(2011/12) Dec 2011

jas, really ah?! wow... tat CL really scary leh!! haha... agree with cloud942, convert to RM lots of $$!! somemore they eat & stay w us free leh!! $2.1k is purely their pay... convert to RM over $4k liao!! juz 1 month!!


Cloud942 & mamaAsh,

Ya lor scary hor? Ya I think mostly Msian.

I heard my fren say got those CL company like can choose den not happy can change but guess will be even more ex.

tethysea, please take care. What happen to the gynea?

Hi mamaAsh, hmm i have friends that first try is c-section, and the next one is natural. Seems ok. But i think its best to seek advise from the experts.

Jacqueline, sorry its GA.. haa must be thinking of the GE (general election)!


hahhahaha, i think its funny to put mil n mum with maid and cl tog.... nvm.... just being lame......

i think CL very ex leh.... and must book so early.... i heard fr my fren her CL (who is very gd), is booked till oct liao, so i guess for our period, those who wanna CL, must decide fast. Her CL is by the name of Auntie Jinfeng. Also, previously i was free and went to read up on threads on CL in this forum, realised there are quite a few cheating cases. So mummies, pls read them before u go hire also. Jas, yr fren's CL very terrible to open the ang pao and throw back leh.... i think if my hubby, he will pick up (cos our money leh!) and ask her to leave w nothing!

As for me, i will not be hiring CL or maid cos not very comfortable w a stranger at home. My mum has agreed to cook for me and come and bathe my baby. hubby has also planned to take leave during that period since we cant go on tour this year, will have many leaves, so he will take care of house work and on day shift while i on night shift since he sleeps like a pig! then when he goes back to work, i guess will ask my mum's maid to come over clean clean and i pay her bit extra.

This is so far my plan, hope it will work out! keke!

Hi kimiko, how long have u been married? so all along u stay with yr mil? does she work? i dunno.... so far im fine w my mil, in fact we quite good terms but i know staying tog will be a diff story.... and w kids even more easy to get into conflict... but luckily we stay nearer to my mum than my mil, so i dun think she will actually come help much since take bus very long....... haha....

Hey! has any of u thought of where the bb will be sleeping?? my room kinda small and we dun wanna bb sleep in aircon, so we thinking of letting him/her sleep in own room since birth. i didnt agree at first, but think think, my hubby has a point lah.... sounds very cruel hor..... is it all of u will be letting yr bb sleep in yr room?

oh ya... thanks kimiko and cloud.... so im not only one feeling the pull.... its on and off.... currently off [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw... whether C sect or natural.... both sound very scary also.....


Tats y the wife so angry with the fren who intro tis CL.

Hubby already plan well well where to place baby cot when we Reno our hse so dun think he will se de let baby sleep separate room from us.

ahhaaha jas, i wish my hubby is like yrs...... he didnt plan for kids and filled every room... so now, though we have planned for bb to sleep in another room... we need to shift, give, sell some furnitures first.....

but jas..... i think rgd the CL hor.... not the fren's fault leh.... how to anticipate the CL behaviour...?

keke! chat w u guys again tonight.... need to go work liao... sian... byeeeee!

jas, ehm CL like tat not the fren's fault leh...agree w littlefren, very hard to anticipate their behaviour leh... ya i also heard of the CL co... but some commented not good also... so i feel really depends on luck leh...

we will be putting the cot in our room again, cos my 2 toddlers are sleeping in their room... bb will always be near me, so easier for nite feed... used to direct latch bb liao... so now #3 same! haha... so bb drink milk i can cont to sleep! haha... :p

Littlefren & mamaAsh,

Ya lor true not de fren fault but is my hubby fren wife so I also cnt say anything.

Ya I also fee CL is c luck I got 1 colleague tell us also funny she say de CL like 10+ baby haven't sleep den they playing with de baby de CL tell them u all dun wan sleep I go sleep 1 st my colleague blur.

Reached my student's pl n guess what! He's not hm yet... So can chat a bit. So mamaash, how old are Yr toddlers? Boy or gal? Was it difficult to get them to sleep in another room since they are used to Yr room? Ya, I also thought abt the point that I can sleep while feeding.... But bb room will NBA sofa, I may sit there and zzz n feed. Idk... My mum ask me psycho my hubby to at least let bb stay in room for 1st mth. Hmmm idk... Now I more to bb zzz in another rm at start.... Keke it might change ;)

jas... i does ask my CL to sleep first leh, cos she gets up like 2-3 times for nite feed, very siong, then day time she keep working no nap, so i also feel tired, let alone her lor...

Littlefren, we were lucky cos we let them have a new room after we move to a new place!! so from start at new house they sleep in their room!! once awhile they will say they wanna sleep w me lah, but i say can't cos no place & yr room got yr bed, got air con also, got yr study table & toys!! Haha... i got a 6YO gal (in K2 now) & a 4YO boy (in N2 now)... ehm, maybe when u see bb u will let bb sleep with u leh... haha.. i very attach to my kids one leh... haha..

u teacher??

mamaAsh >> sent! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Littlefren >> Thanks for the encouragement. Yar, I suppose it just wasn't meant to be this time lar.

The rest of you jiayou jiayou, hope you all have healthy happy babies!

oh no... dear tethysea.. really sorry to hear about your loss... take gd care of yourself now k?? and get yourself well-prepared for the next one.. god bless...

what did the doc says that makes u so pissed??

i dun mind taking over the table from you... and i will try to update it regularly if I can... but just worried that there r ways i will not log in and does not know if i left out anything.. =)

ok, i am a little confused... the CL, we need to give them $$ twice? 1 for their service and 1 for the food they need to buy for us??

oh no tethysea, pls have a good rest at home over this long wkend! So sorry for your loss. You are really a very strong lady! Zai4 jie1 zai4 li4!

Littlefren: I'll definitely want my bb to sleep in the same room as me. Cannot bear the thought of it sleeping somewhere else, think I won't be able to sleep properly like that, will keep worrying like what if cry and I cannot hear? That's why when my mother say most likely baby will sleep with the CL in another room, it made me very averse to the idea of engaging a CL. But I really very envious that your hubby is so pro-active and involved!!! Even offer to take leave and help take care of the bb! Mine ah... everyday just care about his car and computer games...

mamaAsh: Wah it sounds really kua zhang that good CLs are already booked for Dec??? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Yes I intend to breastfeed, oh dear, sounds like it will be very xiong.

Littlefren, my gal slept on her own since birth n now 2+ she's used to it already. But this time we gotta let bb sleep with us cos no more rms as my mum staying with me too.

tethysea - take good care!

Jac - i hope you are feeling better by day end!

Tethysea, take care!! Good to know that you are going strong!

Littlefren, I ROM when I was 20 and only went through traditional wedding when I was 23. I stayed with my in-laws when they moved into my place for about 2years before I kinda chased them out because they were making things difficult for me. Its like they stay in my house but they dont care about how I feel towards how they behave and what they do in my house. Who knows after 5yrs we sold our house and now I'm back to stay in their house (since Jan this year). Though time has kinda diluted a lot of things away but habits don't change and relationships cant be mend that easily. I wasn't on good terms not with my in-laws but with my bro-in-law and his then gf (now wife -.-). But because of age gap, my in-laws are practically aged as old as my grandparents, I find it very difficult to communicate with them and that they usually speak hokkien which I don't understand.

Anyway, my baby will be sleeping with us since all rooms are occupied here. Will have to wait till my bro-in-law moved out with his wife (they are still waiting for flat -.-) then that will become my baby's room. I think it is ok for the baby to sleep with us to build bond but I'm afraid that it will build up stress for my husband who will be working and studying that time.

As for CL, I think we wont be engaging any. My MIL helped to look after my sis-in-law's child till she's 7yrs old. Only recently bring home to look after themselves so I believe though my MIL is quite old, she is still fit enough to help out with the necessary.

Oh yea! Any mummies able to advise the recovery rate of both natural and c sect delivery? I just want to prepare myself in advance.

Jac >> no worries, mamaAsh is taking over the file from me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Oh... I felt the doc was very dismissive of what I was telling him and behaved in a way that was not reassuring and a bit condescending towards women. (Sorry I v feminist one.)

yallo >> I have one more week MC now. But probably going back to work on Tuesday lar, if I feel ok.

Kimiko, natural heals faster. C sect wounds may look healed n dry from outside but internal wounds takes few months to completely recover.

Thanks tethysea n MamaAsh for updating. I'll let u know the details after next checkup to make sure everything ok n also may wanna change gynae...


Wow really need book so fast in advance.

Btw can check with u gals ok to drink ribena? I dun like drink plain water so nw ribena like my plain water I drink few bottles a day but with normal temp plain water but not sure ok ant huh?

HI fellow MTBs!

I'm new here, cos currently feeling bored and excited our my second one. My EDD is 28/12/2011. Went to see Dr Esther Ng yesterday and cfm that my bb is 5 weeks!

THough this is only my first mth, i can feel my stomach alr! n ppl ard me has been telling me Ive put on weight! cant believe it, cos i tot the weight actualli will drop during the first trimester.

Nevertheless, it will be back to sleepless nights, fussing and getting worried all over again. My number one has jus turned 15 mths, I hoped to be able to go thro all these smoothly! =)

Hello everyone!

I'm very new here coz i just got to know my pregancy and confirmed by GP today! Im so very excited! =)

Will be visiting a gynae tonight as GP says dangerous to experience cramps..*shrugs*

Anyone has a good gynae in TCM or Alvernia?

First child..very kan jiong.. =)Any teachers here by the way?

jas, i think its hould be the sugar level that u are take note.. ribena sugar level quite high de right??

welcome & congratz Adeline!!! dun worry, i am same as u... but i am more suay.. ppl straight away ask if i am preg when at that time, i didnt even know i was! haha!! it's the wond/gas that is building up in our tummy...

karen, congratz to u too!!! i had very bad cramps initially too.. it's like menses cramp... checked with gynae and she said it's ok as long as there is no spotting/bleeding coz our womb is expanding or something like that... even till now, i still experience the cramps at times... dun worry...

tethysea , ignore that stupid doc!!! next time dun visit them le.. rest wekk k?? muackz!!

thanks mamaAsh!!!

yes kimiko, natural heals a lot faster... and u can start massage earlier also... the wound inside will take very long to heal, there's a lot things u cant do and there might be chances of infection...


Maybe I put lesser syrup I also dun koe but I jus dun like plain water.

The cramp ok ar? I also on off got the cramp and am quite worried.

I now no more spotting but got white discharge I heard from my fren is due too I too liang .

Looks like its still better to opt for natural delivery. Then at the end of the day it also depends if I can give birth naturally >.<

Waah.. I just vomit everything out uncontrollably again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I really dislike the smokes and humes from my MIL's cooking, make me feel so nauseous.

Im experiencing discharge since yesterday and it feels like its getting worst leh

Kimiko, I have the same situation as you like right now!

Have mc today to rest. MIL cooking some stuffs and the smell makes me wanna puke!

jas - i dislike plain water also... it makes the mouth taste like some iron/metel... what i did is i make it luke warm. And warm water seems better. try it.


I only drink cold plain water so now cnt drink cold de worse for me.

Think now mc at home if go back work le than Bo Bian need force myself drink plain water le.

Ladies, I was thinking if its ok to add some lemon juice into our plain water to make it better to drink? Any idea if its ok?

Joanne, I took some anti-nauseous and anti-vomiting pills right after the first violent vomiting and it didnt stop. I vomited again and that time I almost cannot breathe because my nose was blocked and the throat was busy clearing out stuff. Really terrible feeling!! I hope I wont vomit again because my stomach is really empty liao and I think I need to eat soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

kumiko - my friend tried this previously during her preg. she mentioned its ok. Her baby is all well too...so i guess its ok bah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

you reminded me of my 1st preg.... even now, with my small amt (compared to yours) of vomits, i am feeling sooo miserable... you take care! eat small amounts and often! dun wait till hungry to eat! it becomes worse....

i am eating almost every hourly... I am not hungry but the stomach just feel not well.. and whenever I sense the not well feeling is coming, i eat... when i eat, food taste ok. But afterwhich the metal taste linger in the mouth... terrible feeling... feeling so miserable.. I hope 1st tri passes by quickly!!!

Hello all! I just tested positive, dunno my edd yet. gonna see gynae next wed. was hoping an age gap of 2 yrs between no. 1 and 2 so really lucky to made it for dec 2011 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].

I have those crampy feeling on and off n feeling bloated. no morning sickness. have a great dinner everyone! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

clarrisa, thanks for the encouragement. I wasn't hungry and definitely didnt see that coming. Must be the smoke and hume from my MIL's cooking. Think must escape to my parents' place for a few days to rest my stomach.

Jas, yes I think u better dilute ribena... Else try kimiko's suggestion of adding lemon!

Kimiko, my first 2 I went for 4-bedded cos hb won't wanna stay over so dun waste $!! But this time I will go for 1-bedded so my family can have some private time when they visit me n also won't disturb other mummies! Haha...

Mummies take care, I hear of all yr MS so poor thing!! Lucky for me is all 3 no MS but mouth got steel taste... My tummy also showing... Like 3 mths!!! I guess really the more u have the earlier yr tummy will show...

anybody here on duphaston? i went ot see dr woody today. He told me its too early to scan but because i had a miscarriage a few mths ago, he prescribed duphaston for me to take and asked me to come back in 2 weeks to see him. i've read stories on how duphaston can potentially cause birth defects but its sole purpose is to produce more hormones for a viable pregnancy.So i'm not sure if its supposed to be good for me or not.

littlefren> my #1 also sleep in her own room from day one. no problem and no separation anxiety or stuff like that. i think it's good cos we have our private time and rest in our bedroom when we need it.

karen> yup, a teacher here.

Re:CL> heh i hired back my #1 one like the day after i tested positive. cos super scared she already booked. =p

Dear tethysea, pls take good care!

Tiny, i am on duphaston. infact many of us here are (if im not wrong). i had cramps + spotting during wk3-4, went KK took some test and doc gave me folic + duphaston. spoke to few gynaes and all said dup is good for 1st tri. sort of protect and build up the bb. im not sure of whether its side effects but i see that many are prescribed duphaston is KK and my gynae also. Dun worry!!

This 1st tri is definitely a crucial period for all mommies. Please do take MC if u are tired dun go work ok... rest well! but then again i realised my mentality changed 360degree after im preggie. like nothing esle is more impt than my bb esp when it comes to work.

I went back to work today and now I cant keep up with the posts! The forum is getting more and more busy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tethysea - Oh dear. Feel so sad for you. Do take care and rest well, k?

For white discharge, my gynae also told me I have too much and shld cut down on sugar. But I don't really drink sugar water leh. Just juice. I always thought white discharge is due to hormonal changes. I cant tell what is normal and what is too much. Anyone can advise?

For CL , my frens also told me must start booking latest by end of first trimester, else all good ones snapped up very fast. I think I will be getting a maid too cos hubby and I work long hours. We wont be able to cope after confinement. I actually thought of relying on my mum for confinement but all my frens say not a good idea based on their experience - may spoil relationship. I even have one colleague, he had his mum cook and his MIL take care of baby. In the end, they fought....oh well...

Oh, as for my earlier qn on stretch mark cream. I asked my sis. Apparently, once stomach grow abit, should start applying and not just on stomach, but also on bum and thighs.

Btw, I noticed some of us see gynae once in 2 weeks, some once in 3 weeks and mine is once a month. Y the diff hah?

Gosh! So many new things to learn abt motherhood and pregnancy every day!

mmm, im curious abt the white discharge thingy also! i do have more now... why huh? maybe i go ask my gynae.. but gynae never ask me b4 for that.. but i do drink sweet drinks.. ribena, 100+, sprite (few times), mug beer etc [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my discharge is like 3 to 4 50cents coin.. sometimes i feel discharge flowing out also.. whats urs like?


Wow saw some mummies have #3. I am thinking just stop after this one #2 will do. How did u all manage w 3 kids.? Anyone has all girls or all boys?? My previous one is girl, so hope this will b boy so that I can close factory..haha a

For stretch marks, I will strongly recommend elancyl, very good and can get fr Watson.

For cl, I booked mine previously. Luckily she is not taken. Nowadays cls are ex and hot. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but no choice... I think it's worth it.

Anyone try the gender prediction to predict their gender? my colleg says there is this Chinese calendar accurate, but must know the month that conceive and Chinese age as well. Hmm but I notice that it's true that when tummy is sharp sharp, it's a boy. And when tummy is round, it's girl. I predicted a few correct in my office [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

