(2011/09) Sep 2011


lol my hb hor.. borrow my nephews out to try it alrdy..

hahaha i had big probia on escalators... so no way i am going to carry stroller down escalator myself.. i rather walk longer way to the lift *opps*


Pommes : yeah the bb carrier i'm talking about is like a haversack.can carry like piggyback or infront of us. It'll be convenient to leave our hands free when we are out ..no need to use stroller all the time.

I'm not going to get the cloth sling at all(i'm too clumsy)

Vanilla: the maxicosi is the one that can attach to normal stroller when bb is younger right?

can also use as car seat??

I happen to see one quinny with like a bb cot..bb looks so comfy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Prerna : okras are ladyfingers right? if i rem correctly. yum!

pinkie : maclaren twin somemore! cute!

i saw this couple with triplets stroller.. so cute. but wonder how they manage everything... gosh!

yeah for escalators...we decided one of us will carry the baby.the other will hold the stroller.

we have seen too many dangerous cases.

asura79: yeah esp these days fuel px keep increasing! my ils are in aust, although much nearer. Going back every year can be quite ex esp in dec. also i want to save some money to visit other countries as well.

#2 :wow your stroller really value for $$$! :D

Stroller: bought a combi for my first girl because out of the few that can rotate stroller to face baby, this was one of the easiest and most light-weight. Our only gripe is that the wheels of the Combi are small and hard, so it is tedious to navigate bumps on the road and push the stroller up any steps (some of the bigger-wheeled ones can cruise up small steps).

Car Seat: check out the baby store in paragon. We got our first Britax car seat from that shop. Sturdy and well-built but slightly more expensive. Very knowledgeable sales staff and I spotted Medela pump accessories (which I never see in other shops before) there.

For those who are keen to get the Quinny buzz, the salesperson whom I purchased the Buzz from told me the maxi cosi is compatible with the Quinny frame. Another reason why I bought it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies,

I have MIA for a few days mainly becoz of v bad MS.... it's a norm for me to vomit 2-3 times a day now..... I am abt 11 weeks n 2 days now.... When can all these MS stop? I am really sick and tired [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

jennifer: mmm cross finger it end by 1st trimester..

i know some had it through out.. some even 2nd oso had it on n off.. -_-"!

i am praying hard mine will be gone... S O O N


I am not that Le Kuan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] My 1st P, I vomit all the way from 1st to 3rd... even after given birth, I vomited after I woke up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

bunnz: Ya the maxi cosi can attach to the stroller, but only the Quinny Buzz range (maybe some other Quinny range, am not sure) & the Bugaboo Bee range.

Am using the Bugaboo bee, but if need to use the maxicosi, according to hb, we can only get the Maxi Cosi Cabriofix and need to get additional adaptor = additional cost.


u r not alone.. mi too.. got bad ms n will mia a few days or a week n reappear again.. LOLL

just when i thought i m ok then few days later started puking again!! arghh so sianzzz...


alamak! U must have spoke too fast abt no more MS! nvm, another 1 more week and hopefully things start getting better in 2nd trimester..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Natal Care Plus (400mg): Each box of 30 capsules at $14.00 (U.P. $16.05)



Natal Care Triplus (625mg) : Each box of 30 capsules at $28.00 (U.P. $32.10)




All boxes with Expiry 2013.

Bought too many from Dr Adrian.


An Australian specially balanced formulation that helps fulfill DHA requirement for fetal / baby brain development, and optimizes the brain development of the fetus and infant.

The core element in NATAL CARE PLUS - Natural Fish Oil - contains DHA and EPA, which is particularly needed during pregnancy and lactation. Apart from that, NATAL CARE PLUS also contains Vitamin E, an anti-oxidant that helps to alleviate the negative impact of free radical formation, and increase normal cell function.


Cash on pick-up/delivery @ Jurong East or Raffles Place.

Kindly PM or leave SMS at 9 876 1872.

Thanks all and have a safe pregnancy!

for those getting quinny, you need to buy the maxi cosi for infant stage coz for quinny it doesnt recline all the way down.. so baby has to sleep while sitting.. a bit uncomfortable i feel..

for those who are wondering why parents let their 4YO sit in strollers hor, i tink i might have a slight reason for them.. esp for those with more than 1 kid.. coz hor, some kids either run all over the place or they refuse to walk.. imagine one baby in stroller, and the 4YO running wild.. hahahaha.. my fren has her 4YO in stroller, and the 1YO in sling.. like that she can go everywhere she wants w/o having the kids run amock at toysrus etc..

actually sooner or later the stroller will act like a shopping trolley more than a baby stroller..

pommes>> baby hypermart doesnt carry britax.. not sure if taka baby fair has that.. but i got most of my stuffs from robinsons during their storewide sales coz its up to 20% plus cash rebates..

mummies, dun forget the bumbo seat! hehehe

Today is my first time burping out the fish oil. The smell makes me so er xin... and I have been taking the DHA since week 6 ~_~

PinkieMie, the families I saw only had 1 kid... If got a few kids I can understand if they take turns to rest on the stroller so parents don't have to chase around.

But I still think that must train them to not run around lor. Cos we trained my boy: Once outside the house, he MUST hold our hands. Within my neighbourhood (cos familiar already), he will be allowed to walk on his own but he is not allowed to run more than 2m away. He will stop to wait for us and keep looking back to check.

So glad there's so many feedback on different strollers and car seats. Learn a lot more...

Actually, I'm quite concerned abt Combi's light weight. Feel that it can be unstable. But then, if I'm alone, I would appreciate its light weight.

I like Quinny too. But hubby won't pay that kind of money for a stroller. So I can only dreamz on... haha

Other brands, heard of but not yet seen the actual stroller. Not sure if it is the places we went to, they don't carry so many brands or what.

bunnz - the baby carrier is a gd idea. Will think about it and google more.

pinkieme - what's a bumbo seat?

RE: Bumbo Seat

I bought it for my boy but din find it useful.

Cos he has THUNDER THIGHS and did not fit well into the seat.

Also, after a while, he got frustrated being stuck in the seat and learnt to wriggle his way out of it!

But it was quite cute la :p

Pommes, you'll appreciate Combi when you have to bring baby out on your own. I used to bring my boy out on my own quite often, so preferred the sarong sling over the stroller (so bulky & cumbersome). Esp if hv to take bus, you are expected to carry your baby, fold the stroller, carry all your barangs with the stroller to board the bus. Logistics nightmare for me. hahahaha!!

Good place to shop:

Taka fair. Then can pop over to Paragon too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

when must take fish oil? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i am very scared of the burping up effect ... till now i still doesn't dare to take any fish...

Hmm, no1 likes Maclaren? I find it very sturdy for its weight. I find the other Japanese brands too light and thus not stable, very hard to manovure. Plus i find kids will outgrown Combi or Aprica by about two, need to switch to another stroller.

Just to share with you ladies.

I feel so sorry for my hubby. Since being preg, my appetite has grown at an exponential rate and each time I eat (which is quite often), he eats with me. And he has put on weight, his mum even commented yesterday. On the contrary, I haven't put on as much.

Felt a bit bad but he's very sweet, he doesn't mind as long as baby is healthy and growing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

its dinner time


Re: BUmbo,

I prefer jellymom cos it is bigger and wider at the thighs. Bought it from BP that sells the playmat, either small small world (cant remember the other one). Sometimes, my gal takes the jellymom and sit in it for fun.

Asura: how come eating cup noodles???

#2: hehehe *paiseh*

I like satay sauce n bee hoon plain.. doesn't dare to take the ingredients in it..


hehehe i doesn't dare to eat cuttlefish..

so everything i ordered.. the person will goes.. DEN WHAT U WANT?!

-_-" satay sauce n bee hoon.. the person always went... dun eat better la...

Simbaobao... hahaha!!

Actually can DIY at home [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cos recently we found this rather nice frozen satay sauce sold in supermarket!

Simbaobao (simbaobao) the pic looks appetizing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i am havin vege pulao (vege rice wif potato / soyabean nuggets/ spices)for dinner may be wif tomato soup .. hb runnin late tdy so will hv once he comes

bunnz yes okra is lady finger

i ended up makin yam sweet for myself instead of sweet potato .. will mk asparagus vege 2morrow hv a few recipes in mind any body mks asparagus any recipes

#2.. u r right.. but my hb doesn't take dat.. so no point for me to do it for myself only...

prena: [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hate dinner alone.. hb asked me to eat 1st coz he be late too..

Prenra, I love asparagus! We normally just do a simple stirfry with prawns & carrots.

Sometimes I'll wrap them in bacon/teriyaki chicken slices & pan fry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

#2- the recipes i hv in mind is also sum stir fry one .. but i hv an aversion for sea food these days

yea i hv see jamie cook those asparagus wrapped wif bacon

simbaobao): you are not alone u hv the baby wif u rite [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

simbaobao" so yummy..y ou made your own sambal?

I had macaroni soup for lunch [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

having chicken rice for dinner again. this time with the kee's #2 recommended [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

veg pulao also yummy!!

i skip all seafood.... anyway i dun really eat pre pregnancy also.

what is the bumbo seat for?

will see bb within an hour [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Prena: lol u changed Ur nick... I wad tinking who is tis...

Yeap I had baby with me n baby is missing the daddy... Amazingly bonding between them.

Yeap i like aspargus too but it made our urine had a strong smell. The white ones r so sweet too.

Bunnz: hehe Yeap I made my own sambal chilli coz I can't take those with dry shrimps so had to make my own in order to enjoy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Cup noodles cos I working OT. Need to finish quite most of my project by Thursday so that I can enjoy next mon to wed at Sentosa with my girl. it is her birthday next week. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Wanted to stay longer... but my hb say must yang tai.. i never call him yet, he already on his way liao.. heh..

asura: wow.. got to work till so late? better have a good rest.. maybe go grab a bite later with ur hb? then can have a good rest tonight..

Hi all,

My first post here ... I'm a daddy with a P2 girl and my wife is now 12 weeks preggy ... EDD is hovering between early to mid September ...

I was trying to find out about dishes during confinement so that I can cook for my wife ... but hardly came across good websites so far ... any intro to share?

cheong S H: wow impressive... i hope my hb will cooked for me.. haha but i doubt he will do so..

depending what your wife perfer, if she can take the very traditional ones which involved alots of ginger/seseme oil/black vinegar etc.. maybe you can check with your mum/ils

or confinment dishes books are available in the book store as well.

Wow simbaobao.... Your stir fried marcoroni looks good!!

However i fear eating that now cos i had one bowl yesterday, with some sambal chili and made me LS big time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

sing yee: huh cause too spicy?

i been avoiding chilli now coz baby doesn't like it.. been very lenient with the adding of sambal into it..

chocolate: thank u.. i love macaroni too... used to cook it and bring as lunch for my ex colleagues.. haha we had fun time.. snatching for extra ingredients...


PinkieMie: Ohh I went for my OSCARs today too and I’m exactly 12weeks. Baby is only 59.1mm…much smaller than yours! And the neck skin is 2.0mm…is that normal? Anyone knows how what is normal and what is not? My appt with gynae is 2wks from now and I can’t wait to know that everything is fine!

Simbaobao: Wow sambal macaroni sounds interesting! Hhaha…hopefully u can enjoy it and have good appetite!

#2: Thanks SO MUCH for the links on the fish oil without fishy smell! Will go get it together with the stretch mark oil soon! =)

