(2011/08) Aug 2011

Hi joy, tks for sharing your story. It has been tough on u but gd tat u r feeling better now. I believe at the end of the day when u know your bb is doing fine, u will feel better too. Take care of yourself.


joy: wow ure tough! thanks for sharing ur story!

I had stomach flu the last 2 days and endured a painful drip and 2 injections.. and had fever and puked 6 times.. but after reading ur story I think Im actually not that bad.. hope u take care and jia you!!


good morning mtbs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bellering, great to hear that u r ok and bb is active [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] guess urs will be an active baby like mine :p

joyjoy, i can only take water in sips -- if i drink too much, will puke out... doing all my might to hold down the food...

joy, thanks for sharing! good that u r feeling better -- time to gain back some weight and beef up baby! jia you!

re: food

now i think of food, feel sianz as dunno what to eat and no appetite... poor hubby tried to cook new dishes for me but i juz dun hv the appetite... gotta avoid food court, hawker centre etc. as i feel nauseous at the smell of oil..

re: CL

Dandalion, I did the wrap -- my massage lady massaged my tummy with some slimming oil and wrap the tummy with layers of cloth.. for best effect is keep the wrap for 6-8 hours... oh she also massage my breasts, too -- gosh, felt so wasted when my milk jus sprinkled all over (strangely, i thot my breasts r clear after latching baby)!

re: fluttering

these 2 days, i m feeling fluttering movement at my lower yummy... think it is baby's movement [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i miss the magical moment when i could feel baby's doing somersault in my tummy -- must wait patiently!

Morning mummies!


I also felt some fluttering feeling but I thought I was probably imagining things. Thought we wouldn't be able to feel baby's movements so soon. But we are 2nd time mums, should be able to feel earlier right?

Haha, during my massage, my breasts were also massaged, it was really weird! But it really helped to clear my blocked ducts.


I SALUTE you both. Actually i need to be admitted last fri as gynae can see I am dehydrating but I refused. So he will see me again this Fri. I don't wish to be in hospital cos CNY nearing leh. I have been drinking alot of fluids, even though I have this stupid sourish taste. Am taking hacks sweet, clorets to curb the taste.


In my prev work pl, my ex boss was also a mean-er. He told me he is going let go of one of my colleague...and you know what. This colleague report to me leh! The colleague will think that I am the "pai lang" right? Anyway I don't believe in breaking anyone's ricebowl. I help her to find another job elsewhr and she resigned on her own in the end. After that episode, I find that the working environment there very wrong...so I quickly break my own rice bowl before I break someone else's. Luckily I found a new company and have been enjoying myself there. Colleagues and boss very good.

Morning all mommies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Finally, i've found a CL for myself yippie..

Tomolo going for check up, hope everything will be fine coz my tummy is not firm yet so i m kinda worry.. Not sure is it coz i m too fat haha..

Joy, poor you..

Glad you are feeling better now..

I really find my tummy very firm and hard lol

I do feel some movement too but I thought that's winds ???

morning mummies..

yesterday had a bad headache and took MC... doc prescribe panadols for me but I din take... simply sleep the whole day...

I was telling my mum that my nausea feeling come back now.. not in the morning, but during evening and night time... feel so weak and xin ku... I rather vomit things out than having the feeling of sth stucked in the throat...

I think I should be in my 10th week this week.. 2 more weeks and I can announce liao... going to see my gynae on 10 feb for some tests...

I also realized that my appetite seems to change everyday.. sometimes in gd appetite, sometimes dun feel like eating at all... haiz... hopefully this can be over soon...

Joy> Glad to know that both u & baby is fine... must take good care.

Dandelion> I heard 12 - 13 weeks is just the right time for OSCAR test, hope bb is healthy cos i am also scared need to undergo so many tests [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I have done my rebonding & colouring on my 6th week so hairdresser advice me not to do it anymore after this but cutting hair & treatment is ok. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

adv_sports> same here, dun like to go near to food court/hawker now cos the smell of oil makes me feel v sick... cannot eat too much at 1 go cause will have indigestion [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

PiPi> This is what i told myself too, if i continue working there i will feel even more miserable so no regrets leaving this job... just that no holiday trip & less shoppings after i left this company lor, but nvm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

huisi, my nausea also mostly at nite. Then one auntie say this is the baby's temper...oh man, if baby come out is a nite terror, I think good luck to me.

Huisi/PiPi> MS also usually strike in the evening too... aarghh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I told my hubby BBs seem to be active at night time, then he smile.

pipi: i hope my bb is not too active.. had the nausea feeling in the daytime during my 6-8weeks.. now become opp... talk abt it.. this is really "pantang".. the feeling just came back 10 min ago... my bb is really unpredictable... lol


is freelance, she is HIGHLY recommended by few of my gfs. Luckily, her rate is not that high.. phue~~

Hi gals,

I've yet to break this news to my boss too. Others can guess what's goin on since they heard a merlion in the toilet lately..

Not sure y my tummy is not firm yet, my col juz joke wf me, say my fats is too much le and that's y..

Same. MS happens usually around evening or night.

SarahN (lacey): r u there? hello to u and i realize ur gynae is Dr Yu SL in TMC?? My current gynae is Dr Yu Su Ling in SGH so wondering if we're sharing same doc? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gina & Eunice: my experience with Dr Tan is quite comfortable thats y switching back to him soon after cny.. find that he's quite humorous type - that time DH n i were worried if we unable to conceive, instead of suggesting tests he jokes that we probie needs more holiday lol though i agree with gina he's quite fast if no major discussion gg on n if rushing he cld be rush but still friendly [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Btw he helped me with my ovarian cyst surgery last year very comforting the way he treats his patients - overall is good.

Joy: u r sure one brave mtb! ur story kind of horrifying n yet reminds me to be stronger when im just facing MS at home.. poor u i hope u get better n enjoy cny joy with family soon!

adv_sports: yeah loh very cute moving so fast in that little space of womb - unbelievable hor! i dunno y i use to say i dun mind abt the gender since its my first but lately im getting wishful to have bb girl.. but if active does it mean likely to be boy? keke

mei, i think so, too :p 2nd time mum will feel bb's movement earlier (that's wat other mummies said when i was preggy with #1).

mama_guai, my tummy also firm n hard -- esp at nite!

huisi, good that u din take the medicine... though GP said ok, but i still avoid -- juz take MC to rest... have been coughing on/off since june last year -- never fully recover [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

yah, i also hv the food stuck in the throat feeling all day long [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] trying my best to hold the food down... mine is whole day nausea feeling *wacko*

joyjoy, hi5! very sian of eating at home but cannot dine out now...

let's all jia you and hope MS will be over real soon!

re: oscar

due to cny hols, i m scheduled to do the scan on feb 9 when i m week 13. KKH warned that i cannot miss it else bb will be too big...

re: announce

yesterday i told my colleague who sat next to me -- coz i feel paiseh that i m making lotsa "puking noises" and munching at my desk... she is very happy for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gotta tahan another 2 days -- then i can rest at home next week.. taking the whole week off *yeah*

bellering, my #1 was super active in my womb -- so urs may be a girl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] nice to have a girl for #1 -- coz lotsa of things to buy! my #1 wardrobe is pink pink pink :p and pp says elder sister will help to take care of #2 -- erhm, dunno if my #1 will (she is a little terror now) *haha*

i wanna close shop after #2 -- so hoping for a boy (hubby is the eldest son)...

haha thanks for comforting me adv_sports i can only hope it to be true! lol actually have the same thinking if elder one is girl then cld lend a helping hand but if boy harder to control? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My DH is only son in his family (incl. aunts/uncles side) so on the other hand im also thinking if boy then can close shop as sort of completed the mission for their family hehe actually my sis has 4kids n they're all quite close in age; so before im preggie i told my DH i want at least 3kids more happening but after goin thru the MS n all so getting phobia liao!

Thats why frm now on i show respect to those working mom who has more than 1 kid i thot they are the bravest breed on earth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] really...


Yah me too.. tummy will be more firm and harder at nite time also.. weird

I will closed factory after this BB too no matter boy or girl

Iam glad I can closed it before 30yrs old [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Announce : Iam actually not hiding this pregnancy. if people ask.. I wont deny

in fact, most of my hubby's friends and colleagues already know because my stupid hubby gave a big hint on his facebook status ...

Mama guai:

Tell me about it! the moment we got our first u/s scan pic my genius DH almost post up on facebook n i stopped him in time lol he was too excited to share the joy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Your hubby is very happy lah. This is your 2nd baby right?

My hubby just sms-ed me that he may need to go overseas trip. I told him I will be very sad if he does. His friend who works in HK, flies back weekly to acc the wife who is pregnant and is in sgp. I told him, if he go, I will be VERY UPSET with him.

Ballering and PIPI,

Hahaha... It was too late to stopped him ..

THE BIG HINT is like that :

Hubby : Iam looking for a maid.. any good recommendation for maid agency ?

Friend : why need maid ?

Hubby : Can't tell you now.. will let you know in the next 2months..hehehe

Friend : 2nd baby is coming hah ???? congrats..

Hubby : Hehehe.. can't tell you la

I was only 3-4weeks pregnant that time

Mama....hahaha your hubby super funny man. But at least he cares and prioritises your baby and you leh. And you must remember this is no 2, not no. 1.

My hubby is terok, this is his no.1 and he treats me this way, if he travels i sure "mei qan mei liao" with him.

hahaha mama ur DH so cute.. but it was unintentionally one the friend shd be sensitive enuf to PM isn't it hehe!

So are u still looking for maid? actually my DH n i were discussing abt this topic last weekend n ended quite unpleasantly.. he strongly resists maid due to many negative news we read from paper.. plus we live with inlaws so not much space also - still pondering for good solution now... hmm

mama > ur hubby very funny :p and you completing your mission so young! how old is ur no.1?

Joy > thanks for sharing your story. glad it's getting better for you.. hang on there... the bad ms should be over soon.. i have a friend who had very bad vomiting during the early stage of her pregnancy.. during the later part of the pregnancy, she was okay already and even date us out for dinner.. in the end, she gave birth to a cute healthy boy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so don't worry..

btw, i have one question.. do all of u have an extra bedroom for maid to sleep in? if not, how do you house ur maid? don't think she can sleep in the living room right?


I dont think so le.. I found that he is more caring when I have no#1

My Hubby is going for business trip in this March.. for few days only so Iam okie.

Ballering, I told him you should say "no" instead of "hehehe"

I found a maid le.. she is in her mid 30s.. worked 7yrs in Malaysia before.

My hubby doesnt like "maid" idea also, but no choice, Iam very xin ku and miserable and nobody can help to look after my superactive 2yrs old boy.

yeah, i just confirmed my freelance confinement lady thru recommendation from one of the forumers. Hopefully she is the right choice for me, cos my 1st time.


is good to let maid to sleep alone.

aft a day work, anyone of us wld prefer to sleep well w/o disturb bah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but if u dun hv spare room, then no choice, the maid might hv to share room wf u all le..


ur hubby is good to break news in such way loh..

me too, i never deny if anybody were to ask...

any mommy got nice CL to recommend? I need one for my fren who is giving birth in July, my confirmed CL is not available on July..

bellering, as long as bb healthy, girl or boy doesn't matter [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i had phobia after my #1 (bad MS and slow recovery after delivery) but i find my #1 lonely -- she is very happy at childcare with so many friends and hubby n me felt that she dun hv as much fun with us... so giving her a companion to "bully" haha...

mama_guai, haha, ur hubby is so funny [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: maid

hubby n me still resist having a maid as we are staying on our own. Dun feel safe with a stranger at home -- no old pp to watch over. i finally persuaded hubby to engage part-time helper to come in once a week [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cac.. My boy is 2yrs and 4mos now.. very naughty..

Iam coming to 29th yrs old this June..


I have a spare room for her to sleep alone.

We are staying on our own too (me,DH,DS) but Iam a SAHM so I can monitor the maid at home.

This is my first time engange maid. And I can say Iam quite statisfied with this maid.


Your boy Sept 08 baby? Mine too!


Yes, agree with you. I have #2 to keep my #1 company. My son is always happy when I have playdates, he can play until he forgets about me. He really loves company of his own age group. I think he is sian of playing with all the 'giants' (aka we adults) around him.

Mei, yes.. sept 2008. currently attending 2hrs daily playgroup.

My son doesnt like to play with children with same age group .. so weird hoh ?? he prefer big kor kor or ce ce

And everytime I ask him " you want didi or mei mei" he will tell me " no didi and meimei".

Headache arr.. afraid he will bully his younger sibling in future.

Hi Mummies,

Sorry to interrupt.

I got 2 packs of huggies new born diapers (unopened) to let go at $5 each.

Also letting go of pigeon nipple care cream(unopened) at $12.

Do PM me if interested. Thanks.


I have not enrolled my son in preschool yet. We just came back from US after staying there for a year & was busy settling down & recently my son was hospitalised, so I'm holding off for now. But will enrol him soon, I think he'll enjoy it.

Maybe tell your son he'll be the kor kor & always remind him of the little one growing inside you. I have started 'introducing' my son to his sibling, by asking him to sayang baby. I'll also show him all the scans of baby after my checkups, I want him to look forward to baby as well. It's tough for them, they have been the centre of our attention since they were born, it'll take a while for them to get used to the idea. So far, it's good, my son will sayang & kiss my tummy everyday. I have also bought a book on welcoming a sibling & will read it to him soon.

mama > so good.. u give birth early... can "retire" early also...


ohh... me hoping to have maid to help my mil who is doing bulk of the housework at home.. (one sided thinking cos hubby nvr say ok).. but no extra room for maid.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

how much does it cost monthly to hire one?

Mei: You just came back from States from a year too? Same here! Where were u at? My boy is 2YOs now. Also havent started bringing him to playgroup yet.

Mama: Im a SAHM too.. Are you having ur no. 2 now?

cac : I let my maid to sleep in 1 room with my younger son.

Maid : Mine is phili. She works for me 3yrs+ liao. salary is S$370. Levy is S$170

Mama : it's like tat one la. younger kids prefer to play with bigger kids cos they "idol" them hahaha....

bellering : so do u mean u switching to Dr. Tan also? btw if you switch doc in SGH, 1st consultation is back to S$92


Your son will loves to go to school everyday..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

He will kiss and sayang my tummy when he is in good mood and will slap/beat when he is in bad mood lol... what a moody boy I have.


yah.. gave early can retire early too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Mine is indonesian. salary is $360 and levy is $170. But heard maid salary are increasing .. dunno how is truth..


I dont let maid sleep 1room with my son "bu fang xin". but yours is with you for 3yrs+ le.. should be okay.

Hi, anyone still having brown discharge? I'm in my 12 wks nw and doing Oscar on fri. Suddenly got discharge and now I'm so worried. Pray hard that bb is fine.

lehcar > ya.. quick call gynae and check. my gynae told me if found red/brown discharge must inform him immed.

thanks, cutie, mama & happywonderland on the info about maid.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i'll talk to my hubby and see how. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


sus, we were further up, at Monterey. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I miss California & the shopping there!

lehcar, yes, agree with the rest. Whatever makes you unsure, just call your doctor.

