(2011/09) Sep 2011

I m down with bronchitis...wracking coughs so I m unable to sleep much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] doc suggested antibiotics, medicon-a but I opted not to take them yet. He did discuss about possible side effects so I chose to wait it out *fingers crossed*


Mummies, anyone intending to get a Pupsik Studio Baby Pouch? www.pupsikstudio.com

I am letting go mine. Comes with original plastic packaging and instruction manual. Its used only at home. Have washed and kept back into original packaging.

Letting go for at a low price of only $22 (more than 50% off). Originally bought for $45.90

Colour: Chocolate

Size: L

Do pm me in case I miss out your reply in the thread as it moves too fast for me ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]




Ellysia: i think your weight gain still ok lar.. i put on 3kg in 1mth.. B4 i left, gynae still mention to me, 4kg for next mth.. I was like huh..

pooh: I think I have a colleague who got contact for yellow rice wine. I'll check out tomorrow in the office if have the contact.

BTW, anyone can recommend? should I get a new baby cot for #2 or to give my #1 cot to #2 and make #1 sleep on a floor mattress? My #1 will be almost 2 years old when #2 expecting in early Sep.

Hi Velo, my #1 gal is turning 2 this month but we have converted her to sleep on sofa bed (the only spare bed we have) since 5 mths back as we wanted to train her to sleep outside the bb cot before #2 comes along. We are now looking for toddler bed for her so that we have more space to move when we have bb cot and a super single bed for her.

Personally I feel 2 bb cots not very economical as eventually the kids will need to sleep in normal bed.

I know of some friends with kids around the same age as my #1 whom also already move their kiddos to sleep outside cot, mainly on floor mattress.

Pooh: Sorry i asked my colleague but it seem the person in SIn no longer make yellow rice wine. I think only Malaysia sells (think illegal in SIN). I try ask my Malaysian colleague. Any update I let you know.

ILoveSashimi: Thanks for the advice. My #1 cot can be converted into a toddler bed that's why I'm thinking if I should give up his cot to #2 or wait till he's ready and we convert the bed to a toddler bed.

Me & hub is thinking to buy another cot that is convertiable to toddler bed for #2. Mmm...so many decisions to make esp on rooming now.

i have same thinking as ilovesashimi..my #1 also sleeping on floor mattress..buying a proper toddler bed will be a good idea..while the old cot can be saved for no 2.

we also making major space clearance now and reorganising the rooms!

Hi Mummies,

I have BNIB NEW BORN SET, selling at S$15 NET




Collection point: Tanjong Pagar MRT/ Paya Lebar MRT

ya i tink not necesary to get another baby cot.. i intend to let my daughter sleep on a mattress on the floor and let the didi use her cot..

Hi Jayna,

I'm currently residing in TW too...currently in my 21weeks. Will be returning to SG in 2 weeks time.

*Actually I CAN'T wait to go back, still prefer my mom's cooking*

Anyone tried Mt A pre-natal class?

Was thinking if I cant fit into Mrs Wong class schedule I may need to fall back to Mt A class.

Will be having my DS this friday...haiz...worried if TW gynae can trust...still think SG more reliable.


I've one BNIP Pupsik M size in Confetti pattern to let go.

Retail: $46.90

Letting go at: $35

Deal at Seng Kang / Punggol MRT

Willing to exchange for NTUC Voucher also...

Sms 98460422 for fast deal or PM me.....

Velo: Actually i am not converting my gal's cot into toddler although its very big and can be converted.

I am just getting a super single adult bed hoping it will last till pri school before it pek char and i have to buy new bed. keke.. This super single, i also intend to get those that can be pulled out one so that when #2 gets older, she can use it too.

if you get 2 cots and convert to toddler beds, what happen when they outgrow it and need to move to adult size bed? Then very wasted right? To give away 2 cots unless u planning #3 etc.. lol

Jayna: thx alot for e advice on the fb tread.

Realised tat you are sickie, recover soon!Prehaps stay away from chicken and orange may helps you to speedy recovery!

fifteenmay & yen: yeah babes, we are having the same gynae.. intially i thought i was e lonely one. =) did you gals join the pre-natal classes?


Natal Care Plus (400mg): Each box of 30 capsules at $14.00 (U.P. $16.05)



All boxes with Expiry 2013.

Bought too many from Dr Adrian.


An Australian specially balanced formulation that helps fulfill DHA requirement for fetal / baby brain development, and optimizes the brain development of the fetus and infant.

The core element in NATAL CARE PLUS - Natural Fish Oil - contains DHA and EPA, which is particularly needed during pregnancy and lactation. Apart from that, NATAL CARE PLUS also contains Vitamin E, an anti-oxidant that helps to alleviate the negative impact of free radical formation, and increase normal cell function.


Cash on pick-up/delivery @ Jurong East or Raffles Place.

Kindly PM or leave SMS at 9 876 1872.


hi i went melbourne in oct last year.

for children clothes, i went to fac outlets

at bridge road. I pick up discounted clothes

for my girl (3 years old) at pumpkin patch, esprit , cottons on.....these brands are expensinve in sinagpore. So, u must go to the fac outlets in bridge road to pick up ur own and ur kid clothing. Or docklands oso have fac outlets for punpkin patch and cottons on

Pooh, rice wine for cooking? what's the difference between rice wine & Martell kind.

I may not get confinement lady cos HB no room and i stay in BKK, so I would like to start my confinement food blog.

rice wine are usually homemade.. my mum will be making it for me.. old folk always said 1 chicken = 1 bottle of rice wine to BU our body back.. martell ones oso can use.. but some ppl cannot take it due to its alcahol level.. and the taste is differ...

i been taking homemade rice wine since young.. my mum always cooked it with chicken n ginger really yummy but my body will get very heaty with it.

any mommies planning to buy cinch signature wrap for post natal treatment, it cost $140 on nichebabies, i got the cheap version like 30 on my 1st confinement, used it after 3months so no use, after delivery have extra spare tire

@miho_26: which part of tw are u located? will u be coming back after delivery? The lady from parentcraft was telling me it's still possible to start the lessons from 30w. I think they still have slots for the 12/06 class...maybe u would like to find out from them?

Hi Ping, yes i have signed up for the pre natal class with TMC though i am opting to give birth at Mount A. Class starts in mid june : )

How do you find Dr Beh?

fifteenmay, i had signed up for the classes too but however at amk hub, thought the location is nearer to me instead.

Erm, Dr Beh seems ok, my consultation always seems short. i wished i had more time though.

i was still wondering if any of the mummies had given birth previously in TMC and how is the range of the fees (cash portion to be paid ultimately) like between single bedded and twin bedded?


I have WONG BOI BOI book to let go at S$8(include normal postage). only read once. new condition. normal price is S$15.

Pls let me know if you are keen.



I paid $3.8K in cash after medisave deduction, for single bed ward. It include gynae fees which is abt $1K+. That was in year 2008.

The total amt paid may not be a lot of difference but the cash payout will be lot more. i tink bec medisave deduction for single bed is very limited.

There's a fixed limit for the amount you can claim for different types of deliveries. So the cash portion is whatever you can't claim.

Usually the diff btw 1 bedder & 2 bedder is around 100 - 300 dollars per night's stay. But bear in mind, baby's bill will also follow which bedder you take....

So I still prefer to go to TMC, take 4 bedder, pay 4 bedder price but gynae free upgrade to 2 bedder :D :D :D

Pooh: pardon but no contact for the yellow rice wine. My Malaysian colleague does it for home consumption only thus no sell. Also her hometown very far, i think pangkor so not possible. Wow, this stuff like not easy to find.

Velo, most of them make for their own use cos it's tedious & not worth it to make to sell.

Pangkor is a super nice place!!! Been going there every year for the past 3 years!!!

#2 on the way: Ya. in SIn like hardly hear of ppl selling. My friend say Pangkor very nice too espcially Pangkor Laut which is one expensive place. I yet to go there, Hope can visit one day. Where U stay when you go, perhaps can ask hubby plan a trip after delivery & confinement! Hee

Velo, if dun stay those 5star resorts, it's not exp at all.

We go as a big family (2 buses), I paid $900 for 3 adults & 1 kid for 4D3N. We went to Pangkor Laut by coach, then change ferry at Lumut :D

#2: That's affordable. By coach, how long is the journey. Pangkor like very far oh.

BTW, to all mummies, Isetan Scotts having Gap baby fair. Only S$10 per pc. Min 5 pc still get 5% off and min 10 pc get 10%. But really have to dig. more girls clothes. Boys alot of 0-3months old.

Velo, eh... I dunno... We board the bus at ard 11pm... then stop for 3-4 breaks (cos got kids & old folks - they need the toilet break)...

Reach Lumut at 5am... Then take ferry (45min) to Pangkor Island... 10min taxi ride to our resort :D

My boy slept all the way! The first trip he was 11mths old, still breastfed so just shove my boobs to him can le :p He was quiet the whole journey [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

2nd trip was 2 years later (almost 3yo), he was having fun with my nephews & nieces playing & watching DVDs...

3rd trip was Dec 2010 (almost 4yo), he was busy playing with his toys & my mum's shawl (pretend he is RAPUNZEL)...

Hi ladies,

I'm also a Sept mtm, EDD is on 28th Sept. And I will be delivering at MAH.

Just wondering if anyone has engaged the services of Auntie Lian (Irene) from Sabah for confinement??

Dear all,

need some advice from all of u...EDD is Sep, so trying to get most of the things settled first..first one so abit kiasu :p

i am contemplating between a cot and playpen. Anybody has any advice on which option is better?

also deciding on a baby carrier - any brands to recommend?

thanks in advance.


Hi mommies

Sorry to intrude. If you need advise on coverage for you and your loved ones, please do contact me for a discussion with no obligation.

I will also provide a free service to do a financial health review with you. Thank you & have a smooth delivery.

Gyan Tan

AIA Financial Service Consultant

H/P: 8233 3254

Email: [email protected]

