(2011/09) Sep 2011

Bunnz, bird nest causing asthma is when the bird nest is not cleaned properly. My mum gets her bird nest from our Indonesian relatives, so quality assured (confirm no chemicals cos the nest comes very yellowish, not white - bleached).

Or you can get La Hong Kah (sp?). Heard it's good. I know of mummies who take 1tsp a day cos the bottle is those super concentrated type. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Yah.. i know.. today got my colleague to ta bao chicken rice for me to eat for dinner today. My hb also nagging already. Keep asking me to get my colleague in the same project to do the work. How come u are the one OT, he ask? Sigh.. well... project is under my charge, i am not the boss so i err... cant force pple to work OT leh.. bo bian.. Hope i get the work done up soon then I can relax and eat better. Looking forward to my 3 days sentosa getaway with hb and daughter. Any recommendations on what to eat at the resort hotels?

Re: Egg Mayo sandwich

It is not advisable for us to take too much mayo, think is made with raw eggs. Though i dont really care.. been taking everything.. even yu sheng during CNY. But i do control myself and not over-eat on anything. Balance is the key, i believe.

Asura, you bringing your girl to USS?

There's those booth selling rather nice snacks. One of them has smoked turkey leg which is fantastic. My bro's gf and I shared a total of 3 large turkey legs during our trip there. My son and her son shared 1.5 turkey leg. Really yummy!

virgomtb: I myself is a big avent fan. For great deals, wait for the Phillips carnival sale. i remembered i got my steriliser for $120 when it was going off $185 at retail. Discount better than the 20% offered at the departmental stores.

Baby Bjorn is good too.. the synergy offers great back support

For baby thermometer, i use the Braun IRT4520 ear thermometer. Bought mine at Walmart for US39 (S$50). Target has good prices too. Singapore retail price is $120-$140. You can find reviews of this in amazon.

Hope this helps!

Prenra, your hubs must be earning a lot :p Just jk :p

You can buy through bulk purchases to share the shipping in future [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Or pray that your hubs will get to travel to US again for work (means he's doing well at work) & can purchase for you later on. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Nope.. not going to USS. We went last Oct. Prefer Hong Kong Disneyland to USS cos she is too young and very scared of flying rides, she actually cry.. wahahha. Still thinking whether it shall be just relax at the beach and dinner at hotels or slot in the underwater world and butterfly park.. probably decide there.

For thermometer, sometimes will have companies bundling it FREE with other items, so do keep a look out.

I personally bought those forehead thermometer cos my hubs and I feel that infant is too young for ear thermometer. Till now, we are still using the forehead thermometer we bought 4 yrs ago.

hi mummies,

i went for my oscar test today.. measurement is good.. so now waiting for the blood test result.. bb heart is strong and steady/ at abt 157.. saw the hands and legs.. spine.. skull.. brain.. they did some measurement too.. normal.. hope the result will be good.. officially 12wks.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mie: Corn soup sounds good ... slurp. Now you make me think of having MOS burger corn soup.

Yup, had GD when i had Andre. Unfortunately, there was traces of sugar in yesterday's urine test. So my gynae is not taking any chances and sending me for the OGTT test this saturday. Big time sianz. Cos I'm fighting against my cravings all the time.

VirgoMTB: my hub used(or rather still have but little better) to have the same kind of mentality.

just buy when you need..

now he's used to me buying in bulk when there's discount but I usually buy on my own anyway :p

#2 : thanks for the birdnest lesson .so foreign to me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

WHen is the Philips sale usually?

Asura79 : few more days , then you can relax liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mie: haven't informed anyone of the pregnancy yet. Even my boss, cos i'm waiting for him to do my evaluation first before i tell him.

So far, only our parents and immediate family know. I think my colleagues may suspect cos a few of them asked me how come i look pale and tired nowadays. even the guys noticed!

bunnz: i think they have it twice a year. the one i went the last time was in November ... they should have one around mid year, not too sure when though

today already 2 colleagues asked me...i have to say 'are you saying that i am fat?" but paper cannot hold fire...think i eat too much now that i grew so fat...baby also not so big yet mah

Hello everyone!

I'm back from my gynae visit. Managed to do my OSCAR test today as well.

I'm at 11wk 4d and Baby is now 48mm or 4.8cm. Can see bb's little legs and hands. Can also see the nasal bone. Was surprised to see the nasal bone so sharp and high [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But didn't get to hear the bb's heartbeat. Doc said can see the heartbeat from the scan, so everything is okay.

For OSCAR, my gynae performed for me. He said bb's neck skin is good at 1.3mm. He said that anything less than 3mm is normal. Took one tube of blood for the blood test. If everything is well, I won't hear from him. Next appt is 4 weeks later.

Before we went for our appt, I told baby that tomo is papa's birthday so later must wave at papa and said "Happy Birthday Papa!" When I asked gynae, where's the hands, he pointed out. Can see one little hand sticking up high and very fast, no more. Haha... then bb was moving quite a bit too.

No weight loss or gain. But was told that only to resume swimming and sexual intercourse after wk 14. Oh, I also got my Detailed Scan appointment. They scheduled me to do it at wk 22 at Camden Medical Centre, which is in mid-May [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pommes (pommes) nice to hear all is ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wave at papa to wish happy bday tats such a cute tot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

grats pommes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i hope my test would go fine too. going for it tomorrow, and i hope the baby would be fine and wave at us too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats Pommes!! That's so heartwarming to see. I'm sure daddy melted at the scene.

Egg Mayo

I read that it was okay, but I'll check with my gynae this afternoon. Otherwise, I better cut down. Thanks anyway for highligting!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks VirgoMTB, daddysao and gina. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yup yup, hubby was chuckling when he saw bb's move. I also burst out laughing. Felt so comical [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

It was a fruitful trip for us today. We even managed to get the Gleneagles delivery package and their hospital tour timing. We are thinking of going to their hospital tour after our next checkup. Is it too early?

We also managed to go over Taka and get the baby checklist. But didnt have time to shop, got to run for next appointment. Think next appt, I won't schedule anything else. So can spend the whole afternoon shopping. Shopping during weekday is so good, no crowd. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gina, it's the checklist on the items to buy to prepare for baby's use [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I've signed package with gynae on first visit :D

thermometer>> im using the Braun IRT one too.. got it from the spree organised by one of the mummies in the overseas spree.. so far so good.. anything beats those giap under the armpit kind la.. how to make your baby giap one under the armpit when they move non stop? hahaha

Philips carnival sale is twice a year if i rmb correctly.. i got my steriliser during the sale too.. and its still going strong.. mm.. do i need to buy another one for baby#2? or i should stop sterilising for my #1? i dunno how to stop seriously.. i've been telling myself to stop since she turned 1YO, but everyday we still do the same..

Where can u get the checklist from at Taka?

Since i'm going for my scan tomorrow, might as well stop by Taka to shop [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wow... i didn't know Taka provided such service. Shall take a look the next time I visit.

My gynae told me he will advice on the package at the end of the first trimester. Will check with him later. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my gynae package starts at week 16.. so im signing on the next visit lo..

janet>> hahahahah.. i have some colleagues who stare at me real hard lately.. i tink they are suspecting but they never ask coz they are afraid its just fat.. hahahahahha..

SJ>> i haven even told my MIL! dun intend to tell her coz i dun really bother abt wad she thinks.. hahahhaa.. only my parents know and some close frens.. the rest i dun intend to tell until they ask.

PinkieMie, I stopped sterilising at 1yo, only rinse with hot water before use. Then completely stopped when he was 2yo. I think when #2 come out, you can stop #1's sterilising already :p

baby checklist @ Taka baby section Level 3. Is placed at the cashier counter.

I also signed package today. So it is effective from today's visit onwards. But OSCAR test is very expensive. I paid $428 incl. GST and another $749 for the package. So today spent over 1k on little baby.


I also didnt want to tell MIL like the same reason as you but hubbby wants to tell his mother, so no choice loh.


I am still sterilising #1 bottles togehter with #2. but maybe like what you said. when #3 comes along, will only sterilise #2 and #3. because steriliser also no space.

actually i ored told people when they asked me, at week 12, cos gynae said week 12 is considered stable. I tot the pang dang cannot tell only applies to 3 months so shd be 12 weeks.

anyway my colleague say if people ask u, u cannot say u are not pregnant cos no good. U just need to smile and dun answer, or divert question.

Pommes: so cute ... i would love to have my baby wave at me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] You must be feeling very touched at the moment.. congrats that all is well

thermometer: yah, initially i wanted to save money and had those giap under the armpit one. Its really tough with the baby squirming here and there. They cannot sit still for 3 seconds let alone a full minute.

I'm still sterilising the bottles, but its more like habitual now. I don't think my 16 month really needs it too! After all, he's always putting his grubby fingers into his mouth

Alrighty, my fav time of the day .. Knock off time

Pommes : whr did u do ur Oscar ? Ur bb so cute...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

U did yrs so early. I m only doing mine 2 weeks later. Hb only cling back on the morning itself. Will meet him at hospital. Fingers crossed no flight delay.

Will keep my eyes peeled for the philipa fair then. Thanks ladies.

Already signed gynae package on first visit itself. Oh yeah yesterday he also took a tube of blood for test. Test for what?

I can't rem.

Some of you so stylo ah... Never tell mil!

Think mine wld b upset if she found it out late.

hahahhaha.. not stylo la.. just that i dun see the need to tell my MIL.. hubby nv pressure, so we just leave it as it is.. hahahahhaa

anyway im not staying with her, so... hahaha

throughout my 1st pregnancy, she bought nothing for me to 'bu' my body, they din bother to cook any extra things or ask whether i wanna eat anything special or not.. when i gave birth, all she did was visit me once at the hospital and buy a bottle of wine for my mum to cook for me during confinement. then when i was doing my confinement at my mum's place, she only visited me another time and that's all. why should i bother when she doesnt bother and now she expects us to go back every weekend to let her play with my daughter? she works on shifts, so she expects us to go back when she is not working.. then wad? weekends are the only times i get to spend with my girl, and i need to accomodate to her timing and schedule? we still try our best to go back once a week (due to my hubby's incessant nagging) and also should we miss one week, she goes calling from day till night asking us if we are gg back.. aiya im sorry but i just dun like to go back..

Just ended my visit with gynae. Baby growing very well, measuring 4.89cm at 11w5d. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] baby was very active, kicked, did a little wave. I nearly melted. So cute!!!

Going for Oscar's next week at TMC.

Skin care

Gynae say as long as no Vitamin A. Topical acne products are no-no. Organic body and skin care are alright.


Signing package at next visit, which is 16 weeks. Will be more cost-effective from here. ;)

Egg Mayo

To take in moderation, no harm.


Dropped 0.3kg although eating a lot. Doc says is normal. Think my hb put on more.. Haha


Given calcium, iron and DHA supplements plus stretch mark cream.

Just happy to are baby wiggle and move in front of me like that. Life, is really quite amazing. ;)

Bunnz - I did mine on the spot with my gynae. He scanned and scanned. Then took measurement n took my blood.

Gina- is really amazing to see how much Ur bb grows 


Hugs!! U r not alone.. My mil worse lo.. During my first preg she nv buy mi any bu not even after my delivery lo.. Even on my wedding day nothing is given.. My two sil still got lo.. Haiz...

i am still looking for a gynae, anyone has a good female gynae and not too expensive? ideally located in east or central? thank

Hello hello...sorry for MIA for a while.

Went for 2nd appt today, EDD brought forward from 18 Sep to 15 Sep. Today is 11Wks 5days. Can see bb's lil legs and hands and also hear the heartbeat measured at 160. And bb's length is 4.9cm...hehe. Decided to do OSCAR and doc asked to go directly today. Bb very cooperative to be in the right position..it didn't take long, i think less than 20mins done. Can see bb happily dancing and swimming inside. The nurse asked me to shift to the side for her to scan and we can see bb in sitting position...how cute. :D Hopefully during the next appt, doc will give us back some of the scans. And of course hope everything is fine and healthy. Docs says no news means good news.

Did detailed scanning today and also had 4 tubes of blood taken for DS and routine tests like Hep B etc... Bb measures 66mm at 12wks 2 days. Bb moved during scan. I said bb naughty but hb said sonographer exerted too much force so bb turned away. Gynae said prescence of nasal bone is good sign of non-DS.

To be fair to both sides , we told our parents on the same day.

Pinkieme : no wonder.. But some parents though say or do little, I m sure they still care lots[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyway u are the mother, has all the say lor.

I think all babies have their own pattern. I m always wondering what bb is doing inside tummy.. If only they cld relate the experience .. An idea for my meditation tmr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gina : ur gynae even provides stretchmark cream!!

Good Morning ladies

looks like i started spottin again i saw sum last nite

oo my gosh i think i can give engg exams again but cannot go thru this stress

i am off duphuston since two says sicne the course fisihed and also spottin did nt occur for one week but i hv to speak wif my gynea again she might put me on duphuston again

good morning mummies

yeah.. today miting baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hopefully the result is a good one... like u all said if no calls from the clinic should be a good news? *pray hard*

virgoMTB: aiyo better take good care and have more rest. Try not to carry too heavy stuffs..

kelly: mine $165.85 - consulation $80 ultrasound $75

after calculation.. WE went WOW.. so i chatted with the gyane on package... HURRAY... on 4th visit... we are on package rate.

Kelly, I think depends on gynae.

My usual gynae charges around $50 for consult and $30 for ultrasound.

Another gynae we went to charges $60 for first consult, $35 for subsequent consult and $40 for ultrasound. But this gynae's clinic is very old and his u/s machine is not very clear.


ahh...cos my consultation is 60 , Ultrasound 90..so i guess mine still considered ok ya...too bad...my gynae doesn't offer package..=[

