(2011/09) Sep 2011

mummies...i so lethargic everyday leh...but for me, my bug mouth sis announced for me liao...lol..think she too happy liao..3 more daYS DEN WILL SEE MINI LOVE AGAIN!the only thing that keeps me alive now...i feel so down and dead leh...


Hi Mayfifteen: So far, I only told our immediate family (ie parents, siblings ect). I share this news with some close friends & colleagues too.. My boss knows about it due I have to cancel my travels. Other then that I will "hide" this news first from the rest and my colleagues as well.

I am planning to also "hide" my bump for as long as I can.. hee hee

pinkpoppy: I am a first time mummy too and also very excited but worry at the same time. This morning talk to hubby, we both agree that it should be ok since the doc seems to be so relax. Some comments about this doc in the forum here is that he is very experience...so I got to trust him lor. If it still bothers me, I think i'll stop by his clinic tomorrow to check out.

hunnymummy: I also found ectopic the closest and seems serious. As u said, since doc sounds ok...hopefully everything is fine.

I eat as usual but appetite really bad. Nausea most of the time but no vomit. Feel very uncomfortable and no energy.

Hubby and I very excited and wanted to share the news to everybody during CNY but doc says dont need to tell the whole world yet until 12weeks wor. So we decided to only tell our immediate family member during CNY. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hunnymummy, or is your gynae referring to cyst in the womb? is like those tiny little waterbag which sometime will disappear on its own. I think u dun worry too much....if it something real serious your gynae also will alert u rather than observe. But i can understand we may have fear too! Stay happy and positive and I believe thing will be fine.

Hi mummies, have your bra size increased due to the swelling yet? My bra is feeling a little snug these days but I'm not sure if it warrants a larger sized bra yet. I'm into my 6th weeks, anyone having the same problem? ;)

And now that CNY is drawing close, buying clothes can be quite a chore. On one hand, I don't want to waste money on clothes that can only last 1-2 months but at the same time, I dont know how much more allowance to cater for so that the new clothes see me through until 4/5th month..

Haha, just some whining. Do share if you have the same sentiments. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So far, only hubby, mum, bro and my boss know as well as 1 or 2 very close friend... that's that... this time, since is gonna be my last P, I will NOT announce till my tummy reveals itself.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Nope I didn't get any mc coz I didnt even visit the gynae, only called the nurse over the phone she say no need to go down. My appt is also 31st heh, good luck!

1st Gynae visit:

Haven't been to the gynae this time round, but for my no 1 it's also quite fast. No urine test, did v scan starightaway and spotted the bb with the hb. For my no 2 i hope it will be as smooth. Anyway all I rem my gynae told me is don't do housework, leave all to ur hubby haha. Quite scary he specifically told me the the percentage of mc during the 1st tri.

MZ: sorry don't know what is the "eto.." term but I also don't think it's etopic, that's quite serious already. Take care!

Preg symptoms:

Not sure about body temp, but I am super scared of cold now, but my body is already heaty I dunno whether to take anything liang?

Good morning mummies!

Annie: Thanks for the comfort but the one with the condition is not me..I am fine on my side, just unhappy dunno for wad..I do have a worry... I did my blood test on 9 Dec cos i had to go chiropractic xrays for my herniated disc. results came back -ve so a week or 2 later, i went. Then there was xmas, i went drinking too. I am quite sure my hubby and I were too bz den to do anything cos he had to rush turkey, bacon and all the other orders for xmas goodies as he works in a hotel as a chef.but on 12 Jan i woke up feeling some familiar feeling in my tummy and quickly did a UPT.+ve.So I went to Doc to confirm.But the qn is, by the time i got preg, Doc est. 4 W and most probably it could be more cos altho there's no HB, there was arms and legs already, just that my LMP is unknown cos irregular. He even said that i might have already been pregnant when I did the test, just not long enough to show..xray + liquor...help!!!so worried it will cause damage to the baby...


i am the same case as you. i highlighted my hair and ate raw fish...i also afraid will damage the baby.

but did you ask the gyna how? willl it damage?

I havent get my first appt with gyna yet, also planned to ask him that.

Morning mummies!

i have seen my gynae last friday morning. Hmmm... so far, only saw a sac. i'm also quite worried, coz the symptoms are so different.

Hunnymummy, I am sorry that I got the wrong mummy about the condition.

Have u seen your gynae? If no, remember to tell him what u have done eg the xray and drinking way before u realised you are pregnant and see what he say. If you already mentioned all these to him, I am sure as a experience gynae he will know how to handle your pregnancy. Don;t worry too much.

Janet: dun be too worried. Raw fish, raw salmon raw oysters I ate tonnes of them during my 1st preg cos I just super love them and cant bear to part with them and my hubby just let me cos he cant bear to see me suffer if i cant eat them. But it is a gamble, if you eat the unfresh ones with bacteria, you're in deep trouble. But if you're alright now, it should be ok.Just avoid in future lor, just like others would advise you. But i wasn;t afraid cos i only ate oysters when i was in Australia, freshly caught and salmon and other raw fishes at highly reputable jap places. As for hair, I did it too when I was in 1st trim cos i did my wedding dinner after I found out about the preg. But the doc say shud be ok, just once shud be ok, esp when you din know about it yet...everything's ok for me. Anyway from this point on, as soon as we found out about it, we would have avoided almost everything. I did xrays!which can cause defects to the baby!And alcohol too!!!in the forming stage!OMG...i told my sis she so angry lor... cos even lab tests cant's be trusted..

Christine:how far along are you?

Annie: no prob[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I told her the first time I saw her, she says it's probably no effect but think about it.. in the initial stage that is the most crucial one wad..it is the foundation stage of the child, how can it be , nothing too serious??Doc and tests these days are just hard to trust...

hunnymummy, yes I agree with what u what u, docs and tests these days are just hard to trust. My brother in-law's lady colleague, her gynae diagnosed her baby with down sydrome when baby is in womb. However, they proceed to have the baby. In the end, the baby is a perfect healthy one, can't believe if they initially decide to abort the baby.

will u ladies be doing the down sydrome and oscar test? my sis was saying not necessary cause the results only for referance..

there is so many who what when where how and WHY when comes to these test...

Annie: haiz...is it so easy to become a doc these das??i think all they need is $$ that's the thiing that stops poor man from becoming one now.

Simbaobao: I will definitely do cos this time, I know what I did that raises the likelihood of downs, otherwise, like my #1, my results was very low..1 in dunno how many thousands. i shud not need to worry this time round.Haiz.. Better do for 1st timer cos you dunno your family tree or your hubby's got anything history of such illnesses and wad's the likelihood so it's good to know, or if you are like me, did heinous things before you learnt about the preg, better do.But if whether downs or not, you will still have the baby, need not do lest you want to be prepared. the results tells possibilities 1 in how many babies the smaller the number the more possible but again, believe or not is your gamble. it is a blood test and shud be done in 2nd trim ba..if never remember wrongly...

hunnymummy: mmm so far 2mth before preggy.. i been on rather healthy diet and stuffs... only been running ard.. jumping here n there before realising the preggy.. my gyane said won't be a prob... will monitor it..

am not sure is the oscar or what... it will cause m.c if suay which kind of freak me off.. i had gf who tested and the result isn't very good.. my sis said for our age.. can skip it but i am asking myself.. WHAT if this and that...

now finally understand what our parent had to go through...

Simbaobao, thanks for raising this oscar test issue. Am also thinking of whether to do it. I think it can be done in week 11. Would love to hear the views from the MTBs here.

Btw, I keep feeling giddy.... Is this part of the MS sympton? Also, I keep having the 'feel like throwing up' feeling. Have puked for 3 times so far (6 weeks now). Is this normal? I have a friend who is 4 months pregnant, who has never suffer any MS at all!!! I am so envious...

BD during pregnancy>> my gynae nv tell us to abstain from sex.. she says as long as no spotting, go ahead! hahahaa.. so far after testing BFP, we've only BD twice coz im just too tired everyday..

appetite>> my appetite has suddenly changed also.. i cannot finish my plate of food now.. and im eating at all the wrong times. i still take my meals regularly, but just that the last few mouthful of food i dunno why cannot swallow one. if i force myself to put into my mouth or swallow, i will feel v v v grossed out later and have no appetite for the rest of the day!

some gynaes call it oscar test, some NT test.. basically it just measures the neck skin and the nose bridge, combined with blood test and find out the % of down syndrome.. for my gynae the drawing of fluid is not necessary unless the blood test is not optimistic..

Simbaocao:that's why? if no test, will always have uncertainties that's why i choose to be pricked, but anything invasive, more than pricking me for blood samples, no.That was when i was pretty confident of my #1, but now, i may do it cos I believe no point keeping if I know it's a downs.it suffer more than me cos it's for life.There'll be nothing you can do to make up for it.And wad i went on to do was very likely of causing it. Or else, dun do anything more than blood test cos yes, likelihood of causing MC is very high.Mrs wong: i also giddy and feeling weak all the time, plus moody too. For my #1 no such thing.But my fren who had a boy said she started out like this too.so it might be diff symptoms for girls and boys.When i had #1 i also not much MS, now having kick in but there's always like something stuck in in the middle of my chest like heartburn lidat, got to have the vomit sound to release it den feel better.no need envious laa... high HCg den will have MS and also a sign that your baby is stronger cos people who have no MS has lower Hcg which means MS risk is higher.hcg is formed and accumulated as the preg progresses and keeps the baby in an optimum condition in the tummy.So bad for you but good for baby, afterall, it will soon go away in 2nd trim.

Pinkiedot:yup!same as my doc!appetite going away is normal. for my #1 i lost 12 kg in 1st trim den gain back at the end of preg den lose it after i gave birth den lost another 5kg with postnatal massage and wrap end up slimmer than prepreg.haha...but dun purposely ok...every individual is different.after baby is born sure lose weight cos baby chore is damn tiring!dun force also, dun feel like eating den stop lor..eat small meals from time to time meanwhile and eat nutritious food and less rice cos every bite you take is precious now cos you get full very fast.

if 1st time mummies want to knoew beforehand what it may be like emotionally and physwically on your D day, i shared my birth story on http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/3877999/5027490.html?1295839130

it is very lengthy but I hope it is helpful to prepare 1st time mummies mentally for their own experience[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hunny>> for my first pregnancy, i ate normally.. im still stuck with 5kg from my 1st pregnancy and its been a year plus, and its still here.. think the 5kg is here to stay and obtain citizenship!

i hope this time round i will lose back all the weight and regain my pre-wedding weight! sob sob.. quite a tough thing to achieve!

Thanks hunnymummy for your sharing. My giddiness is quite bad that I'm always scared that I will faint any time... The whole world is like spinning! I also heard having MS is good for baby - and keep consoling myself that. But it's really bad when I have to focus and work. My mom said mine is not too bad compared to hers last time.... I wonder how she and others could make it.... Salute to all mothers!

mrswong: yalor...really salute to them. but we are still early... things is worst just before we step into trim 2,but thaqnk god will settle down after that.

i am far from it. They can have so many, this is my #2 and I am already so dying liao...This is also my last, I am determine to put IUD after this.

Hunnymummy, how could you say you are far from it? Just read your delivery story, I found it so touching! You definitely deserve the salute! To be honest, ever since I found out I am pregnant, I never thought about the delivery process. I keep praying that the baby is doing good, being healthy.

The delivery process...... Dunno how I'm going to take it. But it's definitely going to be one of the most amazing moments in my life.

Hi MTBs,

though im mummy of two le but still very confused. i wanna to know if u all experience symptoms so early..

Think for my no2, i experience my symtpoms very early too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I cant remember my last menses, anyway my menses nt accurate de..

since mid last week, i feel bloated especially evening time when i have my dinner, i feel like puking sometimes. I feel hungry easily(could be PMS), then backache over the weekend.. Now when i smell other food it doesnt smell nice n feel like puking too. Kaozzz thinking is it pregnant ah??

hiya to all mummies :D

I think i am going to be a 1st time mum x(^,^)x

tested postive and will be going to TMC for my 1st appt this Friday.

I didnt have any MS for my #1.. hopefully not for #2 too.. but I must say this time round is more uncomfy and tiredness than #1.. not sure issit cos of my #1.. in his TERRIBLE 2..

hunnymum: read ur story.. very touching.. i wish i wish i can go through it without epi too.. cross my fingers and pray hard...

the weather is super hot now in the day time and cold at night... eeekkk dun like it...

mrswong: Thank you. I'm sure you will have an amazing experience too!I remember when I had #1, I was happy, i went on to give birth to a happy baby so much so that if she doesn't smile for a day, you can be sure she's unwell.but now i feel crappy, I so want not a grumpy baby!!so i gotta do soemthing about it...

christine: sure![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Congrats to you!!when did you find out?you noe hor.. i still feel bad about the group leh..I so din intend to default payment of the gathering lor but my poor memory...haiz...I feel bad till today i still cannot get over it. So i told myself, I wn go for anymore gathering liao.Iwanted to pay her on the actual day, she dun wan to take den I have no reason to go to the bank on usual days and I got to cope with taking care of my girl daily on my own til hubby comes home from work in the evening, totally slipped my mind...she scribbled all over my facebook wall...haiz.. so diu lian laa...anyway, hope everything is well for you #2 too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mummy: *babydustt!!*sounds like what I am going through too![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]?Have you checked it out??Al the best!!

Jasmine: Congrats!!take care ar...

Babycupid:got anybody to help to alleviate some stress for you?hang in there...I also not much MS for #1, haven kick in for #2 so dunno yet, keeping fingers crossed...me too, this one so much more tiring and sianz..my #1 just about to be 1 yo, but no mood to get things going for her 1sy bday....i'm so dead..

hunny: sigh... it's already over le... so dun think also it ba... same to u also.. i hope that all mtbs will have a smooth and safe pregnancy!

Sinbaobao:i think every birth story is touching cos no babies come easy. If you think you can do it, you can. But again, always think it as anything as long as it is good for baby cos i've had frens who got very depressed becos they cannot deliver naturally or shud have persisted to go w/o epidural. i am just one lucky mum that my ways are permitted. Ya, the weather is bad, so we got to take care..

Hunnymummy : Yaya..If yes, i think is a SHOCKING news to me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Though i like rabbit bbs, but cos my #2 only 1yo+.. Should i test?? WHat test kits is sensitive enough to test??

Hi 2princessesmum,

u can try the clearblue digital, still able to show how many weeks preggie!

Hey mummies,

went MIA coz i was bedridden for the past few days. Aiyo... totally dreadful. Anyone had outbreak? I had bad one around my chin area. sob sob!

hunnymummy: wow, your story is so detail. I was picturing the scene as I read your story. At the same time, I am kind of scared and worried too. You are really a brave first time mummy..bravo! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am feeling so uncomfy and tired..having MS almost the whole day and no appetite too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

down sydrome test

the percentage varies bw age, the younger u are, the lower the risk. Well, no harm going for the test to give mind some peace. =)


I still BD like once or twice a week. Didnt BD throughout my 1st pregnency as its our 1st and we were afraid of hurting the bb. HAHA!!! For this one we continue as per normal. Will stop once bum out. Ya, my gynae advise us to do it lesser but did not totally refrain. My mum said BD during pregnancy especially towards last stage affects the cleanliness. The head will be full of sperms and the bb's hair will have clumps of white stuff. Well, dunno a fact or myth but I guess as long as both are comfortable with the idea, its fine.

Hey pepper,

bb spirit is always always around mothers whenever she is pregnant. The younger the child is, the more he can "see" his sibling. Thats a myth la... which is used to explain why some of the elder ones tends to stick to the mother as if they know whats going on. =) Dun lose any patience to the elder one. Just give in to them. Although there are many bad reviews on CC, generally it benefits the child n a larger extend. For eg, the child can learn something which they dun learn at home. Do start early now as it might be more difficult to send him after #2 is born, he might feel hes being sent away due to his younger sibling. My personal views, do consider. =)

Maid issues.

Haiya, maid is always the top 3 pek chek things in my list. She nv fails to get on my nerves de la. Hai... better dun talk about her if not dong my tai qi! Wahahaha


Hahaha! This is my top pek chek thing in my list. oh well... my conflicts with her started off with #1's arrival. I got very depressed when she around. hai... very very very sad. Now I am afraid. Was thinking to shift bk to my mum's place for next confinement.

BTW, if any mummies going for holidays with an obvious bum, do remember to get a letter of certificate from gynae. Some countries even like Thailand forbids entry because they are afraid mothers will give birth in their country. Oh well... better play safe in case get stuck at custom. =)

Hi hunnymummy,

i read yur birth story, indeed amazing! Mine was GA CSEC, hahaha! Sleep and wake up bb in front of me liao. I dun really have birth story, maybe CSEC pain story to share? Hohohoho!

Hey pringle,

haha, i hope wat i said can calm down some mummies, be relax and enjoy the pregnancy as after bb reached world, no time to talk here as often le! Hehe!

Hi mummies, thanks! I believe all mothers C-sect or natural are great cos we used our lives to stake on our child's.I just choose to go nat becos i fear knife more ba..LOL!!

mummy: test laa!a new life is always a gift. we are the lucky ones who get to have our babies and I too hope all our babies will be safe and healthy and smooth delivery to all mummies and babies.I not pantang so I always read on people's sad stories to remember to cherish wad i have.today i just read this and tears started flowing non-stop.I will visit the babies soon when i visit my beloved grandpa.if you also not pantang, can read about them on http://ashleyisourangel.blogspot.com/. I feel greatly for babies who so not get to be born becos when I was pregnant with #1 I had a buddy whose bf's sis got preg 1 mth after me.so i always ask my buddy how she doing and her bf's mom(grandma of baby) ask how i doing cos the sis and i dunno each other but i noe the grandma of the baby thru my buddy. Everything was well till the 8th mth of her preg and i was 9th mth, one day i heard from my buddy the baby died, I was so shocked!no symptoms, nothing.She din feel unwell jus din feel baby move for whole day den went to see doc.in the end, found out was a sudden placenta rupture and no more HB.Then she delivered and went on to proceed with the funeral.the whole thing was so sad. Til today, i still cannot get over it. Every life is precious, it doesn;t have to be yours to feel the impact of such tragedy. Everything was ready for the baby, she would have been a happy lively baby now and would have celebrated her 1yo shortly after my girl's...I can imagine on her 1yo birthdate, how bereaved her mother was.

Thanks Samantha, that was great insight! and clearly outlined the issues we are gonna faced at some point.

Hey Christine,

You are not alone. I don't feel much symptoms too except for lower backache and sleepiness...also very thirsty all the time...

Oh yea and I feel very cold as well. I usually sleep in aircon room with short pants and T shirts.

Now even under temp 26C i'm shivering under the sheets and i wear long sleeve and long pants (cotton)! -.-"

Dont know why like that...before pregnant, I very strong ...now so cold...brr

Samantha : Ya i bought ytd evening, i bought the clearblue one which shows hw many weeks pregnant and those cheap ones (shows one line or 2 lines de). Immediately after i bought i test the cheap ones . haaa.. then this morning i tested with the clearblue but it shows "not pregnant" lei.

Maybe i think too much le cos im not trying also, i just want to know if im pregnant to be safe mah.. But i have been feeling hungry the whole day lor. Then somemore my lower adomen like on n off got pain. I know all these are symptoms. My "below" also keep feeling wet n i have been visiting the toliet so frequent recently. If im not pregnant, then i think i got illnesses. How ah??


Mummies anyone experiencing spotting??? I saw alil Juz few min ago... My doc said it's normal as long as nt like menst kind but am still freak off. I had an appt with him this fri evening... Pray hard nothing happening to my BB.

