(2011/11) Nov 2011

hospital has pumps provided, but some feel that pumps are very personal. so if you're concerned abt hygiene and all that, then bring your own pumps. TMC has pumps for sure.

Congrats on many mommies who pop and ESP to those popping tmw like Jean, hu1j13 and who else popping tmw? All the best and very soon can see ur precious bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

How' e rest of mommies waiting for their turn and those doing confinement? I can't wait for confinement to be over to go out, eat the things I like but at the same time I know it wd be tough handling bb. Though cl not Up to my expectation, she has helped to keep my place fine n bb though many things r spoilt n damaged by her. Just hope she doesn't spoil more things in the last wk.

Next I'm being sucked dry by bb. Think milk supply cannt meet demand. My bb is suckling on every 1.5hr these few days and I feel very dry and tired. Reminded me of the initial 1st few mth of newborn' demand, super tiring but soon it will be over. Let' jiayou all mommies ESP e 1st time mommies. Not easy to bf but worth evey effort ESP those who has infection, difficulty w bf. It will only get better ESP when u see ur bb gain wt by end of full mth. Then all of us can showcase our bf effort to our elders who try to discourage our best efforts [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hang on mommies!

Blue dream

Bring my own pump to stimulate my BM faster ah!!! Ok...I will bring along..


Ur op is 8:30am ah??? No more single ward le ah....then I suppose I will go for double ward Loh....tmc SMS me to check in 3 hrs before my op...so I will be there at 5am....god so early..hahaha... Hope we can be room mates...


I will pm u my room no via FB if I'm not tired to entertain guest...heehee..saw ur gal pic...such a beauty!!!! Aiyo..so sweet looking... When will u discharge???

So excited having mummies gg to pop on the same day as me....heehee..

Hi felixp, can I check when u done the half epi and with the stay at Tmc, u mentioned u paid $2.2k, sonis tt e cash amt paid after medisave or before?

Hu1j13,Jean chua

If Both of you can be room mates that will be so great.Its really excited to have someone you know deliver next to you..All the best.Dont worry,everything will be fine..Jiayou Jiayou!


Congras..Have a smooth confinment.

Seems like so many had popped..Im like a tortoise! Who else havent pop??


my op is 8am. Huh i can't even sleep at home... U go in so early. Dun think I can sleep there also... Im still boiling my red date tea for tmr. Hahaha

little bb,

dun stress, soon will ur turn!!! Maybe also tmr..


We are on the same boat,had overdue..Which hospital you delivering? I will be at Mount Alvernia..So heavy and baby still dont wanna pop yet..Lets see who else on the list havent pop?

Hi mummies,

Can't sleep at home, decide to admit in tmc earlier...no single bedded...so I decide to opt for double since my hb won't be staying overnight.

Omg, so tired but just can't sleep.

Thanks simp n kiam for ur encouragement. I oso aim to close 1 eye n get over confinement n hope supply come soon!

Was awaken by slight pain so requested for painkiller n doin pumpin now to stimulate Bf.

huijie - u check in oredi? I can visit u if u dun mind. I'm at 3rd floor.

Jean - thx [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u Shd b otw to tmc now. Btw last night I requested glass bottles fr nurse she gave me 8. I feel my night shift nurse is beta n more free at night so higher chance to attend our request so I tried my luck on her. Prob cos my 1st night I fainted n she was ther so I feel we hv more rapport so more willin to give. But din managed to get formula leh. I'm discharging at 12pm later n will ask for milk samples again.

Little bb n bunny- hope ur symptoms r on d way n pop soon! Maybe when ur cervix slowly dilating so when symptoms come U'll deliver faster so it may b a blessin! I took 11hrs in hosp n fr 1st symptom till birth is 15hrs!



Already at tmc le. My room is on the five level suite (temp). Pm u my room no and u need to walk into the inner partition to look for me... I just change to my surgery gown..not convenient for me to visit u...

Jean chua> Jia you and have a smooth delivery ..

Hu1j13> Jia you and have a smooth delivery..

Busybee> congrats and welcome to moo moo club..

I was so tired last night that I dozed off before I can pump my last pump of the night.. Bf is tiring but rewarding when I see my gal enjoy the bm and grow bigger ..

Is-Elle > same here, chg to gown Liao. I'm at 629b, stress liao

Jean > wow, free upgrade to suite ar? So shiok! Im at double bed now. So thirsty but can't drink anythin. I managed to fell asleep last night cos so tired! But keep wakin up cos nurses r walkin ard. Let's Jia you for our csect later!

Hope I can get a single bed later

me me me!! I hvn't pop yet!! yesterday did my 38 weeks check up... so happy!!! Baby's weight increase by 19g only in a week!! cuz on week 37, gynae say bb heavy... 3.2kg.. lucky yesterday still 3.2kg... hehe!! still hv hope for natural birth!! But still, must control my diet...

Jean n huijie, jia you!!!!!

Awww... My boy become the super year end bb liao... nxt time cannot get gf from the same class liao.... :p

I also haven't popped yet! Still waiting! 38 wks and 4 days...my baby is quite light, at 37 wks, he was only 2.3kg!

Jean and Huijie, hope everything went well! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hahaha Fynn, our boys can get gf from younger classes then!

Bb gal came out! Only 2.83kg! Her cord was ard her neck 1 round, din cry immediately. But all in all v healthy. Csect procedure same as wat Felixp mentioned. Now still shivering frm e after effects. Can't wait to c her later!

Me too, haven pop! Just went for my checkup at 39wks, did the usual checking of bb's heartbeat and scan - no cord around neck - and dats all. Baby at 3.2kg already!! Gosh she is getting quite big ah, but gynae nvr ask me to control diet leh. I think I shall self control, wait baby too big I got no energy to push her out via natural delivery.

She is still so comfy in my tummy. Although my false contractions are getting more frequent. Abit annoying cos not the real deal =P

Congrats hu1j13! Have a good rest and a good confinement [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I have just send request to join fb group, pls add me. I ma Nov MTB, but c-sect on 13-10. Hope to learn more from mummies here on Bf-ing.. Volume dropping.. Sianzzz


No need to worry, mine was oso around 2.4kg at wk 37, within 2 weeks suddenly increase so much. At first worry too light, now worry too heavy lol... As long as gynae says healthy is the most important!


Congras...very happy for you..Rest well & have a smooth confinment..take care.

Those haven't pop:

Little bb- overdue

Bunny- overdue

Flynn -week 38

Beatrice -week 38+

Cyn-week 39

Let's see who will be next..jiayou!


I just ordered the cakes from sweetest moment and will order the buffet from neo garden soon.

Thanks for your advice on fenugreek, am still thinking if i should go buy them.

To those mummies waiting, press on! we would all want our babies to be healthy - so wait for nature to happen! Let babies choose their own birthdays!


Kiamkiam, i'm ordering from mei hao cos the food is quite good n they have frog leg with spring onion, kou rou bao(pork belly) which is my favourite. They give free red egg too.

Busybee, congrats to you!

is-elle, dun worry jus focus on ur health must eat lots of pu soon it will be over, i used the rice wine mixed with boiled water to clean up n wash my face everyday and it very cooling n my face is clear of pimples.

Felixp, i'm ordering from mei hao cos the food is quite good n they have frog leg with spring onion, kou rou bao(pork belly) which is my favourite. They give free red eggs too.

pinkberries84, soon we will b able to eat n drink our favourite food le, jiayou!


Me holding bb full month next sun too. Ordered from meihao99 now still deciding how many boxes of cake to order. Do u all give to just relatives or incl friends as well? If I give every guest then will order the petit package.

Congrats to mummies who just delivered. Rest well!

Am giving to both friends n relatives! Many boxes!but no choice, friends have been very generous with hampers n gifts.

Julia > I try Mao Hao buffet and find it very nice .. DIn order cos I need to cater to vegetarian in my family so must do half veg and non veg buffet.. Cake for relatives I order from sweetest moment and friend we are giving away vouchers..

Breast milk

Still trying to increase my output to cater for my gal need.. Hope can fully breast feed soon cos only manage to supply 5 feed and sub 2 fm..


Oops forgotten about you liao,haha..

Those haven't pop:

Little bb- overdue

Bunny- overdue


Flynn -week 38

Beatrice -week 38+

Cyn-week 39

Babyapples-csection next thurs

Thanks Cyn! How heavy is your baby now? My gynae doesn't check his weight every week, just touch the tummy. So far she said that his head is low, engaged, so he might come out soon. Hope it's soon!

Hi mummies.

My bb Yvette came to this world this morning with the weight of 3.235kg. So emo at the ot room after seeing and carry her...tears just came so naturally!!


I'm now at the double bedded at 3rd level after my gal 2nd feed. Which level are u in?? Maybe we can meet tmr after doc check.


Thanks for dropping by just now. So nice meeting u...

Csect is what Felixp described. But I dun have any shivering, only have nausea during the op...and feel super drowsy!!!!

@Jean: Congrats! Hows your wound now? The drip on the hand is not real needle right? You started pumping yet?

@Felixp: Thanks for the detailed description! Actually this is my 2nd delivery. My #1 was overdue for 6 days because my pervix not open. So now #2, gynae asked me c-sec too cos chances of pervix open is not high. #1 at Mt A, #2 at TMC, couldnt get the delivery ward, so opt for TMC.


Congrats!! Saw your pretty baby pics [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Have a good rest!


My baby is 3.2kg now, its actually a good weight at this stage I guess. Anyway most are just estimates, usually come out baby might weigh lesser. I oso hope she pop out soon!

who is delivering at TMC next week?

hope i am not doing it alone ><

me going for c-sec at 38wks+

suppose EDD on 6/dec but gynae asked to c-sec 1-2 weeks earlier

tml going for my appt, 2weeks ago bb weight is only 2.6+kg.. hopefully bb grow to good weight..

my #1 is about 3.3kg overdue 6 days..


U so gd ar? No shivering. I dub hv nausea but keep shivering. I cried when I saw bb too! The tears juz came so naturally. Guess only mothers can feel this.

Breastpump - if u hv bought a breast pump, it is best that u bring to hospital in case u hv to wait for other mummies to finish pumping b4 u can use. I only used the pump when I was home in day 3 but only has a few drop for the whole 15 mins fr both breast using medela freestyle level 9 power. Although bm increase everyday after that, I quite regret that I did not bring to hospital so the bm will flow will b better earlier.


Thanks for the advice, shall bring along my pump to the hospital when it's my turn


For mummies who wish to join our facebook group esp for silent readers, kindly indicate your nick as well as facebook nick here first before we approve. Thanks.

Congrats jean n huijie!

Blue dream,

U use power 9 for freestyle? Isn't that very painful? I use power4 n sometimes find it painful.


Congrate to huijie n jean, both bbs arrived at Tmc.. So nice...

@little bb: I be admitting in next wk at Tmc also.. Dr Ang ask me admit in at 8am to try for induce n if really can't then csect on 24th mornin.. Depending on bb wgt.. Last wk at wk 39 she is ard 3.6-7kg but till nw still got no symptom wo.. Haiz

@babyapple: u ve csect on next thur? Maybe I can text u n we can probably meet up ya.. Hahaha.. Least we can catch up tho...

So may I check mei Hao catering is nice for buffet?

