(2011/08) Aug 2011


if u need a agreement for maid, i can send to u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


normally gynae or clinic will suggest u to go down for a check, maybe u can go to the nearer gynae to check..



emailed to u..

i m not doing something to harm the maid but sg law is over protecting the maid nowadays and employer seems to be blamed all the time.. the agmt is not act to ill treat them but simple rules to keep them reminded like no stealing, no cheating etc..

pls feel free to modify the agmt if u find is not right/ relevant/ rediculous [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

although we r not suppose to hv such agmt wf maid "under the table"

adv_sports: actually am thinking of part-time helper too.. mind to share with me some info of ur helper please...

I'm also thinking of tingkat meals (catering) too anyone have info on that? due to unwell giddiness i find myself skip walking down for dapao-lunch trip its so tiring esp rainy day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] for those mommies who stay home alone like me, how u all manage ur day meals i wonder...



i've been wf a tingkat for mths which also found it from this forum.

good abt it, save time to travel ard to buy food and if u do not like the food that day then too bad..

so far so good for me, like lately i got no appetite, i request 2 soup + 2 dishes instead of 1 soup 3 dishes

to me, the soup is nice

Cutie: sounds good! soupy stuff good for digestion too... do they deliver in west area? im keen to find out more [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

happywonderland > i will be living in the north east in the future when my BTO is finally finished... now still in the west. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks bb potato, cutie, sus and cac. The discharge stopped. Hopefully it Will not come back. When I'm in my 9wks, something similar happened and went to see gynae immediately. Gynae didn't say much and just check whether baby is ok. Prob wait for fri since I'm doin my Oscar that day too.

Hi fellow mummies, just told my boss abt my pregnancy and he seems to b taking it well though jokingly said that he can choose not to confirm me after probation.. Then later said he needs to find a junior staff and wants me to train him up... So I guess for now my job is still intact. Feels so relief after I told him the news.. Guess slowly will hint or tell my colleagues abt it...


I'm in the northeast near buangkok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wat abt u??

happywonderland: my parents are staying in punggol.. I will go back when I feel like... my flat (still building) is in punggol as well =)

good morning mtbs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mei n sus, i stayed in fremont, california for 1 year in 2000! miss the cooling weather and abundance outdoor!

re: maid

how come not much difference between indonesian or filippino maid? i thot filippino is more ex and they hv day off...

bellering, mine will start after cny -- not sure of the service yet... but i like it that they send 2 helpers to complete the cleaning in 2 hours... per month is $300 (mine is weekend)another fren is using china pei du mama -- but one person for 4 hours...

as for food, i normally cook simple meals like noodles/bee hoon/macaroni with veg n meat/fish, porridge with sweet potato etc.. i prefer homecooked food than outside food [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dunno if this is true, my diet is lotsa green leafy veg -- my #1 was born with lotsa hair [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya, agreed..

that's the only meal that makes me eat more..

soup wf rice, yummy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

esp nowadays cooling weather, they provide those herbal soup..

i order from http://www.hilltopkb.com/

normally Mdm Lee answer my call, she is a nice lady even adv me not to go for 2 soup 2 dishes coz not so worthy but no choice, coz we cant finish the dishes


i emailed to u, u take a look 1st.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

simple english for maid to understand..


great to hear that, thank god..

must take ample rest leh..


ur boss sounds nice.. i wonder my boss facial expression if i were to break such news to her (in her 50s, not married)


no, juz an agreement between employer and the maid only.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

in fact, we also noticed those fresh maid will request to go home even if the 2 yrs ctt is not up yet but loan has fully paid.. They r pretty smart but is not fair for us.

Last time, i asked my helper to pay for her own ticket since she was the 1 to breach the contract, she agreed and that was our agreement when she 1st step into my hse..

the agmt is not unreasonable juz a simple term to follow


If its training and you don't want to go downstairs, you can cook instant noodles. (just one day) or cook porridge/beehoon/kwayteow soup.


The tingkat you order from, is it very oily? I am thinking whether I should order from tingkat nearing my delivery. I am staying in NE area too.


sometimes yes, but nowadays better ever since i change to 2 soup + 2 dishes

i m quite fussy too, so a lot of request like no spicy, no fried, no msg, not too oily, no fish etc..

mei/adv_sports: oh we went down to monterey and cross to fremont many times in CA cos we had friends staying there too! yes I love the open parks and the empty shopping malls =) We just came back about July this year.. already missing the nice weather too =) Monterey aquarium is the best.. and In N Out too..=p

Yesterday I satisfied another craving, I had my kung bao frog leg porridge for dinner. I am really into spicy stuff lately.


I have another suggestion. You can cook a small batch of bolognese meat sauce & freeze it into meal portions. Just need to cook the pasta, reheat the sauce & you have a nice, hearty meal. You can also do it like lasagne & layer mozarella cheese on top & bake till golden brown & bubbly.

sus & adv_sports

Monterey Aquarium is just a 5 min drive from my house last time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I miss Red Lobster, the crabs!! I bought a lot of stuff to ship back, total of about 30+ boxes. Even bought clothes for my son till he's 5! Crazy but too cheap, hehe. I just came back exactly 1 month ago.

Sus & Mei & Adv_sports: I was in USA for 6 years until 2002. I was in Long Beach/Los Angeles area for 3 years. Now my younger sis is still there, in Fullerton.

Re: Maid

I have an Indo maid jsut started early this month. Maid has her own small room. First time come to S'pore, salary is $350 per month, levy is $265. My mom in law is staying with me since my #1 was born. So I feel better to have someone else in the house other than maid and my toddler.

Confinement food:

Will be cooked by my mom in law again, and will have lots of ginger in everything.

North East:

I'm staying in Upper Paya Lebar, but near to Serangoon and Kovan mrts.

sus, ohhhh, i miss in N out! so fresh and yummy!

mei, been to monterey aquarium many times -- when my family n friends came visiting... brought my hubby there on our 2nd honeymoon and i like the forest gump restaurant [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wah, 30 boxes! you sure bought loads of stuff!

sakura25, we did the scenic drive along highway 1 from SF to LA [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] only stayed in LA for 1 nite before heading back to singapore...

wah, the levy has increased from $170 to to $265?


Thanks! i received the email [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


you hire part time maid? so every week 2 helpers come for 2 hours? what chores do they handle ah?

it's thru agency one? i tot $300 per month is quite exp... cos i heard the market is $10 per hour? correct me if i'm wrong?


no problem [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i juz engaged a pt maid too

so far so good..

she is quite initiative to clean the hse even i didnt ask her to do so

mine is $11 per hr

due to the bad ms, feel very weak.

cant do much hsework so hv to get a pt maid to help up..

some of the pt maid i call, they r charging at $15 per hr!

adv: if u hv new born or 2nd child or old folks to take care, the levy is 170. otherwise is full rate.

my both maids are at 170

cac, yes, 2 helpers will come for 2 hours... i hv yet to list done the chores with them -- mainly will b wash toilets, wipe window, clean floor (magic clean n mop as i dun like vaccum cleaner), clean kitchen, clean furnitures.

yah, mine is through agency -- $300 is exp but we r buying time :p

yes, market rate is abt $10 per hour.. but one helper for 4 hours... i dun wanna to be stuck at home for 4 hours!

cutie, yah, hubby finally agreed to hire part time maid as i m simply too tired from bad MS...

Cutie: thanks for the food link [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Spoke to mdm lee she's very friendly and flexible.. though they only do dinner, will discuss wif DH probably start after CNY! Btw i think ur pt maid's rate is reasonable even $15/per hr.. mind to share wif me too pls?

adv_sports: thanks but $300 per mth is out of my budget.. only looking for helper for house chores quite optional for me actually hehe but tks again!

Mei: wah ur suggestion just makes me drool! im guessing u must be a great cooker at home those meal u mention sounds challenging to me haha i cook only simple dish mostly oriental food but ur menu did trigger my appetite i must say lol tks!

Pipi: yeah loh i cook instant noodle for lunch, at first thinking once in bluemoon shd be alright but getting addicted to it until my DH warns me he said no good nutrients for baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Fact is, i think instant noodle r so yummy lo!

lehcar: same here it happened to me during my 8wks n last weekend both were after my carelessness, once i climbed 11F due to lift breakdown - its fine now but still monitoring closely everyday.. im on my 11w3d today and u?

Hi bellering, I'm in my wk 12 day 4 now. Think mine is due to my itchy mouth. Had koi tea that day and then came the discharge. Think too 'liang'. Hopefully everything is fine. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

happily went for my lunch as the cafe auntie told me yesterday that today is my fav beef noodle... haiz, puke out all of it -- dunno y bb dun like [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

carole, thanks for enlightening me! dunno there is a difference! hope ur MS is better...

i like my sis' indonesian maid -- she has been working for my sis for many years... never spend a single cents(everything she earns, she sends home) n very pro active, loves kids but only a bit slow... if my sis is willing to let go, i will hire her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bellering, no prob... get some help as u will be busy when baby arrives :p


I am also staying along upper paya lebar like sakura25.


I am oso in my 12w 4days wo..

I also hire PT maid who comes every fortnightly cos my house is basically quite empty. So she just vaccum, mop, wipe, and wash toilets. She comes for 3 hrs - $10/hr. (from china)

adv: MS is no better.. damn maid is surely driving me up that wall.. pissed!

#2 maid took my floor mat as table cloth and left it on kitchen basin! and when i tell her, she looked everywhere except me.. knn! kena from me again. told her, when i talk to you, look at me.. i m nt sitting there but here!


so much diff right if got pt maid do for us..

i nearly faint aft cleaning the hse 2 weeks back, then i told myself must get someone to help up..


nowadays still can find $10 per hr, $15 is quite ex leh.. yet some of the $15 performe juz like $10 one..

i deleted the $15 hrly coz too ex leh.

maybe u all can try:

Li Wei 91987811

Guo Min 90812397

Rose 81088169

Zhu 98535978


u r so daring to talk to ur maid like that..

think she really get on ur nerve liao

can understand loh, when ms is bad still hv to handle some matters on our own..

cutie, i dont give her face at all.. cos i caught her lying too many times. and she knows i got no tolerance when comes to lie. she got balls she can walk out. its damn cheap to send her back. hiak hiak.

she got it from me countless times.. i told her.. go ask the other maid.. since when she kena scolding from me before.. i never scold the other maid since she joined in Aug 2009. I dont like to scold maids for the fact that they consider cheap labour. and least that i wanna tekan them by scolding them. I told her, i can sit with you, eat with u, talk and laugh with you, but make sure work is done.

got family problems, need advance for urgent matters, always can approach me.. but dont give me boyfriends problems can liaoz


I cooked a lot, in fact everyday when I was staying in US. I also have another simple dish you can cook, my variation of minced meat noodles when I was in US.

Soak some dried mushrooms in water until soft & slice. Fry some minced garlic in very little oil till fragrant, add in minced pork (marinated in some light soy sauce & pepper) & break apart while frying. Then add in water, mushrooms & some light & dark soy sauce, to taste. Simmer until the meat is tender.

Boil some noodles (mee pok, kway teow, etc, can be fresh or dried from the supermarket). Once cooked, add in some black vinegar & light soy sauce to taste. Spoon the minced meat mixture over, stir & enjoy!

I can't live without my tea, so I still drink my iced milk tea or green tea once a day.


You must be super pissed off!

I intend to get a pt maid when I move to my own house as well. Don't think I'll have the time to clean the house, cook & take care of 2 kids at the same time!


i hate lying maid loh..

they r very smart nowadays.. frd of mine has stop hiring maid coz she doesnt want to brain storm wf her maid aft work

wah quite a number of Punggol and NE mummies! my house is in punggol but i rented it out and moved in with my parents last august cos they sold their punggol house and my mum was taking care of #1 so i had to follow. thought it'd be easy living with my own parents instead of ILs, but no. they are quite messy and we live in a house now but no one helps to clean the common areas! i asked to get a maid but my mum say she dont want stranger in the house - tried to turn it around and say maid will seduce my hubby. so now everyday when i go back home i lock up myself in the room which i clean weekly. very unhealthy i find and i miss having my own place! i cant even ask friends to come over because sometimes my parents are there and it's awkward. keep telling hubby to ask the tenant if we can move back in earlier than the contract date of august so that i can settle in and get a maid. he so ball-less that he dont dare to ask tenant or make my parents angry if we move out. i already told my mum that if i cant get a maid, i will move back home because im not sending my daughter to infantcare. i regret moving in with my parents because they invested all their money from sale of their HDB to use as downpayment for this new house and every month we are paying the bank loan of $2k+. if we move out, for sure they will struggle to pay every month. i told them after the bank loan lock-in of 2 years, they should sell the house but im not sure if their CPF money can use to buy another house - does anyone know? they are above 55 yrs old.

ppl ask me how come i cant stand my own parents: my mum's got a very foul mouth and keep talking bad about the neighbours and my dad is just as bad. i cant imagine my kids growing up in this household.

sorry for ranting but im just so so so mad at the whole situation.


If they want to get a HDB from house, they have to sell the house. Also if they are abv 55 yrs old, i think they need to pay like 80-100% of the flat. My grandparents sold their hse and bought a new 4 rm flat 100% paid.


Hmm... tricky situation. Maybe get a part-time maid instead?


Stingray has high mercury content so it's a no-no.


Oh crap. Cos the school canteen doesn't have much choice in terms of fish. Either sambal sting-ray or fried fish fillet/nuggets. Argh. I ate it twice already cos no other food choices. Sigh. Thanks! =)


PiPi, thanks. yup most prob they will sell the house but if they are buying resale, do they have to wait like few months before buying? for sure they will pay 100%. actually they sold their punggol flat for $420k, of which $300k went back to CPF i think. if they sell this house with $50k profit, think they should be able to get 3/4-rm flat for $350k?

