(2011/08) Aug 2011


envy envy.. I haven't done my pedicure yet., was thinking abt it since 2weeks ago but still no courage to go out.

Afraid of puke and giddy feeling..( iam vr lousy)

Patricia, no problem.. Ice cream is okay. Eat whatever you want but in moderation.

In fact, iam still taking mackerel fish but only once in a month.. All in moderation.


Hi mummies, I'm also taking the suppositories. They don't seem to work. I'm in my 12th week already still hugging toilet bowl most of the time. Really spoil mood n I don't even feel anything this cny... But i still feel blessed cos It took me 2 years to conceive this #1 ;) jus hope MS can clear off soon so I can eat proper nutritious food...

hi changni

you seemed new to our club. Welcome!! I am going to be in my wk13 starting tomr onwards. (so I am still in wk12 this wk)

Like you, I just vomitted some of my food out (seaweed soup+steam fish+veg) Yucky! So many ppl have told me that 2nd trimester will be better and I am really looking forward to it. But I cannot feel that I am going to be better...

Lucky you, you only tried 2 yrs. I have tried 4 yrs for no. 1. Now I just got to HANG ON/IN there. Let's cheer each other on.

This forum is a support forum for all MTBS.

hi carole,

Remember to post some pics of your cny eve feast. I am waiting to see it. Whenever I feel negative I will read your post to perk me up! We need to be POSITIVE!!!

PiPi, my hubby went to taiwan for work for a month when i was 7 months pregnant with #1. i was very upset cos i had to stay alone at home. gave my neighbours an extra set of housekeys just in case anything happen to me.

i think someone mentioned before that hubbies tend to put more focus on their career then families. some expect that because their own mums are so independent that their wives are the same too, but i always tell my hubby that his mum had 4 kids while she was not working (SAHM) so diff from me today who have to work and contribute to family income.

i survived that one month, but if u ask me if i ever forgave him for it, i'd say not really. his mum was the one keep pushing us to have a kid and insinuating like i was the problematic one, so that's why i rushed and got pregnant 6 months after we were married. sometimes i wish we had a bit more of married-couple time before becoming parents but the pressure would have stressed me out. even the 2nd one now, i had to practically beg him to do BD to conceive. if i dont make first move, dont think i'd be pregnant now. but now that i am, im so happy! i love my daughter and am sure i'd love #2 just as much.

sorry this post turned out to be a rant of my marital issues...while i think it's good to be positive-thinking, i think on some level it's not right for a hubby to leave his pregnant wife at any trimester. you just never know, so why leave it to fate?

hi caramelle,

But sometimes work is work, my hubby has already postpone his biz trip which falls in Feb. But he told me he is not sure how long more he can push back cos his boss is pressuring him to go. As bread and butter is concerned, I guess I got to learn to be as positve as carole.

Unlike you, I am on hospitalisation leave. I am not even sure if my HR/boss will grant me to work half day from home. If they don't, I will practically not be bringing any money home. That would means my hubby got to cough out $ to pay for housing instalments. Now I am learning to be like Carole, hoefully once baby comes, I will be more emotionally balanced.

Nellie: my mum says dun put the face to low while throwing out.. N dun put too much force... Oh ya n most important... Massage the red spotssssss ( I have alot)... How it helps! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dear mummies, I got the info few days back that my hub will be in reservist for 3 weeks (ICT) during my edd period! Which is early to 3rd week of Aug . I nearly faint! Plus his camp is in extreme west, I wonder Wat will happen! Lolx...


I think U can ask him to try to write in to defer.

Say the pregnant wife needs him ard in case baby comes early n no one else ard to help.

After deliver oso need support n help.

My hubby requested that during my #1.

I vomit so hard that everything comes out. Nothing else to vomit then gastric juices n white foam. Sometimes cough n vomit until urine oso comes out ... Very bad.

Gonna wait till after cny then see how. Weight still sliding. Me was a little overweight so now lose some I still ok but not for another few weeks if this trend continues.


Men expected us to make a fuss n demand this n that , then feels frustrated that we are hard to please. And the more they run away cos they find it so "fan".

If we become more understanding, they'll feel bad n may make more efforts to do what we secretly desire. No quarrels.

I learnt that recently, haha. I stopped asking hubby to do this n that n he bcecome nicer n more automatic. Let them do it willingly ... For us, no choice cos we are the ones pregnant.

patricia, u can eat anything u want... but all not excessive. ya?

Joy: my agent has an outlet in east. but u can always try to call my agent to arrange. he is stationed in Hougang.

jes: your PM is not on.. can email me and i reply u? or call him... Frederic 9244 7528 (United Home) just mentioned Lentor Loop - Carole Ng

Pipi: SFO - san francisco. I m nt super mum. i had to look after my #1 alone till she is 8mths old. then i got a maid, cos hb setup a cafe and i hv to run during the afternoon. If not i would nvr start to get a maid at all. I learnt my way from #1... and currently 2 kids with help of a maid. I must thk the agency for getting me this maid too. Frankly, its nvr agents fault not to get good maids, but the fault the maids themselves. My this #1 is really wonderful and she is gng back home leave in Dec for 15days. i learnt as days goes.. if u need help, just tell me.. i will try to help :p

Shane: all of us are good.. just that some of us are better in one thing than the other.. and u might be better in other trades which i m not. i have learnt the tough way ard. so will assist mummies who are less experience to handle the upcoming events. :p

MaMa: my #1 & #2 is with Cordlife, and will do so for #3 too.

PiPi.. u soo cute.. u wanna see food.. go to my FB! whahahah sometimes i cook i will post there.. or some nice food i eat. i will post too.. so that my friends get to know where i get some cheap and good food. :p [email protected]

Caramelle: dont get upset over hbs actions. Sometimes they see their mums as super humans. they respected them lots. dont compare urself with MIL, just do your part as a mother and things will be better. Dont get angry... he too doing his part to upkeep the family. ya. stay cheerful.. u have us here! jia you!

hi mummies,

my edd is end of august 2011 for my #2.

im abt 9wks. my biggest problem is fatigue.

im super,super tired ALL THE TIME! cant focuse on work, many times feel like taking MC and juz lie in bed whole day.

im lucky cos i can leave my 4yo with my mum while i work and now i leave him there even on my daysoff cos cant imagine having to entertain an active preschooler when i zoning out.

itz ridiculous to wake up at noon and i can fall asleep again by 4-5pm till as late as 7pm. my eyes juz cannot open!!

my quitting my job soon mid feb. hopefully this fatigue will end by 2nd trimester??

Food that i cook for my ward today...

Chawanmushi w Olive oil grilled Chix thigh w grilled mixed vege.


Carole: Ur food looks so OOOOIIIISSHHHHIIII (in Jap style)!! Makes me droolz... u so li hai..

Shint/PiPi: Oh dear.. ur MS sounds really serious.. hope u both get better and remember to hydrate!

Vonnes: My hubby also reservist in Aug.. he is so happy cos can write letter to defer.. that time he wanna 'time' EDD then so that can defer already LOL.. so no worries =)

Rainy weather and I feel like eating Magnum ice cream from all this talk here hehe

Btw Im 12 weeks but my MS just came back yesterday with a vengeance... sigh... hope it will go home soon!

All the best ladies!! hugs

sus: i did nothing except for marinate.. everyone can do it.. let me share with little recipe for above. :p



1 or 2 Boneless Thigh

1 tbsp Sesame Oil

1 tbsp cornflour

2 tbsp soya sauce

dash of pepper

2 teaspoon MASTERFOOD BBQ Sauce


add in all to the above chick thigh to marinate. (best overnight)


just pat the both side of chix with cornflour and pan grill the flesh first w 2tbspoon of olive oil. after 8mins to 10mins, check if the meat is cook. yes, turn over to pan grill the skin side.

vege u can boiled it first and then grill to get the softness... if you like the harder feeling u can put into the gril pan together when u place in the chix onto the pan.

Ppl told me not to take cold stuff... But i cant resist... Anyway magnum is dairy pdt so i thought should b fine too. Anyway i had my magnum! Yummy!

Carole, your food looks good! Believe u must b a

Pretty gd cook yah.



2 eggs

2teaspoon chicken granules

2 tbspn hot water

top up to 240ml of cold water

small bunch needle mushroom

1 or 2 crab stick


-slice the crab stick at angle. and placed at bottom of the small container for steaming.

-dissolve chix granules in 2tbsp of hot water.

-beat in 2 eggs gently prevent bubbles to the dissolve stock.

-add in cold water to 240ml, and beat it gently again prevent bubbles.

-pour the mixture into your steaming bowl w a fork to prevent the bubbles.

-cut from the top of the needle mushroom abt 1.5inch, to garnish after pouring mixture.

-steam for 7 mins and check.


make sure there is a small hole while steaming to prevent your egg custard like GRANDMA face. u can use a chopstick to put one side to leave that gap.

Pat: all food trial and error. cos last time no maid.. so i cook everyday. lol. now got maid. hb gets sick and tired of her cooking too.

pat: u can eat anything.. as long as not excessive. :p i ate ice cream too when i had my #2. lots too.. cos my girl die die must eat.. cos daddy always overseas, so she is queen. but i can eat only vanilla and chocolate. each time i try strawberry, u will see me running to the bowl at 8mths. whahaha bad rightz


I have added you already. Haha I am not very good at FB so was looking how to add you. You should see me today. yeah...I just saw you added me.

You really can cook!!! I also like to cook but now I no guts to go marketing. Your food look so delicious...Oiishii!! Next time we can exchg recipe together k. But I think you are a better cook than me.

pipi is soo pretty!!! babe, cooking is via trial and error.. whahahaha. no one born to walk.. all also learn to cry first, crawl mahz.. whahaha.. i also learnt via cooking rice becomes porridge. whahaha..


I'm experiencing the same thing as you. Just last week when I was 12.5 weeks, I felt my ms easing a little. Thought I was finally feeling better. Now that I'm just past 13 weeks, it's all coming back... with a vengeance! Went for a wedding dinner on Sat, came back and puked everything out. Eew...

Sigh. When oh when...?


I'm always very impressed with women who can cook well. And you're certainly one of them. The food you posted looks super appetising!


I too, have red blotches on the side and bottom of my lips. Doc told me it's due to hormonal changes. I suppose we've got to wait for the blotches to go away on its own. Right now, my concealer is my best friend. =)

such a nice day to sleep in...SAHM go cuddle with your little ones!

so sad to drop #1 in school this morning, i think she was wishing to sleep in late.

this morning, her CC called me to say they noticed some red spots on her arm. she came home with it last thur and i thought it was just mosquito bites so i put soothing lotion and leave it be. has been 4 days already but not much diff, now the spots like harder a bit. i told the teacher maybe it was insect bite at school cos she wear long pants and there are no marks on her legs so maybe while she was sleeping in school the insect bite her. any mummies know what it could possibly be?

morning mummies.. hope the weekend is good for everyone...

yesterday had a small quarrel with hubby over my manicure session.. he dun understand y i want to spend so much money on manicure and pedicure... I got so fed up that I quarrelled with him... I am spending my own money and I only go for mani/pedi sessions on special occassions... and he scolded me for being wasteful...

I think its due to the hormones, I broke out and shouted at him.. feel so bad but I just cant help it... its not my fault.. as if I ask him to pay for all my expenses... haiz...

y cant he understand that I need some grooming to make myself happy.. being pregnant, alot of things cannot do and eat liao.. now even want to control me on my grooming...

although he talks to me like normal after my mani/pedi session, my heart still feel sore... =(

any mummies has this fainting spells? last week, I almost fainted, lucky hubby is beside me.. I rested a while and feel ok.. but this morning, I really fainted... I dunno how I fainted, only rem that I am closing my eyes to rest... the next moment, I realize that I am sitting down at the bench of raffles mrt... is fainting normal during pregnancy?

huisi > I do feel faint at times.. it was because I was hungry and didnt eat..

sus: those kids are the ones i m taking care. :p their parents not in SG.

huisi: some men are like tt. pat pat.. dont take it to heart. cool down ya.

Shane: whahaahaha. i took a bite of the bun and getting hungry. will look for food soon.

thanks for the welcome!

Ellmo: Yah!! Feb 09 thread! But i have been super busy with work and my little boy.. so havent had time to come online anymore.

As you can see, my messages can lag many days later.

Seems like many repeat moms ah?

I thought i should come online and find out if my puking is normal! haha.. no la.. not really vomit but i just feel extreme nausea.

Many working moms here??

Any moms staying in EAST?

I need some advice on play schools. anyone hear of SHAWS and Little Juniors?

Hello all Aug MTB,

New to this thread although I have started to read since this thread just started with a few posts. But wanted to wait till my pregnancy stable and pass the oscar scan then I decided to post...and now I saw this thread so many archives already!

Here's my profile:

EDD: 18 Aug 2011

Child: #3

Gynae/Hosp: Dr Eunice Chua/TMC

*Wave HI to all!

yoyo mommies....

didnt post for few days le aft my last visit to gynae..

this super nice gynae talked to me for a while

i really love him leh..

he like worm in my stomach, can guess wat's bothering me and how to console me..

he also prescribe some medication for me to sleep well, some pills to take to prevent bad m/s


seems like u get over ur maid liao lar.. now can talk abt recipe.. voila.. salute leh, u r a mother of 2, now expecting #3.. can still cook..

ur FB got recipe too???

Welcome all new MTBs.

Now @ e gynae, juz done my oscar, still waiting for review.

Zzz, nice weather to sleep in, but still need to go back to office after this. Yawn.

Hi peachmomo,

Actually this is only my 2nd pregnancy. My first was a pair of twin girls. But this time the pregnancy is quite different from the 1st. So far no puking at all but always have the nausea feeling in the morning. And I always feel so hungry, eat and eat non stop, if not I will feel very nausea when I am over hungry.

I remember my first pregg I actually got no appetite to eat during my first trimester, and I will vomit when I eat...hence lost weight...but this one ah...first trimester I gain 2kg+..faint!

Wow, I realized weekdays, this forum very active. I think cos everyone in office..hee hee. I am starting to work from home today (without permission from boss yet cos boss not in town)

Carole: I think you look good too. I am "ka-tek" type..but I very inspired to cook like you. We must really keep in touch and xchg receipes.


Don't worry too much lah, I also sometimes "fa pi qi" with my hubby cos he need to travel overseas. Now lagi worse, he told me he might change job! And the new job requires him to fly pretty often. B/c of bread and butter, I got to learn to let go cos maybe I wun even go to work for 9mths as I am afraid. (I gutless one) I scared I faint, vomit, want to pee but cannot find toilet in public....Pls take care of yourself huisi..compare to me, you are much braver!!

hihi all mums.. sorry MIA-ed for quite while but had been a silent reader here... I've finally crossed 12 wks. Yippe though MS still the same. Now if I pass by any airconditioned food area, I will puke (just action but nothing came).. so embarassing...

I'm gg for my OSCAR test this Sat. 3rd day of CNY [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] too bad no other timeslot... strange, my OSCAR is done at hospital not at my gynae's place.. so my gynae is not doing the test for me wor...

hello babysee...

i have also just crossed my wk12 mark. This wk is my wk13. But I am still puking. I realised I cannot take braised pork with tau pok. Seems like I detest it. But pre-pregnancy, this is my die hard food.



during e oscar scan, e sonographer got checked the gender also.


