(2011/12) Dec 2011

bfly, if u total latch throughout night n day and find that ur breasts is still leaking or not fully emptied then u pump it out. Yea i also got blocked milk duct when i wore underwired bras, so better not, it's also painful when the breasts is engorged.

U wont regret losing sleep for bf one... instead u'll be glad n satisfied feeling that u did it... keke


bb n gg, think for ur #3, it shd be more obvious ba...cuz i am like u...#1/2 no one knos i am preggy till 5/6 mths... now pple can tell liao...heheh...

bfly, yah...u can la, but must sure u tell ur cl before hand... cuz some cl like cloud said wanna "save time" or wanna go back to sleep, they will "encourage" u to feed fm lor...so u have to tell ur cl what u wanna do when she first comes... u not prepared for sleepless nites ah?? tell u frankly, i haven sleep well since 4 yrs ago since #1 was born lor...whahha anyways, for the sake of losing weight & health of bb, juz have to do it la!

if ur latching does not clear ur breast, its best tha u follow up by pump lor...if not will cause blocked ducts & engorgement... yes dun wear wire bras during bfing cuz it will cause blocked ducts which may be very painful n frurstating to the mummy

jac, normally the first 2 mths is the "critical" period of determining ur ss...usually before we go back to work, we will decrease the no of pumps to suit our working hrs... so at nite no need to wake up to pump lor

jing hui, yah...think u ask ard la...then u can gather orders... bring ur kids to the playground to walk walk la...then not so bored...

bfly, i also heard abt the good and bad comments of babyplus. i am jus giving it a gamble lor. hope my baby turn out to be good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sporty, same, i havent had good sleep for a long term, till now, my 2.5yr gal still wake up in middle of night cry at times, esp when she is teething, or nightmare or hot, sometimes i dunno why too but of cos frequency is lower.. but when next bb comes out, it's back to square one! haha

Hi Jac, I think my char is a dark knight. Probably check it out next month after my runescape membership expires. I heard about the mass hacking that time resulting in many members losing their $$ items and some even lose their accounts.

cloud, bo bian la...part & parcel of motherhood la... i hope i can train this bb to a good sleep routine earlier then at least can sleep for longer stretches at nite...

hungry hungry, juz had biscuits & milo...

Just discharged from hospital today..during u/s,blood clot was found near womb area..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] bb is ok..measuring @ 5cm today @ week 11...abit big though..hb is @ 171 today...strictly no activities except goin to n fro from toilet since e blood clot is still there..Thanks all mtbs for your support n care[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wendy, thats good news.

Be a good girl and bedrest ya. Stay positive and your baby is growing well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jia you.

i see so is i cannot wear wired bra during bf and now during pregnancy is fine. Got it! Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BBnGG..yup..thanks..no choice got to bedrest n dr say strictly no outdoor activities..Perhaps he is concerned abt my blood clot..haha..BB is slightly bigger than that of 11weeks based on the measurement perhaps IVF BB tends to be a bit bigger than normal BB..

wendy: i think BB big is better.. hahah bcos im constantly worried abt mine being smaller. I even went to do a calculation of BB growth per day and it seems that my gynae measurement abit out. So now i dont really care abt the CRL that much as before.

Shasha..thanks..R you ok now?? Haha..i have been having bed rest since embryo transfer..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]..I slept till very tired..and realised that i sleep too much that make me feel so stupid suddenly..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bfly..I hope i can go for natural birth if BB size is small..if bb size too big got to opt for C-section..actually i dun eat much..perhaps both hubby n me big size..so...haha..=big bb

i am planning to quit after maternity leave to look after baby.. no 1 to help... but will still need to go back tender and serve notice so worried abt that 1 month plus before i leave..

kimiko, dark knight pro! remembered thattime my guildmaster is also a dark knight.. love it when we go party training.. got mass hacking ar? that must be after i quit.. sigh... all my billions and items missing very heart pain.. but now luckily got my bro lah.. so he got a bit money so he pass me.. but now u start train no need worry abt money to buy potions coz when u train, the mobs drop pots like its free. my new character till now level 40, i havent really buy pots yet!! its fun lah! whahahah!! thats my entertainment now since a lot things cannot do..

hi wendy.. hope u r ok.. did doc says y blood clot is there?? maybe it will disolve by itself?? take care and have more bed rest...

ya, ur baby maybe a little big but nvm, at least u know baby is growing healthily!! mine on abt 5.4cm at week 12 plus...

wendy, good tha bb is doing well... u rest more also... jia you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bfly, dun worry too much... if bb's small, can always beef up after bb's born

Wendy: Bug your CRL is long doesnt mean BB is bigger size. I thought big seems to be on the weight instead of length? Im first time mom so not so sure too... hehe

Wendy - I am better now but occasionally feeling streching pain on virginal since yesterday so I dun dare to go out today. Anyone have such experience?

sporty: im short and my husband tall.. and i think mine is a boy... so i tend to get worried if the CRL is not long enough.. hahaha... im actually trying to beef up now by eating lots of beef!

Hi Jac, haha.. If I rem correctly, my skills add a bit wrongly and I have a hard time training and joining parties. Dark knight really not easy to train. I thought all the other jobs take over dark knight at 4th job?

Hi Wendy, glad to hear that you are back home resting. I was curious about the blood clot too. Is it becoz you are a ivf mum hence you are prone to it?

Jacqueline..dr didnt mentioned why the blood clot appear again..But i believe it is because of the IVF procedures that i had..normally for IVF patient,bleeding is quite common though.

Sporty..thanks.will sleep more..haha

Bfly..yup..i shld say long..since they used measurement rite?haha..perhaps both hubby n me is quite tall..hubby @ 182cm n i measure @ 166cm..haha..so the rite word shld b long..heehee

Shasha..I think it is the womb expanding to make more space for the BB..that y..

Kimiko..I believe so too.coz my dr mentioned that IVF mum are more prone to bleeding due to the Poking and extracting of the eggs before implantation..maybe that makes the womb weaker than normal..so bleed easier....The blood clots seems to come and go..dont know why too..my previous Blood clots were gone..but now got new 1 appearing..find it funny too..

Ling..thanks..having my oscar next week..hope bb will be realli fine then..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ling: I am thinking of getting baby plus from Aus Ebay too. Seems like the cheapest so far. Although i am still not sure how effective it is... hmm... You booked your pre natal class with Mrs Wong liao? For weekday or weekend? I am thinking of booking end Aug/ early Sep.

Wendy: So happy for you! At least bedrest at comfort of your own house feels better. BB is doing very well too wor!

TIE..it was a torture in the hospital though..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]..e jab make my backside pain n swelling n i suffered from palpitation and trembing of hands due to the drugs i take.haiz..After staying in the hospital for 4days..really home sweet home..Got to bedrest for 1week before my oscar test..btw,i heard from the nurse that during week 20,we need to do another detailed test..u heard anything like this??

Hi Wendy, detailed scan is something we all have to do at week 20. Its the scan that determines baby's gender, check for physical abnormalities and development of baby's organs, etc. I'm actually quite looking forward to that. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wendy: I guess u are off the jab after discharged. How about the medication? As Kimiko explained, its a detailed scan on the bb. As Dr Roland is not a specialist in fetal abnormalies, it will be another person doing the detailed scan for me. Eager to see how bb's organs are doing and yes, the gender! =)

Detailed scan to come with blood test?

I really wonder how many blood test do we have to go through throughout the whole pregnancy!

It is ok TIE [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jus vomited my kuey chap out. Damn sad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

this thread is moving very fast! cannot catch up with so many topic~~


that a bit too fast. maybe you got to control your diet? but, you just vomited your dinner... must drink water to keep hydrated.


take good care of yourself.


try eating fruits instead of full meal?

quite envy that you got good appetite. i cannot eat too much. get bloated easily. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi mummies,

Been busy, now struggling to read all the posts.

Went for check up tdy, bb always curled up when lying down although it moved quite abit n even play with ambilical cord. So end up gynae said 80% accuracy it's a gal. But I'm tinking Shld b quite firmed...if boy bb tat thg wld Hv grown by now?

To check, aft tri 1, gynae now longer chk on crl n edd isit? Don't see it on my scan pic. She only told me bb is gd sized.

As for Oscar, diff places diff way of measuring isit? My gynae only told me my age, Shld be higher than 1:720...my result is 1:7100..so she say low risk...


maybe try some healthy cereals. those low fat content.


which week already? i'm still waiting for next weekend to come for my appt... dunno how is bb now.. =P

age is only one of the fact in the risk. if the distance (ard neck area, there is two "white lines") is big, risk will increase. if nose cannot be seen, risk increased by 18%. that was told by the lady who did the oscar scan for me last time.

Hi all mtbs, im new here. Glad to see a lot of advices going around. I just did my oscar test. Results not great. Deciding if I should go for amnio. Any advices?

Cloud: sorry my IT dept crazy about security, so I can only login at home after my boy sleeps... Yup, anything with acidophilus will help to fight fungal infection. Best to reduce sugar intake too because that boosts fungal growth. But I found taking plain yogurt super hard, in the end always end up with the berries flavour ones!

Yes yes, yoplait was one of my fav! I usually buy the 6 pack children size one for my son and I take one or two too!

Agree 100% with the ss=dd theory for bm. And lots of papaya soup also helps! For my first baby, I latched followed by pump to build up supply. Won't have much at the beginning, but basically that helps to stimulate supply. But basically should try to empty your breasts every feeding interval (eg. 3 hourly), so supply is constantly generated. The first feed would tell your body how much to produce for the second feed, so if the milk is not taken, your body assumes no need so much milk. Yes, so establishing milk ss is a no day no night job! Even if your bb don't latch at night, still must pump out one. Actually, from my experience, most mummies dun have enough to pump out a full feed during first month, because baby is more efficient at taking milk than pump. Most CLs should know that too....I think. Warming up bm is also a lot of hassle. Must warm at 40 deg water, or the antibodies in the bm will be all gone. Some CLs may just use hot water for convenience... So need to watch carefully. All in all, seems latching is still easier for mummies at night. ;)

Sorry for the long long post. I'm a firm supporter of breastfeeding. :p

hi mummies,

tmr im going for my OSCAR... seems like lotsa mummies exp not so good OSCAR results here... makes me feel very nervous abt tmr scan too leh...


re mangoes,

my mil kept telling me i cannot eat mangoes during preg... bcoz very "poisonous"... they say bb will be born with very problematic skin if eat... i think they say tt bcoz one of the aunt got craving for tt during her preg n in the end i think her child got super sensitve and problematic skin... not sure how much truth is there is in this... best to min mango intake in case really got some truth in it...

jing hui,

re ameda pump,

if i rem correctly the baby chinatown shop sells tt.. u can call n ask if pricing cheaper or not.

Cheong Choon store

Address: Blk 34 Upper Cross St #03-132

Tel: 65327816

i copied this from website when i google so not sure accurate bor but addr confirmed is at blk 34 upper cross st #3... i always go there to stock up on pigeon wet wipes n bb bottle detergent...

mummies who wanna get cheaper wet wipes, pumps n even play yard n the rubber mat from korea, can get from here... tt time when i compared all these prices for my #1 time, this shop sells cheaper than most BPs... and dun be surprised that this small shop sometimes carry same items as shown in Taka baby fair n comes with same freebies bundles bcoz sometimes the suppliers also offer that to them... so always call n ask first.. they also sell strollers n car seats... ask to look at the catalogues... tt time i brought my preggie fren to go there buy things to prepare for her bb, she almost completed buying her checklist items! esp the bigger items like pump n steriliser etc... all settled there at a go... so happy shopping, mummies!

Argh! Woke up to pee, now can't get back to sleep [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Gbh, hope u get gd Oscar results [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Dun worry! Look fwd to see your little one on u/s instead ;)

Happygal, a wk ago I was in your shoes. Bad Oscar, wonder should do diagnostic test or not. Advice I received was will I keep bb if diagnostic result show got problem? If yes, then dun do test. My Oscar risk was 1:248 and I did the

test in the end. I opted for CVS which

can be done fm wk 12.


mscarpediem, this week i am week 14. my colleague who is pregnant at the same time also scare of my appetite. she cant eat at all

gbh, is that true? OMG. i have so many mango at hm and my FIL keep cutting for us to eat

