(2011/09) Sep 2011

ilovesashimi, i hav same feelings like u. tis P is more tough n tiring than my no.1, i also regret why i get myself Preggie n suffer again...

you are rite my menses nt zun, mebe tht why i get a second girl?


Chine: now they give q number from 10am-1pm for morning slot, on 1st come 1st serve basis.. they dun follow actual timing given to you..

Chine - oh so you same as me? somehow i feel much better - sorry, don't get me wrong. Its just that these few days hubby and I super envy others when we see family having 1 boy and 1 gal in the streets. And then so many mummies havnig princes this year so super duper envy. haha..

And we cant help thinking how come we cannot have a boy. Guess the hormones in me not making it better for me.

Don't get me wrong, i love girls cos I love dolling them up, just that can't help feeling that I let my hubby down cos deep inside me, i am quite tranditional. haha..

BTW- why you say your this P more difficult? Is everything alright? i am on pm leave today to go shopping and if i do not get to log in later, i will try tomorrow so don't think i am ignoring you hor. :D

ilovesashimi, yes, this preg i feel so tired and first 4 mths, got ms. and i guess my wrk v stresful, and i dun enjoy this process at all.

i understand hw u feel, i also tot of a boy so that he can protect my no.1 but now that the second one is a girl, cant help it but worry, next time, wat if pple bully my 2 girls? keke, tink too much, very emotional ehh

i havent tell myinlaws, i rather scare they know liao, will ask me to try no.3 again....scary eh

P00H, aiyah... then confirm the q will be even longer ah..coz my appt is mid afternoon. sianz hor.

ur bb is of the rite weight? my was 400gram las week, and i ate alot now, i guess she must be 500-600g.

btw, did u realise dr koh scanning machine v blur, i cant see bb clearly

iLoveSashimi, some of my friends think 1 is enough. They can't imagine themselves going through the infancy period again!

Some of my friends think 2 is just right, at least the kiddos have a companion.

Really up to individual couple. Most importantly is hubby & wife must agree!

My hubby & I want as many as we can afford :D :D :D I love big families [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] The support & encouragement we give each other is beyond words can explain [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I told my hubby. If he can earn 6digit monthly pay, I will gladly have 20 kids for him.

& before we got married, my mum asked him how many kids he wanted and his answer to my mum,"I'm going to get a bus license to ferry my kids around... so what do you think?" hahaha! of cos my mum was happy lah!

Love, is always enough.

It's the mental, financial & physical effort needed to raise the kiddos that make ppl think twice about having more.

Plus looking at SG's future... I really wonder how my son is gonna afford a house next time...


I salute U! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I wish to have more babies too but unfortunately, I can't... c-section is one thing... age (catching up) is another... time & $$ is the major factor... have time bo $$.. have $$ bo time... in addition, I do not have a very smooth P most of the time.... puke like hell...


SG will love u! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies,

things to update... had a hair cut last night... feel so "shiok"!! Short bot hair... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Feel v fresh! This morn, the washing of hair is so easy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jennifer, but reality is.... I will earn 6digit pay faster than my hubby (hopefully)... so he can dream about having 20 kids...

With our current income, max I'm willing to go is 4...

#2, i dunmind no.3 if my hb can support me. then i can stay home. i tink it is v stress to wrk in private sector , irregular wrk hrs /OT and heavily preggie...

but looks like it is more practical for me to continue wrk n he be houseman instead.

Chine, my hubby is open to staying home & I go earn money instead. This might become true when my boy goes to P1 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Planning planning planning :D

Hello mummies, back from my gynae today .. Thanks for the encouragement. For the detail scan, everything looks well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My gynae said that blood test results are just probablities and not diagnostic. She did not advise further investigation. And i think it's super confirmed now that i'll be having a boy.

Ilovesashimi: i understand how you feel cos i'm the opposite, yearning for a girl after the 1st boy. Somemore my MIL has outright told me that she like girls and was disappointed when she had my husband... *roll eyes* but well, we are really grateful that baby is well and i'm pretty sure i will love him as much as i love gor gor.

for us, we'll probably stop at 2. My husband is 42 liao, don't think he has the stamina to keep up with 3 kids. And 2 will be nice for our income range, with some frills thrown in.

Realized that my gynae's stomach is as big as mine this morning. Looks like i need to search another gynae or take her back up .. haiz..

lastly need to rant about my insensitive boss. SMSed him that i'm not feeling well and on mc today. He replied immediately if i will be calling in tonight's conf call. Damn pissed off! until now, i still haven't replied ... wondering if i should

Dear mummies!

Been so long since i last log in here. Hows everyone getting on? =)

Went for gyn check and I am having a BB boy!


SJ, your gynae din inform in advance that she may not be around during your EDD?

Cos my gynae going on holiday and he informed all his patients (on first visit) who are due around the time he is going on holiday so that they can decide not to go to him & quickly pick another gynae...

SJ , good to hear that.... happy for you and i also passed the amino test [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jojo , thanks for the kind words [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]i did the amino yesterday and opted for the quick result and doc just called and bring the good news that results is normal... thanks gods..

bao bei...will pray hard for you , you will be alright..

btw , how to join the FB group?

haha, i am quite lost after MIA for so long. Hoho!

Some minor things to share with my 1st pregnancy 2 yrs ago. Mostly the "dun dos" yet I still do!

1) I still take cold drinks as usual.

2) I still take seafood.

3) I still run around.

4) I still wash my hair during confinement.

5) I still face the desktop even though I am suppose to rest on bed.

6) I move around without binder even though I had a CSEC wound.

7) I dun wear long sleeve or long pants or move around with slippers at home.

Wahahaha! For my #2 pregnancy, I am still doing the same and will still do the same when time comes.

If can refrain ownself from doing, stick to the "rules", if not, dun be too stress over it. Child will be healthy and happy when the pregnant mum is a happy preggie!


chine: i think afternoon slot got its own timing for q number distribution. maybe you want to call the clinic to ask what time they start giving out the numbers.. yes yes, dr koh's scanning machine is very blur.. today he scan, i can't even see the position of my baby, he just measure the head to determine the weight.. my baby shld be ard 300-500g as he mention..

baobei:all the best to you!*hugs*

M1: Glad to hear everything is well for you too

#2: no leh, my gynae did not inform me anything. Just that when she was scanning me, i noticed that her tummy is big too, but i didn't dare to ask (in case she is just fat). Later, i asked one of the nurses at the recep, then they confirm that she is pregnant, but unsure when is her EDD.

So for it to be noticeable, about our time bah ... Can't really imagine a 9 month pregnant woman helping a full due woman deliver...

Hi fellow mummies, 1st time mummy to be here. Have some questions to ask... hope to get some advice here.

I have been buying some baby products so far, but dont really know how much I will actually need. For baby milk bottles, is 2 small and 2 big bottles enough? Im due in late aug/early sept. And should all my bottles be the kind that prevents colic? Thanks.

Hi, I would like to join the thread. This is my 2nd child and into my fifth month now. I am a full time working mum residing at bukit batok/punggol.

Nick: rainy5

Edd: 22 sep

Gender: boy

Ob: Yvonne Chan

Hospital: TMC

Hi Gloria, 2 small bottles should be enough, but you can buy another 1 or 2. For myself I sterilise the bottles once a day so i bought 4 small bottles. I bought avent cos it is said to prevent colic.

Hi Gloria,

yeah actually more than enough. FOr 1st 4mths, 2 small one will do. If u intend to do breastfeeding, u might need to get milkbags later on. Dun buy them yet, I bought a lot in the end no supply for bb! Hehe.

Frankly speaking, I dun think those special bottles are necessary. Just make sure bottles are properloy sterilise twice a day will do.

Hi rainy5,

welcome! Yeah, I am lost too. How to join ah? Any kind mummies put the link here?

The sterilizer set I bought came with 2 small 1 big bottle n 2 pacifiers. From Avent. Suppose it's enough ba.

These few days can't lie on tummy le. Feels uncomfortable already.

RE: FB group

Can PM Gina and leave your email address with her and she can add you in to the group.

gilera - I dun think is normal. better get a dentist check.

I been bleeding everytime I brush my teeth. Yeap, i supposed its normal as I bleed often when I am having #1. I switched to kids toothbrush and it minimised some bleeding.

I used to have a steriliser from pigeon. Then somehow the base got rusty and I switch to the traditional way of sterilising which is submerging everything under boiled water.

BTW, anyone thought to putting the unborn into infant care centre in future? I haben start visitng the centres but I hope some experienced mummies to share the pros n cons here. =)

samantha, i visited a dentist ard my 13th week. she said switch to soft toothbrush, those for sensitive teeth......should help.

I have not got bleeding gums yet, so not sure if that helps

I am using the kids toothbrush with soft brisk and managed to minimise some bleeding.

I had googled this from net and it says:-

"Swollen, red, tender gums that bleed when you floss or brush are a sign of pregnancy gingivitis, and they're a common complaint during pregnancy. (About half of moms-to-be have these symptoms.) The inflammation is caused by higher progesterone levels that make your gums more sensitive to the bacteria in plaque and by increased blood supply to your mouth.

You may also develop a benign nodule on your gums that bleeds when you brush. This kind of nodule (which is relatively rare) is called a pregnancy tumor or pyogenic granuloma – scary names for something that's harmless and usually painless. Pregnancy tumors can actually pop up anywhere on your body during pregnancy, but they show up most often in the mouth.

A pregnancy tumor can grow to up to three-quarters of an inch in size and is more likely to appear in an area where you have gingivitis. Typically, it disappears after you have your baby, but if it doesn't, you'll need to have it removed. If it causes discomfort, interferes with chewing or brushing, or starts to bleed excessively, you can have it removed while you're pregnant."

Sounds scary but I still think its common and harmeless bah.

samantha>> are yoou the lady who sold books in SMO and stay in AMK area? hehehe

gilera>> ive been having bleeding gums, heard its due to pregnancy.. i had the same problem when i was preggy with my first too..

i just had my DS yesterday, is a boy this time.. baby's weight is estimated to be 374grams, seems a bit big hor, and the head circumference is 95th percentile! the sonographer asked another sonographer in to confirm the size of my baby's head.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but all's well, nothing abnormal observed, just probably the chances of doing a VBAC is even lower.. will stick to csect..

pooh>> pls help me update gender.. probably we can add an additional column for baby names? hehhe

Hi PinkieMie,

My bb's head circumference is on the 95th percentile as well and beside that all is well with bb...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My gynae just told us no worry cos it falls within the normal range. Big head just means more brain lor..hehehe.

Btw, I am also having a boy, 1st time mummy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Phew!!! So it's normal , thought I suddenly hv weak gums.

Feeling very bulky when walking nowadays. Already feel like I taking up alot of space n wobbly!

Hi all,

my name is in the list...my EDD is 12 Sept and i am having a girl...2nd child

Read through the thread, i oso have insonmia, this makes me very tired at work. But i cannot keep taking urgent leave or mc..haiz. I really hope i can soon sleep through the night

and i think i stop at 2..i am happy with my no 1 (now 4 years old, she veri lively) and reason why i having no 2 is so that she can have a mei mei to play with...

Hi Pooh,

Pl update my record .

Nick - jojo88

BB- #2

Gender - Girl

Gynae - Dr Lim TB

Hospital - Mt. E

occupation - FTWM

Area - Tiong Bahru

Thanks !

Hi Pooh

please help to update my records, I'm having a boy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wow, now i look at it, really lots of boys this mth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


gilera: my gums bleeds easily when i floss my teeth these days..

everybody shd use soft toothrushes..not only preg ladies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

just bgt avent newborn starter kit..comes with 2 small and 2 big bottles, brush n one pacifier.

will use trad way of sterilising [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

