(2011/11) Nov 2011

Hi mummies, I have a brand new set of Ameda Dual Pump & Avent Single Electric to let go. They are still sealed in original packaging. PM me or call me at 83680846 if interested.



Natal Care Plus (400mg): Each box of 30 capsules at $14.00 (U.P. $16.05)



Natal Care Triplus (625mg) : Each box of 30 capsules at $28.00 (U.P. $32.10)





All boxes with Expiry 2013.

Bought too many from Dr Adrian.


An Australian specially balanced formulation that helps fulfill DHA requirement for fetal / baby brain development, and optimizes the brain development of the fetus and infant.

The core element in NATAL CARE PLUS - Natural Fish Oil - contains DHA and EPA, which is particularly needed during pregnancy and lactation. Apart from that, NATAL CARE PLUS also contains Vitamin E, an anti-oxidant that helps to alleviate the negative impact of free radical formation, and increase normal cell function.


Cash on pick-up/delivery @ Jurong East or Raffles Place.

Kindly PM or leave SMS at 9 876 1872.

Thanks all and have a safe pregnancy!

aabunny: Thankfully, Kassi has been trained to sleep by herself at night!! :p But I've read elsewhere that she also must learn to play by herself and be left on her own...I hope she'll be ok since I leave her alone at home most of the day. But when we're home the whole day during weekends, she usually wants quite a lot of attention. Either that, or she'll sleep the day away. Haha. But with baby crying, poor Kassi won't even get to sleep!! :D

Jmi: Cool! Teach us the trick to letting baby sleep through the night!! I heard of some ang mo lecturer when I was in uni, how she would feed the baby with water when he/she woke up at night. So then the baby gave up, because cry only get water, so not worth it. So then eventually the baby slept through the night. Haha.

hellooo! happy friday! yesterday too bz didn't have chance to log in. gotta slowly go thru the thread archives.

we brought jadelyn for her last hep B jab and it was also hubby's bday so took leave and spent time with him and jadelyn. went shopping at vivo!! had really awesome wagyu beef lunch at a nice jap place there too. very shiok.


luckily you got a seat in time!! i don't know what's wrong with these ppl??!! very mad! i don't think they are not aware of what's happening, but all waiting for someone else to respond first. really idiots. hope you won't have more of these scary encounters on the train. take care!

i remember once i was taking a bus home in the evening and there was a man in his 30s who suddenly had a fit. he collapsed on the bus and everyone was shocked, so was i. but NO ONE went near him nor helped him. it was a crowded bus, all stood one side an looked like IDIOTS and some even parted way to let him fall!! i really pitied that guy and went to help him up and had to scream at the lady sitting nearest to us to please give up her seat. she still acted like nothing happened!! my god... i really don't know what these ppl were thinking. when i was helping that man up, no one came to our help at all. really sad.


welcome! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: playpen/cot

jadelyn's been sleeping with me on the bed since birth then to playpen after 1mth old. she was in yaolan till 4mths old after than self-weaned off. initially wanted to get cot, but quite ex to get those that can convert into toddler bed so we let her sleep in playpen first until she's older then get proper bed for her. actually not much diff in function during the early stage. playpens are a lot cheaper though.

re: pantang

some ppl are pantang even if you are not, so it's always better to say upfront first. you nv know if later their baby/marriage don't go well and then they start finger pointing. i have come across cases like these. find these ppl very infantile. can make mountain out of a mole hill and really, no more friends at the end. one of my gf is very pantang and me and another gf both knew to avoid asking her to our baby's full month party 'cos she won't attend one. but we don't mind 'cos it's personal belief. it's just not nice anymore when they start blaming others for naughty baby or failed marriage later on.


people don't give up their seats on trains. yesterday while boarding at raffles place, there was this visibly pregnant lady and when she boarded, those aunties just stared hard at her without giving places. then those pple sitting behind were using the corner of the eyes looking at her, probably hoping someone will give up their seat. finally, it was someone at the next door who gave up her seat.

hubby asked me yesterday what i will say to the minister if they came visiting. i told him that these ministers should stop sitting in chaffeured cars and come take the mrt during peak hours themselves to see the mad crowd. and pple are trying their ways to squeeze into the trains without considering that they are causing hurt to the people behind them. now i simply try not to lean against the panels near the doors cos people just squeeze in without caring.

My CL told me before she left that I can give my boy 1 feed of FM in the night so it will last longer when he is about 2.5months old. By the time he turned 3 months old, I was feeding my boy his last feed between 9:30pm - 10:30pm and he will sleep till the next morning before waking between 6am - 6:30am for the first feed.

toking bout SMRT. on Monday i was on the way home.. then the train suddenly stop and i almost fall on my butt.. lucky an uncle caught hold of me to prevent me from falling.. i wrote an email to SMRT to complaint and indicated i was pregnant and if i fall my bb maybe in danger.. 3 days liao not a single reply from smrt..

plus last time those staff at the platform will help pregnant women n elderly help find seat in the train.. when the train arrive.. they will knock on the window ask ppl gif up seat for these ppl.. now no more.. and the staff see pregnant lady or elderly also like pretend nv see...


Hi 5! Let's hope this time round we can also succeed in the sleep-thru-nite training!


Wah your bois are super good, 2+mths sleep thru already! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if only we can train ourselves to also sleep thru the nite, heehee! :p

It's probably too early to talk about this topic, but since we're on it, i'll just share what I know... Firstly baby must be comfy in the bedroom, some babies can be sensitive to the colour scheme or whether the room is airy enough etc, like I know this gf whose newborn cries when placed in parents' bedroom but calms down once inside his own brightly lit and spacious nursery room. Secondly always let baby fall asleep on his bed rather than in your arms then later transfer to bed. Cos it can be a very rude shock for the babies, one moment they are nice and snug in mummy's arms, next thing they know, they are left alone on a cold bed! U can rock baby til he's half asleep, then place inside cot and continue to pat and soothe him/her, give assurance that u will be around, until falls fully asleep. This way at least if baby wakes up, he will find that he's still in the same place before he fell asleep, its more assuring for him and so easier to fall back asleep again lor. I feel the key is to make baby feel safe and secure so always attend to baby asap the minute he cries. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i heard the same thing too about giving fm as final night feed so baby sleeps longer. but for those mummies who wants to bf, please remember to be diligent and pump milk out instead of waiting till next morning to pump/latch baby on. 'cos you will experience decrease in milk supply once you start skipping pump/latch sessions.

i oso gave fm as last feed last time. more so oso cos daddy can bond w bb cos i mostly latch. but he still wake up for in btw feeds but i just latch him. it was about 8 mths when he manage to slp thru. though i envy those bb that can slp thru at 2 mths, i'm glad it was just 8 mths oso.

actually even when he slept thru. i tend to wake up to make sure everything is ok... guess tats just mummy la....


What a bad experience, thank goodness u eventually found a seat! I have a pregnancy tracker iPhone app from What To Expect.com which says this about dizziness:

"(Dizziness is caused by) your old friend progesterone again, which causes your blood vessels to relax and widen, increasing the flow of blood to your baby (again, good for baby), but slowing the return of blood to you (as always, not so good for mom). Less blood flow to you means lower blood pressure and reduced blood flow to your brain. All of these can contribute to that light-headed, dizzy feeling"

"Here's a quick tip: If you feel dizzy or faint, lie down or sit with your head lowered between your knees, take deep breaths, and loosen any tight clothing (like that button on your jeans you struggled to close in the first place). As soon as you feel a little better, get something to eat and drink."

Hey that tip on lowering head between knees was what starry had shared with us! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Memorable, hope u're feeling better now!

just recall something... was at tangs yesterday to shop and i stopped by the origins counter to get my fav facial wash. haven't been up to date on their products for 2 years, so thought go see-look. was shocked to see now they hire AH LIANS as counter girls! i was curious abt their product range and picked up a brochure to flip thru.

me: (looking thru brochure)

ah lian: what you want?? (really sounded like ah lian! omg...)

me: (surprised she used this tone with me) i'm looking for facial wash

ah lian: only product A or product B. which one you want?

me: which is better? i used A before.

ah lian: A.

me: can i take a look at B?

ah lian: no stock.

me: (mildly frustrated.. just continue looking at brochure)

ah lian: what else you want.

me: (silence...)

ah lian: what else you want??

me: nothing.

ah lian: pay at counter.

i couldn't be bothered with her. she's LOUSY! so LOUSY i couldn't be bothered to complain!! i wasn't in a complain mood either so i hope she kena a super fierce customer after me and gets sacked for being so rude. even market place fish seller friendlier than her lor!

re: sleeping thru

i remember my girl slept thru when she was ard 3mths old. once in a while will wake up for milk in the middle of the night, especially during teething stage. now she's somehow 'smarter'. if she happens to be awake at 3am or 4am, she will look ard see if anyone is up and 'ehh ehh' a bit. if no one goes to her, she will just go back to sleep. hee hee! quite cute to watch.


i recently bought a very nice maternity top from ubermums (http://www.ubermums-shop.com/).



it's a tad too big for me, so wanna let it go. fits M-sized ladies better actually. bought for $29.90, letting go at $22.50 with postage. PM me if you are keen?


i cannot remember which weeks exactly. if you do OSCAR, there will be blood test involved. this is optional. then during early-mid 2nd tri, you will have another blood test for HIV/Hep A/Hep B/Rubella etc... i think this is compulsory. i only had these 2 occasions whereby i needed to have blood taken.

if you have history of diabetes or anyone in your family has it, you may have to go thru more blood tests later on. or if you have gestational diabetes, you will be instructed to poke yourself and test at home several times a day for blood glucose level and report to gynae/nurse or record down results daily. this is very unlikely to happen though.

any mummies experiencing back pain? I just started getting them in my mid to lower back a few days ago...are we supposed to get them this early? I'm only about 8 weeks along.

sit also cannot, stand also cannot...this combined with the MS really makes me want to stay at home and hide in bed all day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Huishan> ya I take my candy immediately after I seat down, wana find my medication oil but no where to be seen in my bag.

Starry> really don’t know what is wrong with Singaporean nowadays, becoming more cold blooded.

But shame on me once too when I was younger. I saw an uncle (midget) lying on the floor but I didn’t go ahead and check if he was ok. I didn’t see him collapse though, but when I happen to see, he was already on the floor. He just lies on the middle of a lobby hall at a nearby centre. Many ppl walked pass too but no one really care. I was alittle scared of midget that time, maybe I was still young. I do feel guilty when I got home not offering any help. Maybe now this is my Karma?

Wahh, the sales gal really super lousy lar, I won’t buy for her if I don’t need the product. So I stock up my product at home. Keke.

#2 OTW> Woo thanks for the information. Ok good to know baby is getting everything. I hope this low appetite and fainting feeling will go off soon.

Caryn> I only gets slight back pain when I walk for too long or staying in one position for too long. But after I seat down or move myself, the pain goes away.

Tml going to see my gynea liao. Very excited. I guess if I tell my gynea that I have another fainting encounter, he will likely say the same thing “its normal”. *cry inside!

When I'm walking, I don't really feel as faintish but when i started to stand and wait, the feeling comes.

Hi all... Am new to this thread..

Joanne: there is a blood test to be done in week 11 to check for down syndrome according to Dr Koh.

Caryn: Do have backache at times too... I tot only me cos tot backache only happen at the later stage.

memorable.. i also tml appointment.. so excited and scare at the same time.. today totaly not mood to do anything.. hope the day faster pass n tml faster come.. hehe.. but if ur gynea no so good i think better change ba.. coz how to go through this pregnancy depends a lot on the gynea..

Huishan, I already bought his package. Haizz... So sticking to it, but if fainting inccident happen too many times, i should alarm him.

Btw, when should we be able to know the baby's gender? 16 Weeks onwards. I came accross this site where they tell u what u can do to increase the chance of seeing ur baby's gender.


Fill ur bleder to see it more clearly, drink orange juice to make baby active half an hour before ultrasound scan.


not karma lah. you really very cute. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] you were young back then, cannot blame. now that we are all grown up and some more pregnant, should be more sensitive to other ppl's needs since we ourselves need help often. i really look down on those kiasi kiasu aunties who are fine and healthy yet can don't give up seats to elderly and pregnant women. most of them pregnant before and they know how tiring it is to stand for long. one day they are going to get old and let's see if others will give up seats to them or not. i believe what goes around comes around.

re: salesgirl

really BTH this kind of yaya papayas. maybe i dressed simply that day and had my daughter with me so look 'poor' to her?? origins considered more atas mah.. maybe to her i am more likely to shop at wet markets. what an idiot.

huishan, memorable,

feeling excited for you ladies too! hope you won't need to wait long queuing for your turn. and post up scan pics of your little lovelies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


welcome. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


backache is normal at this point. just make sure it's not sharp pain that cause you not able to do normal things. certain medicated patches are not suitable for pregnant women, so do take note and read the packaging before using.

Starry> mayb next time u choose alot, then she will think you are a big fish n has money! see her attitude change... then at the end, say "ok I don't want it all liao". Haha. But so bad lar.

ya what goes around comes around. Being a mother really change alot things and how we become more sensitive towards ppl's (other ppl). I see my friend change too, after she gave birth, she become so giving and caring. Previously she was abit selfish kind. Really amazing what mother-nature has install for us.

thanks for the advice guys.

starry, I wanted to use tiger balm plasters but the instructions say pregnant women should consult docs first....and my hb said better don't use. haiz....


wahahaha! very tempting to do that. :p

i guess after being a mom, our mother's instinct somehow becomes more dominant. last time i don't care much when i heard about sick kids or kids in poor families. now i will be more concerned and try to offer some help, albeit a little bit. even gave away quite a number of things in very good condition (some brand new) to friends and colleagues who just gave birth and need help etc.


i used yoko yoko during my first pregnancy, on my calves when i started having cramps at night. if i remember correct, yoko yoko is fine. maybe you can check?

Yah Joanne.

My gynae was saying that can do the blood test with an ultroscan at the hospital or just do a blood test at the clinic.

I also not very sure what's the difference... =I

regarding gender.. for my last pregnancy doc able to tell at 16 wks.. but depends on the baby position n how good the gynea is.. but will only confirm on 20 wk detailed scan coz anything b4 that is not so clear.. but find interesting bout the full bladder and orange juice.. haha.. maybe can try leh.. since also no harm drinking also.. i rem my colleague say her gynea ask her if she see a tortoise or hamburger during her scan.. haha..

Shirley, it depends how co-operative your baby is. I knew my boy's gender during the OSCAR scan.

Just came back fr my appointment... Confirm due date is 20 nov but I only ovulate on 2 Mar leh... So most likly I might have a bigger bb ba.. Hehe.. Can some one add me to the list?? Edd 20 nov.. Gynae is a/prof John tee.. Delivery at kkh n next appointment is 12 may..


Natal Care Plus (400mg): Each box of 30 capsules at $14.00 (U.P. $16.05)



Natal Care Triplus (625mg) : Each box of 30 capsules at $28.00 (U.P. $32.10)





All boxes with Expiry 2013.

Bought too many from Dr Adrian.


An Australian specially balanced formulation that helps fulfill DHA requirement for fetal / baby brain development, and optimizes the brain development of the fetus and infant.

The core element in NATAL CARE PLUS - Natural Fish Oil - contains DHA and EPA, which is particularly needed during pregnancy and lactation. Apart from that, NATAL CARE PLUS also contains Vitamin E, an anti-oxidant that helps to alleviate the negative impact of free radical formation, and increase normal cell function.


Cash on pick-up/delivery @ Jurong East or Raffles Place.

Kindly PM or leave SMS at 9 876 1872.

Thanks all and have a safe pregnancy!

re: playpen/cot

I agree with starry. Playpen is much cheaper. My son sleeps on the playpen on the higher level all the while. When he grows older, we even thought of letting him sleep on the lower level of the playpen but he doesn't like to sleep on the playpen anymore. Everytime put him there, he will start to cry. Putting him on our bed, he is ok with it. One good thing with cot is that you need not bend so much to pick the baby up.

We put him on the bed for the time being until we have to move him out to toddler mattress & lay it on the floor. This is because it is very hard to sleep on a Queen size bed with a baby around. I always scare of suffocating the baby. Playpen then move to the living room and it is only used when I have to clear up food mess on the floor after his mealtime. Other times I will just let him walk around the living room but make sure all the things that you don't want the kid to touch is beyond his reach.

We never consider adding a cot is because we have lack of space in the house.

hi mummies

it has been a rough week for me, dear son was down with high fever since last sat, today finally the fever is gone, Praise the Lord! We visited GP, PD and even checked him in KKH A&E and did a blood test - shows bacteria infection. Am so glad it is over and my son is an overcomer!! It is really heart wrenching to see him suffer - cold shower, cold wipes and so much medicine. Now he only has a congested nose to nurse.

Briefly scan thru' the thread, long eh!

re: care for baby

Just like to share, my son has been cared for by maid since birth, i left him with maid(in the process changed a few already) after my ML. Definitely pros and cons of hiring one but i have no choice, no in laws, my own parents are busy and don't like to take care of kids. If you ever encounter similar situation as me, don't lose hope. Get a web cam installed at home and you can also monitor your son and maid. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Open communication with your maid is most important, no need to hide the camera from your maid, just tell her you are at work and miss your kid and want to know what's going on. There's nothing to hide. Mostly important i know & trust God is watcing my boy while we are at work. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: playpen/cot

My son who is turning 4 in Sep still have his afternoon nap in playpen, it is definitely a very useful one, we had a small bb cot which he outgrown when he was 8mths, when he cld stand and cruise. The playpen is placed in my living room where he has his nap in the day. Now he still sleeps with us in the same room at night, which we're still figuring how to transit him to sleep with the maid before bb comes.

re: Oscar Scan

Starry, thanks for sharing what to expect during Oscar, can't recall ...been 4 yrs ago, haahaa. Am going for Oscar Scan next Thurs.

Shirley: if you can see gender during Oscar scan, likelihood will be boy, cos' i heard girl is more difficult to detect b'cos of the 2 lines. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: diaper

i also tried many brands and i think diff. kids suit diff brands, no perfect one. For my boy, Mamy Poko suits him best, least case of leakage. Day time we used NTUC brand but it is more snugfit. Nowadays he don't even wet his pull up pants at night, think very soon can wean him off that and wear only brief to sleep. Difficult to change habits, he knows come sleeping time, the attire is different, haahaa.

Hope the 1st tri will pass soon for all of us and we can enjoy 2nd tri - honeymoon stage. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

MemoChoc: Hope your scan went well today...i like what you said abt Woody, he will just said it's normal....that's his trademark!! He sure lives up to his last name, "Woodworth"! haahaa.. His style will not suit those who needs alot of TLC and assuring/encouraging words, i like him for his 'man of few words'!

hi mummies, how is your weekend? those going for scans, hope everything goes well! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i just went to see gynae again. 'cos i passed out a blood clot last night. the clot was about a 20cents coin size. not a lot but felt concerned. baby is fine though, active in there and heartbeat is also strong and steady so i really have no idea what's going on! gynae checked my placenta and it looked fine, not low or covering cervix. headache over this...

here's a pic of the little one with hand touching mouth/chin. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


tiny voice,

glad that your son is recovering well. it's always heartbreaking for us mummies to watch our babies fall sick.

re: gender

so far i've only heard about boy parts being visible during oscar. girl parts can only be confirmed much later.

Hi all

Just went for my scan today and the blood clot had disappear. I am now 8 weeks plus and the doctor only schedule my next check up in 6 weeks time it is very long. Can someone advise what is the appropriate timing for scaning and seeing gynae for tri 1.


My next appt is also in 6wks. Will u be doing Oscars? Coz usually d scan date will b in btwn before ur dr's appt.

Hi tiny voice,iemiko

So r u from kkh also. Yes my Oscar will be in 4 weeks times but w/o seeing doc. As 1st time mummy a bit gan cheong


Your bb has grown quite a bit [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So reassuring to know the little one is doing well. You must take care and rest more, ya?

Re: appt

My next appt is 3 weeks from my last appt. Will be doing Oscar on Monday, so gynae say just nice the results should be ready when I see him.

Keeping my fingers crossed that everything will be fine for the Oscar, and hopefully the little one will be cooperative for us to know the gender [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Im seeing dr in KKH. Hehe. OSCARs will be done by another dr trained in this field so we wun c our own dr. The dr doing scan will reveal scan results to us. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

A friend of mine was able to determine the gender of her baby girl at 11 weeks. Her girl opened her legs wide wide. By the 12 weeks, it was confirmed

Starry: Glad to know the little one is fine despite the little scare. The picture is so cute! Everything is so clear, and your little beanie must be a thoughtful baby, rubbing his/her chin, deep in thought! :D Can't wait for my next scan...

Jmi: Hmm. Do they find out gender using the 3D scan or just the normal scan? Cos most of the time, only the side view is seen, so legs open wide also no use right? And I'm wondering if the 3D scan is really what is seen, or like a computer mock up...Technology technology!


morning ladies!

woke up wif a sharp pain over my left pelvis. wondering if its due to stretching of the round ligaments. anyone experiencing similiar issues?

