(2011/09) Sep 2011

Gina Christine: Wow! Your gynae actually gives stretch mark cream? Haha nice! Oh must do maternity room booking so fast? I didn’t know! Maybe should ask my gynae during next visit…I’m @ MAH too!

Oh about seats on public transport, I do tend to get quite irritated! Just today this lady pushed me just to get to a seat. So when I finally got my seat, I purposely rub my lower tummy area to ‘signal’ that I’m expecting, just cannot see yet only!

#2: Haha my hubby is the opposite! He is verrrry particular and wants me to take my BBT daily. Even after we conceived, we still took it all the way up to week 6-7 then he allowed me to stop! But I totally agree that its scary…=|


Hahah I’m also disgusted at how unruly my hair is now! Somehow I always see mummies with rebonded hair after giving birth…its like a release finally kinda thing! =p

Now feeling really stressed coz I'm a workaholic who left my job in late Jan due to work stress and the whole of Feb has been crazy for me with MS plus the boredom of staying at home! Have been applying for jobs but the discrimination is really great...=( Straining my relationship with hubby alot in this time...=((


Hi pooh,

can u add me to the list?

EDD: 25 Sep

BB#: 2

Gynae: Dr Jocelyn Wong

Hospital: TMC

Occupation: FTWM

Area: AMK


Kelly, we seems to be experiencing the same regarding spotting. the 1st time there was a small clot spotted near my uterus. subsq checks shows clear but i still hv the spotting on and off every other day. The last check doc ask me if i wanted a jab ..but opt out and stick faithfully to Dusphaston 3x a day.

I'll be gg bk to visit gyne on sat, thinking sld i go for the jab instead this time.

My breasts still same size. Wahaha! In fact the tenderness/soreness are gone and then I got worried when the symptoms disappeared :p Even for clothes, I still can fit into all my pants/skirts.

The major thing bothering me these days is the sharp pain in my hip. I dont think it's just the pelvic bone expanding. Yday I was lying down watching TV, after that, I struggled to get up. Is it safe to go for Xray now?

As for discharge, I'm getting more faint yellowish discharge. Few weeks ago it was colourless.

Yasmin, you may wish to start searching for CL now. Alot are already booked for Sept.

hi muffin..

haha...its like so unethical for me to be happy that someone is in the same boat as me...but sometimes it juz comforting to know that you're not experiencing it alone... my nurse fren told me that many women experience spotting in their first preg...so far i ask 5 of my frens...all 5 had some kind of spotting.. and all have healthy pregnancy and baby.....so guess sometimes juz need to see things in a positive perspective..

Hi mummies,

Glad to join all of you here... I am a SAHM and currently preggy with #3, EDD is 30 Sep. I have a 5yo boy and a girl turning 3 in 3 wks time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My gynae is Dr Y.C. Goh and will be delivering at TMC...

Minister Shabazz Bhatti was assassinated by the Talebans over Pakistan's law against insulting Islam(this brings ministers assasinations second in two mnths) ... this incident reminds me of the day when Benazir Bhutto was shot i still rem I cud nt work the whole day she was a great leader and i ws shocked by the news

Shahbaz Bhatti's car ws nt bullet proofed and he had requested for a bullet proof car form the government and they had refused to give it to him

Security has always been an issue wif Pakistan

sorry guys to sideline topic jus droolin over this news

hi kylekyra,

dont think it is advisable for usto do xray now unless absolutely necessary. Too much radiation exposure is not good for bb.


I experienced sharp pain when I conducted PE 2 days ago with my class. The pain was so unbearable that my hubby drove me to the nearest clinic. The doctor immediately gave 3 pills to stop the pain n rested for awhile in his clinic. Got 'scolded' by the nurse... She said, "You r expecting. Shd take care of yourself n ur little one inside. How can u conduct PE?!" *sigh.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Thank god the pain subsided n he ordered bed rest. Went to my gynae ytd n he wrote letter for my P stating light duty from now on. SMS to my P, VP n CCA HOD . Thank god they r looking into this matter now.

I had fungus infection n gynae gave me a pill to insert n cream to apply. Also, 2molor need to go back Thomson for blood test n Oscar test. Hope everything goes well.

Something to share...

I've been taking fish oil from my gynae. However, I puke each time I take it. Is it becoz it's too oily? Or simply becoz my bb doesn't like it? I didn't have this prob for my 1st 2 P. This time round, I find it strange to puke the fish oil out. :S

Jen: Aiyo u pe teacher ar? Really got to b careful... Hope Ur p will ask someone to take over Ur pe lesson soon. Too dangerous...

A Gf coz her class us at the High level n her baby is low she was advise not to walk too often or climb up the stairs... Her p was understanding abt it n arranged for her class to b moved down to the ground classroom.

hey jennifer,

2 weeks ago i also had yeast infection...she also gave me a tablet to insert.. it was also after i use the tablet that i began spotting...not sure if its conincidence or what....or perhaps the spotting is due to the infection (i read somewhere that yeast infection can sometimes cause spotting)

jennifer>> it could be due to the DHA.. maybe you wanna try other types of DHA? coz the DHA im taking is quite stinko too.. din feel that it was stinko during the 1st pregnancy, but this time round i cant stand the smell.. my fren told me she bought this strawberry flavoured DHA from GNC or vitakids.. at least when u burp or puke, its not the stinko fishy smell..

anybody started wearing maternity clothes? im bursting out of my normal clothes! i look like a balloon in my normal clothes so im wearing maternity bottoms and normal tops.. my mum says the bump is very obvious now.. and i thot i can keep it under wraps for another month or so.. guess sooner or later everyone is gg to ask me le..

Thanks Asura! I told my gynae that I feel itchiness n sometimes stint. He had a check on my V area n found the fungus infection.... I think quite serious coz he make the *tsk tsk* sound.


My Classroom is at the ground level but the computer labs n music rooms r the highest. Thank god I only need to bring them once a week. Each time I climb, it's like climbing Mt Everest! So tiring! I even feel pain in the joints. No kidding! Feel like an old lady!


Thanks for sharing! Need to check now if I encounter spotting from now on.


Thanks! Will get hubby to buy some from GnC.


Have u started announcing that u r expecting? Last week, I had a school attendance coming to me n rubbed my tummy, asking,"How many weeks?" I was speechless! To be honest, I didn't tell anyone but suprisingly, many pple seem to know. As it's not even 3mths, I really do not know how I Shd ans... I do not want to lie neither do I want to admit... :/

hi gals

i went to check out the robinson sale. duno why when i went to nursery section.

i dont know what to look for!

alamak! tot of buying some bottles or so first. just look see and left.

if u hv robinson card, will have extra cash rebates 5-10% reflected in mthly statement.

guess what. had real chicken rice finally! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ex chatterbox chef has a stall in the centrepoint basement kopitiam.

this time really overdose on chicken rice liao :X

Jennifer, I was a teacher too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

During my first pregnancy, I was still hopping around the school and running up and down stairs like no one's biz. Even the kids were yelling at me to slow down and be careful!

pinkiemie : i started wearing maternity bottoms and more babydoll dresses. walking is ok with normal clothes..just the sitting part for 45 mins can be quite umcomfy with normal fitting bottoms.

Jennifer : not really announced, only when people ask specifically. While attending a workshop this morning..suddenly this lady asked me whether i'm expecting... so i just said yes lor. so a few more ladies knew today. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but mtg my close gfs next week,so officially announce then

oh yeah saw this cream specially for bust firming to use during pregnancy, musela is the brand..

anyone using bust firming cream? usually i just put my stretch mark cream over bust areas

Bunnz: Ur BB like chicken rice huh?

I felt like I had a frog inside my tummy... Kept hearing the crocking sound but am not hungry....

I din announce to all... Only certain ppl I am comfortable with n all relatives got to know during cny when someone bursted it out.... My cousin was asking me when I gg to announce? I went the whole families alrdy know lo....


I do experience the whitish / slight yellowish discharge and hoping to ask gynae tomorrow if this is normal. Sometimes watery too.

Recently been also experience some form of cramp (or a pull feeling) when getting up on bed or from chair.

Pinkie: Am starting to wear my maternity bottoms these 2 weeks. My bump is also obvious, as pointed out by my mum yesterday. And i could no longer suck in the tummy to disguise it. With the maternity bottoms, it's soo much comfortable. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

As for bra, i'm still wearing the old ones with extension though. The breasts are not as swollen as in the earlier trimester. But i heard that one should start wearing maternity bra in the 5th month onwards? Any advice?

kyra: 2 days ago i also experienced a sudden sharp pain when i got up too quickly using abds. usually i take my time to get up, sideways.

jennifer : take care!! PE!! somemore u have to like shout/talk loudly to give instructions

i'm going to harborfront tonight..check out the price..cos i know nuts..hahaha...yesterday i dreamt that i gave birth to my baby boy and arrive home with no baby clothes, no milk bottle, no bed..haha..must be thinking too much of all the upcoming sales..hehe

Simbaobao: i think so!! i m hainanese also.

but before preggy, i only eat like 1-2 times a year at the most!

singyee: hahaha still suck in your tummy.

i was telling my hb the other day..this is the only time i enjoy watchin my tummy grow.

like what #2 says, just get when your busts overgrow your bras..no need to wait for this month that month

i better get new bras..not really spilling over but getting umcomfy if worn for whole day..

hi ladies wat are you all eating im havin vegetable korma wif chapati (wheat bread)

Asura did u manage to finish ur work

bunnz u dreamt of bb already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

VirgoMTB : sounds yummy. i bgt ready made gluten free korma sauce on mon to go along with chicken for husband.

hb also dreamt of bb boy last week..backview only :p

btw has anyone booked their anenantel classes already?

think can start looking around and start to book already to get your desirable dates

actually i have totally no idea when i need to start preparing for the baby le...my baby room is currently still my storeroom..and cos its my first bb...i need to buy everything...can someone advice if preparing and buying stuff for the baby 3mths before is sufficient? Any idea if there'll be baby fair or sale in june?? So that i wunt need to buy anything now..=)

Hip Pain - It's an extreme sharp pain halfway down my butt :p Dont know what happened. I was sleepy by 10pm but wanted to finish the TV show, so lied on floor with cushion for an hour. Hb nagged nonstop after I complained about the pain :p

Discharge - I did a PAP smear few weeks back when I complained about womb dropping feeling. Gynae said I had too much white discharge then and inserted a pill into me. It kinda dissolved and flowed out slowly. After that, I had spotting for 2 days as well. All was fine after that but this week or so, I noticed faint yellowish discharge.

DHA - Gynae prescribed mum-2-be for me, multivitamins which contains omega oil, vit c, folic acid etc etc. It's a very big pill but no smell at all.

Announcement - Before 3mths, we've only told my immed family, handful of very close gfs and my immediate superior. On Monday (12w d4), I informed the management and team-mates officially. Also told a group of ex-colleagues and another 2 to 3 gfs. Think all in all, still less than 20 pax. I'm still not ready to announce personally unless I'm asked. But words do spread, another 1-2 colleagues walked up, looked at my non-expanding tummy and asked - you pregnant ah? Whahahahah! And on Tuesday, hb finally told his mum, cos his uncle passed away and he wanted us to be excused from the funeral. MIL was shocked and questioned why only inform after 3mths? Hb said - Scared you big mouth mah. Think my MIL would be jumping mad. But she hasnt called me at all, so I really cannot gauge if they are happy with this news.

Lunch - Shared zi-char dishes with a few colleagues, we had prawn paste chicken, prawn rolls, sambal kangkong, hotplate tofu and sweet & sour pork. Each pax only $6 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kelly - I'm in the exact situation as you! We have 2 spare bedrooms, 1 is more like a utility room where we go in to iron clothes, change, put laundry bag etc. The other to be used as the nursery is really like a store-room now. Now that I still have energy, I feel like shifting everything out and giving it a new coat of paint. But many have advised that we shouldnt be around during painting, reno, shifting of furniture so I dont know how to start. We'll need to start from scratch too. I've not purchased a single item for this pregnancy yet, except for the medical bills and verbal confirmation with a confinement lady.


Thanks for thinking about me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I had OT for 2 nites until 10+. Managed to finish enough work for me to be stress-free for my girl's bday celebration next week.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But judging from the amt of work, I will probably need to OT a couple more times after next week. Well.. at least i get to enjoy the coming super long weekend! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

muwaha...same same...my supposed nursery room has luggage back lah..2 bicycles...ironing board...clothes..etc etc! haha...wonder where i'm going to move those stuff to..! i also feel like clearing the room but ppl always warn dun do things that are too strenious....as in painting wise..i'm not pantang...juz scared of the solvent fume..

Kelly - i'm only living in a 3 room flat, so the baby room is now used as the store room and study room. So i'm now planning to throw away unnecessary white elephants and hopefully do up the room for baby by July.

For painting, you can use Low-VOC or non-VOC paint. These paints are actually green products and with no smell. But they do cost more than the usual paint.

hi all! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sorry for the late replies:-

consultation: about $175 each time for both consultation and scan

I went for the NT test yesterday at TMC, and my fluid depth was about 2.1cm. Highest reading taken was 2.2cm and I'm 28 this year, not yet high risk age. The lady doing the scan for me said that for me the reading should be considered low risk for DS, so no need to worry...

My gynae din schedule me for the blood test, but am a bit worried about the depth of the fluid being quite a lot... My gynae's visit is not till next Tues, but am wondering if i should opt to go for the blood test...

Or am i being too paranoid? :S

Asura tats nice to hear i personally hate to do OT [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] even my client knew abt this and i used to keep the dead lines in such a way tat i dun hv to do OT (as i am the project lead i cud do tat)in fact wen i ever did OT the client comes and asks me is something wrong in the project how come you are still around but i agree sumtimes OT is jus un avoidable especially on business trips i rem workin really long hours while workin wif one china vendor in Nanjin & Shanghai it ws fun [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Me n hub live in a 5 room flat which we intend to rent and move to condo nxt yr which we hv already booked but is nt built yet TOP is 2012 but sg rules suck cannot rent condo and stay in hdb so hv to think of sumthing

This home had 5 children livin here so they had a childrens room which is a pooja room now so mostly will use tat but have nt tot of so far yet anyway dun intend to do a lot of work as hv to move hse anyway

actually there'll be lift upgrading for me in july...think i'll go crazy druing the confinement period with all the noise and dust...imagine the construction, the dogs, the baby, all make noise at the same time...think i'll go mad...


@RoyBelle- Congrats and welcome. I'm with Dr Goh too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@PinkieMie: I started shopping for maternity wear but find all of them to be very frumpy and ugly. Where are all the cute maternity dresses? In the meantime, I will just get bigger sized regular clothes.

