(2011/09) Sep 2011

Hi! For mummies with Dr Jocelyn Wong, her package increased alot it seem. I now worry if her hosptial fee also very exp. Consultation fee i paid more then 2 years back. Anyone know the cost fo her hospital fee?



Not sure if it's true. I've it during my 1st P but not the 2nd P. It turned out both r gals. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good Morning Ladies how are you all doing? I am having very light breakfast today wif tea and toast(cake Rusk)

Bunnz yea it is MiCasa, even if i lock one room the apartment is considered rented. And as per sg rules one cannot stay in a condo and rent a HDB if both the properties are bought by the same owner. Probly have to sell the HDB get a small condo that is easy to put on rent. Haven really put thoughts to it though

Wen is your 5 room coming up?

Hi igop, finally I get to see someone who is with the same gynae with me. I am also his patient for the 2nd time. My first one was delivered by him and yes, indeed, he is very assuring and patient with me. As for his charges, when I read the above post by other mummies, I dun think Dr Chong is more expensive than others. In fact, I understand it is normal to compare prices....but personally I feel the comfort level you are having with the gynae is also important.

Hi Igop, I saw you asked about stitiching done by other gynae....I am impressed by Dr Chong's stitching, perfect! And I experience zero pain after the delivery. I stayed 2 days in the maternity ward and Dr Chong at least bother to come early morning to visit and inspect the wound...I heard some gynae very busy in clinic and start seeing their in-patients only at lunch time.

Gina christine : oic. then ok la.. we dated for 6 mths that time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]but i'm way older than you .

MTBVirgo : u'll be closer to us then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] walking distance. Hehe but the prices are crazy at micasa we thought. my parents was thinking abt it last time but too ex for the amt of space you get, plus mb car park probs for us.

but if you sell your flat, you cant buy another flat again. pls consider carefully.

If you can buy a pte, why cant rent your flat out?any more restrictions to selling or renting it out? i tot so long as it reaches 5 years, u can rent whole flat out legally.

actually we bgt resale 3 room years ago, then it got enblc , so new one supposedly coming 2nd/3rd quarter of 2012. but heard it's usually 6 mths earlier

planning to visit the mothercare fair today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning ladies! @ Annie, zero pain ah!!! That's really gd to hear that! Did u go thru natural birth or c-section? And gd to hear that his charges are quite normal . Sometimes his ans cracks me up n I always tell him I v sad y I always vomit n y I have so much saliva. Then he will ask me to see my Bb pic lor n I will be happier. Did u give birth at gleneagles too ? My no 1 choice is MT A cos it always give me that kind of " Bb are born here " feeling.

Are you all thinking of birth plans yet? Anyway, I didn't manage to go down to the baby fair last evening as I was so tired and hb was unwell. Anyone who went - was it worthwhile to head down?

Also on the topic of excessive saliva, my pregnancy 'bible' says it is linked to nausea. Not sure how much of this info is helpful to those having this problem.

Gd morning mummies:

Had a sleepless night coz discovered pink discharge when I went to the toilet. I am still monitoring, havent go gynae since there are no cramps. Am worried my blood clot worsen. And suddenly my MS disappears, is it my hormone levels are affected?

Baby stuff:

The only thing that I feel need to buy earlier is the baby cot. I don't mean early as in now must buy, but dun buy and deliver at the last min, coz the paint smell takes a while to fade off, not so gd for the newborn to inhale.

As for sterilizer, it's much for convenient when for bf coz there are a lot of parts to wash. If use boiling method must be careful the plastic bottles don't touch the side of the pot as the plastic may melt a bit. Just my thoughts [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello mummies!

I suddenly had severe cramps on Wed and was so freaked out. Went to see gynae on Thu. Thank god bb is growing well and is very active 'dancing'. was so touched and emotional when i see bb head, hands and legs. so cute! first time seeing coz the past few scans were just one white 'lump'. hahah..

Now my cramps still come on and off but at least the intensity is less.

next 'hurdle' to overcome will be the DS scan in 2 weeks time. hope everything will be ok.

I still dun dare to buy anything related to bb yet. waiting to fully clear 1st tri and then start to plan. but my MIL already helped me booked confinement lady. heheh...

hihi.. folks.. since our edd is in sept..do u all know if we can cliam 6 days child care leave consecutively without coming back to work?

like 2 mths + 6 days + 2 mths

or 6 days + 4 mths..

else surely lugee 6 days...

@wan cheun

Will it be a better option to visit the gynae to get a peace of mind?

All I get for my Bb is the avent digital sterilizer when my sil went to London cos v cheap only 60bucks during promo. Then some of my friends said pantang cannot buy 1st. So I stop buying . But it's always a joy to check out Bb stuff!

Abt birth plan , I really dun know what I want. I wan faster healing which is natural but I wan "no drama" controlled situation which is c -section.


Depends on ur arrangement with ur boss, whether boss agree with 16 weeks in a row or split 8 weeks then 8 weeks. If after u come back from the 16 weeks maternity, there is 6 working days to the end of the year, definitely can claim.

For my office, so far most will not spilt the maternity leave just to include the 6 days cos scared that it does not reflect well and look calculative.


Wow... it is nice for u to be able to arrange ur deadlines. I cant shift the deadline even though i am the auditor in charge cos we have to complete the slated projects by end of FY. Come to think about it, next project also not able to shift deadline cos i need to finish it before i pop. Heh..

@igop, I agree with you on birth plans. I am also 2 minds about it. On one hand, I would like something natural to experience the birthing process. On the other hand, I don't want to be caught offguard because contractions can happen anywhere, anytime. C-section is def under control and probably minimal pain but i think the after effects (like scars) can be worst.

So perhaps we are thinking of inducing the birth after we have hit 38th week. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I think if u can tahan then dun drink. For me, I hate water since week 5. I only drink ribena n juices. Occasionally I drink sprite ! My hubby always dun allow but I m v thirsty n I want these to quench my thirst. I think because I lost 4kg my mum n hubby reluctantly say drink lo.

Birthplan - is the same for me. I would like to experience the natural birth process but is so afraid of the sudden contractions and prolong labour pain. For c-sec, I am also worry about the pain after op, dont really mind about the scar tough. I had appendix op many years ago and i remember it was painful when i woke up. So really dilemma which to go for. At the same time, i hope the delivery date can be determine. Wanted it to be the same bday as I am. Coincidentally, my bday this year falls on the same day as my lunar bday.

bunnz i jus spoke to the hdb officer and an agent i guess i misinterpreted the statement in the hdb website. i can rent the hdb and stay in condo thats a big relief

nice its always good to buy flats tat are goin to be en block lot of benefits yea

i am starting to prepare to go to work nxt wk did my hair(all safe products equipments used) ystd dun do rebonding so no need to stop and doin my facial tdy (using all safe products equipments)

Asura cannot always change dates [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] need to hv valid reason but always workin in tight deadlines btw may i ask wat do you work as?

morning ladies...

was tolding to hb abt birth plan as well

Am tinking to have c sect or natural birth.. my gyane said can try natural 1st.. if not, will have to opt.. i went.. HUH den i have to pain till like mad woman.. den if cannot den end up getting cut? OMG scary tot

I have a friend who just gave birth in Jan. She had the contraction pain for >10hours and eventually have to c-sec due to insufficient dilation. Her advice to me is to go for c-sec. I think she really had hard time during the 10hours pain.

Another ex-colleague is a mother of 3. She experienced both natural and c-sec and her advice is also c-sec.

Some actually say go for natural, will heal faster and can plan for #2 sooner. Sigh....really undecided.

ya lo.. my gf oso said c-sect... if u wan to chose date oso easier..

i was checking with my gyane the charges... after medisave chose date to c-sect have to pay 2k cash if i am not wrong, 4.5k cash if Emer c-sect

Simbaobao , if opt for natural then end up c section is v expensive leh!

My sil all went for c section cos they scared "there" become loose. But my frens who went for natural b had really fast n smooth delivery even with no epidural. Really envy them. I was discussing with my hubby abt c section n he said he dun dare to go into the operation threatre with me cos he scared to see bloody Bb. What a chicken. 1st thing come to my mind is nobody help me take pic n video cam Bb .

the above are for 4 bedded... if if nature abt 1k for 4 bedded charges..

if 1bedded + 1.3k...

if 2 bedded .. + 700

i hope to go for natural but oso have to depends on baby position is...

i also worry will get loose or get out of shape after the stitching leh. *shy*

My hb the same. He says he will not see the process. He may go in with me..but will just stand beside me and look at me instead..haha. Don't plan to take video..maybe just picture when bb is out.

The thing about going for c-sect is that if we have a 2nd or 3rd, gynaes will always ask you to go for c-sect and I'm not sure if multiple incisions would be good.

My cousin who recently underwent natural say epidurals are godsend and she pushed in out in 20 mins. She is also quite petite so I'm taking that as a bit of comfort.


@simbaobao - Your hb is very funny!

@igop - Scar is one thing. My friend who underwent c-sect is complaining of aches and pains, said that she is suffering the consequences.

Also, can I ask if the Oscar test is an invasive procedure? I heard invasive procedure have a slight chance of m/c.

Gina: haha he said if i am gg for nature.. he will bring in a french loaf for me to bite so dat i won't pinch him or bite him when i am in pain.. -_-"

no no.. Oscar test is purely scanning and blood test... unless the result came back to be not so ideal den you got to go for amnio test where they will draw the yang shui.. which might had risk of M/C.

igop, for my first time experience with Dr Chong, yes, really zero pain factor...but of course he gave me pain killer lah....to take before the pain set in...but I didn't take a lot of painkiller when discharged at home. Only when u in the maternity ward, when the nurses are being instructed by doctor to give painkiller to patient, nurses have to listen.

Mine was natural with epidural...and is very impt to consider well if you want to go along with epidural...some pple endure and endure the pain until they cannot take it but if dilation is too much liao then cannot take epidural already. Also, when I was only 3cm dilated, the nurse did advise me that epidural can also help with dilating...so I opt for epidural when my pain hits the highest point....and already buay tahan...so I think epidural is my saviour!

Actually nearer the due date, some gynaes will ask you to induce. My advise is NO. For my no#1, i suffered 24 hours in the delivery ward! My dilation was so slow and first half of the day i was still happily watching TV cos no pain at all. Then after that when my waterbag was broken finally, the contractions that came were so intense that i had double shot of epidural but it was totally not effective in reliving my pain! And my dilation was so slow that i might have to go C section, thank god in the hand i managed a natural delievry eventually. But damn aweful experience, i was crying in the ward and telling my husband i dun want to give birth liao hahaha!

Yes, igop. My hubby also told me about that. He always try to influence me to go for c section coz he always think I could not stand the pain and the risk of increased cost last minute. Actually I do wonder if it's coz he doesnt dare to see the whole process... Kekeke.

And yes, not everybody could go for natural. I discussed this with my gynae yesterday. She said she would opt for natural and if baby position is not right or if there's any other factor, then have to go for c section.

I talked to my sil on this topic. She always tell me not to worry. She gave birth in a natural way for the 3 kids. She said if you believe you can, then you can. Try to communicate this with the baby as well.

OOh.. icic. Okay! Thanks simbaobao!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I think the french loaf must be triple toasted to be hard enough. If not, one bite and it's broken.

Hahaha igop. My hubby would be laughing if he sees your comment. He knows I'm the 'gu niang' type and super weak kind who can't even stand a lil' bit of pain that's why keeps asking me to go for c section.

I hope my baby is co-operative with me to prove my hubby wrong. I will definitely make it! ^_^Y

Simbaobao, ur hubby is so cute! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i didnt eat bak kut teh coz i dunno wad kinda herbs are used.. my very KS fren everything also advice me not to eat la.. but i do miss bak kut teh very much..

speaking of food, im gg for curry fish head! adios!

mrswong>> actually if you are afraid of pain, i feel all the more you should try for natural.. coz the c-sect healing takes a while and will hinder your movements..


I am also with Dr Jocelyn Wong. Yah, her charges went up quite a lot since 3 years ago when i had my first one. Now her delivery charge is $1.3K to $1.8K.


Thanks for ur concern, problem is no one can help w my #1 at the last min if I were to rush to gynae today. If "lug" my boy all the way to hosp it may worsen and bleed. So no choice, rest at home and hope to tong til tom, hub no work then I can go. The sterilizer is a gd buy but yah I also pantang and don't dare buy too early.

Re childcare leave, if I am not wrong it is cal based on child's bd, means we have until sep '12 to clear the 6 days.

@gina my mum said can eat leh

@vickvick i think i will end up like u if i go for natural, crying n said i dun want to give birth liao!!

@mrs wong: really feel encouraged by your words leh! So positive.

Has any1 start to eat tonic soup? my mood was dampen when my SIL instruct my hb to see a master, and the master said that our bb is v weak , i need a lot of rest n cannot cross legs. Then prescribed 2 soup ask me drink . When my hb told me, i was quite angry n upset. Come on , that master didnt even get to see me lor and can say so many things... But when i let my mum see the soup prescription, she said its just normal soup for preggy la, dun worry... I think i will force myself to drink aft i get a ok sign from Dr. Better be safe than sorry.. But i feel really nonsense...

lol... coz i very scared of pain and blood.. dat day when we went for the oscar blood test.. he followed in.. the nurse asked him, u oso wan blood test ar? he went.. i must come in.. if not, later she faint here... :eek:

so far i only started drinking black chicken soup last week made by granny.. not much herbs added.. only some ginseng..

wow the master is from where? so li hai ar? unbelievable..

what r u ladies having for lunch?

HB went out to get mos burger.. haha actually i am only interested to eat the fries...


Yes yes , basically its black chicken soup with special ingredients for preggy.

So nice of your granny . Im sure she is v happy that you are having a bb.

@simbaobao she is at sembawang beside the 'cai feng ye" temple. My sils believe in her lor. She also mentioned to my hb that i have a lot of acid within me which is true leh!!! the rest i dun wish to listen. I told my bb muz prove her wrong!

im having chicken rice for lunch.


Igop : oh mine is she very famous? Really weirdo as if she had seen u personally n touched Ur pulse before.. I guessed it's Juz common to ask preg woman to take such herb soup isn't it... Wat a way to make money... If I go medi shop n ask they will advise the same thing oso wAt...

Yeap granny is very happy...

Last week she brew 2 kind if soup meant for dinner n we ask her y so much soup.. She said the other too cooling... As long as She got great grand kids to carry cook how many type if soup oso ok... Hehe felt so pampered by her...

Beta den my mil... She cooked cooling soup n still asked me to drink which made me pengsan...

