(2011/09) Sep 2011

Jennifer, hahaha! My mum was grumbling to me last night. She say photos & chat will working, only the live feed & newsfeed not working. Same for my brother. Think gotta wait a while for someone to feedback & they will correct it.

My cousin works in ST & he says could be their server blocked certain files from going through (for security reasons) & resulted in that.

But if you use safari to open facebook is ok right?



Thanks dear! Ya. Now got to wait... Zzz

Am so hungry... Eating my instant noodles now... All my Coll say I've grown fatter... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jennifer C - most of the mummies now are in the FB group. I think you have left your FB email here for Gina but she couldn't find you. Why don't u PM her so that you can also connect to the FB group?

I'm finally done with my work! going home now for round #2 ... to do houseworks -__-

Hi Mummies and Mummies-to-be,

Congrats to you all!

I'm a mummy of 1 and my son just turn 13months. I've started a blog selling DIAPER BAG ORGANISERs, TOTSEATs and Baby clothings to earn extra cash.

Please feel free to visit my blog.


Free Normal Postage for SMH Mummies!

And I hope you have a safe delivery!


I think Gina can't find me on fb. In order to prevent my pupils from finding me, I set the privacy till no one can find me. I think I've to ask Gina to give me her email so that I can search get 1st. ;)

Didn't get anything at BB expo. Sad.

There was a playmat but quite ex. Seems the Dwingular brand better than Parklon. Better quality but is it worth? Can last long ? BB sure wong just stay on mat right.

Gilera, they will use the mat for very long!

We started using the mat at 3mths. Then now, we still use the mat for my boy's play area in his room :D Easy to clean is the plus point!

I got it from BP. Some parklon thing. Can't rmb! So many yrs ago! It was when they first brought it in [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mine is 1 side smooth & 1 side with bumps...

Hi mummies!

Jen79, try this. It works for my iPhone on Singtel network [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Go Accounts, select Help Centre then log in with your username n password. Can finally see my news feed after 2 days, missed it so!! Haha am so dependent on tech nowadays ;P

#2, haha was laughing at your deliberate typo on Singtel. Good one! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Can ask your mum n bro to try out the method abv, works for me.

Gilera, I second #2. playmat is worth the investment, can use for very long [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just dun get the too cheap, foam type coz hear some horror stories of how some bbs will dig n pick up the foam pieces to swallow, yucks! Got mine from BP here, LG prime. Thickest one n it also has sound proofing so my boy can bang n bang his toys on it n I dun hv o worry abt disturbing my neighbor downstairs. It helps the little one learns to sit n crawl too coz very firm unlike mattress [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] He has crawl on it, sit in it, nap in it, ate on it n now playing on it everyday. Knows it as his designated play area where he can pour his toys all over. Going get another one for #2 next time hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] lots of designs n thickness avail. But it's usually 2 sided as recommended to change sides frequently to avoid depressions on any area after prolong use. We flipped ours weekly n hv used it for abt 1.5yrs. I love it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Jenn! Sorry, haven't been logging on here. I haven't receives your PM and when I tried to send you, it says that you do not accept PM. Anyway I can give u my email add to add me on fb so I can add you to our chat?

#2: Yes but even 1st time mummies are like ever-ready! Haha…okie anyway thanks! Hopefully can find someone…what’s the market rate like for post-natal massage? =) Make sure don’t get ‘cheated’ hee…=p

2nd time mummies, when did your belly button pop? I'm 20wks now but seeing signs of my belly button changing shape and getting less deep already! =|


My email is [email protected]

May not find me using my email coz I private my fb so that my pupils can't see me. Can u give me ur email n I try to look for u instead? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

b.isforbb, my belly button already flattened.... gonna start popping out soon :D

rates for postnatal depends on the experience of the massage lady. mine is now charging $400 for 7 sessions plus 2 baby massage, includes a binder & jamu drink.

jenifer, this ur no.3? are u hoping for boy or girl? ur no.1 and 2 how old r they? csection onli can hv 3? everyone is askin me to try no.3 for a BOY! faintz...

p00H, I am expecting a girl!

Jennifer, I sent you an email! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] See you on fb soon! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ya, this is my 3rd P. Haha... Chances of me getting a bb gal is v high... I told my hubby I'm going to STOP at 3!!! Hehe....

My princesses r born in 2007 n 2009. All 2yr gap. ;)

Hi Jennifer! I have accepted you and added you to our MTB group. Haha, I'm the one in orange but am no babe.

See you there! It's v active so you won't be bored. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gina, i tink my scan was around 88 or 89! i dint apply mt a card, n i tink disc only applicable for healthscreening , but ultrasound

jen, wow, all 2 yrs gap? u plan so well. my no.1 is 2008 one. are u wrkin mum or stay home?


I'm a working mum but may take part time or no pay next yr after ML. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

chine: i didnt know Mt A also got DS service.. If i know, i would have opt to go there.. But mine is over.. Oh ya, did u get any call from the clinic on your 2nd urine test??


hope everyone had a good long weekend!

#2, can i ask where do you get the warming herbal shampoo for confinement? from those chinese medical shop? what is the brand?

til date, i have yet to buy anything for baby! haha... we are super nua! only thing accomplished is the booking of confinement nanny and paying her a deposit. next week shall really start to look around for baby items. :p

p00h,i dint go back for the urine test! gosh, totally forget abit it. now i am hav insomia, sleepless! so sianz, later dunno hw to struggle to wrk

RE: Confinement warming shampoo

It's the one that Annie posted :D But I bought from the BP one of the mummies in my #1's birth thread organised. Maybe nearer to our third tri we can organise a BP for their products. Got dry confinement powder for those who intend to follow the 'no bathing' rule strictly.


oic.. wash at home not clean? huh. during the previous confinement, i bathe once every week nia but i wash my hair twice or three times a week bec' i have long hair. Just close the bedroom door and after washing just blow dry at my bed lor.

Hi mummies!

I'm a Jan mum.

As my confinement lady was very good, I would like to recommend to u all. I was very satisfied & well taken care.

Her cookings are nice too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

If interested, pls pm me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


#2: Wow that sounds like a v good price! My cousin-in-law had hers at $900 for 10 sessions and my hubby almost flipped. Your rate makes it easier to convince hubby to let me go for it…do you know how I can scout around for massage ladies? =) Thanks!

Chine: Oh Mt A card can’t use for DS? =(( Was super gan chiong in sending out my application for the card coz I wanted to use it for DS!

Bisforbb: I have booked mine for $600 for 10 sessions, home service. I got mine through SIL's recommendation.

Have u tried asking your friends / colleagues who had given birth? I prefer word of mouth recommendation than website.

mummies , i just received a call from the clinic that my result for triple test is not normal , high risk and need to do another ard of test to cfm ... im so worried...

MI, wat is the other test amino? hav u go for detail scan? dun wory ah, go for the test n hav a peace of mind.

does anyone how to cure insomia for preggie? i hav been having insomia very often lately... is ther any medicine i can take

chine: my gyane said no medi to cure insomia.. juz lie on the bed and dun get up.. i felt so torture esp when physically alrdy very tired but the mind is like on a long run tat never stop.

chine , not yet fo for DS , this is my 18 weeks.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so so so worried

MI - dun be too worried *hugz* it could be a false alarm.

b.isforbb - I booked mine thru the confinement agency. I think mine is the most expensive. $538 for 7 sessions only plus the binder and a baby massage.

simbaobao, yes u r rite. my body is dead tired, but my mind is wide awake n so alert. and i onlimanaged to sleep tis morn 9am, no choice i had to take urgent leave today coz simply cant get up for wrk!

did ur gynae share hw come we hav insomia ? is it our bb posture? the whole nite, i cn feel my bb moving, as though she is v hungry and i get up many times to snack or drink milk. so torturing eh.

bisforbb, i am not sure if detail scan can use MT A card, why dun u call them n ask? for me, i dint apply coz i see the discount isnt much.

annie & #2, thanks for the links. already bookmarked it. shall buy when nearer to EDD. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

MI, did your gynae tell you what is your test result? I think a few weeks ago, 2 MTB did their amino. maybe can look through the history?

chine, i also have insomnia! it is so tough not to be able to sleep when we feel so tired! I understand how you feels! Over the weekend, i did more walking and it seems to help me to zzzz.. maybe can try that?

Bisforbb, i got mine at $450 for 7 sessions. you can try looking through the forums for recommendations or ask your friends for recommendations as well.

chine: nope he said its depends on indivdual.. sometimes is coz of baby towards to end of the trimester.. i suffered since knowing i am preggy.. hb said am like a walking panda alrdy...

Ellysia, cos when bathe during confinement, my mum will keep yelling at me to hurry up else will catch a cold! How to wash properly like that??

If go hair salon, they will scrub scrub scrub my scalp until shiok shiok :p

& my hair is super thick, it takes the hairdresser a good 20-30 minutes to dry it thoroughly. If I have to dry it myself, it takes WAY LONGER!!!


Ml, i know how it feels. My triple test also not normal for my baby. may have implication. I am also worried now. bringing forward my DS to this sat. Hope everything goes smoothly... ...

