(2011/08) Aug 2011

Mei, that's what i thought - get a pt maid to come in on weekends to clean the place. my father is damn weird. he will ask the bangla from his workplace who he supervise to come and do the cleaning at this house like part-time work for them. but they always need to be in a group like 3 or 4 people and work so damn slow plus they need to be told what to do and supervised else they wont work. i told my mum before that this is even more unsafe becos never know what they can do in the house.

and he will give them like $50 each - i told them cheaper to get the part-time maid and they do a better job but he's so stubborn that's why i cant stand talking to them anymore.



check out the following website on mercury intake.. think it'll clear off itself after a period of discipline [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i think it's abit difficult to follow rite? my mil always cooks fish for me.. but she calls the fish in hokkien/chinese name which i can't identify with the list provided online.. and i really not quite sure what is 2 to 3 serves per week... that sounds very little ya?


I think so, but you may want to check the new ruling implemented by govt recently.. Example: After selling the house, how long must they wait before they can buy new flat.

Thanks cutie & Mei !!!

Carole: u watching after kidss at home plus train maid too? wow u r superb mom...

caramelle: bangala workers... that sounds dangerous!

Alamak i ate stingray last week again. My mil's cooking getting unsafe to me n bb... sigh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Thanks! The website is really informative! But from reading it, I have broken so many of its rules... Cham liao.


I've been eating outside food alot cos I can't stomach homecooked food. And been eating tons of forbidden things like raw salads, nasi lemak, sambal and tea. I take well to spicy foods cos the rest just taste gross in my mouth.


I am craving yusheng too... My deal with DH is that I eat the vege without the raw fish. =(

Cutie/ Soul,

I had my 1st serving of Yu Sheng last week @ Peach Garden, it was really nice.

Drooling now thinking of it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi everyone!

I'm new to this thread. I expecting my 2nd one in late Aug.

How are all mummies/mum-to-bes doing?

My this 2nd pregnancy is so different from the first one. This time I wanna puke like crazy. the feeling is there WHOLE day. Who said its only morning sicknes?? =)

bbPotato (kendrick_kwa) : My gynae says pregnant is not supposed to take any vaccine. I think yours last dosage will have to wait till you give birth..


think if after a period of time, nvr complete, have to restart the booster again.

imagine, i had went to the 1st booster twice cos we can forgotten about the follow-up ones, now if really need to re-take, then this is the 3rd time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Welcome PeachMomo.

This time i m also puking more, dunno is MS age related. For my 1st twos, are only heartburn, not so serious, eating normally.

This one, anytime oily will make me feel miserable.

Soulvacation.... Salad forbidden?? This bb crave for salad n coleslaw so I hv been eatg alot of it! U teacher too?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] seems tat quite a few here.... I can't stomach fish though my sch canteen got a fish soup stall....now the stall I frequent most is vegetarian stall...

Peachmomo.... Hi there!!!! Ur Nick is soooooo familiar! Feb 09 thread?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I eat all those food that you mentioned, raw salads, nasi lemak, sambal & tea. For me, I just eat whatever I like, in moderation of course. The only things I totally avoid are raw eggs & meat.

wow wow...

so many mommies craving for raw fish le..

~soulvacation, u can really tahan the fish lying ard the vegie??? wahaha...


i will also check wf my gynae tomolo during the check up..

very pek chek now after talking to a col, she keep repeating the same question.. i cant breath le..


welcome welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

me also edd late aug


have anyone done the Oscar Test? how's it?

what is the thing to prepare? how long will be the test takes and result outcome? thanks for advice




A few of us have done the OSCAR screening. It consists of a blood test as well as the NT (nuchal translucency) scan. They'll take your blood for testing & during the scan, will check for the thickness of the fluid behind baby's neck as well as the presence of nasal bone. They'll also scan for baby's skull, arms & legs, presence of heartbeat & size. After all these, they'll compute a ratio of your risk based on your maternal age as well as your health background. My blood was taken 2 weeks before my NT scan, so on the day of the scan, I knew the results immediately. You can read more here.



I also like peach garden's yusheng. The food at peach garden soo nice.

This yr, we all staying home for reunion cos I need to avoid crowds (giddy). MIL say she will make abalone yusheng. Yummy!

Do you guys feel that your tummy is stretching every nite? I notice my tummy is so big and uncomfortable at nite...wonder if its wind or stretching of the tummy. I am a first time mtb, so quite scary to see my tummy grow.....


erm.. i don't have this feeling.. mayb cos my tummy is still small... but i heard can start appling stretch mark cream... any mummies started applying stretch mark cream? any good recommendations? :p i wan to try start but don't know what to buy

for non-first-time-mtbs, do u feel the tummy getting bigger faster than expected ar? sigh... i dunno how to hide from the relatives during this CNY...


Start using a cream/oil to moisturise your stretching tummy skin.


For my #1, I tried different brands & used the following :

1) Clarins Body Treatment Oil


2) Erbaorganics Stretch Mark Cream & Oil, I used the cream in the day & oil at night


I bought Burt's Bees to try this time round. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


cutie, mine... she thinks she damn clever... but each time kena picha by me still dont know tt i m smarter... duhz. she cant possibly outsmart me.. her each and every move all know by me! whhahahahaa


u very good wor, other than taking care of kids, u hv to play tricks wf maid some more..

last time, i talked nicely to my helper..

everytime talk to her, she ok then few weeks later she start to ask something else liao..

whenver she ask like hp etc, i will dig out the agmt she signed.. ahha.. then she zips..

i let her hubby called my hp to talk to her even overnite althernate week, she can call home every week if she want also.. treat her like my sis leh..

cutie, i treated them like my little sister.... knowing that they came so far to work and i try nt to scold them. but this one is really "kiam" scolding one. while my other i hv no problem at all, she doesnt get scolding from me.

this one got many problems. pattern more than badminton. stupid tricks and lies. she can come up with thousand and 1 excuses, and i just said. if u are tt smart, i would be your maid and call u madam and not other way ard. so wake up and stop day dreaming.

just now, hb saw this BLACK worker keeps looking into my hse, he suspect my this idiot maid must be talking to him.. tts why he stood infront of the hse. if i know, i sure F this fellow right and proper.

Soulvacation, I read somewhere tat preg cant eat string ray coz high in mercury woh..

RE: Maid

My Indo maid is with me for 3 mths.. so far she is quite gd.. take care of my gal very well maybe coz my mum is at hm supervising..


making u so sian, ever think of trsf back her?

i really dun like maid showing black face one loh, i will ask, until she tell me the truth.. i will try to give in if not asking too much but if i cant do it, i will tell her my reason..

but if she show black face, she is quite daring kind one, right?

cutie, she thinks all of us are stupid and she is that smart one. even my hb dont believe.. and tts why i asked. and she still give lame excuses. so i told her straight that i asked means i m questioning which also means that i dont believe in what she said. not first time... giving so lame excuses. to her, she is indispensable... i must die die keep her... but to take her away now, i hv to make sure that my other maid must nt feel stress out with the household and cooking. so must plan plan plan


ya, im with #2...

now only 10wks. but i am ballooning...

how ah... i need to hide my tummy...

they must think i hv grown fat...

my 1st think i only saw a small bulge in tummy when i was into 3-4mths...


good morning mtbs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pipi, i started using clarins stretch mark control cream and huile tonic oil -- used them for my #1... no stretch mark for me...

re: tummy showing

yeah, me, too... bump so obvious! strangely, i din put on weight yet (negative gain at 10 weeks)...

during my #1, i gained less than 1kg till 20 weeks... then suddenly gain 1 kg per week -- gynae had to ask me to control *haha*

re: stingray

soulvacation, ohhh, i m craving for stingray, too.. but dun think i can stomach spicy food now... haiz, so sad that we cannot eat...

cac, strange, i was told that mackerel has high mercury content -- hence i avoid eating otah when i had #1... and no sharkfins [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

thanks for all suggestions on stretchmark cream.. mayb i'll go checkout clarins counter since it seems so popular here. :p


actually am pretty confused cos diff website state diff fishes as high mercury.. mayb some "high mercury threshold" is set lower? think just eat moderation for all fishes... anyway we can supplement with fish oil which is safe from mercury mah.. :p rite?

Christine, yah i find that 2nd time now the tummy get bigger faster. Im already wearing rubber pants to work. so far only told the boss but not the rest so i avoid wearing maternity clothes till after CNY cos we have CNY dinner then when they serve yusheng im thinking to hint that i cannot take raw fish. they must be thinking wah she just join company 3 months pregnant liao. sigh.

i also started using palmer's cocoa butter cream from my first pregnancy in 2 years ago. i had very bad stretchmarks that faded to silver lines so hoping this time wont kena the same else more silver lines!

i think those deep sea fish have high mercury content incl my good friend tuna. but at the same time, we are encouraged to eat fish for baby brain developement. stick to safe fish like threadfin? i love garoupa but saw someone posted that garoupa also cannot right?

Good morning all mtbs

Haiz, just woke up cos cant sleep at all - puke the whole night so "xin ku" and having gastric pain too... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

re: PT/FT maid

It's good to get a maid to help out now cos i believe most mommies who are working cannot cope with it at all (especially those with bad MS). Market rate to get PT maid is $11/hr (weekdays) & $12/hr (weekends).

re: stingray

think can eat in moderation, try switch to cod fish/salmon better.

Think i have started to balloon also, tummy v hard and bloated...


Yup teacher. I've got bratty kids this year who will not volunteer to carry books or laptop for me. It's like if they exert a little more strength, can concuss on the ground kind. Been in this line for so long and it seems the younger generations are getting worse and worse. Very selfish and self-centred.

I eat a lot of salad and coleslaw too!!! I love the coleslaw at Kenny Rogers at Novena Square. It is always fresh! I eat there when I go KK for my checkups. =) But apparently it's not very safe to eat raw vege cos of possible contamination when handled. =(


I boh pian lor. The babies want to eat spicy food, so I entertain them. hahahaha. I wish I could eat light and plain stuff sometimes but I can't. I ate porridge last weekend and merlion everything out almost immediately. Quite jia lat. But I suppose in moderation is fine? Otherwise I'd have nothing to eat! haha


I can tahan fish if cooked in flavoured gravy. If it's too fishy, I'll still spit out. How I wish we were in Japan and can get fresh supplies of fish for sashimi!!! =D~~~~~


Ya, so sad... will avoid stringray from now on. Boohoo. =(


I did my OSCAR on Monday and the results were out right after the scan was completed. The doc debriefed me and DH in the same room as she did the scan with a printout of the results which we could keep. Along with that, we also got MANY photos of our precious this time round! Can see face, nose, mouth, eyes, hands and feet! I saw fingers too! It was so cute I could cry!

Prior to this, I took a blood test about 1-2 weeks earlier. The results of the blood test will be combined with the scan results. It's all very fast. It's like a normal ultra-sound scan session. Nothing to prepare for. Just wait to see your little precious dance for you! =D


I feel your pain... I hope you will get better very soon! At least for CNY!

hi all,

Just came back from KK. No crowds today...guess it's nearing CNY, that's why. Good news is I need not be on drip cos I look much better, according to doc.

Today, went for the OSCAR scan, and everything turned out normal and well. *phew*

Ahh, the doctor also told me I can stop my folic and hormone pills, just take vitamins (Ganilia_ which he prescribed to me. Just take 1 vitamin, which has everything in it (calcium, iron, dha,et, etc)

I am in my wk12 5d, and I am feeling constipated. MTB, any good suggestion what to take to shit it all out. I am taking alot of 'jambu fruit' these 2 days but seemed like the fruit fibre not powerful enuff. I am trying prunes now, with coca cola (doc says coca cola contains little caffeine so ok to drink)


I once drank 3/4 cup of prune juice straight from the bottle, not knowing it was heaty and super concetrated. In the end, I pooped out almost (not exaggerated) close to 1/2 litre of poo + other liquids jammed inside my system for too long. It was horrfying but it gave me great relief. My tummy flattened almost immediately after that. @_@

But I would advise you to dilute your prune juice with water to try out first. Hope it works!

Pipi: thanks for the coca cola tips guess i cld indulge myself with that during cny for a little more.. yay!

Btw jambu fruit is one of the fruit that will not ease constipation, instead, it harden more i heard.. try other fruits like pear, apples or papaya?

Myself i bought a tub of sunsweet prunes to chew everytime after meal, it does work for me u can try it out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


jambu fruit will hardened my shit!!! Like that die liao. I think I need to drink concentrated prune juice...cos everyday after my lunch and dinner, plus snack time, I will down 1 jambu happily cos the ones my dad bought is sooo sweet.


I am eating pitted prunes from sunsweet now. If the shit is still stuck in my system till dinner time, I think I got to take the medication....which I hate lor.

PiPi: I have same problem of constipation! 4 days no poo liao.. I also try prune juice, papaya, pear.. all no use leh.. how? I think also need to eat medication liao.. its giving me a lot of gas and tummy ache problems.

mummies, can share the Tingkat link to me please?? i need one from Feb.. i am sacking my #2 maid tomorrow.. so i need food catering for at least 2 to 3 mths.. whahhaaha shit.. i am eating garbage.

mummies who just join, pls pm me ur details. i just changed my lappy and in a huge mess!

hi sus,

Why don't you try my method - coca cola with pitted prunes from sunsweet. My poo poo just flushed got out from my system automatically...and they are not hard, easy to come out type...Now I got this super relieve feeling, even my back also less achy like that.

Try it sus.

