(2011/08) Aug 2011

Carole - You finally "buay tahan" your "hao lian" maid. But her attitude really bad. Fire her is right!

Think about it this way, companies also fire/sack if you dun meet the min. requirements.

juz had company cny celebration buffet lunch w yu sheng( i skipped the raw fish)... was enjoying the food and chatting with colleagues... when i return to my desk, had the urge to puke and rush to toilet -- merlion out all my lunch [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

cac n caramelle, yah, juz eat in moderation... i give my #1 threadfin, cod fish n salmon -- will stick to these [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pipi, i had constipation, too... used to poo everyday -- now is a few day than once... had to strain as poo is hard like rock! guess it is due to me drinking less water... but then i will puke if i drink too much... during #1, i drink prune juice, too...


I'm not a fruit/vege lover but jambu is one of the fruit i love most.. we were discussing abt it and guess wad i bought after lunch earlier at the market - jambu! wahaha

ok, i realised alot of ppl in this forum not shitting properly huh....pls take our advice and make sure you poo poo by today. Hee hee.

Anyway just to share another thing with all of you since I just came back from KK. I told the doc that my urine has a slight tint of blood (v slight). He asked me if I am constipated and I said yes. Soooo the morale of the story is: if you are super constipated like me, you will get a slight tint of blood in urine. Don't be shocked k.

Happy Poo Poo!!!


I have no idea how to upload pics from iphone. It's this red fruit with the shape of a pear without the stalk. It's super juicy inside, with white flesh.

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think last time is my thread, some of the mummies took fybogel for their constipation.

mayb can check with gynae again whether is it suitable or not

i love jambu -- also know as water apple (visited a farm in desaru)... there is also the green type which is sweeter but rarely in season...

i m eating lotsa fruits -- grapes, guava, apple, papaya, etc...

if i want a "quick release" will take fruity yoghurt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] maybe u all can try that, too..


I also did my OSCAR at KK on Monday, wonder if we 'bumped' into each other that day? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm also like you, for this pregnancy, crave for spicy food, one day it's mee siam, then nasi lemak sambal, then kong bao frog legs.


Also my favourite! I like it even more with the prune powder!


I am spared from this, poo poo everyday.

Shane: i don't know about the constipation curing effect of jambu.. think some mummies say it's not helpful...

heh heh.. actually i did not upload the pic, i only search online and post url only. :p

seem like most of us also having constipation problem... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i am using the "enema pump" to release but know is not good to do that so will limit myself to use it, ok need to start taking prune juice as advice by you all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

soulvacation> ya lor CNY is drawing near and hope MS will get better so i can have good appetite... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my prev pregnancy i think was about 8mth preg had one day very bad constipation that the poo was stuck between outside and inside. i so scared to push too hard cos i heard suddenly deliver there and then. was so uncomfortable as i sat in the toilet for quite some time. in the end i pushed it back in, and my mum used the edema pump for me then managed to poo it out. but i remembered the feeling cos when i was pushing baby out that time, the feeling quite similar. like trying to poo a giant poo. sorry if TMI!

PiPi: best .. i tell her things, she one ear in and other ear out. give me that cant be bothered what the Fish you talking abt attitude. wow.. tts mad. its cheaper to tingkat than to hire one maid tt gives me tonnes of lies and dont knw when she gng to pattern again. Since she like FREEDOM, i will give her the 1 way ticket back to home.. and she can have all the freedom she wants.

i ordered 4 dishes + 1 soup from Jessie catering. 20 days. let's try this first.. cant make it will change again.

my gf said she ordered 1 yr.. so i try. cos they are the only one with 4 dishes and 1 soup. others 3+1 or 4. i need more dishes... to serve many mouths :p

mei: i rather be that bad guy to plot her D-day than having to anticipate when she is serving me another round of white lies. cant possibly keep a pest and infest the other. :p

@cac it's like this pump thing inside got clear liquid. i think sell at sinseh shop cos got chinese characters outside and there's 2 pumps inside. i think it relaxes the muscles around there so easier to push out...but not recommended for delivery hor! haha!

Re Jambu: Ooh I like it with dark soy sauce, sugar and chilli too.. is that how you all eat it? Yumzz

Re Constipation: Thanks.. will try the prunes but need to go out and buy later.. right now Ive only got papaya so Im chomping on it now.. how come coca cola works? Caffeine? Does coffee work?

carole: their food initially is good and have a lot of varieties... but recently, the food seems to be repeated... sigh... i see le, dun feel like eating... the vegetables can be improved, i think...

their service is good and most of the time, punctual.

nonetheless, my opinion.

got it. let me try... i just need to tie over this period. if i can bring in the other helper, it will be easier. :p

Wah ladies, I was reading all your posts when I was trying to poo poo. Had some difficulty. Opps... Shall go buy some prune juice to drink tomorrow. Last groceries shopping before CNY! My first time giving angbow. Hee hee

Anyone craves for steak? I'm going jack's place for DH birthday treat. Hope no MS tonight [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

whahahaha. i got this Roast pork and charsiew abt 3+pm. nothing came out.. guess tts only thing that can stay inside :p

bellering....yes, steak!!! yum yum! But now we can only eat well done.... Was craving for steak for my #1 too, and went Jack's Place.

Soulvacation....Agree, nowadays the new generation are very much diff from us! Last time I still rem everyone dying to help teacher carry things! haha...

Christine...Oh dear, please be careful! Its going to be 6pm soon! Hang on! Have a good rest over the weekend! Maybe go eat smth sweet, see if it helps.

Carole...sorry to hear about ur maid. U intending to get a new one?

I'm back! No jack's place we changed venue to mozza @ MBS.. so yum!

Thank god no MS and in fact i enjoyed talking n laughing probably thats how i forgot abt ms feeling.. hee

Thanks milkway & ellmo, i do crave for steak! okidoki will get it well done for bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh and i bought Clarins body treatment oil @ $80. Lucky the sales girl gave me a head up there r actually two types of treatment oil, one is for firming/toning (pregnancy use) n the other is strengthening.. and they both look exactly the same!

So here - for those mtb whom getting it pls do check with the cashier before paying ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ps. and i realize i left it in the car forgot to bring home -.- so forgetful of me zzz

Hi ballering, Carole,

Long time no post due to busy work n my bad MS, also using iPhone so can't post too much- slower. Though I had been following the thread, just din post.

My MS is still there, now about 10 weeks.

For mommies or MTB, I am expecting my #3, two boys Liao n I stay in NE area too.

MS had been rather bad ESP yesterday, puke everything I ate, small or big portion. Dinner time, it came out straight after I finished. Just put on the suppository meds instead of the pill, hope it works better: still have to dong for some time, not sure if it will end after week 12.

Mouth always get the bad sour taste after any food or drink.

Eat clarets, use oral B oso still there ...

Milo, water, ribena, fruit juices oso cannot take :.. Abit more

Water I will have to "hug the toilet bowl". I literally take a stool n sit next to my toilet bowl to puke.

If outside then cannot la cos so dirty ... Sometimes so dirty that I cannot even puke ...

Me now still in the eat, puke, sleep, wake up, eat puke sleep stage on weekends. Weekdays have to work no choi e have to put up a front n go toilet to merlioned.

Cant go out too much, max 2-3 hours then cannot make it ...

At nite I cant sleep till ard midnite n by 5+, I seem to be waking up automatically n cannot get back to sleep. *sigh.

Hence I am here posting away .....

Shint: I'm 12 weeks n I feel u. I hate that sour eeky taste in mouth. I find that potato chips sometimes work to remove that taste.. I take the spicy calbee chips. I too cant sleep well.. Wake up 3 or4 times to go toilet, then eyes open every hour or so, in office so tired. Worse still, I got slight fever n flu since the day before, am really worried. Hope ms goes away by cny - wishing;)

i nvr puke whole of yesterday. dont know good or bad manz. i was like.. something went wrong?!?! hw come no puke this time?

oh ya... I just booted out my #2 helper. I bought a one way ticket back to Manila tomorrow evening. Agent request to give her 1 day to be in SG to let them do some documentations. They agent picked her up at 9.45am and she still has no idea that she is gng back to Manila. The way she packed, she like gng back for holiday. Big bags small bags and soft toys too! i dont know to laugh or to cry when i see that. The ticket i bought only allows carry-on of 7kg. wondering hw much will she need to spend to bring all those back? well, she might have to dump all here and just take the MUST to go back.

Shint, busy with work is good. :p no worries abt not able to chat with us. i m sure u will be here when u hv that time. take care ya

dearest follow MTBs

I finally got my first taste of MS or it might be the laksa that i took yesterday. I vomitted every freaking thing i eat after 10mins .. water, sour plum , fishballs etc...sob sob

Didn log in for these 2days too due to Vr bad ms.

Been vomitting .. Yesterday broke record .. 7times


I had it when expecting #1. Took fybogel Recommended by gynae since month 4 until delivery. Took it alternate day

You can get it from guardian or Watson ..

The tastes is not bad with orange flavour.

Yesterday, had a quarrel with DH over small matter. Made me cried and soo worried if might affect "tai qi". Slept at 2am!!!!

hi shint,

I can't sleep well last night too. Cos I quarrelled with DH and now I feelso guilty towards my baby. I am afraid I might affect the "tai qi". Had beehoon/mee today and soya bean milk for breakfast. after a while got this sour after taste again, and puke a bit of soya bean milk out.

I just hope I can sleep well today and don't worry too much.


hi all MTBs, do you guys have any plans for today and tomr. CNY nearing, I think I going to pack ang bao at home.

I hope some MTBs will be at home, like me, so that there is ppl to chit chat with me on forum. Sometimes i get bored not working...

