(2011/12) Dec 2011

Bfly>> my gynae din tell me how big is the sac.. It was soo small that he cant even cfm if I'm preg, only said veri likely. But he told me my hcg level was 348. How abt u?


missus BL: my gynae told me there is a sac and the scan is showing 1.7cm... gynae did not measure my hcg. when i step in i just told him im tested positive and he scan and tell me the donts then im out of the room.. hehe..

@bfly: oh no, i dun rmbr the measurements... the gynae was showing me and my hubby the sac and the black dot... telling us its still very small.. explaining to me the fetus development..

and for me to go back in 3 weeks time...

@ Jasline - I'm in my 2nd pregnancy but am exploring child care arrangements too as like u, no parents or in laws to help. Have u tot of infant care? my 1st child i put in ifc but always fall sick.. so now thinking of maid...nanny is out for me cos i simply not comfortable - but tat's personal lar. i tink will still go for ifc for me...

ac - omg! mufc! win already lo....

dunno whether i pantang or what...whenever i tot i feel abit well and i tell my hubby, later part of the day sure feel not well... this morning was just telling my hubby today i feel super...than just vomited everything out! yucks!!! think next time cannot tell...just keep quiet about such things

Jasline: The small dot sounds good. Im looking for the small dot (embryo) and yolk sac in my next appt.

missus BL: yes. be sure to jot down all concerns. Will hear great news from you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@bfly: hope everything remains well - all i hope for is for bb to be healthy!

at times i feel so scared, as i m not experiencing much pregnancy symptons except occasional abdominal pain...

@ missus BL: looking forward to great news frm u tmr!

@gretel: indeed i m considering maid, nanny or infant care.. initially i thought ifc will require $1+k after subsidy, but juz heard frm my fren that she's sending her baby to first skool for abt $600+ after subsidies...

i tink i will have to do some research on good ifc near my place.. i m staying at CCK.

yup, the only con is that bb tends to get sick more frequently due to contacts with more bb. my fren was suggesting to let bb have some necessary vaccinations...etc.

@Jasline: same here. esp when i wake up every morning, i dont feel any symptoms at all... and i even went to google "pregnant but don't feel pregnant" -.-"" hahahaha

exactly! i m always feeling so paranoid now and then! worried if the bb is ok?!

btw, have ur appetite increased recently?

i feel like i m eating so much, and have put on a bit of weight! got to curb my appetite!!

hahah.. i dont even dare to weigh!! i eat alot and i sleep alot. I feel tired at 7-8pm and i will sleep at 9-10pm. hahahaha... actually my bump is considered big at week 6... i already stop wear tight clothes and started to buy loose clothing and dress... i don know is it whether my tummy is already big to begin with.. haha

by the way my husband said we should be eating at interval of 3hrs (he read from internet).. else we will start feeling hungry. im munching now actually... hahaha..

@bfly: me too!! i tink my tummy is considered quite big! haha!! i cant wear some on my bottoms too!! guess i m eating too much carbo!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jas & bfly>> my appetite wasn't veri good during the past few days. And yup, we are tasting the favour of motherhood the min we hv got our bfp..

But I feel my tummy is bloated, and I keep drinking water! Dunno is it due to water retention, my face like getting rounder too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I having breakout on my face, arch.. I intend to hit the gym to do brisk walking on the treadmill after 1st trim. Walking is good exercise for delivery too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

missus BL, we only get water retention if we don't get enough water. I think it is normal to feel very thristy during pregnancy as to keep hydrated for our little baby. I drink much more water than before as well and my body also feel much warmer so I had to on air-con pretty much a lot of times during the day.

yes, kimiko is right. I drank alot of water during my first pregnancy, hence my legs were not swollen at all. However feet got swollen when coming near to delivery date. And then suddenly subsides. My friends say that when that happens, that means the baby is due for delivery soon..

As for breakouts, i had in my first pregnancy but subsided and became more radiant after the first trimseter. Months later, doc diagnosed its a G. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Can I check if you got check with your gynae on de brown discharge things?

Just now I reach home I also see some brown discharge but is very very light brown but when I wipe no more not sure is this normal?

Hi mommies to be, i have an almost brand new Avent single electric pump to let go. I only used it less than a week. Pm me if interested. Price negotiable. Thanks.

Mummies, able to advise when will we get to know the gender of our baby? But I heard sometimes it's not 100% accurate, is that true?

Kimiko>> ic.. I scared is I keep drinking even at night so water retention. But I do know that drinking water is good for us. ;)

Octbride>> veri sad abt the breakout.. Cos cannot tell ppl when they asked me wat happened to my face!? T_T

Wendy>> I was 4 wks++. I think my hcg is slow & low, that's y at 3 wks++, I'm still getting bfn. I hope it's increasing healthily & steadily.. How abt u?

Kimoko>> I heard 16 wks can see the gender alrdy. But hv to depend on the bb position. Ya, I heard gal will turns into boy even after scan..

Missus BL, its true though to drink too much water late at night will make your face look bloated the next day. Haha.. Suggestion to drink more during the day and lesser at night unless necessary. As for breakout, maybe just lie saying your body recently too heaty that's why got breakout.

How is hcg level being measured? I wasn't inform on hcg level till date.

Kimoko>> I'm alrdy cuttng down drinking at night. Haha! Cos I kept wanting to go toilet too. As for pimples, I juz laughed & said second puberty. Lol!

Hcg was measured via a blood test. I'm worried cos gynae asked me to go back test to c if it drops..... Sounds scary to me.

Missus BL..My HCG is @ 1674+..just went to my gynae today he say today mine is just week 5..Are you on IVF??

Which Gynae did you visit?If yr THCG is 348,you should be pregnant coz anything above 10 is pregnant n your THCG sould double up every 2days..this is what my gynae tell me..


For THCG,it is measured through Blood test..Which week are you at now..?Normally HCG will increase rapidly from day to day to ensure safe pregnancy coz this reading cant be obtain from pregnancy kit..

Wendy>> mine is natural.. I was 4 wks +, I think 1000+ at 5 wks sound reasonable cos hcg double every 48hrs. Hopefully mine has doubled to this much. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm cfm pregnant cos being kiasu, I tested using clearblue digital the nExt day & got a 2-3 weeks preg! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Wendy, I'm at W9D2 today. Woah, meaning we have to do a blood test every visit to check HCG level? So far I have not done any blood test for that purpose (and I rather not too). In fact the first blood test I'll be doing this Friday is for Oscar and I'm feeling really nervous ESP when Littlefren told me we may have to draw 3 tubes of blood. *sweat*

Missus BL, I also have the tendency to keep going toilet in the middle of the night even though I drank much more water in the day. Very tiring and troublesome to wake up to go toilet but no choice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Missus BL,mine is IVF...A very long and suffering process though..was even hospitalised due to the jabs and stuff[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but lucky my gynae is alway there for me even after office hours[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi kimiko,Coz IVF procedures are abit more complex,i had alot of blood test till "season"..my dr very careful so he wants to make sure i am ok throughout the whole process..Actually,the painful part of the blood test is the intial prick..the 1st prick to our blood vein..after which,the number of tubes they draw are still ok..take more protein food..

My gynae say it is good for baby tissues and cells..

By the way,kimiko n Missus BL,who is your gynae?

My first gynae was actually Dr Loke Kah Leong from Singapore Women's Clinic @ Tampines but both my husband and I was not happy with the way our conversation headed so we decided to switch gynae. That was week 6 when I saw him.

I saw A.Prof Han How Chuan from KKH at week 8 and will be continuing with him till delivery.

Wah Wendy, I really pei fu you. I had blood test blood early this year. The nurse couldn't find my veins on both my arms, end up she extract blood from the vein on my hand. I think she only managed to extract half a tube I already start to feel giddy. It was rather painful extracting blood from there too. And I have had experiences where the nurse poked both my arms to get blood. So because of that Im really nervous how I'm going to give 3 tubes of blood.

Hi all.. Thread is moving too fast to catch up.. Welcome to all daddy to be and mummy to be!! Food wise... Starting to lose appetite.. Tried to drink hot soup with rice.. Not bad.. Able to complete the meal.. Digestive biscuits with milk is good.. Anyone here knows where sells nice porridge in east area??


Haha,i think for IVF patients everyone are just too used to jabs n inserts..we got to jab ourselves everyday from once a day then subesequently twice a day or even thrice a day..so that why season..the nurse @ parkway east know me so well coz blood test is a weekly event for us..haha..they also find my veins too narrow and difficult to draw and at times take twice to really detect my veins..so you can imagine..my hands and arms are all bruises[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

In fact,i got a miscarriage since nov 2008 so recently just make up my mind for IVF since my dr is good and got pregnant with my first ivf with him[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]..

Well,i still have a long way to go while you are nearing to 2nd trimester...so lucky..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wendy - jia you.. 2nd trimester is coming soon. That's what I have been telling myself whenever I feel like vomiting or have ms...

Hi Wendy, don't say that.. Reading what you wrote made me want to pat you on your back, really admire your spirit to go through so much pain for a baby. Anyway we are all here to support each other [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Lyn, there is a market 85 in Bedok area. Inside, there's a stall call 'chai chee pork porridge', I find their pork porridge really nice! There are 2 stalls there, one for day and one for night and there's always a long queue after 7-8pm.

wow wendy - i always think ladies who go for IVF are super lo! I can imagine all the difficulties you go through.. And really, i think all our MS complaints pales in comparison to your sacrifices [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] How many weeks preg are you?

kumiko - the gynae was able to detect my boy during my 1st preg at 13 weeks lo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] he says boys are easier to 'see' if they are at the right position. Gals may need more time to 'see'. So, I roughly guess, by 16 weeks should be able to know gender

missus BL - i am also having small lil breakouts! which i do not have during my 1st preg! i was just asking my hubby yesterday how come small lil pimples are popping out..

Wendy>> I'm oso ard 5 weeks now. Long way to go to 2nd trim too! I am currently seeing Dr Koh from Raffles Women Clinic. But have booked an appt with Dr Benjamin Tham at TMC as I hv heard alot of raves abt him. Hopefully he is not too bz for me.

Kimiko>> there is no need to take blood test as long as your bb is growing healthily. Wow, 2nd trim coming!! Envy and jiayou too!

Clarrisa>> same.. It's small little zits but still veri sad abt it. I hope it will be cured soon and will be a pretty mummy.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks missus BL and clarrisa for the info. I can't wait to know the gender of my baby. My dad very kua zhang, everytime I call home he will ask me boy or girl.. More nervous than my husband. Haha!

Yes Lyn, we have to keep up with hydration.

Kimiko, usually more accurate to know gender when we do our detailed scan at wk20... But some managed to see gender via normal scan prior to that.

for detailed scan, they'll measure every parts of the body n make sure bb is growing well... something like that, i cant really recall what else they scan exactly... haha memory failing...

from watching House, i realized all babies start as girls...depending on the hormones the parts producing eggs will become those producing sperm and leave the body...then from girl become boy liaoz...so amazing right?

@Lyn you can try the porridge stall from Bedok Interchange also...not sure exactly which one to describe to you though. must see then i know. If you prefer teochew style try the one next to the pig organ soup stall at Geylang Lor 39...it's pretty good...usually we will eat the porridge then the dou hua next to it...

Say hi to all the mummies to be here..I actually follow this thread when it's started but only decide to join today as i just went to my 1st appt. Glad to see the small foetus & hear the heartbeat again. my eldest son already going to 5 yrs old.

Hihi Adeline,

Congrats and glad to see u here..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mamaAsh,

Can add me to the table:

EDD: 19th Dec

Gynae: Dr Heng Tung Lan

Hosp: Parkway East

BB#: 2

clarrisa..life was never easy for IVF esp during oocytee Retrieval.i was so bloated annd sick as i have 20follicles..Well,i still have a long journey ahead and hope everything will go well..currently am in my week 5 only...

Kumiko...yup..we will never walk alone as we have everyone here with us..

Missus BL..you can try my gynae,Dr roland Chieng if you dont mind a male Gynae..He is very caring and spent alot of time explaining to his patients which i find it very impt as we have alot of ups and downs during pregnancy..esp my pregnancy..He will ask the nurse to call me almost every day when i was discharged from hospital due to OHSS..Other than that,he will even call me and msg me to make sure i am ok though the nurse had follow up..Since you are looking for a Gynae who will give you quality time..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]..Dr roland also have 2 nice nurses assisting him..

Thanks cloud for the explanation, I hope everything runs smoothly for everyone here.

Mummies, I'm craving for curry chicken but my mum told me not to eat as there is something in curry that can cause newborn jaundice. Is this true? Please advise.

wow.... we have a lot of new friends! welcome all! =)

wendy: it must have been a very tough journey so far. jiayou! finally someone also with Dr Roland! While he does not want to inject false optimism, I feel that he does take the time to explain the details e.g. my cysts issue. From what you say, guess i am in good hands (literally! for delivery...) too =P

i have new found comfort food which i am not sure will work for the other mummies. (a) ricola lemonmint sweets which is quite soothing when i start feeling nauseous and (b)crunchy peanut butter sandwich as my bedtime supper. i always wake up feeling super hungry in the am so now i will feed myself b4 zzz.

think we are indeed more emotional during pregnancy. just a sentence from hubby, triggered flash flood like the rain today! think i scared my hubby. He is probably overwhelmed - taking over the household chores and work (we are in property line) and first time he sorta complained, me flood non-stop. so sorry to him but tears just cannot control.

TIE, I think we cannot eat ricola sweets. It contains aspartame which is harmful to baby's brain development. That time I didn't know after eating a few and feel a bit weird after that I searched online and found that info. I immediately stop eating the sweets. Oh ya! I just look at it's packaging, exact same flavor as yours, lemon mint.

