(2011/12) Dec 2011

RE: PruFirstGift

Dear all my hubby is Prudential Financial Consultant. You may PM me for his contracts.

Thanks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Thanks for telling that take calcium n multiV at least 2 hrs apart. now i remember previously my gynae also advice to take calcium at morning while multi vit at night. This round but i did check with the nurse, she mentioned can take all at morning...

Chan P L,

they have a huge range of items. last time i ordered stroller from them with provide the model no. to her. Then she will confirm the price and deliver to me. foudn their price is cheaper from those department store lel...

Hi Flee

If I see wriggling of fingers on my tummy skin ..haha tik i will be really scare sia =)

I also kept thinking i might be feeling my bb's moving .. there is like soft tapping as n when ..n when i try to feel it ..it is not there ..thus mayb jus my imagination [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Chan

My gynae also started me on multi-vit, fish oil & calcium after 1st trims .. i had it early in the morning after i had my maternity milk

Hate it when i burp and felt the fish oil ...make me feel like vomitting ..but thank God tat it is only occasional

Hi Jacqueline ..

can we also get a troller if we get the PruFirstGift when ur friend *winks* [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyone has any ideas if AIA will have similar policy?

ace, lol.. this i duno leh... coz he is the bro of my hubby's sec sch buddy so they are quite close de.. sort of grew up together...

hi mummies,

last evening i was at my mil place n bb kicked me many times n with force! i think its all the noise that all of us are making that made bb so excited!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw my SIL is giving birth today!!! so excited for her! i wonder if she popped alrdy or not?


re cord blood storing,

i dun think that we cannot use own cord blood to help own body, in fact i think its the opposite leh... own cord blood or sibling's cord blood has a much higher chance of matching... if im not wrong, cord blood contains stem cells that can be used for treatment for certain critical illnesses... like eg leukaemia etc...

gbh: that is actually what i meant. usually we dont need our own blood to help ourselves. This will be benefit the siblings.

hi all,

Thank God, my amnio results is out and it's normal! And confirmed it's bb boy this time... Results came out pretty fast, less than 2wks for normal result.

Yes i can also feel bb kicks quite obvious already, hb felt it too when he put his cheeks on my lower abdomen.

Me too, sometimes i'll feel like vomiting cos of either calcium or fish oil pills... I'll try to take just before my meals usually then not so bad.


oic. but i think we can also use own cord blood right? touch wood but if my bb got some illness, i think the best thing is his/her cord blood that will save the bb's life, correct?


r u 1st time mummy? 1st time usually only start to feel bb kicks at 20+weeks. also depends on if u skinny before preg, if yes, higher chance of feeling bb earlier... im alrdy 2nd time mummy... so this time feel earlier.. for my #1 i feel at 18-19 weeks and that was considered early too liao...

this is my 2nd pregnancy but i should be consider 1st time pregnancy. im not skinny before preg. i hope to feel it soon


i dun like combi strollers, like what u said, the wheels too small n its too light for safety too (will topple easily)... i appreciate having a bigger wheel stroller esp if u need to go over small gutters n potholes... smaller wheels will get stuck... that time i got my zippy at some midnight sale... i rem its cheaper than the peg pegero n these 2 models were similar so i got that... still using it for my #1 now... love it to the max!


Congrats! Now u can put ur mind at ease!


I'm at end of 18 wks now, 1st time mum. No hurry, BB is gonna give u a kick when u least expect it!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i think mothercare having a sale till mth end? they told me i can get a 10+5% for members for my stroller and car seat till mth end, will go n buy next week after my gynae appt... non members i think also got discount but maybe lesser?

re bb/kids clothes, i always go to online Old Navy store to shop for my #1 clothes... cheap n good... sign up for their newsletters n they will send u emails with discount codes regularly... i use comgateway to ship them back... even with shipping the clothes are still much cheaper than in SG... quality not bad too... so far i bought quite a number of times liao... each time i will buy the next batch size for my gal...

My gynae strongly against taking ginseng during pregnancy.. In fact, he adv not to anyhow take Chinese herbs unless those specifically for pregnancy. Bird nest is ok tho he isn't convinced of its benefits. Anyway, my in-laws sponsor & cook the bird nest as they're true believers of it's benefits so I juz consume without complain lah...

Cleaning teeth is ok but not major procedure on teeth. In fact, my dentist adv regular checkup to ensure we hv sufficient calcium for our teeth.

I also can't stand the many pills prescribed by gynae. I'm given folic acid, calcium, iron & fish oil. No specific instructions given so I pop them all at 1 go leh...

yes yes, cp is right... ginseng cannot take too much (in fact i think better to avoid). http://mental-health.emedtv.com/ginseng/ginseng-and-pregnancy.html


i think got one mummy showed me some link last time re ginseng n hirutism too.. cant rem if i got this right.. anyway, not to freak out if u have taken some, usually its toking abt reg n huge consumption, so better chk with gynae re ginseng use during preg if u really wanna take...

gbh: i also used to get fr ON, but i normally join the overseas spree here... i tot they need a US credit card then can purchase? I also got their maternity wear, cos i find them so much cheaper!!

cloud: i had updated the table w yr bb gender! Congrats!! will post the table later...

AC: dun kan cheong lah... i also wait wait wait for end of this end go for detail scan...

i need to change the appt for the detailed scan in week 20 leh...then KK say must call clinic B...then called clinic B they say need to check with doc...until now haven't confirm with me...

so troublesome cos got detailed scan plus consultation...

im getting hungry at 5pm!!!!

be a great dinner tonite as my sis is cooking

and there is a bakerzin new york cheesecake waiting for us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gbh: High-5, my sister is delivering on 25 Jun! :D Hers will be via caesarean though so exciting hor, many babies in the family. I told her to let me have "hands-on training" for bathing baby etc hee hee, practical better than theory! :p

Ace: I'm hungry too! Just munched two packets of biscuits.

mamaAsh: Oh can help to update my next gynae appt date too please? It's on 23 Jun, thanks a lot! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ling: I'm also around wk18 and cannot feel a thing too! Always joke that got too many layers of fat in between, that's why cannot feel :p But yah lah, even my mother also say it's still considered early. She warned me that later the kicks will be so frequent that you wish you can't feel them! Especially when you're trying to find a comfortable position to sleep at night haha

gbh: High-5, my sister is delivering on 25 Jun! :D Hers will be via caesarean though so exciting hor, many babies in the family. I told her to let me have "hands-on training" for bathing baby etc hee hee, practical better than theory! :p

Ace: I'm hungry too! Just munched two packets of biscuits.

mamaAsh: Oh can help to update my next gynae appt date too please? It's on 23 Jul, thanks a lot! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ling: I'm also around wk18 and cannot feel a thing too! Always joke that got too many layers of fat in between, that's why cannot feel :p But yah lah, even my mother also say it's still considered early. She warned me that later the kicks will be so frequent that you wish you can't feel them! Especially when you're trying to find a comfortable position to sleep at night haha

lol...i went to cold storage to buy a loaf of bread...just ate...too hungry liaoz...

but will be skipping dinner and will be going to gym...

mamaAsh, our next consultation is this thursday then detailed scan is 11 aug (at the moment lar)...

AC .. Ur goin to gym!! Wat will u b doin?

Well I only ate a small of chips [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Feeling really hungry now

Oh okie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] give me a shock [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I wish I can too.. Will b goin for swimming soon


i buy bb clothes from Old Navy US site... great bargains from time to time! i think leapfrog also worth buying from online US bcoz the leapfrog in SG store is way too exp...

gbh, how many weeks are you now? ask ur gynae to scan the baby's bottom? might be able to see. my baby was crossing hands and legs for the previous session then my gynae tried to scan from the bottom and finally see something, keke

Good morning ladies..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


so next time u can start a spree on our thread..hehe

nowdays i dont have appetise for dinner, always eat very little but i have huge appetise at morning...

good morning all! what a sleepy morning...

ace, u dunno i'm not the preg one? lol...anyway my wife does go gym to do the bicycle...

in the end i din go gym cos had to work late...

should be taking up the PruFirstGift but see if i can get a stroller out of the agent :p

oh my wife used to do spree for kate s bags...but now US site dun allow overseas purchase anymore...

i do sprees from china...kids' clothes like rompers can be as cheap as $0.50 before shipping and other charges...nice nice dress up clothes cost more la...many clothes sold in stores are made in china anyway but cost 5-10 times more...

clothes wise not bad. of cos i think cannot be compared to branded names (most are made in china anyway) but alright to wear at home...

price does make a very big difference. if you want good quality then maybe a romper is about $2 compared to a lousy one which would be about $0.50.

oh...if you don't understand chinese, you can let me know what you want as detailed as possible and i can source for you. you can always see if it's what you want from the picture before you decide. see the picture then decide if it's worth based on the price...

taobao sells anything you can think of...i bought my photography studio lights and other stuff from there...about 30% of the price of similar products sold in shops here...

don't buy electronic stuff though...they are using 110W while we are using 240W. and any damage during shipment is difficult to claim from seller. things like clothes are best to buy from them cos cheap and light...difficult to damage also...

Hi all mummies + daddies! Sorry for the missing in action as i was very busy with my #1 birthday celebration as well as my own. =) I went for my appt on 2nd July, baby is doing well, very active and kicking. But can't see gender yet. I'm 14 weeks as of today.

Mamaash, pls help me update the table:

Next appt: 30th July

EDD: 10th Jan 2012

I kena UTI yesterday.. went to mount alvernia A&E. So sian.. currently on antibiotics for 5 days. Doc said mine was a slightly serious case of UTI. =( keep wanting to pee, and when peeing, so painful! and blood in urine also, the urine collected also pink in color. But today is much better, still a little pain in peeing. Hais.. anyway the doc says due to our changing hormones, we can be quite prone in contracting UTI. So mummies, pls get those feminine hygience wash and use it often. Also drink cranberry juice often too if you are ok with the taste.

Morning mummies and daddies!

Nothing new to add but I'd just like to express my appreciation on your conversations about cheaper places to buy stuff. They're invaluable for a new MTB most of whose friends are either single or expecting like me, so I probably won't get many quality hand me downs. Thanks!


doubt I can fit into my current costumes le as it was already quite tight before I were preggy. gonna source for 1 tat is nt tat exp and dip into the pool ..

Jass: tks for the info on the Chinatown shop. Shall check it out as well.

Ginseng = 人参? Tink we can't eat 人参.

Detailed scan - how long does the scan takes?

