(2011/12) Dec 2011

sleeping on the sides with bolsters really helps alot on backache. I tried it last night and today i feel much better *touchwood*


Sorry that I have to leave this thread.

The fetus has stopped growing / no hb. Now waiting for surgery.I am more or less mentally prepared for this to happened since pill/jab has failed to stop the spotting.

Have a smooth and safe pegnancy journey to all mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] jiayou jiayou

MamaAsh, pls remove my info from the list. Thanks

wendy>> yup, i'm having my u/s on friday the 13th as well.

let's keep each other posted! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hopefully we can hear something...

jasline>> i think it's still safe to do mani/pedi, maybe put a mask and let the manicurist know?

as for cold drink, i stop totally! now only drink luke warm or room temperature water. i miss my KOI but have to REN! i dunno can apply medicated oil anot, so i din try. i oso scare i will puke when i smell it.

babypom>> oh no... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] did the gynae tell you why and wat caused the spotting?

please take care and rest well.. jiayou too!

Dear MummyDee: I'm so sorry to hear your loss. I personally had a v nasty exp from KKH for my 1st pregnancy as well n swear never to go there for preg checks, rather go back to my gynae in tmc.

pls tk v good care of yourself, most impt is to nurse back your health now.

oh no babypom...pls tk care..

pray for all mummies to be here a smooth journey ahead.

i cried too much recently (emotional) till i'm getting cramps. ytd i start feeling 'flutters'! i'm in my 10th week. i tink bb is telling me not to further distress him/ her. JIA YOU everyone!


take good care and rest well.


dun cried so much..somehow our emotion will affect our babies.

last time in my previous thread, we always encourage ourselves than Happy Mummy = Happy Babies..

tks Jass, so sweet of you yes i'll try to stay positive.

Ladies, got a sticky qn to seek your opinions. i went for job int way before i'm preg. they jus called and am keen... wat shd i do??? i'm in a dilemma... will u reveal the truth?? but if dun, after serving notice n join it'll be 3mths plus liao so surely, can see the bump rite?? wat shd i do...

gretel>> are you keen in the role?

if yes, you can tell them u are keen but you are pregnant so not sure if the management is ok about it and see wat they say.. imo, better to tell the truth. at least if they dun hire you now but if they have similar opening in the future, you can try again. sorta like dun burn bridges kind. you nv know, they might be ok to hire u too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] good luck!

Jasline, we haven heard our xiao tu's hb too...don't worry (though i'm worrying...)...

so sad to hear sad news from babypom and mummydee...rest well and try again...good luck!

Hi, sorry for the interruption. I've some pregnancy and baby items to clear. Please feel free to view through my album through this link. Copy and paste this WHOLE link in full to view.


• The First Year's Newborn-To-Toddler Reclining Feeding Seat

• Playpen - The Graco Contour Electra

• Medela PIS with full accessories

• Car Seat

• Changing Mat

• Maternity Disposable Panties

• Moda Support Belt

• Munchkin Drying Rack

• Clothes

• Slumber Bear

• Elancyl Stretch Mark Prevention Cream

• Bottles

• Pacifiers

... and etc

If you are interested in any of the following, kindly email me at [email protected] THANKS!!

Hi mamaAsh,

Please update my info as follow: -

Nick: Seaangel

EDD: 30 Dec 2012

Gynae: Dr Henry Cheng

Hospital: Mount Alvernia

BB#: 4

Next Appt: 23 May 2011

Same as some of the mommies here, went for scanning on tues and only can see yolk sac. Gynae says should be ok and only asked to see me in 2 wks time. Per my LMP should actually be 6 wks + on the Tue scan but gynae says i should be having a 35 day cycle and he calculated one week later!

seems like i'm getting my MS earlier this round..cant eat much nowadays and every morning when i wake up will feel v nauseous and low mood. really feel like staying on my bed for the whole day..

babypom and mummydee, sorry to hear about the bad news ..rest well and get your body well prepared for the next ttc!

Seaangel: hats off you! govt sure luv u v much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] tis is my #2 n stopping at tat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

missus BL: tks! yes i have decided to 'come clean' abt it.. hopefully they r ok else i also boh bian... :S sometimes i find women really v cham, wat do u mean by 'work/career - life balance'?? there is no such thing as 'balance' n will never balance. it always spill over and gotta sacrifice something at some point...

gretel>> no worry.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope you get it!

yes, that's why some bosses are veri skeptical when comes to hiring married women. sigh...

Ya, I also noticed one of their favourite interview questions are:

- Are you married?

- Any plans to start a family?

I mean what would these sort of personal issues even be part of the consideration whether one gets a job or not. I think Govt should banned such interview questions.

I noted 2012 mums threads finally up which is quite a relief, I have difficulty keeping track who is who over here already.

Babypom, so sorry to hear about your loss. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Get well soon! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hey kimiko - actually i was looking for help online and get to know in the UK it is forbidden to ask such qns... also, cannot ask 'are you bi/gay/lesbian' as like u say, all these r personal issues and should not be part of the consideration!

but in sg truth is... even if there is any 'written' law to cover such, there is sadly, 'unspoken' discrimination towards married women.

Last night i tried again, holding my breath while hubby check on tummy, he only say the washing machine now sound louder. Think that is the same sound i heard during my checkup at gynae. Eh, that is considered the HB or just digestion at work?

MummyDee/Babyporn: Sad to hear about your loss. Hope you can rest well. Stay positive. I heard that you can easily get pregnant 3mths later & the baby will definitely be stronger. You can look forward to a Dragon baby then! God bless.

Had a scan on my 9wks old baby on Mon. Can see the head, body, arms, legs, heart... all so amazing! Next scan will be 12wks where the gynae will do the necessary measurements. Hopefully, everything all be smooth going... Now worry may hv to do amnio test.. I did that on my 2nd baby but regretted seeing that big needle after the procedure.. Now keep thinking of that BIG needle whenever I think of amnio tests...

Is it true that the older kid will stick to the pregnant mummy to gain authority? Noticed my boy's super sticky to me lately...

Hi all,

My 3rd child met with a mishap so I'm left with 2 currently. But having 2 is really a headache also. Now i'm so lethargic sometimes seeing them watching TV or playing with themselves also feel abit sad for them. But luckily they still have each other for accompaniment. I can't tell them yet about another didi/ mei mei cos they are really big mouth and sure will go around telling ppl haha. Kids are kids..

I think getting a good maid is very important. I'm not saying my maid is 100% excellent but the fact that I'm a FTWM, sometimes really no choice have to close one eye. So far so good though sometimes she does piss me off.

@ TIE: i heard that sound during my scan last Friday (i was abt 6+weeks) but doc says that's not hb! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so i m patiently waiting to hear bb's heartbeat in my next visit !!

@CP: wow, how amazing is that! i hope to see my bb's head, body & heart too!!

@seaangel: i'm also a FTWM, and dun ve the luxury of having my parents or in-laws to tk care my bb for me.. so i m also considering a maid.. indeed, a GOOD maid is SOOOOO impt...

let me knw if anyone knw of any contacts or agencies for good/experienced baby with infant..

MummyDee/Babyporn, sorry to hear about your lost.

The thread is moving too fast for me to catch up :p

I have not been posting as after 2nd visit yesterday, my gynae still can't confirm if the lil one inside me is healthy cos the fetus is smaller than what it should be. I will know by tomorrow after my 2nd blood test... mood was so bad tt i took urgent leave today to rest. hope i could share good news tmr...


I think it all depends on luck for getting a good maid. and also...not to put too high expectations on her. For my #4, my current plan is to put him/her with infant child care until he/she is about 2 years old then I will let maid take care. I think it's also too siong for her if she's gonna take care of 3. Furthermore I'm not comfortable if my baby is taken care by maid without supervision. Thot of getting my mil to stay in with us but our house too cramped [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] That's my 2nd plan if the IFC plan cant work.

Seaangel: I'm sorry about your 3rd child.

i feel both sad n guilty towards my #1 too whenever he's watching tv...he actually prefers me to play w him ALL the time i wish i have the energy...

i will forever rem' tis time when he was sick and 'pestered' me to play w him but i'm really too drained from caring him alone... after awhile i suddenly realised y din hear from him n couldn't find him! so frightened and in the end found him covered up under thick blankets.he tells me 'sorry mummy i'm v tired i sleep first ok?'his med took effect n he mus have felt so tired n somemore mummy's not attending to him..he was 3. tat was the 1ST time he went to zzz wo me.somemore apologise to me...awww :...( wat a horrible mum i am.

i'm still struggling w the idea of getting a maid when #2 arrives... choose not to tink of the prob now and hopefully 'the boat will straighten itself when it reaches the bridge!'

Hi CP, I can't wait for my next scan in 2 weeks' time. I will be week 12 by then and I really hope everything will be ok. It's quite a scary interval of 4 weeks to the next visit.

Hi Jasline, don't worry too much, try to relax and stay positive.

Hi bee, how many weeks are you at? My baby was smaller than it should be at week 6 but was at normal size at week 8. Hope everything goes well for you.

Hi TIE, I also ask my hubby to try listening to baby's hb but he told me he couldn't hear leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Not yet where baby might be at also [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Anyway, I seem to understand why some mummies say they feel more relieved with MS rather than without. Now that my MS has subsided, I start to get worried esp with the occasional weird feelings here and there or no feelings at all really freak me out at times.

J03, I went for a scan today and luckily can still see the heart beats and the baby grow double in size I think from last week. Although wasted some money again but I think worth it cos I got cramp yesterday night again and was quite worried. And today vomited out water and food a few times too after meal. Doc sees i too worried and let me listens to the heart beats. Really feel so amazing, it is there pumping at 120 rate. I think you will be very happy too next weeks to see and hear your twins. DOn't worry I believe your twins will pump louder than mine next week. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Clb and goh, how are you? MS getting worst? Doc said more to come for mine and give me some vitamins and anti-vomit pills after food. I told him I crave for laksa and mee siam he said go ahead and eat whatever I feel like eating as long as it is clean and not raw. He said if cannot eat malay and indian woman how :p Then he add on but if worried eat a little lah... K I eat a little tomorrow. Really crave for that and nothing else now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Later dinner eat bread also cos cannot think of eating other foods beside mee siam now.

Hi melodi

Soo nice..;) did doc say ur bb crl today? So u can see ur bb clearer today? n hear the gallop sound? So nice.. U went to gleneagles again? Now u can rest well tonight..;) i praying hard too.. Did gynea say base on ur bb length, wht week r u at and when is ur edd?

Hi babypom

Feel sad for u.. Do hv a mini confinement n hope u can hv a bb dragon soon.. Jiayou.. Take care..

Babypom, sorry to know about your loss. Hope you will have a dragon baby next year.

J03, he said I am 7 weeks. Actually quite worried yesterday that last min before they closed, I booked an appt with them today. TodayBB crl is 0.83cm, last weeks is 0.36cm. Just continue praying our BB will continue to grow bigger and bigger and very healthy for all the mommies here.

ya I think like small broad bean. Still very small hard to visualise. But next visit I will ask doc to on the volumn to let me listen to heart beats. It really feel amazing esp this is my first [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hmm.. U mean u didnt hear hb today? Only see?

Ya, can drop tears hor when seeing n listening..;) too touch by the moment..;)

J03, i heard but will request him to turn on volumn next time. last week I did not until today he asked want to hear or not.

Babypom - so sorry for your loss. Take care and rest well ya.

Clarissa - Haha, maybe it's self consolation but it feels good to be or think that you can hear the heartbeat. When hubby said he could hear, I "interrogated" him just so that I can be convinced :p. He said it is a faint, steady pumping sound. And very fast, yet steady. Exactly like what he heard during US but faint lah. My fren said her gynae told her to try de leh. And she relied on this till she could feel fetal movement.

For cold drink, I drink rather often cos I drink fruit juice for vit C. But I notice my discharge will be more yellow when I drink. So I think true that cold drink is very liang....

TIE..you managed to hear yr bb heatbeat??I am having my checkup again tomorrow since i got bleeding yesterday..Hope can hear my bb heartbeat thru Dr roland Hi-Tech machine..he just tell me the flicking is the Heartbeat but neve get to hear yet since it is only 5weeks 5days yesterday


when i first saw my gyane end Apr, i should be 5.5 wk. But gynae said the size of the waterbag looks more like 4.5 wk. Two weeks later (that was yesterday), she said the waterbag have grown, she could see the tiny bb but couldnt hear the hearbeat as it is too small. the scan printed 5w6d +-3d. Rightfully, i should be 6.5w yesterday.... dunno lucky or not, I dun have any ms symptoms, tummy a little bloated but tt could becos i m a big eater :D

when did u first hear the bb heartbeat?

Hi bee, I first saw baby's hb at W6D1. Don't worry too much, it could be that you ovulate late thus the discrepancies in the no. of weeks. My MS started around week 5-6 and worsens till week 8 then slowly subsides. Right now I'm feeling much better but not being able to gauge whether baby is ok is making me worried as well. To be frank so far I only get to see blinking light on the U/S, nobody let me hear the hb yet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Shall request during my next visit [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

MeloDi: haha. i had the mee siam craving before too! I checked out makansutra and headed for the nearest nice mee siam in the east. My eating habits for the past 2 months have been based entirely on my craving. For the past week, I was eating a lot of duck/ chicken rice. It somehow seem to go well with my stomach. Each time i have milk, the stomach will be churning. Sigh.

Kimiko: Keke. think we too gan cheong liao bah. Hubby rolling his eyes every night trying to listen! It is so hard waiting for the 4 weeks interval before next appointment. I can so understand the feeling. Enduring through 3.5 weeks liao, eagerly waiting for my appointment next monday!

Wendy: Dr Roland turned on the sound but it sounded like washing machine leh. Well, he managed to hear it (I really can't make out the HB) so thats more important.

Think around my 5th week, I can feel very intense strong pulses often and i thought its the HB (but no HB then). I checked with gynae and he said its normal. Forgot to ask him the reason why though.

mummydee & babypom: dunnoe how to comfort u. please take care n get well soon..

yes, the 4 weeks wait to the gynae to see bb is so long. I'm puzzled how is bb doing. yest night I asked hubby to try stardust's method of listening hb but failed. he placed his ear on the left, right, center of my tummy all can't detect. tested wif both side of his ears somemore. onli gastric juices. ms seem to be better for me in the night time as less bloatness but nauseous still remain fm late noon to evening. so worried sometime.

yest for dinner, i itchy backside drink Tom Yam and in the middle of the night went to the loo. tis morn 1 more time. guess i really cant take spicy food. Smtime, I crave for Tom Yam.

btw do mani/padi without painting colours ok anot?

littledarling (littledarling) , i also drank tom yum soup yesterday! i always crave for tom yum when i preg..but now cant eat alot, so only take the soup without rice.

I did my mani & pedi 2 days ago. actually i think all these ok de...why some ppl say cannot is because of myths..old ppl pantang say cannot cut nails or paint nails on the bed if you are preg.

gretel (hansel), ya feel very bad especially now my eldest one is gg P1 soon and lately I've slacked myself in coaching him the usual practices I had with him in all the 3 subjects. As for my younger boy, even worse...if i have time for my eldest, i wont have time for the younger so I feel he is rather slow in his academic. He can speak very well but reading wise we just started him only. So whenever i just feel like lying on the sofa and watch my TV prog, they will just sit together with me and watch. Or they will play with their own toys, or run around the house. The most I can do is to ask my elder son to show me his homework done during the day and that's it. How old is your boy now?

last night had a dream...dreamt that it's a girl and her name is Joy...lol...must be thinking of BB too much!

we haven't go for a single scan yet! argh!!! dunno if everything is well or not...last night tried to listen but cannot hear the hb...

wife say got craving for burger or Subway tonight...wierd...

As (tupapa): hey! i dreamt mine's a boy and his name is trevor! a name that was never in my 'name list' and i always hope is a gal since my 1st is a boy... so strange rite haah!

Seaangel: totally understand sigh! my boy is 4 now. really sweetheart keep telling me he wants BOTH meimei and didi... plan to bring him to my next appt to let him hear the heartbeat as i haven 'formally' announce to him yet. jus keep sounding him out if you have a little sibling u gotta share toys will u?? which he replies he will [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] *fingers crossed!* wahaahha ;p


my 1st BB gonna have a name starting with M! so that the next will start with U...just somehow the name Joy pop into my head...must be the joy of having her...well, i cannot be sure it will be a her...though all things seem to point to a boy at the moment...

my wife will be happy if it's a her...then can enroll in MGS...lol...

no elder kids to worry about...but my niece is excited about her 'yee yee' having a baby and her own di di is 6 months old only...

my sis-in-law's sis-in-law is also expecting...about 20 weeks now... my JC friend is due in 2 weeks...so many babies around me this year! so exciting!

