(2011/09) Sep 2011

alamak MOS!! why didnt I think of that? missing the nuggets n corn soup now

tabao today.. veg hor fun.

usually food outside will taste saltish to me

but today it's tasteless!!

had little avocado ice cream w raspberries for dessert :p super yummy!

Muffin : i had a funny headache which was goign to come last 2 days. i dont hv habiut of having headaches. but i put it down to the weather plus had few errands to run last 2 days also.

But applied some oil n kept myself cool..so never came


pinkieme : ur gynae charges are very high..one visit can pay for almost half my package already!!

congrats on your good results!

simbaobao: happy to hear your results too..

why did your gynae more to come upon seeing the blueblacks? is it normal?

omg..the unit above mine is drilling away :S

#2 & VirgoMTB : singaporean def eligible for bb cos mummy sporean plus bb'll born in spore.

just wondering can declare sporean first..then change citizenship when bb's older

heard something abt bb can choose their nationality by age 18 or 21.

muffin :didnt know they have such a flavour for ice cream ! bgt from daily scoop [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

you better rest and keep yourself cool.

the weather these days is horrible.

muffin : i laughed when i read the part about our body being a baby-making oven! so sute.

duno is it the ice cream or the present drilling..tummy seems to have some reaction at the moment. Strange!

drillin stopped..reaction also stopped!

#2 - We are super paranoid :p I will also watch my dogs' ribcages to make sure they are breathing. Haha!

Simbaobao - Did your doctor give you a copy of the results? There are actually 2 parts to blood test results. 1st line is statistical assessment based on our profile. 2nd line is calculated assessment based on our blood test. I also got 1:552 based on my age but blood test results fared much better so doctor concluded low risk.

Sing Yee - I'm thinking of BKK or HKG. But also worried that by May or so, it will be very warm in HKG. My family was thinking of a year-end Aussie trip, think I wont be able to join them [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Lunch - Went Chinatown with colleague as she needed to change currency. Wanted to eat the popular Yong Tau Foo but it only starts selling at 130pm. Settled for 高记 and fresh orange juice. Think hawker centre was too warm so I took away another cup of sugar cane after lunch. Upon reaching office, bought another cup of soya bean drink and salted bean from Mr Bean =X

Bunnz, I think easier to register as SG citizen and change to other citizenship rather than the other way round. GWIM?

Kyra, we are 'paranoid-buddies'. HAHAHA!!

My fat dog actually will make weird noises in her dreams. Damn hilarious. Like telling this paranoid mummy that she's still alive though she's asleep!

i am so so hungry but still cannot tink of what to eat yet..

Bunnz... i still had 2 or 3 blood tests not done yet.. he said in trimestr 2.. -_-"

the hep B / HIV etc

Lol coz he said i am fair.. so having the blueblack is super obvious... i told him PLS do everythings on the same day la... if not, 1 by 1.. HENG CHAM de...

kyle: no he didn.. he kept all the refer in the file... did urs gave u back urs?

Simbaobao - Yup, I got a copy from gynae. So for example, while the first line read that for Trisomy 21 risk is 1:552, my actual assessment is 1: 10,000+. Still my paranoia kicked in and asked if I will require more tests, he said "aiyo, if like that you also worried, I dont know what to do" =/

Think for trisomy 18, the risk is 1:13000+ and the last one is 1:40,000+

Simbaobao, so far I only did 1 blood test for oscar.. Wonder when we shld do the hep test? I had sweet potato soup for lunch

kyle: oh i saw that too... the figures made me went @@... i told him.. seriously i dunno much la.. i juz nid 1 very simple answer in layman term.. is baby ok.. haha he laughed...

Yah man...tell me all these figures also no use. To me, even 1:100,000 still poses a risk mah. So they really ought to tell us in layman term.

Kyra & Simbaobao, he cannot say in super layman terms that baby is alright cos still got a risk there... and the gynae may get sued. So so far what I heard is gynaes will tell you high risk or low risk. But the risk is still there -_-"

thanks gals! glad to know i'm not the only one overly worried. I will try my best to stay positive and feel happy.

anyone starts to feel backaches from wk 10 onwards? today my backache is really bad. not sure if it is coz of my sleeping posture. after lunch, had cramps which lasted quite long, so i quickly take 1/2 day home and rest.

is oscar test same meaning as test for down sydrome? kkh schedule me to do bloodtest tomorrow but the scan only in 2 weeks time. i thot should do same week? quite confused.

kyle, can consider going for beach holidays? more relaxing. BKK or HK needs alot of walking and crowded. maybe you will feel tired easily?

#2: of coz he explained everythings before i went... is so far so good or need more test...

ya la.. everytings oso had a risk..

now i throughly understand why ppl always said.. once u had kids.. you have endless worries... from they are o till they are 100yrs old.. as a parent.. you will will worry for them..

hihi girls..my edd is 29 sept...am reaching week 10 and to-date visited gynae 3 times incurred about close to $1K liao. I first visited on wk 7 and took a blood test for hiv , hep a, hep b, rubella, blood count, glucose.. and also ultrascan. that cost me $400+ first time. Supposed to go back see her in week 10, but last week i encountered spotting so went back to see her and got a jab and on duphaston 3 times a day + DHA. went back to see her 4 days after 1st spotting. All these include ultra scan.. that now the cost abt $1K liao /sweat.

I am supposed to go back see her in week 11th for DS blood test and week 14 for the detailed scan for measurement of neck thickness. Am i seeing her too often. Somehow feel doc is trying to earn my money or trying to play safe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

last scan at week 9+, bb is 23mm. can see hand, very cute.. but each time see bb need to pay.. very sim tia...

can i ask u all if we can do rebonding of hair now? find my hair damn messy now but afraid of the effects of chemicals..

Simbaobao... really is endless worry...

Am I doing enough?

Will he lose out if I don't send him to ___ class?

What is he doing at school?

Will anything happen in the school bus?

etc etc etc...

#2 ya lo..

HB is more concern on the character.. the EQ

he comments alots of kids now had everythins but no EQ... which is a really sad thing..

Rumi, your gynae got no package? Cos for mine, the compulsory blood test for HIV, etc is included in the package. So total for antenatal visits = package price $800 only.

@rumi - to be safe, better not. Each time I visit my gynae, he will tell me no colouring or rebonding. Maybe he is hinting to me that my hair is very messy but to bear with it. Haha, anyway, I have no intentions of doing it but I believe for a gynae to keep nagging, it must have serious consequences.

Simbaobao, he is right.

I was just telling my friends yesterday. No point having the smartest kid in the world when your kid don't even have basic manners.

For my boy, we chose a kindy that emphasized on EQ. Can see my boy improving on social skills also (cos he is only child at the moment, so tend to be more 'territorial').

Rumi, agree with Gina, no anything to the hair for now. Anything with chemicals & will come in contact with the skin is a no-no. So for now, my hubs agree to me visiting the salon for bi-weekly hair wash/blow so that my hair won't look so messy all the time :D Each visit is $10 for wash & blow...

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hai guess have to endure messy hair till end end of Oct!

The blood test alone cost me $150+gst

The OSCAR should be about $380+ or more..

My gynae package start only at week 16 and the package only includes consultation and normal ultrascan it cost $950+gst and is only 11 sessions.

BTW. the duphaston is very expensive.. 42 pills cost me $84 + gst.. only last me 14 days..

There is a blood clot in my womb beside bb.. so hopefully next visit the clot will disappear.


yeap we seen too much spoilt brats among our friends'/ relatives kids... really no basic manner...really cannot take it..

rumi: ya lo BEST to stay aways from all those chemcial though some are coming up with what organic...

coz i cannot colour my hair.. it look so teribble.. i spanned off it before cny.. hehe

Rumi, cannot do anything during breastfeeding also. The first thing I did when I stopped breastfeeding was to REBOND MY HAIR!! hahahaha!! And I even brought food to 'celebrate' with my hair stylist! hahaha!!

Simbaobao, manners start from HOME. Serious. I've taught so many children and you can tell which parents really teach their kids proper manners.

In fact, some of the parents themselves have no manners!!

I'm thankful my boy listens to reasoning, so he's quite teachable. We just have to tell him that a certain action is not nice and he will understand (though sometimes he will try his luck again).

End up, I have to teach my students manners when they come to my house:

- No going into other bedrooms without permission (especially master room)

- No jumping on the sofa

- No touching things without permission

etc etc

All seems like basic knowledge as guests in other ppl's house but the kids totally dunno.....

Wah Rumi,

your's really expensive le..my basic blood test + U/S + consultation is 270,i already find it very ex..haha...then same i also got spotting so also went back to see her...but she was kind enuff to waive one of my U/S which save me $90. to date...i already *ching king ching king* spent $700! but she's nice to help me do a 4D scan during my spotting check up =)


exactly.. the real issue lies with the parent.. i told my frds... when the parent themselves had no.. how to teach own kids with manner?

Last time am oso very strict with my students.. they tend to shout at their care takers like their old grandparent/maid as well.. i asked them IF i or anyone do the same thing to them? how will they feel?

very soon they are used to my manners and the parents were very happy..always asked me to talk things to their kids.. haha i tink i had commandos kids in my class..

Last week.. i got knocked by a kid.. WOW he still dare to stare @ me as if its my fault.. i always siam him.. his parent can juz ignored and pull him along... -_-" really speechless..

Simbaobao, I agree with the shouting at caretakers part. Esp when they shout at their grandparents/maid. I cannot take it. Sure scold them upside down.

Kids are teachable and they will learn manners very fast if someone teaches them. I cannot stand rude kids so my students all become well-behaved and I normally will check with parents if they misbehave at home, I will scold during tuition. HAHAH!


There was once, a little girl step on my feet my accident but it was so painful that i scream out with pain. Guess what, her mother came over and scolded me for frightening her daughter! I was so pissed that I told her that ur daughter will grow up with no manners next time.

Suddenly got huge craving for jap curry rice at Marina Square! May go there for dinner. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyway, anyone experienced ppl giving you seats on trains yet?


lolz.. ya lo

if no one teach them.. they will not understand..

next time grow up.. will tink they do everythings are alright.. then end up getting into troubles..

i had parents asking.. how come u dun look fierce but everyone listened to you.. i told them coz i spent time to understand them..

sad to say .. most parent always said no time no time.. yet they dun understand their is one ting called quality time...

nowsaday i am very scared of kids running ard.. their eyes seem to be on top of the head...

pls ladies.. pls be extra careful if kids are running near you..

Dear mummies,

I am from Feb 2011 thread. I have some baby gift sets to let go cheap! All brand new!

Great for your newborn or as gifts =)

[Refer below for photos]

Set 1 - $12 (Winnie the Pooh 6 pcs set)

Pls note: Set 1's Box is slightly dented. Good for own use though.

Set 2 - $12 (Benbeni 5 pcs set)

Set 3 - $10 (Wonderchild 4 pcs set)

Set 4 - $15 (Max Cool 7 pcs set)

Set 5 - $15 (Pureen 7 pcs set)

Set 6 - $2 (Mt A mittens, booties, bibs, towel set)

Set 7 - $2 (Enfapro cloths, socks, towel set)

FREE Set 6 OR 7 for purchases of 2 sets & above! While stock last!

Self collection at Choa Chu Kang Street 62.

PM me if keen!








Gina: no lo... i tink they tink i am FAT... not preg ... haha but hb will always nagged at me.. asked me got seat to sit.. faster sit..

Asura79 (asura) : OMG tats rude i hv seen sum kids who really mis behave and i agree its the parents fault there are two instance in my block one of the kid spoke foul language (my neighbor tells me all tat) and there is one jus below my floor hs two boys always yellin at em even in the middle of the nite sumtimes i wonder why do u give birth to kids if u dun noe how to tk care of em

Am asking becos my friend who is like 8 months now got pushed by a lady who was snatching the priority seat that someone gave up to her and my friend nearly knocked her tummy on the pole.

When the lady didn't get the seat eventually, still dared to shout expletives at my friend. Very rude people outside now. So you mummies must watch out, for both children and adults once you all get bigger and more obvious.

Gina: omg... tat person is REALLY *@&*(&(#@*&(*#@

When the MS is really bad... i am very despo for a seat but now.. forget it.. i tried to avoid peak hrs or the most pay for more a comfort seating...

Gina, there was once when I was really not feeling well, an old man at the priority seat gave up his seat for me. But I'm not sure whether it's coz I looked very sick.

And there was another incident whereby my hubby alerted a pregnant lady when there's a seat available. I told him he should let me sit instead of the other pregnant lady coz I'm still in my first tri and I should feel more uncomfortable than that pregnant lady. ;p Btw, joking only la. No one could tell I'm pregnant I think.

I told my hubby I'm quite determined to ask ppl give up seat for me (those sitting at priority seat) after my 1st tri. But I think a bit paiseh leh. Would you actually ask ppl to give up priority seat for you?

unless i felt very uncomfortable.. if not, i can stand den i will do so... not all will willingly give up the seats.. to them, they oso pay wat.. if u meet the unreasonable ones..

I was standing in front of this lady then. I think my bump was showing slightly. She looked up at my belly, looked down, looked up, looked down and then close her eyes to sleep. Haha, poor girl.

I wasn't expecting a seat cos I sit a lot in office and would love to stand a bit (plus train was not that crowded).. but she must have went through a lot in her mind and decided that closing her eyes was the best escape. Haha. I'm also worried cos mine is not very obvious, what if another more pregnant woman comes in, I must stand again to give seat to her, so it will become very mah fan. If I don't stand, people will take photo and send to stomp. Haha

Gina: lol MRT had a amazing effect to make ppl slp within dat sec mah... if not, they r busy playing with their Iphone or wat..

There is a few times.. i wanna to give up my seats to older folks/preggy but hb made me sit down and gave up his instead...

There is once.. there are abt 7 students sitting opp us.. all noisy and behaves like monkey.. den suddenly all fell aslp within 1min when ppl starts to step in.. how amazing rite..


hi! Anyone experiencing very dry skin. For this pregnancy, my tummy skin very dry. I try baby oil, baby cream all no work. Now i'm thinking if i should buy clarins. Any recommendation

On MRT rides, i always kena pushed and yesterday someone actully lean on me for support! Faintz, I ask her to pls hands off as I already standing not stable among the crowded train

