(2011/08) Aug 2011

cutie: tell you.. its a big burden lifted up! shocking news after she left... well, life goes on. with or without her, i cook lahz whahahaa..

FB got pics not much on recipe :p

potato: wow .. if she is a bb girl.. u will be happy till jump up! whahahaha.. ur records are good! mine is 1:1400+ only arghhh..



ya lor, nw can only hope the sonographer is accurate. dat's y can only keep my fingers crossed, else sad again.

think the physcial test, mine is 1:504, which looks low.

the sonographer was commenting the bb very guai, in the correct position, e scanning completed very fast, but e time taken to c Dr Tan and Dr Thong, can faint.



I added you as my friend on FB liao. I love cooking as well, also post pictures of my food on FB, can share. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies, can add me as friend, my email is [email protected]


for my #2, i got to know @ 12wks also.

e didi too prominant liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I hv added u to facebook also.

Maybe we can create a Aug'11 MTB group


envy u lar, can think of wat to cook some more..

hb nowadays "xian" my cooking either no taste or all tasted the same..

i made him cook pasta for dinner yesterday..

man is man lar, use 1 pot enough le but he used up to 3 pots to cook the pasta, so messy..

hi mummies to be, congrats with ur coming new bundle of joy! I'm from dec'10 mtb thread.

I've the following to sell:




PM me if u r interested [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Happy CNY!

If anyone wants to sign with stemcord, we can both get discount for the annual fee too. PM for exchange of details ya. Cheers!

pipi> same here... now my food memu is super limited... on the contrary, I love fruits esp now... it's the only food that gives me comfort. I love juices, jelly too. Strangely, i hate chicken now... I am still trying to make myself drink some milk...

ooh.. didnt know OSCAR can tell gender too if u are lucky! maybe a boy boy is more prominent?

Have u girls bought anything for bb at this juncture? I went Genting & Sunway Lagoon with hb last weekend... we thought the NUK bottles were damn cheap and bought a lot... it's only after coming back, we realised they are non-BPAfree. A bit disturbed and wonder if it'll possess any harm to bb.

hubby going overseas or reservist

my hubby was away for 2wks long when i was preggy with my #1.. of cos i'm not happy but he needs to travel for work so no choice.. for that 2 wks i went back to my mum's place to stay. communicate with him over webcam almost daily. just have to hang on and stay positive k!

for those whose hubby might have to go ICT reservist around EDD period, hubby can write in to postpone the ICT. so not an issue.. since govt is pro-birth, they will gladly allow the postponement.


i'm not too fussy with BPA free or non BPA free bottles lah... guess most of grew up with non BPA free bottles anyway... i gave my gal non BPA bottles and no prob anyway. btw if i recall correctly, Mrs Wong Boh Boi was not a fan of non BPAfree bottles.. she says there might be chemicals added to make it non-BPAfree and just that it's 'safe' now but u never know years down the road... so i go by the logic "give watever u think it's best"

of cos i know some mummies are hardcore abt non-BPA free. :p

even when it comes to eating... just eat wat u think u can stomach for now and the key is moderation. my appetite is still not gd yet... into my 11wks already... sigh... hope i have more appetite for reunion dinner and cny goodies!


same here..

dun feel like eating chicken nowadays, dunno y..

i hvnt buy anything for bb yet coz #1 got a lot already..

i not even buy new clothes for myself too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


anyone looking for a playpen, got it as a gift but i bought mine already.

Brand new, still in original wrapping, unopened.

Far east flora selling at $139, letting it go at $120

interested? please PM me


hi bbpotato,

I just did my oscar last Fri and ask the sonographer if can see gender anot but she say too early leh..so nice for you to know the gender during the scan...My gynae oso helped to check if can see gender already anot but she cannot give me 100% confirmation, so say next visit then let me know again...

My results was 1:12799. Guess age does matter greatly. My first preg results for my twins are much much higher...:S

Hee...so hope you get the gender you wanted...I am hoping for a boy..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I always wish for a ger, but ended up boy, this 1, my hb also said boy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

So more or less resigned to my fate that e bb will b boy.


I send my two boys over to yr place, then u send yr ger over. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Let u experience e work of my little terrorist.


milkyway> ur words comforted me a lot... really.. Duno why when reading the reviews online, it freaks me out. I didnt know the difference until i bought the bottles as it was on sale at Jusco. HB did assure me it's gona be ok since we all grew up with all non-BPA free bottles. but as mother, somemore first time mum, I am very concerned over health and worry I make the wrong mistake.

Hey after we all know the gender, Carole can help us update a new column too? I was hoping for boy since it's #1. But after seeing all the pretty clothes and so many friends having boys (90% loh), I changed my mind and wan a girl.. haa.. as if I get to chose huh!

I just did my Oscar this morning , base on scan is 1:2200. Just took blood so the combine result will b out by wed. Saw something prominent also but was told it is the umbilical cord. The sonographer also say too early to see. If got didi also too small to see.... Wait till next mth checkup then see see....Bb 5.6cm and 12wk1 day


e sonographer shown me e umbilical cord also.

i actually video-ed down the whole scan of abt 10mins :p. mayb tonight go back zoom to c, can c clearer or not [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mei: added you!

potato: u create group! whahahahahaha

cutie: whahahha... my maid cant tahan me when i cook. i got system. must prepare in way before. cannot last min i cant find this or tt. if i got things with chilli, will be last to cook. soup or soupy food will be first, they fry then last chilli or tomato based food. so that i can save on washing pan too many times. i usually cook and wont eat.. so i will asked those who had it on how it taste :p. i might like them, but others might not. so they are the best to tell me lor.

re: CHicken

hmm isit our little ones got same taste? i dont like chix too. eat n throw. i just had tea, cannot.. still vomit out.. sick manz.

i am now munching CNY goodies at my mum's pl. I am eating this plant crackers, dunno what it is called. The water plant...

Just got off the phone with a friend who is going to be due in Mar. She s passing me some positive vibe...cos like I said I am gutless. I still don't dare to go out shopping.

Earlier this morning, was working from home. I had my lunch at ard 1pm. After that I feel like fainting. I lie down in bed and dozed off for around 1-2hrs. That is a scary feeling.


I love looking at your food photos! & you look so young! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks! Can gossip even more there, here a bit more public, keke.


You're right, I think around May? Last time go baby fair, I chiong one. Think for #2, no need liao, I have everything, unless it's a girl lah!

buying clothes for baby

dont have to buy so early till u confirm it's boy or gal ba... unless u buy unisex... hee


saw u added to the group.. thanks...

mummies in FB.. will add u when i go home k.. using iphone abit hard.. :p

pipi... I know I know that one.. it taste very nice!

I heard the maternity sales at expo (duno what is it called) is a crazy sale... any idea when would that be?

u all on FB.. cool.. hmm is the "new group" on private setting? coz I dun intend to let my friends/relatives know my new status. But would love to join u all..


u r so funny... i know boys are tough to handle lah.. my frens around me all with boys and they envy i have a gal... but i want a boy then i close shop lor...complete the "好" word mah... :p

i know hubby wants a boy... he actually wanted 4 kids! i think i will take 1 step at a time.. hahahaha


it's true, my younger 1 is e terrorist @ hm, bully his gor gor, like to move all e toys around e place, where-ever he goes, he will leave a trail of destruction.


so that no one on ur fb can see what you post. nothing will be reflected on your wall. as long as we dont invite ppl.. no one can see what we yak lol


No need, I mean it, from my heart! No need treats one! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I think boys will be boys lah. My son also, can play until very rough one.

To join our SMH Aug 2011 FB Group

add: [email protected] , pm me with a short note with your nick in the forum, so tt i can add you into the group :p

FB GROUP the group is private setting and only able to join via invite. No one can read your post on the Group wall or nor it will be reflected on your wall. so no worries with your complains and rant. :p

See ya on FB!


opps just saw Carole's note that it's FB's secret group... can add me pls... shall I PM someone my email? I left my email address in thos forum and keep getting junk mails.. so I try to avoid.

sorry... I think my reaction is too slow and kept asking the obvious where my questions are already answered after my post! :p

Have added Carole..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bbsee: no no.. its ok. lol sometimes we missed out things too :p wanna be a SAHM! whahaha tough hor... when they drive u nuts.. u will like gng to spank them lor. i m home cos i do my biz from home. i look after foreign kids and also into Balloon biz too. if you all need Balloons for Bb FUll mth or Birthday.. Magic Shows.. can always buzz me :p

Hi Pipi, I'm one day later than you.. I'm 13 wks tomorrow. My MS got worse today. Aiyo.. I'm so craving for kfc etc but can see cannot see.. The oil will kill me.

Carole: wow admire that u still can cook... I used to cook often too.. But nowadays no energy so hb n I only tabao...

wow~ I was thinking to have some decor for bb full mth... but ermm... I guess u'll be busy with ur confinement during our times?


wah, so happening now.. good~~

nowadays easily feel tired can hardly on the pc to log on to FB..

carole, u sounds so energetic..

will try to join the FB club to start the party [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

think too much lately, last nite dream wat kuih to order for bb full month..

