(2011/08) Aug 2011

Hi Pipi,

I wish I can go out ...

Supposed to attend parent tea season for my kids at their CC but I felt terrible after bf at 10am, I slept till now. My 5 yo kept asking why I sleep so much ... Cos he wants me to accompany him. Now raining heavy also.


Today sat alot of pppe home ba [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyone like to eat violet crumble? Recently I tried n seem to like it quite a bit ... Dunno too sweet not.

Since I still losing weight I think ok ba ...


I am at Sk n rather heavy here. Hubby out ....

Its ok, he understand I have baby thats why .... I think both of them sleeping .. Thanks to my helper, really cannot manage without help.

Ooops shint, the drizzle has turned to heavy down pour at NE part of SG.

Wow I can see the trees swaying left and right...I think better to sleep at home than go out.

My 2.5 yo never asks me to spend time with him cos he used to having limited attention from me ... Whereas #5 have all my attention before n always demanding it. #2 hence no chance. Now with #3, I must really make time for #2. dun wan him to feel left out.

Ohhh, Shint dearie, I can totally understand how u feel. MS is somewhat making me depressed, it's affecting my mood too. Whole day feel queasy and nauseous. Feel so weak too. Go out also cannot go out too long, feel tired and sick after a while.

Actually I should be about 7 weeks plus preggie but doc says based on the bb size, 9 weeks. I also wonder when will MS stop. It's affecting me every day. No mood for anything. Go out also xian, stay at home also xian, sighz... How are the other mummies here coping with your MS?

PiPi: eve i will be cooking for reunion, and at night will be mad rush over how much to pack for APs. i will still be online, so no worries of being bored. if ou hv FB u can add me too :p [email protected]

cool down after the argument ya. relax take a step at each time.

PiPi> i also feel very emo at times and quarrel with hubby over trivial matter... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] just cool down & everything be fine.

These few days i did not go back office cos MS quite bad so just bring some work back and do it @ home so most of the time now i am like u also stay home to rest [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dandelion> MS is making us moody, hope it will get better soon... i hate the puking feel [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

carole> how long will it take for your nxt maid replacement??? heard 1st timer need to attend the employer's Orientation programme and can we attend in advance few months before applying for maids, any idea?



Me managed to play a while with my #2 n now back on the bed. Ate a mandarin orange n kenna LS, think due to that.

The suppository med dun seem to work, still puking.

Anyone else taking the meds?


U power leh ... Still can cook for CNY .. I cant even eat ...

This year in laws coming cos I am not well.

No choice. Let my hubby n helper settle the meal.

Hubby got fried rice n hor fan back for lunch. Soon all merlion out ... Guess the suppository really not working..

Been lying down since morning,feels so sick .

Hi Mummies,

Sorry to interrupt this thread.

I'm selling my nursing pillow @ $35, bought in Dec 2010, use only 3 times, condition of e pillow is stl new.

Cash on pick-up/delivery @ Pasir Ris/Tampines MRT.

Kindly PM me if u r interested.

Thanks all and have a safe pregnancy!

Shu Hui


Hello all mummies

Hows ur day hope not too bad curbing that MS ok! I'm back from The Green Hornet show.. liked it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Joy Joy, Are u 1st time hiring a maid? If yes, u will need to go to S'pore poly website to take a short course.. Once done just print out the cert and bring it to the maid agency to apply for a maid..


I am 10 wks now.. start to puke at 8 wks.. usually 3 times a day.. but these 2 days seem to be bit better as i nvr puke..


Me wan to watch shaoLin but never well to go.

Hope soon.

Just took two small sausage bun, hope it stays inside.

The sausage bread came out not long ago ....

Fren said baby knows mommy was going on diet so now helping me .... Hahhaha.

Gina> yes, 1st time hiring maid cos my PT cleaner going back china this May'11... just browse thru' S'pore poly website and nxt available lesson is Mid Feb so maybe will register to see still got seats. ok, u mean just bring the cert to the maid agency to apply anytime will do right. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Me too MS strike evening cant sleep well so i got dark eye circles liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

joyjoy: u can do that online. u dont need to go down physically. but if you are gng to pop in a mth before u apply, u might be exempted. but check with MOM. I m not in a hurry to get a maid. i hv already one in Indo who wants to work. but i will hv to get the agent to do a direct hire. in case she refused, i will hv to just get someone frm the same agent. My agent not bad. they are nice ppl. if u need their contact, let me know :p

Shint: my 1st helper cant cope for sure. so i m gng to cook and i will prepare way before. she will just hv to assist me to get ready the table and the plates. occasion like this, i will usually be the one who cooks. u can nvr trust their std of cooking n hygiene. and esp. i m very fussy in earlier preparation n also marinating. this maid... dont do all that.

Funny thing is..... my MS suddenly disappear. dont know to be happy or worried.

Carole< suddenly as in you wake up one morning and it's gone??? My collegue told me that was what she experienced last time. She suffered fr MS all the time then one morning woke up without feeling it, she was about 5-6 mths that time.

Sighz...now not just MS, my mouth starting to taste bitter. Any remedy?

Hi Carole,

It's the same for me. I m 12.5 weeks now and the MS while still strong last week, typically in the evenings/ nights, has eased nearly completely these 2 days. Should be fine yea? We should be expecting morning sickness to ease off at around 12 weeks ie pass the first trimester?

bellering: 12wks 5days.

Dandelion: believe it or not.. yes! just thursday, i was eating burger king at T2, i had all day wich, ham n cheese.. i threw all out. Yesterday (Friday), surprising no MS at all. Today also.. nothing came out.

Val: those MS started damn early at 5weeks should end likely 12 weeks.. so far, my #1 & #2 MS started 8wks and only ended after 16wks. so ab 8weeks duration. Some i know drags to FULL Term and some like 6 to 8 mths.

Oohhh.. My ms started at approx 6 weeks.. Hope that the ms easing off is a naturally sign of the ms easing off and not anything more worrying 


My auto alarm woke me up again ... Anyone has that? I normally dun wake till 7am.

These few days always ard 5-6am. Hungry n wanna eat something.

Joy Joy, You can actually take it anytime.. I took the course online.. it took me a few hrs to complete.. Once done just print out the cert and i think it can be use for a lifetime.. Btw, I cant sleep well at night too.. will wake up every few hrs for sure..

Shint, Both side of my mouth is a bit red as well.. i think it is dryness of my skin..

Morning ladies,

I slipped and fell on my bum yesterday, wonder if bb is ok.. No pain or spotting, but I am still very worried. Sigh.. Somehow, just feel that this pregnancy is particularly tough, with ms so bad, stomach flu, early backache, my #1 slamming her feet on me every now and then, and now this fall. All this with 3.5 months of pregnancy! My 1st pregnancy was pretty smooth sailing compared to this time. Hope everything will be fine.

Hey Peeps! It's a long time since I enter here. People around me say that they can tell from my figure that I am pregnant so I just admit to them. I compared to another colleague who was 6 months pregnant and mine is as big as hers eventhough mine is not even 3 months yet.

How's shopping so far? I realised that I have limited choices and did not many as many pieces as compared to last year. Only 2 pieces this year.

Jes: Hope that you are alright. If you are unsure, make a call to your gynae to check with them if it's alirght.

Just to ask... when will you be applying for your maternity leave? Is it really true that many mommies actually regretted taking early maternity leave before their EDD?

Hello mummies,it had been a while since I posted here.Had been "attack"greatly with the morning sickness badly.

Wanna check with mummies who is getting Medela breastpump,which model is gd?Actually i had Avent breastpump fir my #1,but doesnt work well for me.Therefore would like to invest in a better one[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dandelion:Same as u,I had bitterness in the mouth as well.So I try to suck sweet in the mouth and it doed helps me,not sure if its ok to suck sweets during this period thou.

Jes:I hope u are ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jiajuan:My tummy also looks like 4-5mths preg althou I'm only 13 weeks preg.Abt the maternity leave.I guess why others advised not to take earlier might be left with not much time for bb bonding as well as stressful for those who breastfeed.Is like not much time left for all these if it was to be taken earlier[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jess, Hope u are alright.. better to go for a check if u dun feel well.. my #1 is also slamming her feet on me everytime.. i just have to move faster than her.. hee..

Jiajuan, My tummy looks big as well althou i am less than 3 mths preg.. For maternity leave, i guess it is up to individual.. I personally dun wan to take it early so to have more time with my bb when he/she is born.. But if u are really tired and need a rest then have to take it..


You are simply amazing. You are still doing the cooking...so I bet yu did the marketing as well. I guess all these cme with experience. (#3)


thanks for letting me know that I am not alone. I thought I was cranky cos I quarrel with hubby and I feel so guilty towards the baby in tummy. Now I feel more relieved. I told my hubby not to quarrel w me anymore. heee heee. Yeah, now that you are at home more often, that means I will see more ppl chatting in this forum. I am so happy I will be less lonely...

Anyone can tell me how you cope with hubby flying overseas when you are conceived w #1.


I think can only take maternity leave 1 mth before your EDD. (that's what my HR told me) But you can clear your annual leave so that your last trimester, you are at home.


I also have MS again!!! I thought it died off...but I started puking (little) the nite before. Yesterday my dad bought satay, happily ate like 3 sticks, then ate rice with soup. Within half hr, everything came out. The whole bathroom was filled with puke cos no time to aim at toilet bowl.

Gina, Carole

Can you guys share more about why we need to take course from singapore poly before we hire a maid? Sorry, cos I might also hire a maid to take care of baby once bb is out. And I want to understand more...


I am having this weird taste in my mouth again, plus I am feeling constipated again. The prunes didn't work cos I ate like 5 prunes from sunsweet yesterday. Later going to buy papaya on my way to my parent's pl. I am taking sweets (hacks,clorets) to curb the weirdy taste in mouth...

Guys, have you guys puke till your phelgm has blood coming out too? I wonder if I should be concerned and see a GP.

PiPi, It is a must from the govt to take the course for all 1st time employer to hire a maid.. The course will tell u wat to expect from a new maid and the DO and DONT too..

U puke until got blood then better to see dr..

Shint : I have the red rash too! I guess the blood vessel at my cheek burst while I throw out using to much strength ...plus the numbers of pimples popping out , I look so CHUI now, so sad!!!, my ms usually in the morning n before I sleep... Am taking my part time course exam tonight n have not even study much.. Totally miserable !!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] today I'm in my 11 weeks... I miss eating really miss...

CL: am glad my parents want to take care, they already start to clear the extra room for bb. So I plan to get back to work 3 month after I pop...

Pipi : I did vomit till my phelgm has blood coming out ! I guess my throat is hurt so immediately ask hubby to make a glass of warm salt water for me... N it get better the next morning. Do try!


jia you for your exam. Just do your best...you can do it, jia you x 3.


will see a doc if it happens again today. thank you.

PiPi: i did always go grocery myself with hb or helper. depending on others can vomit blood. CNY food i select cos many ppl eating, so i will be picky for selection. will upload the small feast on the eve to show. lol. When my #2 is only few days old, i already grocery shopping n sending my girl to and from school. cant possibly depend on hb who is working and my girl's school was there like 10 or more bus stops away.

PiPi, hb still flying when i was 32weeks with my #2. i stil go out with my #1 and helper. she will help to assist. at my 7weeks with #3, HB was in SFO and i need to fly BKK. I brought my #1 with me on this trip. Tiring one.

even now.. he is planning to go SFO in march or april. i can still manage without him. so no issue. more impt, i think one needs to be extremely positive. Negative thoughts will worsen the emotions. Seriously given a choice, whose hb wants to leave his newly pregnant wife to be home alone?

PiPi: MOM requires all NEW Employers to go through this test/course. you can take it in person or via online. FRankly, u can do it online, just sit there and answers questions. more like how to treat the maid, how to house them, the wrking hrs and rest hours.... etc. I just happened to read, tt if you are into last mth of pregnancy, they might consider the wavie of the test. but if you hv intention to hire one sooner or later, just go online via MOM website to check it out and take it. print that cert and go to any agency.

Carole> sure sure, will get the maid agency contact from you if i need...btw i am staying @ the east area. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gina> will register after CNY since still got sufficient time. waking up in the middle of night yesterday again(Panda eyes)... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] gotta catch some nap shortly.

PiPi> I will just leave my computer on, can chat anytime so u r not alone... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I am also applying maid for first time, will register for the EOP after CNY. hubby & me also thinking getting a maid is more worth it cos confinement lady will leave after 28 days so definitely we 1st time mummy will get panick.


Thanks for teaching me so much...esp towards being positive. I guess I am v worried cos this is my #1 and we took 4 yrs to conceive. I really must talk to you and learn more from you. You are really a super mum. btw, what's SFO?


You have the same plans as me. I was thinking of hiring the CL and hoping my maid come in time so that at least maid can learn abit from CL. Hahaha, not everything can be so "zhun" so see how lah.


Yah, my mum was telling me not to eat too much papaya. That's why my dad started to get jambu. Maybe I will tell him to get more guava.

