(2011/08) Aug 2011

start party.... whahaha u sure u wanna party with me?? my siao hb asking me go st james when i was barely 10 weeks.. i asked him.. u fever har. ahhahahaha


changni: no choice.. i just sent one maid home, and the other i dont want her to get too stress to take over so much work too.. so i will do some light cooking to help out

speaking of kfc - i had popcorn chic for dinner yesterday n returned all to toilet bowl an hour later.. too oily i think [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

sigh what to eat for dinner later... headache arrh!


ur hb is funny..

think needs to distress also haha..

i feel uncomfortable now, tummy like very tight..

very very tight...

hb asking me to apply the strechmark cream now, say the strechmark doesnt look good..

i m sick of chicken now..

BUT last friday aft check up, i went to eat Popeye fried chicken on my own then had a cup of gassy drink to make myself burp.. enjoy man..

wahahahahahaha.. urs also cute... lol mine cant be bothered. i used 1 week for my #1 and forget abt it totally. i hate that feeling on the tummy.. after #2.. still no marks. so god bless. lol

no lahz.. he.. cos now kids sleeps like angmoh.. 8.30pm all gone to bed. so much free time.. he nothign to do find programmes.


curry fish head [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif], i had it on friday nite, those sourish type, very appetising. this is e only food that can make me eat more rice, else most of the time, is noodle.

i like ramly burger too.

think this bb is burger junkie, so far i tried both zinger and ramly, ok.

e other day had fish ball noodle with a bit of chee chong fan, end up in e toilet.

got wii at home?

make him "tire" by playing games loh

i will drag my #1 to sleep at abt 9pm but hv to pretend to sleep wf her.. tiring man..


nope, only members within e group can c e posting and comments

secret MTBs club [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

me too potato.. never really craves for burger but so far thats one of the rare food that stays in; thanks for ur suggestion of curry fish head its one of my fav food but dare not to take as gynae said must avoid spicy food, not sure why... hmm

sus: not me.. whahah is bbpotato.. whahaah i just arrow. whahahahaha she did it in mins! she is that wonderwoman!

cutie> my hb too! are men really scared that women will go ugly? haa... so have u bought any stretchmark cream? perhaps it'll help the tightness? I just bot Elancyl... hope it works for me.

other than McChicken, I really dread chickens now... dint notice until I feel like puking when presented with chicken. I prefer roast duck now... yummy. Initially hb thought I was playing hard coz of preggy which is NOT loh.. until he saw me wana puke a few times and he got scared... esp when my eyes went teary and red from the wana-puke action like those in movies.(luckily nothing came out)

Carole> I'm surprised u can still cook... I'm puking at the smell of raw food...think my puke actions were quite exaggerating, the restuarant dint charge me the fish&chips as I almost puke when I cut open.

bbpotato> hey hey! our bb can say Hi-Five to each other... my bb loves fast food.. eat until daddy sore throat.

I'm scared of yellow noodles... to the extend I order one bowl of 11 fishballs only w/o noodles.

HI Carole, you can remove me from the column already. I had lost my baby to god on 29th Jan 2011. It had been a torturing day and nightmare for me as this is my first. I had no choice but to take it away as per my gynae as baby was forming adnormally. The skull wasn't grown and the brain is not protected.

I read some mummies who did not have MS also had their baby gone, me also dont have MS.

Wish all MTB have a smooth delivery and Happy CNY to all.

Have load of resting and dont overwork yourself for those are working.

Hope to see you all in this forum soon =)


how do I join the secret group in FB? Sorry I am not v good with FB.

I just puke my tea time snacks out ....total 4 pckts (those small white plastic bag) omg! I am now having phobia eating anything.

missyfang, I am so sorry to hear that... Be strong and do a mini confinement k? Thereafter can try for another bb when ur body gets better.

long time no see babysee.. welcome back! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

carole, i just visited ur cooking album in FB they made me droolzzz esp ur wan tan mee lah >.< !!! so yummm


my hb got nitemare aft seeing my sil's strechmark..

her strechmark exactly like watermelon, dark and light strips..

i WONT apply the cream haha..

dun like dun like loh, then dun touch.. =p


i juz added u in FB, hope to join the "secret society" too hehe..

need to drip blood and sow???

no need bah.. wahaha...

cutie: added.

bellering: whahaha u wanna eat? homecook. but noodles, charsiew i buy.. whahaha i just cook vege, wanton & noodles myself.

Missyfang: noted. God is with you. pat pat. remember to have a mini confinement ya. take care. with good health, soon you will join the MTB again. cheer up.

Jes: are you on FB? i cant seem to find you. if u are on FB, please add me and i will then add u onto the group.

PiPi: i hv added you. you are in the group now.

changni: you should read what my hb wrote.. damn joker!

bbsee: can.. i can hug the bowl, and i can still cook. whahahaha.

Mummies, heard a lots of fast food comments here make me got this "crave" lo..

Had ordered Mcdonald online now.. never forget Happy meals for my DS too..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

He is happyly and patiently waiting at the main door now..hehehe

OMG I read abt the red lanterns... Aww I'm speechless!! Seriously....?? Hahaa really speechless. What if she decides to start bringing them back into ur hse when no one's home.. I can't imagine!

N ur food pics r making me drool lor!

Btw can we drink yakult? I'm so paranoid I keep noticing the fact that yakult has "bacteria"...

Changni: whahahaaha... i cant imagine that a mother of 4 can do such things. really.. i cant. she has no sense of priority towards her kids.. ok dont talk abt her own hb.. just her own kids... apparently, her hb knows abt what she is doing as she did that before she came. goshz... and best part, she got cheek to call her "BF"'s wife to confront her. left me so speechless.

mama: added u to the group

babysee/bbpotato/mama: yay.. fast food! me too.. had Mcdelivery breakfast over weekend.. yummy!

Good morning ladies! Its another coldish day!

Missyfang: so sorry to hear abt ur loss, please take gd care n rest well.

Carole: I've added u on facebook, can u invite me into the secret grp??

missyfang: sorry about your loss.. do take care and join us again. *hugz*

good morning all... i like our secret society... after fainting twice, I got a phobia taking the morning train now... glad that this morning nth happen... phew...

Morning Mummies....

bellering> hihi! was feeling unwell from MS and busy at work... so hadn't had time to log in...

Carole> Pei Fu Pei Fu... I kept wanting to puke (luckily nothing came out most of the time...) once I open my MIL's prepared food which I didnt touch coz of MS, trying to wish the container the next day, I threw out my breakfast the min I smell strong food.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

BeFabulouslyPositive> I drank quite a few bottles of Yakult le... opps, didnt realised there's bacteria. But I supposed it's good bacteria so it should be safe? Some told me not to take honey too... but given now I have limited food choices, I still consume a little...

my hb dreamt we have a bb girl... and she looks exactly like me... haa...

Do you mummies experience EDD change after each scan? my first scan was 9 Aug, then 10 Aug, last scan was 13 Aug... aiyoh.. why like that? is it becoz bb not growing to the expected growth?

Morning mummies!

At clinic doing down syndrome test- saw bb earlier so active loh hehe now waiting for result n to see doc... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning mummies!

At clinic doing down syndrome test- saw bb earlier so active loh hehe now waiting for result n to see doc... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi babysee,

I guess it's normal to have the EDD change during the initial stage of scan. My first scan was 14Aug, then 18Aug, then 19Aug...but gynae says treat the EDD as 18Aug. When we are in 3rd Trimester the EDD will oso change coz last Trimester some babies will grow bigger and faster...anyway, it's the Estimated Delivery Date, not actual so guess +- few days shld be alright lah..

Think can drink Yakult ba, the bacteria is good one & especially for those with StrepB cases..should drink more...haha

I drink Yakult everyday, it's ok one lah! Good for digestion. In fact, when my son has constipation, I let him drink 2 bottles at one go & he'll poop within the next few hours.

morning all mtbs,

Yest i tried to work half day from home, turned out after lunch, i felt v cold, shivering and then giddy. luckily i am at my mum's pl, lie down on bed and dozed off for 2 hrs.

Afternoon, I was a little hungry so snack on some cny goodies, milo and can't remember what else...and I started vomiting since 5pm till night.

Dinner, I only had half small bowl of porridge with preserved olives.

Nite out, supposed to sleep but felt so uncomfortable and was tossing left and right. In the end, I suspected tummy hungry and drank milo. But still can't sleep..in the end, drank ginger tea and ate 2 biscuits...fart out all the wind and slept at 2+am.

Today, I couldn't even make it to work for half day from home.


wow u make fondant cakes to sell?? i ordered 1 for my gal's 1st birthday.. doubt she can celebrate her 2nd birthday a big way.. as i think i'll be doing my confinement...

hi carole,

i added u on FB. can i join the FB gp too?

i also drink vitagen everyday. nice!

tmr going to do my oscar test. yippee! can see baby!!

pipi, i also kept drinking



every night me also hard to sleep...feel stomach so bloated...and I will feel so happy if I manage to fart out all the wind...then I can sleep better...sometimes I know I am hungry but just too tired to get up and eat something...so force myself go back to sleep with tummy grumbling...wonder is it good for the baby inside...

