(2011/09) Sep 2011


Heh.. no choice leh.. deadline is end mar. But because preggy, i need to OT whenever i dont feel tired. Else arh.. i dont think i can do it last min. Somemore i wanna be stress free when we spend time together next week.



i just ordered from iherb. Good news is that they have got extra 6% disc until 28 Feb, their time. Bad news is no more erbaorganics stretch mark oil.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Asura, oh so you are really pregnant!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yest at bday bash when you said cant climb too high so ask ur hb to play wif C, I was suspecting but too paisei to ask, so happy for you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hey take good care n nice catching up with you n the mummies!


hee hee.. thanks! Had a nice time catching up with u too... Have not passed my first trimester so din really want to announce.

Asura: oh then no choice .. beta to clear everythings before you go on celebration with your family.. i hate work calls when i am on leave.. hehe

sing yee: hehehe next time better dun try the same combo again...

Hello ladies,

Can i join you here? I'm currently in my 11 weeks. EDD should be 19 Sep. I'm kinda hoping BB will be born on 15 Sep cos that is my birthday and the same lunar birthday as my elder boy. This is BB#2. My boy is 16 months now, same as pinkiemie's gal.

hello miemie, nice to see you here.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My bro just came back from London & he bought tonnes of baby clothes. He bought like 50 sets of infant clothings??? Thankfully, mostly are unisex (except for 5 sets - boy sets).

My irritating bro keep saying that he's sure it's gonna be a boy again, so he bought some boy sets! ARGH!!! I WANT GIRL!!!!

wow...50 sets...if your bb wears a different set each day...it'll last 2.5mths before u go back to the first set...haha...shiok..

choco 15 : thanks

Many new comers [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Bisforbb : i tot your bb length is long.

Just went for my gynae checkup last night.

3.99cm at 10wks5days edd back to 21/9 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dr said first trim will tend to lose weight sometimes..and gave me green light to do prenatal yoga!! So happy!!

#2 : kee's sauce is ok , just a little too saltish for our family. added 1 spoon to one cup..in the end needed to cook another half cup to add to it.

omg 50 sets!! Lucky bb.

btw the time just nice...bb needs new clthes again after the first round of 50. :p

mb 2-3 sets a day seems more feasible

simbaobao /.SingYee : i cant eat spicy also.. if too spicy, when i pass motion, can feel my a** on fire the next day. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good Mornin ladies

#2- u dun need so many u can share wif all of us actually hahahaa

Moscow Mule (moscowmule): welcome u intend to cook confinement food for ur wife :D my hubbby might nt even noe wat is confinement hahah

Asura79 (asura) so u still eneded up workin late ok now i noe the reason cos u wana celebrate fren bday umm good cause :D

bunnz : did u end u makin anything of avaocado ?

Simbaobao (simbaobao): u shud open a caterign service :d i will be one of ur customer

ooh bunnz... my baby is 4.4 cm at exactly at the 11 weeks last night. Seems like the machine makes the call on the EDD. But the measurements are so so subjective... very blurry image.

My first gynae has a much better scanning machine than KKH. I remembered the last time, around this time, i could see bb's arms flinging and bouncing away. But now, hardly can see anything except for the heart beating away.

Food cravings: I'm craving for all the forbidden fruits now... lol pineapples, sashimi, cockles, and cold cold drinks... hmm do i see a defiant baby in the making?

oh, i saw some earlier talks on car seat.. I have a Britax, i got it from Mothercare at Harbourfront. It's bulky, but my boy is comfortable sitting in it. As long as he does not fusses, i'm happy.

Bunnz: your edd is so near to mine. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

How's your appetitate? Recently kinda lost it and feeling a bit dizzy.

Do you experience the same thing as well?


The reason is not to celebrate fren bday. Is to celebrate my daughter's 2nd bday. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] That date is now more impt than anything else right now.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Still need to work late today.


yah... i click on notify when available button. But means no more 6% disc as the disc ends today. Have bought the MTB travel kit so there's a small bottle of the stretch mark oil as well. Think can last for a while since i still have some clarin's stretch mark oil left.

Asura79 (asura) : [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ok then i guess i read ur post wrongly tats definitely a good cause hope ur able to finish ur work by Thursday

bunnz: lol i used to be a chilli queen den as i aged.. it became a limit to it.. now with baby is like... can dun eat.. dun eat... haha

virgoMTB: hahaha alots of ppl suggested so BUT no no.. it will be differ when interest became biz.. i learnt my lesson... will keep my cooking to an interest now..

Morning Ladies! This thread has moved so fast!

First of all, heartfelt thanks to many of you here for being so encouraging towards my -ve thoughts and fibroid discovery. Talked to hb and close gfs and I'm feeling better already. Someone told me that nobody will ever be ready, as in I may feel that I'm not ready for an infant, but someone with an infant may feel inadequate for a toddler, and someone with a school-going kid may still feel stressed facing a teenager...so I guess we will need to come to terms with this soon and take on the parenthood journey in our stride. And my gf reminded me that I am already very blessed in the sense that if I really cannot cope or need a break, my parents have already excitedly volunteered to help at the sideline [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Regarding the OSCARS test results, I managed to review it with gynae over the weekend. Blood test results came back and everything about the baby is good -- neck, nasal bone, amino fluid, risk against 3 types of trisomy. Gynae isnt too concerned with my fibroids though. I spoke to my chinese sinseh after that but she was very concerned instead. She feels that I might have overdosed on hormones during the past 6 weeks in a bid to stabilise the pregnancy -- weekly jabs + daily utrogestran. I was also starting to feel nausea and lost my appetite in the last 1 week or so, all these could be side effects of surging hormones. She advised that I stop the hormonal medication immediately after 12 weeks. Before 12 weeks, our bodies require that to stabilise the pregnancy, after 12 weeks, the placenta should take over the job. So I took 1 last jab from gynae at week 12 and now I'm only taking the multi-vits and calcium tablets from him.

As for herbal stuff, sinseh advised that I only stick to the more neutral ones now, eg 四神/六味. Nothing too cooling, nothing too heaty. To my disappointment, she doesnt think that I need chicken essence or birdnest too! Hb was all ready to buy BN. Sigh! I still havent piled back the 3kg lost, she isnt too worried cos I'm not thin to begin with. But she warned that I need to eat no matter what. Even if I feel nausea or have no appetite, pregnant ladies must take small meals. She said it wont be good if the growing fetus tap on my stored fats =X

Hope the above info is also useful to some of you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hey SJ!!!!! hehehehehe.. so happy to see someone I know here!

bumbo seat>> it is a seat with support so that the baby can learn to sit lo..

simbaobao>> wooooooo!!! i love the photos of the food you cook.. looks super yummilicious.. now i wanna eat the sambal macaroni from cafe cartel.. *gulps*

pinkie: hahaa i tried that... mm i tink it tasted like sambal char kway tiao taste eh... haha was joking with my frd.. did they give me wrong serving?

SimBaoBao>> that one taste like sambal char kway tiao meh? i quite like that leh.. i love macaroni.. but macaroni soup makes me hungry v fast.. i tink my appetite is slowly creaping back..

wad's for lunch today? i tink i wanna eat some junk food.. hehe

wow! egg sandwich sounds good, but i dun have that where i work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i luv egg sandwhich n i hv picked up this recepie from betty (betty's kitchen) its so tasty but tdy is tuesday cannt eat non veg will eat 2morrow for breakfast

I've also been craving for A LOT of egg mayo sandwich these last 2 weeks. Every snack (not main meals tho, cos it will never fill my stomach), I will crave for egg mayo sandwich. Hahah. Think my hb eat until scared.

wuahaha....so i'm not the only one with this kind of "cheap" craving...haha...its so sian the last few days cos my husband is on biz trip.. and you ladies are the only one that accompany me at night (other than my 2 dogs)....


Which terminal is waruku pasta at the airport? So far always go T3 cos can walk ard.

my lunch will be 2 slices of bread with nutella spread. Heh... need to work through lunch.

Haven't yet. I brought along a few products with me today. Am visitng my gynae this PM. Will ask him then and let everyone know. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Go shop for toiletries at T3. I go there quite often becos they don't charge GST. I think the current promotion is - GST x 2. This means you save about 7x 2 = 14%.

I always save quite a bit when I shop there. The promo applies to candy empire and the other shops too.

gina actually im in a dilema whether to buy organic products here .. my hb is goin to US so i ws thinkin can ask him to buy for me then i feel i shud jus get it from here

Asura, he bought mostly 0 - 3 months and 3 - 6 months!!!

And he said tt time my boy keep changing clothes during the first few months so he buy more for baby lor -_-"

My bro is still single la, so his concept of having a baby is weird! hahaha!

And when I had my boy, my bro was a poor student living in Aussie. Now he got spending power and travel frequently for work, I think he finds joy in shopping for baby items!

Bunnz: Haha I really don’t know…my hubby v funny, keep saying coz I never eat enough (though he knows there is not really a link…). I think your bb’s length still sounds okay, coz my friend’s at 11w1d is 43.1mm. Yes I wanted to do yoga for the longest time but always procrastinating! =p

Gina Christine: you also like egg mayo? Hahah is mayo okay to take since it may contain raw egg whites? I've been taking alot of tuna mayo sandwich from Subway too! That day accidentally ate brie cheese in a sandwich...sandwiches seems to be the easiest thing to eat!

pinkie: i dunno eh.. it tasted like one to me when i 1st try it.. after dat i doesn't dare to order anymore.. maybe is differ branch...

dunno wat to eat for lunch yet.. not hungry too.. having slightly headache...

i cannot take mayo + egg.. cfm will land in toilet after tat since young... but it sound so yummy.. i always tried to stop myself from it..

pinkiemie: Yeah! i was quite thrilled to see someone i know here too!

#2: Your brother is so sweet and thoughtful. Your kids are so lucky to have a doting uncle.

Just had sweet and sour pork rice for lunch. Nowadays, i just like the sweet sweet SOUR SOUR stuff. Though my gynae has already sternly warned me against taking sweet stuff.

list of things to buy for lo

Furniture & Misc


Cot mattress (porous + waterproof)

Cot sheets x 4

Cot mattress protection x 2Bassinet (till 6 months)

Bassinet sheets x 4

Blankets (cellular/knitted) x 3


Baby carrier (Baby Bjorn)

Changing mat

Chest of drawers

Treasure box

Bath tub

Bath stand

Baby bouncer/rocker

Musical mobile

Baby nest (Kooshies)

High chair (later)

Potty (later)


Activity mat

Paediatric thermometer

Walker (later)


Baby monitor

Baby wear/Bath

Tops/body suits


Long pants





Blankets/Wraps (cotton flannel)

Cardigan (machine washable wools)

Fleece sleep suits

Bath towels

Wash cloths (muslin squares)

Cotton wool (sterile)

Cotton tips/buds

Baby oil/wipes (unscented)

Baby lotion/prickly

heat powder/cream

Disposable nappies (4 dozen)

Baby soap

Baby shampoo

Nail scissors

Surgical spirit (Isopropyl Alcohol) Watson

Baby soap/detergent(Pigeon)

Mother FeedsBottle steriliser (Avent)

Bottles - 9 o.z. x 6 (Avent) - 4 o.z. x 4 (Avent)

Bottle warmer (Avent)

Bottle brush

Teats - slow flow (Avent) - medium flow (Avent) - fast flow (Avent)

Breast absorbent pads

Breast pump (Avent)

Nipple moisturising cream

Nipple spray

Breast milk storage bags (Avent)

Breast milk storage bottles (Avent)

Breast feeding cloth (Kooshies)

Dribble cloth (Mother Care)

Tongs (plastic)

Pacifier x 3

Feeding dish

Feeding cup (later)

tot of sharing the list [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Breast milk storage bags (Avent)

Breast milk storage bottles (Avent)

These are not available in SG already.

Must buy online.

Prefer PLAYTEX milk bags. Cheaper and stronger than Avent.

omg the list looks scary at the moment!!

MTBvirgo: ur hb also going US.. mb can check out some stuff and ask him to bring back. really much cheaper without the shipping costs alone. PLus exchange rate is gd also.

I'm checking out the ergo carrier to deposit in his luggage bag.

Last 2 weeks I was eating egg sandwich(just smashed boiled eggs wo mayo) every 2 days. 3 slices somemore..but spaced out like one slice every 30-45 mins [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

having stir fry macaroni for lunch!!

asura79 : u have to eat more proper food (less instant food).. i tot i rem u eatin instant noodles for dinner lately.

SJ : yeah we saw outline of the bb's face last night. so cool. like nose , hands. wow all seems longer than my bb.

babies AF: when is your edd? appetite this week is not as good as last few weeks. but still acceptable. find many things not nice this week plus smelly .

Birds' nest : i read from some where may cause asmathe (suddenly forgot how to spell) if taken too much. duno how true is that.

Also happened to read in this other thread from a lady who works in bird nest company.. advising not to eat unless u know the source. Some of them may be chemmically treated. :S

anyway i'm giving it a miss.. unless mum happend to cook.else no special need also


asura>> pasta waraku i go to is at T2.. i just zoomed there and back.. *burp* hehhehehehe

i had 2 mini pastas (din finish), yummy corn soup and a small glass of sprite.. feeling very contented now.. its been a long time since i ate till so satisfied..

SJ>> you had GD when you had Andre? coz i had, and my gynae is always nagging at me to avoid all the sweet stuffs now.. have you informed anyone abt your pregnancy? i just informed some of our Oct frens.. coz just hit 12 weeks last friday ma..

