say lately he's super notty and cranky. as for my #1 i tink he did show some character change when i was preg with #2 but not alot. i treated it as he was going through his terror 2 then.

Actually I have not done any oscar test at all for my 3 preg. dunno lei..for the past 2 preg, OSCAR wasnt out in the market. for my 3rd i asked my gynae about it he told me he felt that it's not necessary given that I have already done the triple test.

wah talking about potato chips ..think tonite i'm gg to buy some!

TIE,I think Dr roland charges is still reasonable..no choice too..since my bb likes him so much..afterall this Bb is his creation too..haha..Oh...dont need to worry abt it since Dr roland is doing it for you..Leave it to him..i believe it is just a pcs of cake for him..

What i can comment is he is well skilled..and he is also superb in treating men inferility-biopsy,etc so removing of cyst is a simple job for him..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Do keep me posted of your outcome on your monday visit[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]..

TIE.. sadly no... they didn't sell mee siam today! I ate mee rebus instead. kinda sweet and hot so it made me feel slightly better.

AC (tupapa) .. email sent!

Hello ladies!

Maybe we can start compiling who stays near where too. Seems like a lot of mummies-to-be stay in the East here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm staying near Tanah Merah area. Mee siam sounds good! I like spicy stuff! But curry now seems to make my stomach feel really bad after meal, the wanna puke but cannot puke feeling sigh.

Arghzz the 3 weeks wait till the next appt feels like an eternity!!! It's so easy to get paranoid in between. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Hoping I'll be able to see my bb waving at me too when I go for next appt!

Melodi..try not to take too mcuh chips esp those salted 1.abit is fine..esp during 2nd trimester onwards coz bb starts to absorb nutrients from us..thus too much salt or rather salty food is bad for formation/development of bb kidney..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

wendy: Haha. When we asked about the procedure, Dr Roland simplified for us, nudge the womb to one side then take out the cysts. Will probably check more on the details with him. Hmm. How to do keyhole surgery when the cyst is so big, 6cm? Haha. To be mentally prepared for any scars...

Sweetmi: Keke... nvm, you have the weekend to find mee siam. I remembered I wanna eat on one day but sold out at food court. Next day, i went to dig out makansutra and insist my hubby to drive there for lunch!

yallo: sounds cool.haha. but hard to meet up for makan during 1st trimester coz of all our different food cravings. One of the cze cha in tampines serves Thai assam fish that is veri appetitising. you may want to try that. It should be at Blk 138 Tampines. The dish is Thai Style Fish, i think. You are only one more week to next appointment. Veri soon liao!

TIE...tink it is too easy a procedure for him thus he make it sound so simple..haha..just like my IVF too..haha..he tell me my eggs is behind my uterus and i was stunned and ask him how..then he reply me and tell me just poke a needle thru and retrieve the eggs..haha tat simple too..think he is an expert in all these procedures..thus he is confident of doing it well even you have yr bb inside[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]..trust me..he is not only good but superb..my IVF complication is a good life example.haha..

Hi Mummies,

I've got 1 x BN Avent Philips Steam Sterilizer (24hr model) - received as gift (retailing at $199 sgd)

Selling @ $160 cash / willing to exchange for vouchers (taka / robinsons / isetan / tangs / best denki / ntuc)

please PM me if interested.

yallo - I'm currently staying Tampines with in-laws. Should be shifting next yr to Punggol Yippee!

TIE - Yah.. I was telling hubby he's lucky my #1 no cravings so no probs but told him I can feel this one I will have cravings. So ask him be prepared. LOL

Yup, glad that I took him. I am just curious that after removal of my cysts, if my stomach will slim down by much. Right now, the cysts are pushing my womb forward. I am looking like 5 months pregnant so actually several people have guessed that I am pregnant. Because of this complication, as usual, Dr Roland wants me to keep low profile but my tummy now too high profile. =P

haha..me too le..due to my ohss,i was so bloated n my stomach swell like 5-6months big..haha..whenever he see me he will ask me when i am delivering..haha..yup..he super pan tang 1..he told me so himself..always rem me to keep a low profile too..but i was wondering @ times,,how to keep a low profile like this..

Hi all mummies, sorrie went MIA for awhile cos was given 2 days mc to rest at home due to serious vomitting. But gynae said the more neauseated i feel the better it is. means bb is healthy.. i scanned yesterday, sac is 5W5D. hopefully can hear heartbeat next time round..

MummyDee: sorry about what you've gone through. I went thru the exact same thing before my #1. Is a kind of pain that not everyone can understand. Stay strong ok? *hugs*

almondzz: hope u are discharged and doing okay le.. feeling better?

mummyash: my #1 is coming to 3, #2 turning 17 months. Quite siong in short term, but in long term, next time i eng eng after they all turned 20. Haha..

Hi gals

Need advise urgently and hope you gals can help...

I'm in week 7 now and I have developed rashes for the past weeks and it get itchy and red..is there any lotion that i can apply?

Also, any shampoo recommend for pregnancy used?

mummymoo: haha.. same thinking!! but now actually i very eng liao, cos go out no need to bring anything except their water bottle & i no cook... then now comes #3 hor, need to start all over again!! abit siong leh... need at least another 2 years then i can go easy... but first 6mths i tot is easy cos they only drink milk & i'll be breastfeeding, so no need to bring bottles out, juz my nursing shawl! haha...

mamaAsh: Wow you're really efficient! :D Thanks!

Find myself counting down to knock-off time everyday now haha, no mood to work damn jialat. Another 2 hrs!

AC: I just bought Clarins oil (not cream) for stretch marks, $55 for 100ml bottle. Recommended by my sister. I quite like the smell. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I got it from the WTS section in this forum, think outside normal retail price is $82?


Hi seaangle, so when was your last day of work.

Mine was ytd and starting this wed instead. Hope new boss won't scream at me

