(2011/09) Sep 2011

I am also stopping at #2. Although I will be having 2 boys and no girls in future, I find that 2 is enough and size of family will be just nice.

p00h, thanks for the hard work, why not add another column on Mummies' age as well? Hehe!

My #2's name will be Gareth. Thanks!


Just done DS yesterday..confirmed is a BOY. Everything scanned yesterday looks good and baby estimate weight is 329g @ WK20. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Went for the 2pm TMC hospital tour, the wards look OK to us. Hb seems to be interested in the standard single bedded room.

Gynae said can go holiday, eat seafood, drink coffee, exercise, swimming...live life as per normal. Expect some pain around the pelvic and backbone, may have bleeding during brush teeth as well. He tried to do 3D scan but not successful as baby is very active moving around..haha. He said usually is clearer when is about 7month but can try scan again during the next visit.

p00h: I also didn't expect that. Gynae just say lets scan for "fun"..haha. But too bad, bb was very active yesterday. Since he says 7mths clearer, so i guess usually is done around 7mths ba.

Hi all mummies-to-be,

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I am new here...took me sooo long to join all of u coz i was worried i might mc again... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i m @ my 22w today and our bb boy will be arriving on 1st sept...

looking forward to participating in the discussions!

welcome jayna.. care to provide me with the following, so i can update:








I am currently residing in TW but will be back in SG by my 28w. Will it be too late to go for antenatal classes? :p

I could not find anything comprehensive where I am located at the moment...

p00h : Thank you!

EDD - 01/09

Nick - jayna

BB - No. 1

Gender - Prince

Gynae - Dr LC Cheng

Hospital - TMC

occupation - Homemaker

Area - Taiwan(at the moment)

i did 4d scan twice liao..once in week 9 the other at week 10....cos that time i had spotting, so gynae did the 4D scan to have a better look at the placenta. 4D is cool...can see the movement very clearly...and also the facial features...=)

p00h: whew! that is good to hear [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thought I missed the boat and still erm...clueless...heh where are you having your lessons?

yes i continued with my checkups after i came back to taiwan when i m at my 14w ... but i have a little bit of a communication issue with the gynae here :p my chinese not that powderful! i was also wondering if i should do the 3d/4d scan ...

No swelling feet or boobs but increasing waistline and chest!

Wired bras seems to be suffocating me. Got extensions but no increase in cup size. Normal?

Discharge also increase n by mid day need change lpanty liner, gets pretty funcky down there!

I just went for my gyn check just now. BB is very active.

500grams at week 22. Gyn said my bb is big, same as my #1.

Will be going for 3D 2 weeks later. Hoho!

Tummy (above belly button) always feels as if overate at buffet. Or is it intestines stomach etc get pushed up & squashed?

BB area (below belly button) feels so sore, tight, full n juggly. BB has been sending me bursts of pain like muscle aches after running. Is BB boxing me from inside?

Hi Mummies,

I'm from the April 2011 thread and would like to seek your help.

For those of you who have not given birth and have the Medela Freestyle, can you please help me to charge my battery? Coz' the battery needs an initial charge of 24hours but I've delivered and need to use my pump every 3 hourly. I am willing to pay a token sum to whoever can help me and would arrange to pass you the battery at a place of your convenience.

Thank you very much!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gilera : i think you shd change your bras to those without underwire. esp when u sit for long periods of time..it's just suffocatin. increase your cup size as well.Just get 2 first..as they may change later in the preg. i've changed mine from mid march. Felt so much better.

Any working mummies facing some sort of discrimination at work? Boss has been expressing displeasure at MC taken saying coz I absent , other teammate learn to take MC. In wat manner does that got to do w me. It's my entitement isn't it.

Gynae check ups issue MC so I just inform on day itself. Supposedly have to apply as leave as they consider it 'advanced medical appt'. MC is only accepted as sudden sick on that day. So I use MC la, nothing wrong wat.

We also have an early off once a month. Today last working day of April, he ask me to miss it this month, dun take. He rejected the same yesterday. Wat the .....

Gilera, your boss said it verbally? Make your boss email to you. With B&W, you can lodge complaint.

At my previous workplace, the big big boss sent a very nasty email to all staff about us taking too much MC. Someone went to complain to the bigger boss & he kena scolded big time for it.

His email mentioned something like the staff is very inconsiderate to take MC all together & we should space out our MCs (as if we can plan when we get sick?).

I requested thru email he no reply so I ask then he verbally rejected. He won't so stupid make it in writing. Now cover up by scheduling a meeting at 3 pm ( the supposed time off) after he tell me to not utilize this month early off.

Lol plan a meeting to cover his ass when one team member absent today. Damn smelly. It's just to cover his tracks la.

And when hv private talk always say he dun wanna mention but hv to that I take leave n mc. Even I use all so wat. It's my entitlement. N I produce supporting mc. Beat ard the bush that suspicious I truly frequently sick n should go for full body checkup. Lol. This year informed him I preggie he also conduct this talk n say "now u preg I can't say but still i need to voice out ....." dunno playing wat tactic.

He makes me sick of work

Plus after announcing I preg it's very obvious that he is trying to work me to death before I go on maternity leave. Piles of new tasks everyday that not on my jobscope n when I voice out say I no initiative etc.

Even another department shorthanded now I cover that job as well n my own job too. Then how come no double salary for double work. It's ridiculous. I bet when the cleaning lady not ard, he will activate me too.

Really seems he is put to kill me even knowing I preg. No consideration. His own wife has been through lor. Indian national expat. !pui! Even other colleagues feedback it's unfair.

Gilera, like that will hv KARMA one. One of my friend preggie tt time kena bully by her boss until she can't take it, she quit. Cos they ask her to carry heavy things & ask her climb up & down to get stuff though they all know she's preggie!!!

Then 2 years later, the company close down and her boss become bankrupt. Really is karma!

aiyo really very poor thing!! I'm thankful that at my workplace everyone is open abt this..during my first trimester my boss even let me go hm halfway when i'm not feeling well and no need to compensate back the time..they also try to give me lesser workload..seems like public sector more receptive..

Jean, depends on which dept in public sector. I was previously from public sector... The place I was with during my first pregnancy was fantastic! Caring boss/colleagues who made sure I was not overworked...

But the 2nd place made me leave cos the stress there is so high that I couldn't even concieve!

& my colleagues from the 2nd place were bullied like mad during their pregnancies... they were sent nasty emails & SMSes when they were on MC or warded in hospital!

Hi new mommies, please do pm me your email add so i can add u into the fb group.. Coz gina may not be always on the thread to keep track... Thks! :D

Thanx p00h! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I went to the parentcraft website to chk out their schedules...but unfortunately the classes either start before i return or too late(i will already b in my 32w :p)

There's mention of intensive classes...wondering if anyone attended those before?

ooo...btw...it seems like i detected my first pregnancy stretchmark (at least at places i can see)...it's at...my becoming-shallower-belly-button!

haha...though it should NOT be something i should be happy about but somehow i just keep smiling when i spy it in the mirror :p

Hi All,

i'm new here, glad to see so many sept mummies in here.

self intro: EDD 9th sept, lil prince, gynae: Dr Beh at TMC, staying Punggol area

PS: can anyone advise how do i add the thread fb?

THanks =)

Welcome candyflos [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pls pm p3pp3r your email .....

Hi SJ & MI, i had pass everything in my detailed test. Glad that everything went smoothly. Tks for the encouragement.

Wish all mummies a healthy life and baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies,

I am from April forum.

My friend brought me a PHILIPS ELECTRICAL SINGLE BREAST PUMP. I already brought my own pump thus would like to sell the new pump off.

The above was purchased on 07/03/2011 and is under 2 years warranty.

Pls PM @ [email protected] if keen.

Thank you.


I just went ds at tmc last fri, confirm gender is girl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

At clinic checkup realise tat my weight increase is 5KG over 1.5mths gap! But since bb growth is normal, gynae didn't say need to cut back. But probably the weight increase will go to myself instead. Or its probably water retention too. Anyway my current weight is the weight i had during 3rd trim in 1st P.. and now is only 2nd trim. Dunno if i can tahan to carry so much extra weight! feel more tired like in 3rd trim ored.

